PAGESIX ___ THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, D ee -- (From Our Own Correspondent) Dee. 23---Pte. Keith Donevan. youngest son of ex-Mayor and Mrs. James Donevan, Victoria avenue, who has seen several years service at the iront, arrived In town early on Satu day afternoon and was met by Mayor W. J. Wilson and representativ-s of the town council, as well a8 a large gathering of citizens to welcome him home, On account of lack of orders, the works of the Steel Company cf Can- ada were closed on Saturday for two weeks. They are expected to reopen on Jan. 6th, Earl Cummings, who has spent the past year snd a half with the Royal Canadian Air Forces most of the time at their Toronto camp, has ar- rived in town to spend the holiday season with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Walter Cummings, Brock street, The Ontario Wheel Co., Ltd., has found it necessary on account of slackness in orders, t close their works for the next ty dave. They purpose resuming worklon Jan, 2nd. Pte, Percy Newton, who enlisted and went overseas the latter part of 1915 and who saw about three years of active service at the front with the Strathcona Horse, and who arriv- ed recently on the Olympic and has since been With his parents in King- ston, arrived here to spend the week end with friends. . For a breach of the Canada Tem- perance Act, Police Magistrat Carrcll meted out four months in Brockville Jail to William Hiffernan, 5 well- known resident of this town on Sal- urday morning, He had been caught redhanded with a suitcase of liquor which he was bringing here from Montreal. He was taken to Brock ville by auto en Saturday' ' afternoon in charge of Chief Chevis and hand- ed over to the proper authorities, The arrival of Santa Claus on the early afternoon T. I. R, train at 1.30 was a most spectacular event. He was met at the King street pavilion by about all the children of the town and escorted up King street to Sine's store. Neil McCarngy the veteran pro- 'prietor of the Provincial Hotel, cele- brated his 30th birthday on Saturday and received the congratulations of a host of his friends from town and | News of Eastern Ontario of her daughter, Miss , off the staff of the local As soon as considered oy will remove her ome to Westport, : of the illne MeN public s®hoc safe, Mrs, daughter night clerk at the local post office, has been tonfined to her home by ifi- ness for the past week. Frank A, Parker, a former dent of this town located for a num- f ber of years in Toronto, spent the week-end in town with his brother and sister-in-law, Dr. and Mrs. H. A. Parker, Church street, Calvin J, Robeson, Garden street, rest- Mrs, C. E. Beerman and daughter, Miss Dorothy Palmer Brockville, who have Leen spending | the past two weeks in town with the former's 'mother, Mrs. Flora Bullis, | King street, left for Brockville on Saturday afternoon, | grand- | PRESENTATION AT SUNBURY. | To John A, Broster, Who Has Left | For England, { Sunbu Dee. 18.---A quiet in-1 formal gathering took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh More-| land on Tuesday evening last, when | a few friends took the opportunity | of bidding farewell to John A. Bros-| ter, who left for Chester, England, | on Thugsday. After a few well- chosen words, Mr. Toland, on be-| half «of the neighbors of the imme- | diate vicinily, presented Mr. Bros-| ter with a beautiful real leather] club bag bearing his initials. Mr. | Broster, although taken completely | by surprise, replied very feelingly, | and expressed his regret of leaving Canada, to which he has become greatly attached His object of go- ing was to accompany his invalid father, who a few years ago was stricken with paralysis and who wishes to spend his remaining years in the land of his birth and among his family. Mr. Broster, who has been in the employment of Mr. Moreland for the past eight years, has not only won the respect and esteem of his employer and his family, but of the surrounding community, who wish him "bon voyage" and hope in the near future he may return and again become a resident of Sunbury. Influenza has again broken out and spreading with alarming | ra- pidity. Mr, and Mrs. C. Smith are rejoicing over the arrival of a little Miss Gladys Walker, Garden street, } spending the past few weeks in Ham- | late John Karley and son ilton, has returned to town, [ledge of | ledge's sale was a | small children, one of THE FLU AT SYDENHAM. | And Christmas Event Prepared-- |. Health of Mrs, Kirkpatrick. f Sydenham, Dec. 19.--The flu has made its appearance again, and "is vigitin sarly every home. There Lave ups ds of one hundred cases. Both schools have been closed and also many of the country schools, owing to so much sickness among the pupils and teachers. There are several in a serious condition, Hérman Buck has sold his farm and has opened his store at the old stand previously occupied by the Rud- Bros. shipped pigs this week William Rud- success. Cows were s6ld as high as $93 and the highest priced horse was $163, The Methodist Sunday School has postponed their annual concert, which was to take place Christmas night. until a later date, as so many children are ill that they cannot pre- pare for the programme, Some of the boys from overseas, returned home this week. A very sad death occurred at the home of Mr. Kirkpatrick, black- smith, on Friday afternoon when his wife passed away, leaving five which is an at $17.25 per cent. infant. Henry Guess received a "car of lumber this week. The Farmers' club unloaded a ear of corn this week at $1.60 a bushel, ¥ A | Township Coils HINCHINBROOK Picadilly, Dec, 14.--Council met, members all present; minutes of last meeting adopted. Moved, - Peters and Wagar, that E. Kennedy be paid $27 for sheep killed, C, Godfrey $4 errors in dog tax, S. Snider $2; error in dog tax and J. Judge $2, er- ror in dog tax, carried. Jeffrey, taken on bills of H. A. Carscallen and G. W. Hulbert for damages to car and truck, carried, Moved, Jeffrey, McCloud, that the following be ap- pointed Deputy Returning officers and poll clerks, Polling Div. No. 1 D. Leslie and L. Clarke; No. 2, Ard. Wagar and G. Smith; No. 3 T. Mor- an and E. Finn; No. 4, 8. Jeffrey and J. Grange, carried. Moved, Moved, | McCloud, that ne action be INRA WHILE BLASTING. Ie Charles. Looby, of Lombardy, Receiv- * ed Charge In Face. Lombardy,. Dec, 21.-- Charles Jooly, residing near here was ter- ribly injured about thefate and head fast Tuesday while bNsting. The blast went off sooner thu he ex-] pected end he got the fu charge of powder in the face. Ono gye is badly Injured, his upper jaw is broken apd his face is torn and bruised considerably. Dr. Gray was called, but it was found necessary to remove him to the Public Hospital in Smith Falls, where he is now rest- ing as comfortably as can be ex- pected under the circumstances. Dr. (Lieut.) A, A. Cauley, Mon- treal, spent the week end at his home here, : Council met on Monday. the 16th inst. School closed on Friday, the teacher, Miss Gleeson, left for her home in Almonte to spend the Christ- mas holidays. Mr. and Mrs. John Breen and Miss Laura Breeme spent Saturday in Brockville, Miss Agnes 'Ryan left on Saturday for her home, Brookfmn, N.Y, after visiting friends here the past month. - The directors of the Rural Telephone Company met last Wednesday evening and transacted general business, Miss 8. O'Meara, Boston N, Y., is holidaying at her home here. Merrickville News, Merrickville, Dec. 21.--A few of our local heroes have returned from the front. The town gave them a hearty reception. The Order of Young Britons gave a grand sup- per last week with a large atten- dance, Teams are hauling brick for the erection of the new Marble Works. Some of the schools held their annual concert and Christmas tree yester- day. The hum of the thrashing ma- chines can still be heard in the sur- rounding country. Sawing machines are also busy: Visitors: Mrs. Philips of Brock- ville at her sisters, Mrs. T, Hart; Miss G. Watson at Mrs. 8. Hart's; Miss K. McRandlos at N. Paul's; Mr. Rose at Mr. Berbee's; Mrs. C. Knapp at her mother's, Mrs. Jack; R. Chester at M. McLean's; Mrs, J. Luck at A. Kelly's; H. Tallman is ill with the flu Died at Picton. Pictoqa, Dec, 24. --William Bailie, an old resident of (Picton, died Mon- day at the home of Mrs. Daniel O'- Hagan, with whom he boarded. The deceased 'was born in Ireland: and came to Picton 'with his parents when quite young. [He was a baker by trade. When war broke out be- tween the morthern and southern States of America he enlisted in the army of the North and 'went through i MAYORALTY CARD LADIES AND GENTLEMEN: I Al the solicitation of a large number of citizens I have decided to offer myself as candidate for Mayor far year 1919, I respectfully solicit your votes and influence. ALD. H. W. NEWMAN | Whipping Cream Table Luxuries GLOVER'S License No. S-4828 Arr mre a x An in sang A | We Would Like to Remind You That our store is Weil stock. eld with. e in the line of Christmas Confection. ery. Im our Meal Department you will find prime meats and poultry of all nds, C. H. PICKERING, 490-492 Princess St. Phone 530 License Neo. S-2102 Be Up-to-Date Lay hardwood floors. Cheaper and more sanitary than carpets. Allan's Lumber Yard Victoria St. Yard n CHRISTMAS GREETINGS danghter. Little Irene Patterson has re- covered from a serious illness, she having got possession of some poi- sonous. tablets which she swallowed. After persistent work, Dr. Freeman succeeded in relieving the little patient, who is now doing nicely. Real estate has taken another move, H. J. Moreland having disposed of his fine farm and residence to his brother Willlam. Makin Bros'. sale was well attended, 'éverything selling at a high figure. Sympathy is extended to Mrs. Charles Nicholson, she having re- ceived the sad intelligence of the death of her brother, "Jack" Ken- a {Can't Find Dandruff} nedy, which occurred in England the civil war. 'He was never mar- ried. [Hd is the last hut one of the Bailie family, who leave many rela- tives in (Picton. The surviving mem- ber of the family is Mrs. Baker, of | Marion, Ohio. [The deceased was in his 86th year. vieinkty, At the home of Rev. Henry Gracey, D.D., River street on Wednesday last, . Miss Jean Day, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Day, was #nited in mar- riage to Wi\fred Laurier Kyes, son of Mr. and Mry Kyes, all of Front of Leeds and sdowne Township. Mr. and Mrs. Kyfs left for a honeymoon trip to various points 'in northern New York and on their return will locate in their home township, Mrs. McNally of Westport, arrived here the latter part of the week, having been summoned Qn account Jeffrey, Peters, Mat Dr. Geddes be appointed M.O.H. salary $10. Moved Jeffrey, McCloud, that Dr. Geddess be paid $11, medical attendance to Mrs. N. Bush, carried. . Moved, Jef- frey, Wagar, that the Bell Tel. Co. nad Shimo Telephone Co. be grant- ed privileges to erect poles and wires on line between Con. 10 and 11, and on side line between lots 2 and 3, com. 117 company to be responsible for all damages caused by said poles or wires, carried. The collectors' time extended until next meeting. Accounts paid: H. Snider $20.50; C. G. McKnight, $15.85; Standard Pub. Co., $23.75; J. A. Goodfelloy, $8.50; J. W. Bradshaw, $11.20; G. A. Smih $24.20; G. A. Smith, $5; G. A. Smith We wish to thank you for your valued pa- tronage during the year. We join in Wishing you and yours a very happy Christmas and prosperous New Year. Late Mrs. John Mowat, he -death occurred peacefully on' Sunday evening, of Mrs. Mowat, wife of the late Prof. John Bower Mowat, for over forty yegss in Queen's Uni- versity. Mrs. Mowat, who was a daughter of Hon. John McDonald, of Ganano- que, was marriéd in 1861 and ever since occupied the Mowat house in from influenza. Miss Edna Sands, i " who has spent the past two months Every bit of aanaruff disa with Mrs. Spooner, is returning to ; OG, $65; after one or two applications Pars her home in Chicago. Visitors,| $92.86; No. I, $399; 8.8. No. Danderine rubbed. well into the scalp | Miss Olive Todd, of Kingston Gene- 3.50; No. 8; $205: 88 ith the finger tips. Get a small |! Hospital. o. 4, ; 8.8, No. 5, $607; 8S. Bocile of Danderine at any drug store ---- No.6, $354; S.8. No! 7, $421; S.8. No. for & few cents and save your hair, 8, $225; S.8. No. 9, $493: 8S. No. After several applications you can't 10, $326; J. N. Smith, $94.77; T. find a particle of dandruff or any|died at his apartment in Boston Fri.| Howes, $7: A. Smith,' $7; J.|Johnson street, where she died. Mrs falling hair, and the scalp will never | day, after a short illiiess of influenza] Quinn, $5; Wagar, $1.50, A.|Mowat in her younger days. was an itch. ¥ and pneumonia, Good, 50c; E. Kenpedy, $27; T.lactive worker in charitable and ~» | Butterell, $3; S. Harfer, $8; C. God- | church work and her energy and abil- frey, $4; T. Howes, $4; 8. Snider, |ity made her a valued member of STORAGE Willis 2; S. Harper, $7.80; J. Judge, $2; | the board of the Orphans' Home, the W. J. Geddes, $11; T. Howes, $40; Poor Relief Society and the mission § RT J. Jeffrey, $39; A. Wagar, $23; A. ary societies of St. Andrew's church. McCloud, $36; T. Peters, $37: Tr The only proper winter care of any battery. Con- In university circles she was natur- Howes, $2; J. N. Smith, $19.25. ally prominent and interested and sult us--explanation of our treatment will convince you. wh many are the older graduates who remember her hospitaity and her WILLARD SERVICE STATION 19 Brock St. 1. LESSES, Prop. 'Phone 1340 3 : - British Whig Isaac Allan 98 Victoria Street Francis ("Silk") O'Loughlin, fam- ous as an American League umpire, ama WOLFE ISLAND NEWS. personal interest in their welfare, x Her sbrviving children are Herb: School Concerts Held--Sale of Tur- ert M. libri ge wre! and y keys and Geese, the Misses Lilien and Ethelwyn Wolfe Island, Dec. 20.--Up to the Mowat. Major John MeDonait present very little stir is taking place Mowat, who was killed in action in in municipal matters. The very the battle of the Somme # 1915] many friends of Dan McLaren are; qo. har voungest sou Judge Mes 3rging him to offer Rimgelf as a can-| popald, of Brockville, is a brother of : ata for. reeve, the deceased lady, + Give the Family a Phonograph h o oF 14 other words, take it For Christmas its anntial concert last night, and it was a decided success. The children of Mr. and Mrs. Willlam McAdoo are deserving of special mention, their singing and acting being above the ordinary. William Keely acted as . . te School No. 7 held a con- a gift of beautiful mu- cort last night in the C. M. B. A. hall, ; sic, not only for Christ- mas, but for every day for years to come. As a family entertainer, as a chaser of the blues, as a magnet to keep the yo ters at home contented, nothing can equal a good phonograph. e question WHERE to get it is probably the only one which is bothering you. If you wish to make sure of getting a GOOD Phonograph. and to ke a ighly satisfactory purchase as regards accom ating =, terms and first clags service, get i : er en rv, 8 TES==TH where You have probably, purchased Kingston market, worth, was perhwps guy of 'the or where you will eventually purchase which was filled to its capacity. It wag very gratifying to the teacher, Miss Doolan, to see her pupils acquit Miss Catherine Brown has arrived rs. He Bled on Ra a " | a J : 3 A home from Peterboro. } in aay he | | io : } Sh The Late Neil Stewart, Nel Stewart died at the House of Providence on Sunday. He was sev- enty-six years old and his home was formerly at Harrowsmith. His fun- eral took place from Janes Reid's undertaking parlors to Cataraqui cemetery on Modday, Rev. J. D. Boyd officiating, 8 Seta W The Late J. W. Whittingtun. The death of Joseph W. Whitting- ton occurred at the General Hospital on Saturday, after one week's illness ith hnsumonia, The deceased was a 1 ourth year arts student at land, known as the farmer's triend, University, and was Twenty 10 yours bought nearly all the turkeys "and of age. He was.a son of William | geese offered for the Christmas mar- Whittington, Mull, Ont, and the ket, paying forty cents for tarkeys body was sent Gone ob Baturdis at ¢ 4 and thirty cents for geese. Robert | TCV ¥ al d J White also bought largely at forty | : ; n- a conts. Frank Cramer * and Hugh . | themselves so dreditably. A dance will shortly be held in the C. M. H. A. hall. Frank Brice- Wonderful Value for Christmas We have placed on sale all our lines of Community Plate in Patrician, Exeter and Sterling Silver in Joan, Troy, ns : which to make your. omplete Tiss of Colvin $425.00. : x : wx 's Lock Red Cross, Chaffey's Lock, Dee. 21.-- The done: 54 pairs 3 handkerchiefs 48 face The raps, 32 pairs of drawers tristed refugees, 18 es ito the Soldier boy, A ocklites valued at §2