THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1918. A CONCILATION BOARD COMMANDMENTS OF MATRIMONY. URGED IN REGARD TO THE COT- PAGE THREE 7 PS ---- What and Probs: Saturday, easterly winds, mild; showery. A | J po A lrg ry == a a ol HOMESTRETCH DAYS_JUST THREE-THEN XMAS! Store Open orNight CHRISTMAS SATURDAY The spirit of Christmas will manifest itself at this usy shopping centre to-morrow--with counters laden with practica gift suggest- ions, we have prepared with many extra salespeople to give you REE + EA 1. You shall dot give your hus- Fair 'Wage Officer of Department of ; Maricot, for 'SLrafing™ Is the bane o ' Labor Was Here--The Labor Un~| Matrimony, and she wife who gives io \ z 3 "tall seeking trouble s Are Prepar . Municl. | back-tair 'ie seeking : if t ions A ing for the Munic 2. You shall .80f "pop dows fo At least have your Christmas I 5 Labor Coundil on Thursday evening, hall by no means ask your selection made und put aside a number of myer eat husband t he would like for din- for you at test's to-day. --of- - with; The eo ittes a ted i6| ner, as there is nothing he likes bet- The holiday stocks are open investigate thefcotton mill strike and ter than a guess in the evening: and and complete, fn every way----- | endeavor to arrange a settlement re- and plenty of goods (0 choose ? hi ported that mo progress had been likes" better than he does himself. with--and the satisfaction is Qua it y tame fo the eity on Monday, and W. | that blessed is she who expects 1it- yours. : . F. Nickle MP, arranged a confer-| tie, for she may haply get more, Utilit and "Newly Weds" Should Should Not Deo. 7 TUN MILL STRIKE, (./ a band "beans" other than kidney and f ons, pal Eleati a - breakfast" camouflaged in curl At a meeting of the Trades andl brS; pins, or patent frizzers. a good wife knows her husband's from. made. Mr. Killen, fair wage officer 4. Remember that your husband Buy early and have it over of the 'Department of Labor, Ottawa, | is a man and not an archangel: and ence petween William Cook, manag- 6. You shall net wish (aloud) er of he Dominion Textile Com-{ that your husband were such a one pany's factory and the Labor com-| as Mrs. So body Else's paragon of mittee. Mr. Cook had announced | all the virtues, but shall, if you be that he was willing to take back the| Wise, occasionally tell the man you en and some of the girls upon the | took for better or worse that he is old conditions, but some he would not | not half a bad Bre. ; take back, He would not promise an . 'n... For Husbands, : increase of fifteen per cent. in wages. 6. You ¢hall not bring home any I'he strike is causing hardship to girls | other felldw tha 3 Fqursell 10 1a e a ue and women at this time of the year.| Pot luck" without two days' notice for T at least he industry does not come under | a! least. : é : the provisions of the Indusrial Dis- 7. You shall not expect your wife putes Aet to be sweet ang idble morning, ? IE . . 2 noon, and night; for if you do, you X i ait lomie 8. You shall not tell your wife, counciliation board for the seftlement when you find her "tired fo death," Best's The Popular Drug Store. Open Sundays i Phone 59. Branch 2018 Our beautiful Jewelers' handicraft. THIS HAPPY CHRISTMAS with the store is replete masterpieces of of the difficulty in order that depend- ents of the women and girl workers might not be deprived of the neces- sities of life, A resolution was passed appro- priating the sum of $100 to aid the strikers. The Electrical Workers Union pledged fifty cents per week per man to aid the women and girls that the house was clean enough and that to go and turn every room out was a piece of blithering tomfoolery. There is no surer road (a strife and bitter tears 9. Remember to bring your 'wife chocolates. like you used to, for a few shillings thus spent--a pound of the best----brings a week of content: for prompt pleasant service at whatever time of the day it suits you to shop. Shopping hours 8.30 to 10 pm. 3 as long as they are out, and the | where thoughtfulness is concerned a other local unions of the city have | little goes a long way. reported that they will do likewise. 10. You shall rot covet the last The International Textile Union; | word, but shall let your wife have it which is the sovereign head of the| for her own, shutting vour mouth local concern, is to be asked for as-| like a rat-trap lest a worse thing sistance. A committee was Appoint- | befall ed to administer the fund, -- EE The committee appointed to eon KAISERIN-AND THE WAR. duet the campaign for labor cand win dafes reported that one union had Empress Played Small Part In contributed $250 for expenses and rolORTE the Council passed a resolution ap- Prologue. propriating $560. Other sums were as sured, It was reported that Dr, F, 1840, J. O'Connor nominated for alder- man, declined tb run, and another candidate will be sought for Syden- ham ward, A communication from ga western organization was read favoring the release of all political prisoners now In confinement and the aboliton of tonality was concerned, she had nei the press censorship, and a resolution | ther the wish nor the capability to was passed endorsing the proposals. | interest herself in subjects which she A resolution opposing oppressive ac-| |magined concerned only the men, tion under orders-in-council was, It was the Kaiser's parvenu idea to carried unanimously, | make the court of Berlin a brilliant 'A committee was appointed to eon- and jasicinating assemblage whieh duct a campaign for union-made cig! ¥OUId rival the lost glories of yer. ars and tobacco | sailles and surpass anything his fora- : fathers had evolved. This last ambi- VERY BUS IN THE STORES tion was not difficult of realization. But there was neither the money nor was Augusta Victoria the ornamental CHEISTMAS TRADE IS NOW QUITE BRISK IN THE CITv. Open Evenings Wedding Rings, Marriage Licenses W. F. GOURDIER 4 "rein || SMITH BROS. Phone 700. '1 Jewelers Kingston Child marry Weltare Station Free Advice to Mothers by Mrs, Frances Robinson, R.N., Victorian Order of Nurses Iiring your hables to be weighed and examined. No treatment~much advice Doctor in Attendance SATA HARE Victory Christmas The greatest Christmas the world has ever seen; let us all rejoice on this occasion and makes others feel our Joyous spirit by remembering them with a gift--no matter how small, it will bring pleasure and appreciation from the recipient--especially so if it is a practical gift | The Empress "of Germany played but the smallest part in the political prologue of the great war, declares the London Chronicle. She would meddle in minor matters, especially when she could appear censorious of an individual's morals, but so far as any understanding of the intricate problems of race or frontier or na- Limited, King Street » Kingston CLOTHING ON EASY TERMS Ladies' Suits, Dresses and Furs, Gentlemen's Suits and Overcoats, Open Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 2.5 pam., 391 Barrie Street. N. Morris, 374 King St. HHT DAVIES Big Specials tor Christmas TURKEYS, CHICKENS, GEESE--ALL ye YOUNG BIRDS Finest Western Rib Beef . . Finest Western Rump Roast . . Finest Boneless Pot Roast . . . . .. Finest Western Shoulder Roast . . : SPRING LAMB .30¢; Shoulders YOUNG PORK Legs .. .. . . 32c; Shoulders . . 24c 1,000 Dozen Eggs (Every Egg Guar- 600 lbs. Dairy Butte: 1,000 Cans Peas . . THE WM. DAVIES' C0. Princess Street | I Canada Food floard License No, type of woman calewlated to be : point of orientation for the splendo: and brilliancy whieh the young hus band's animus had prescribed. All the pearls of the Indies and the brn- cades of Lyous and the sables of Si- beria could not transfortn this plain and ill-poiséd princess Into an ideal Attention. empress-queen. The Kaiser was often wont to contrast the empress with Judging by the erowdod streets! (po contemporary oceupants = of and stores on Thursday, the ( hist thrones -- the mystic amd ill-fated mas shopping has commenced in Alix of Russia, the young and viva earnest, Princess street was a regus cious Queen of Spain, the beautiful lar "hive of industry' all day Thurs-| and gracious royal women of Italy day, and especially so in the after! who have recéntly reigned in Rome noon, and the merchants report good But the most envy and invidious com- business, parison were called forth when the A Whig reponter took a walk| imperial eyes scanned the sauve and through some of the stores, and it! smart court life of London, where was a fine sight to see men, women | King Edward and Queen Alexandra, and little children picking out their! the idols of their people, continusd Christmas gifts. The spirit of Christ- threir peaceful Sway. mas is to be seen evérywhere, Christ- reteset mas decorations, with Santa Claus taking a prominent part, add to the gay scenes in the stores. What to buy for Christmas: This is the topie of conversation, but a VItil to the stores will soon settle the question, for. in spite of war time conditions, thé -stores have made a very fine collection of wifts, True, there is, not the select in various TT Yuletide Shopping Started in Earn. | Bt on Fhursday--Gaily Decorated |. Windows and Shops Attract Munch EO RTE TE C i E g EE E E THREAT = = As a help to busy shoppers we are enumerating a partial list of gift suggestions that will add that touch of personality that will be so much appreciated on Christmas morning. : HANDKERCHIEFS BOUDOIR CAPS A complete stock of the dain- C eri oe tiest handkerchief conceits for : harming little Steations of lace, ribbon and satin in a great women and children--in pretty gift boxes of one, two and three in a box. 'Priced from 25¢ to $1.75. Individual handkerchiefs with embroidered and lace effects. Priced from 15¢ on up to $2.00 Xmas Suggestions ee -- ; . = Birds Helping Win the War. = Ever since this terrible war start- | == ed a great feathered army has been fighting day and night, summer and winter, to help the Allies win. With- out the help of these feathered sol- diers our fighting men would not have had sufficient food. Our Allies would have been facing starvation and we ourselves would have been lines as before the war, and it cuold little better off. The margin between not be expected, but the stores did su Micient food for absolute necessi- = : the very best they could under the! tien and famine has been and still is circumstances, and thers 1s a most uncomfortably narrow, hence the = == 5 = Legs = -- aa Se. .58¢ «+ 124¢ Limited Phone 597. 0-8731. diversity of ..pretty colorings-- many of which but arrived this morning. Get your choice early while assortments are at their best. Priced from 75¢ to $2.00 GIFT LINENS Our rahge of Madiera and Irish linens is most complete. See our showing of table cloths and napkin setts, doyifes, runners, shams, table covers, etc. Priced at less than present whole. sale cost, croditable showing in every line. food restrictions with which we have There are many beautifully decor- The margin ated shep windows this Christmas, is narrow, but it is sutficient. Have and many complimentary rgmarks your ever realized that but for the lave been passed about them, Well birds, the feathered soldiers, the mar: dressed windows atiraet much atten- gin might not, and probably would tion. [Shoppers always watch. the not, exist to-day? It is an indisput- windows, and it Is often the case that| able fact. Had a great disaster de- 4 store is known by its displays. stroyed all insect-eating and vermin- destroying birds two yeata, or bvea a4 year, ago, we would to-day be fas. ing such a food shorfage as in all probability would have meant the logs of the war Even as it is the loss from insects and from such ver- | a min as rats and mice totals a sum 1B 50 vast as Lo be almost unbelievable. What it would be without the aid of birds in kegpfg the pests in check fairly staggers) the imagination ---- People's Home Jou. al = " on , Constipation is Cured by HOOD'S PILLS all hecoine so familiar, EEE a each. w ------ a Ta -- ---- = = HERO i Winnipeg, Dee. 20.---~Manitoba in- creased Hs population by 59,900 since July, Hon. E. Brown, president of the Provincial Treasury, announced. The popalation is now 613,000, Demanding Free Trade, (Canadian Press Despateh). Toronto, Dec, 20. The Ontario Farmers' convention demand free trade with the United States in every- thing. For ladies--a complete range of the finest French and English lined and unlined kid gloves--in every wanted shade, Priced from $1.50 to $3.50. For men--lined and Priced from $1.25 to $4.50 NOVELTY SCARFS For men, women and - children, of soft, brushed wool and knitted silk, in every imagin- able color. Priced from 0c to $4.75. WOOL SWEATERS For ladies--Ip the smartest pull-over and coal effects, wing every late noyelty in style and color. Py from $5.95 to $12.50, IMONOS Of Oriental silk, French crepe and novelly eiderdown in a splemdid range for your choos- ing. Priced from $2.50 to $25.00, exceptionally smart Seal Plush Coats, self and ' fur-trimmed. Priced from $27.50 w $125.00. ENGLISH COMFORTERS : : The broadest range of fine quality comfort ) ERY ¢ Just arrived out of bond ready for Satur- ers to be had in the city awaits your selection Priced from day's selling, some wesw mid-season New York ok novelty hats, ; iy ATYRDAY AT unlined gloves. NECKWEAR We are showing a complete assortment of the latest New. York novelty ndckwear in geor- gette crepe, crepe de chene and netts. Priced from 50¢c to $3.50, NEW YORK BLOUSES A gift of real elegance can be chosen in our blouse saction---every late novelty is show fi a host of attractive styles. Priced he influenza epidemic in India shows definite signs of abatement. Its ravages have been terrible. In Bom- bay city there were 15.000 deaths and tn Delhi eity, on a population of 200,000, the death-rate at one tigre reachad $00 daily. from $3.95 to SEAL PLUSH COATS We have ready for to-morrow a number of (Store Open Until 9 p.m. Until Xmas.) & * 'bere--over 200 to choose from. $2.75 to $22.50. i +... ..$350 upl * SHOP TO-NIGHT AND he i sir of felt boots with = ug blag rubber soles and heels, $4.00 and $4.50 at |= nn