_ LADIES AND GENTLEMEN : a 3 MAYORALTY CARD" * PAGE SIX A -------- ol Ms eh 8B A ra relies reg ele Bole Easy to Make This $ Pine Cough Remedy Theusaods of families swear by its { prompt results. Inexpensive, and saves about §2, ! A fe RRR Beale G Rr D a EY At the solieilation of a large number of citizens 1 have decided to offer myself as candidate for Mayer far year 1019. I respectfully solicit your votes and influence, Jie puniaias sescond ling and healing the ALD. H. W. NEWMAN _ fact: oie at bas that pine is used in nearly wid remedies for coughs. at pie eontains several syrhps are combinations of syrup. The "syrup" part is ally plain granulated sugar syrup. he fo make the hest pine eaigh remedy that money can buy, put 2% ounces of Pinex (50 'cenis warth) In a 16-02 bottle, and fill up with home-made sugar MEAT SPECIALS oases. honey, OF com myrue msrad of Ainslie's Western Meat Market ir syrup. Either way, you make 16 vinces--more than you cdn buy ready- nade for $2.50. It is pure, good and Pot-Roast ....... ... .....0%.. 18¢ and 20¢ a 1b. Yaak Chops... ... ... ... .. «ads 20¢ and 830¢ a 1b, CHOICE STOCK PORK AND LAME very pleasant--children take it eagerly. You can feel this take hold of a cough We Promise the Very Best of Service. A. POLLOCK MGR. or cold in 8 way that means business. I'he cough may be dry, hoarse and tight, or may be persistently loose from the formatiof of Rhlegm. The cause is the me--inflamed memhranes--and this 'X and Svrup combination will stop ~-usually in 24 hours or less. Splen- did, too, for bronchial asthma, hoarse ness, or any ordinary throat ailment, Pinex is a highly concentrated com- ound of genuine Norway pine extract, ind is famous the world over for its wrompt effect upon coughs. leware of sulistitutes, Ask your drug- "st for "24 ounces of Pinex" with tirections, and don't accept anvthing {ne Cunaranteed to give absolute sat isfaction or money promptly refunded. Ihe Pinex Co., Toronto, Ont, . i mi Phone 152 License No. 09-2757 3 X PRINCESS & CLERGY STREETS CORNER OF Carpenter and Builder W. R. BILLENNESS Specialising Store Fronts and Fit. tings, Remodelling Bulldiogs of all kinds. ESTIMATES 1 EXPERIENCE Address, 272 University Ave, OPERATED WHISKEY STIL SYDNEY LEE CALLED UPON TO FACE A SECOND CHARGE. Pleaded Guilty and Was Fined $100 and Costs, With One Month in Jall--Council Will Ask Ottawa For Remission of Sentence. Pleading guilty, through his doun- sel, A. B. Cunning! to a charge of operating « whisk still on his premises, without license, Syduey Lee, butcher. of Harrowsmith, was on Wednesday morning fined $106 and costs, with month in jail. Just recently Lee was fined $200 and costs by Justices of the Peace Hunter and Allison, on the complaint' of License Inspector Wiliam MecCam- mon, who visited Lee's premises and found a still and some liquor. Counsel for Lee is making applica- tion to Ottawa to Mave a remission of the sentence, The charge was laid by the local! inspector of inland revenue, Mr. Cunningham pointed out to Magistrate Farrel! that this was the second charge which had been laid against lee. The first charge was under the Ontario Temperance Act, and on this occasion the accused was fined $300 amd costs. Mr. Cuming- man further pointed out that the justice of the peace, in imposing this fine,' had taken into consideration all the circumstances of fhe case--that of the finding of the still and the whiskey. At that time, it was not thought that there would be any further prosecution, and the fine was fixed accordingly: Under the circum- stances, Mr. Cunningham asked that the minimum fine be imposed, and the magistrate did accordingly. GANANOQUE | a one rom Our Own Correspondent) Dec. 18.--~A batch of Gananoque QD Gifts of Hardware and Stoves Santa Claus vouldn't think of a better gift for mother than a Happy Thought Range. McKELVEY & BIRCH, LTD. 69-71 Brock Street. ti: Phone 237. Thin Endy Hair or ThickandHealthy? A scalp cared for by Cuticura usually means thick, glossy hair. Frequent shampoos with Cuticura Seap are ex- cellent. Precede shampoos by toaches of Cuticura Cintment to spots of dan- druff, itching and irritation of the scalp. Nothing better for the com plexion, hair or skin. cari Caticurn, Dept Basan U5 Ro Sold by dealers throaghout the world. © TINIAN st err rt sa Eo 2. / IF YOU ARE BUYING A PIANO .FOR CHRISTMAS Why Not Choose a Grand? SIDE from the superiority of the tion of the fact thal more Grands are Grand over the Upright as a mere brs B ed rire Tee hl Draught into homes during Christmas definable something about the Grand time than at any ather time of the year. which makes it not only a harmonious You have probably delayed the purchase part of the drawing room, but an in- of a Piano until after the!war. This tegral part of the intimate life of the Christmas--the Peace Christmas-- hombefolk, The pride of possession which should see a Grand in your home. Come goes with the asquisition of a Grand is a in and see these world-famed makes be- feeling that it closely linked with the fore (fixing in your mind WHICH piano Christmas sentiment; hence the explana- lo buy: . 4 re ¥ LINDSAY, HEINTZMAN & CO., WEBER AND BRAMBACH ach in ils class, has no peer. Seldom, if ever, ean vou see. elsewhere Grand Pianos of such individual worth as these, See and hear them at your earliest canvenieee. If you have on old piano it will he taken in exchange. Time payments readily ar- ranged. If you connot come in wrile fop free illustrated eatu- logues, > > : § ; yout a Player-Piano? Why nol get Our store will remain open Very even- : a ing Lill New Year's Eve, Christmas is just six days off. ; : | heroes comprising Ptes. William Of- | fond, Mack Cotton, James Bowman {and E. CC. McFarlane, and Gunaers | Martin Nalon and Arthur Dyke, the {two latter being first contingent | men, whe left here with the 3rd i Battery of the i1st [Brigade in (he 11 of 1914, and who recently ar- {rived jn Halifax : on the steamer Olympic, reached Gananoque yes- | terday afternoon and were greeted land formally welcomed home by {Mayor (Wilson and a delegation from {the town council as well ag a large crowd of ditizens, including a goodly | number of returned amen The town council met on Monday evening for this preparation of the | town's financial statement for the { past year. The deficit seems to be | increasing to some extent instead of diminishing as the ratepayers would desire, ! The funeral of the late James Clark, who passed away on Sunday at the family [residlence on ; North street from pneumonia, leaving « a | young widow, who is also confined | to her bed seriouslw ill with influ- {enza, and two lvoung children, was { held yesterday afternoon to Ganan- ogue cemetery. i At the bi-weekly session of the local town. council , last evening Lieut. W. Sanford, of Kingston, re- presenting the Soldiers' Aid Com- mission, gave an Jnteresting talk on the work of that brganizzation, 'Ihe Misses Beulah and Hazel Street, who have been spending some time .with friends in , New York City, returned home the fore part of this 'week. \ oe | NEWS FROM THE DISTRICT. From the Whig's Bright Exchanges. Peter Goulah, Bogart Township, | died of pneumonia on Dec, 3rd. Mayor John A. Derbyshire, Brockville, has definitely announe- ed his intention of retiring. J. W. Fraser was a pneumonia vic- tim at Moose Jaw. He was a native of Pembroke and aged fotty-three years, Edward Corak and Leo Carnahan, charged with the theft of an auto, the property of 'the Greenleaf, Ltd. Belleville, were found guilty. Mrs. (FF. E. Roper, Prescott, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Burritt Merrick, of Prescott, and William Davidson Parker were mar- ried in Ottawa on Monday. Messrs. {D, A, Cummings, W. H. Osborne and J. 'E. Chrysler, Brock- ville, are considering. contesting for the mayoralty, and it is possible that others will also enter the ight. Invitations have becn issued for the 23rd annual '*At Home" of the Brockville Rowing Club, to be held in Victoria Hall on New Year's eve, Dee. 31st. After a fow days' illness, Edward Freeman Calnan passed away on Sunday at his late home in Thurlow township. Deceased vwus thirty-six years of age. An old and respected resident of Elizabethtown passed away on Tues- Clipped Many jday in Mrs. Lurena Smith Glagier. The deceased was a daughter of the late Mrs. Trueman Smith, a pioneer and leading resident of that town- ship. - She was born at Fairfield seventy-nine years ago. Mr, and Mrs. Frank Wilson, Frank 'Wilson, jr., and Mrs. Wil liam Babeock, Belleville, charged with obstructing peace officers in the discharge of their duty, were found guilty. The women were al- lowed liberty under a suspended sentence of one year in the refor- matory. The father and son were remanded for 'sentence, 'Ripe pears at Carnmovsky's. The rh were called to Davis tannery at 2.10 o'clock on Wades. afternoon, some trou or. experienced with the switch. beard. . Ne, damage. ing be he Montreal, had received from the Am- erican Government, ff. An $8,000,000 order for Colt au- : | tomatie 3 'pistols, whieh Caron Bros, has been cans "THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1918. Wa 0 | Lettersto the Editor | Mr. Cook Makes Explanation To The Editor:--1 notice in your paper of last evening, Dec. .17th, a complaint. was made to the Great War Veterans' Association, that widow with three children working in a local industry had been dis. missed from Ler employment for ii- adequate reasons. | believe the Do- minion Textile Company is the In- dustry referred to; therefore permit me to Wake thy following state ments: The widow referred to has not been discharged, but temporarily inid off, the reason was we were over-producing in this room and, as the woman was the last one to be employed, she was the first one we asked to lay off for a few days or untfl such time as we had work for this department. This department has be running short ® time, stop- ping Saturdays and early during the week days, and we were following our usual rule in laying off employ- ees, We have absolutely no interest or any prejudice against any organiza- tion to which this party nay belong or may contemplate joing. We finu upon investigation that this widow has one child and is in receipt of a Dominion Pension of $48 per month: that she owns a fine piece of property on John street, both the dwellings are rented and she is boarding in one of them: con- sequently our act by no means made her an object of public charity. We also find that other employers here had cause to complain of this widow's irregular attendance at work which amounts to indifference. Her father was formerly employed by this company for several years hefore enlisting and 'when he returns, his position will be given back to him ir he so desires. Yours truly, Dominion Textile Co., Kingston, Ont. Bradhch, Cook, Superintendent, Limited, William WIL: GO TO TORONTO. A Deputation to Wait on the Pre mier Regarding Hospital, On Thursday a deputation will g« to Toronto wail on Premier Hearst in regard to for mongy to Wee out tae proposed building operations at the Cenera! Hospital. The deputation Widl-a he composed of W. F. Nickieg"M.P.: Au thony Rankin, M.P.P.; Warden Reed, Mayor Hughes, Dr. Bruce Tay lor, Dean J. C. Connell, G. Y. Chown and R, E. Kent, the latter as chair- man of the board of governors of the dospital, vd a roguest How Battersea Soldier Fell, Particulars have been received re- garding the death in action of Cor- poral James Craig, nephew of Mrs. John Miller, of Battersea. - The de- ceased soldier lived there for some time. In a letter to his mothe¥, one of his comrades in the field tells how a shell exploded just behind him, and he was killed instantly, He was buried 'close to the spot wiliere he fell. The letter pays a high tribute to the splendid qualities of the dead soldier, and extends the sym- pathy of lis comrades to his rela tives 3 Christmas Stationery, Sale of Cranes's Christmas station- ery all this week, Prices from 25c. to $9 per hox. Open Wednesday, Friday and Saturday evenings. The Jackson Press, 171 Welling ton street, Successful Sale, The December sale of work and home made cooking which was held recently under the auspices of the Girls' Own Cirele of the First Baptist church, at the home of Mrs. Johy Litton, 52 Frontenac street, was a most successful event, amounted to $153. Was very prettily decorated. At the close of the régular meet- ing of Granite Lodge 1.0.0.F., Mon- day evening, the recently admitted members were tendered a reception. The entertainment, ix the form of smoker and progressive euchre,. pro- vided an enjoyable evening. The city auditor has reported to the Utilities Comission that the pro- fits made on the sale of electrical aparatus at the Utilities office on Princess street, under the direction of E. Hartrick, Tor the nine months onding Sept. 30th, was $600. One Midwinter Table Pleasure that increasin numbers Cup Victory FOR FATHER Kozy Slippers in Felt ox Fine Kid Overshoes, Rubbers Cushion Sole Boots or Boots FOR SISTER Dress or Party Slippers in Press ERNE ENN NRE NNENEREEENNEEE Satin or Fine Kid Boudoir Slippers Fine High Shoes in Havana Brown, grey white Skating For Little SISTER Felt Slippers, Moccassins Rubbers, Dress Boots Skating Boots black, and Overgaiters, Boots ------ ------ 'Give Shoes for Xmas ! FOR MOTHER Kozy Felt Slippers or Felt Boots Overshoes Dress Boots Overgaiters FOR BROTHER Slippers, Overshoes Dress Boots in black or dark tan Skating Boots ' Rubber Boots oa Nocoassins ; For little BROTHER Rubber Hoots Moccassins, Hockey Boots Slippers, Dancing Pumps OPEN EVENINGS J.H.Sutherland & Bro. The Home of Good Shoes, IVORY BRANDS Those who wish to purchase Ivory Tollet Articles for Christmas pres- ants, ete, are greatly bewildered with the variety of brands stamped on each article. For instance an ar- ticle stamped French Ivory might be manufactured in United Statés, Can- ada or Japan. The original brand stamped Oriental Ivory comes from Great Britain, and each piece is not only raiform in color but will last probably ten years or even longer, A SA At NN A TITY Late William Harrison, A former well-known Kingstonian passed away in Toronto recently, in the person of William Harrison, who for some years was manager of the Grand Trunk restaurant at the outer station. For the past three years he had been manager of the refreshment rooms at the Toronto depot. for the Canadian Railway News Company, and previous to this had been .in charge of the restaurant at Kingston Junction. He had been with the Canada Railway News Company for twenty-eight years, Deceased will be much missed by a larg wxlrele of friends, espeially the travelling pub- tie. He ds survived by his wife and one daughter, Interment took place at Mimico cemetery SCHOOL BOARD INVOKES LAW Watertown Educational Authorities Refuse to Accept Cut. Watertown, N.Y., Dec. 18.--Show- The proceeds | hy unanimous resolution, The tea room| the school law of the state, ing that they are unable to maintain the schools at efficiency with a cut in the requisition jof $20,000 made by the aldermen in compiling the 1918 budget, the Board of Education invoked which makes it mandatory upon the muni- cipality 10 furnish funds for school purposes not exceeding an aggregate of $31 per pupil, The board demanded that its re- quisition be granted as asked and that the $20,000 reduction be restor- ed as under the per capita aggregate. Northcliffe Keeps Watch, Paris, Dee, 48. --Lord Northcliffe arrived here today, His purpose is to keep close watch on the proceed- ings of the British delegation. He will try to prevent any weakening of the conditions which he deems es- sential to a peace of justice, the fore- most of them being the exaction, at all costs, of an adequate war indem- nity from Germany, Pelts Bring $500,000, St. Lobis, Mo., Dec, 18.--8ix mil- lon rabbit pelts were auctioned for approximately $500,000 at a special sale at the Intermatiomal Fur Ex- change. Furriers from New York, Philadelphia, and Milwaukee were the principal buyers. Rabbit pelts were auctioned exclusively and the highest bid was $2.10 a pound, . Churches Saving Coal. Brockville, Dec. 17 --For the pur: pose of conserving the supply of coal, the churches of Brockville inaugu- rated union services on Sunday for he winter months. The Anglicans combining in one church, and the Mothadists and Presbyterians in ane other. My Four Years in Germany, By Gerrard, now issued af a spe- 'j cial price of 75¢. on sale at the Col- lege Back Stores Open nights. | THROUGH | Brooks, Alia, and two other {®eligers, all ticketed to Belleville, CLASSIFIED AD- VERTISING you may sell that ear--- which would be a wise thing to do it it is mo longer really needed. Mrs. Carson Foot and child, pas- lost. their lives in the burned 'our- ist coach on the CPR. west of Fort William. Another vietim was 8 woman ticketed to Napanee, A new asphalt floor is to be placed Rg Tap aes. (mae the & was contract has been award foranammermssmenann neem SURE ~ \F YUH AINT GOT ONE. OF NOUR. OWN SOLO BY LEADING CHEMISTS. PRICE IN ENGLAND 38. DR.LECLERCMad. Co. Haverstock Rd. N W 4 London SEE TRADE MARKED WORD 'THERAPION' Is ON SOIT. GOVT. STAMP AFFIXED YO GENUINE PACKETS: ACID STOMACH. IS DANGEROUS Often Followed by Serious Gastric Ulcers, says Authority, Most Fre- quent Cause of Dyspepsia and Ine digestion, Says Keep Stomach Sweet With Magnesia, 'Stomach trouble, dyspepsia, indi- gestion, sourness, gas, heartburn, food fermentation, ete, are caused nine times in ten by chronle "acid stomach," says a well known auth- ority, 4 Burning hydrochlorié geld develops in the stomach at an alarming rate. The acld irritates and Inflames the delicate stomach lining and often leads to gastritis accompanied by dan- gerous stomach lucers. Don't dose an acid stomach with pepsin or artificial |digestents that only give temporary relief from pain by driving the sour, fermenting food out of the stomach into the intestines. The acid, whieh caused the trouble, remains in your stomach as dangerous as ever, Instead, weutralize or sweeten your acid stomach after meals with a lit- tie hot water and Bisurated Magnesia and not only will the pain vanish but your meals will digest naturally, There is nothing better to sweeten and settle an acid stomach than a good magnesia bath. It soaks up the harmful excess acid much as a sponge or bletting paper might and your stomach acts and feels fine in just a few minutes. Bisurated Mag- nesia is the special magnesia that should be used for~Nbfs purpose and it ¢an be obtained from any reliable druggist in eithér pewder or tablet form. It is safe, reliable, easy and pleasant to use, is not a laxative and is not at all expensive, Wheneves you buy matches, see that the name * EDDY" 1s on ihe box. It is your satisfaction, | or red years of ring ex- perience is back of jt; T+ EDDY'S MATCHES keep the fires bury Cadian homes Tarn The E. B. Eddy Co. Limited Hull, Canada . 4130 Makers of Fndurated Pileowari. 3 end * Paper Specialties wd the i i A