Daily British Whig (1850), 23 Dec 1918, p. 7

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1 a fi staried with a Savings to-day something to a HHH JHE ; GEORGE B. TH THE SAVING HABIT Saving Is a habit that must be cultivated, savings Account. Account Bank Balance will care for your fnture. Your Savings Account Invited ANK or TORONTO M'K AY, MANAGER. at OO A Facorporated 1588 Capital, $5,000,000 Reserve Fund $6,555,000 |= Hn t i Most men of means Determine now to add pay and your from every EERE REAERT 3 id summer kitchen. FOR SALE A solid brick house, 9 rooms, central location, hardwood floors, hot water heating, electric light, gas for cooking, finished PRICE $5,500. Brick house, 9 rooms, good location, furnace, electric light, gas for cooking, hardwood floors, deep lot, Apply J. K. Carroll 86 Brock Street i: PRICE $4,100, Agency. Phones: 68, 874w. Open Evenings Find your answer at our store, You know that gifts' that are useful are the most acceptable, Here are a few 'A PAIR OF GLASSES What joy and comfort you 3 can give father and mother through glasses, Lorgnettes, Eyeglass Chalns, Opera Glasses, Readers, AND . WH EXAMINE EYES R.J.Rodger Eyesight Specialist. 132 Princess St. People' Ahaha Ad Watts § FLORIST Freak cut flowers dally; funeral designs and weddt bodquets to order. Vut wi town ev ziven sperinl attention. Pem-- Board of Education Having been requested by a number of lafluentinl #itizeny to offer himself for re-election to the Board of £duen- tion for ancther term Iu Ontario ward, Mr. G. A. BATEMAN has consented to be a candidate, Fresh Cut Flowers NSON, Florist sprays, Phone 309, ey Theo: WRUIT AND Y STORE Navel Oranges, Tasgerines, Grape Fruit, Jonhattan Apples and Spanish Malaga Grapes, duley and Hananas, All Klads of nuts, ome made cupdies, Orders delivered. St., Near King St. Phone 273 Food rd License Noa, bye ve gr ro ALITY !{ BCONOMY 11 © SOUP. y for 25¢. Ask G.W.V.A, (Incorporated) General Meetings, Mondays, Baud Practice Tueadnys, 7.45. Dance Fridays In Club Rooms, Richardson Chapter LODE, Zod & 4th Thursdays lo each month, 8 pm A AA a ma THE HOSTEL Wednesday, Dec. 25th, 1918 Kingston, Out, DINNER Served | pom. to 2 p.m, CHRISTMAS Dinner, Price per Plate, $1.00 MENU, Sow Mock Turtle Relishes Bry Celery Olives Bolled With Mustard Entree Fritters, © Roasts leg of Pork, brown Spring Chicken Stu Young Duck, apple Vegetables Potatoes, Boiled June Peas Dessert English Plum. Pudding and Sauce Green Apple Pie Hat Mince Pie Ox Tongue Sauce Orange Glacie gravy ed sauce Mashed Potatoes, Apples, Malaga Grapes, Assorted Nats, Black Tea, Green Tea, Coffee, Milk muse ------ Bags Wanted ! A. SPEIZMEN In any quantity----Flour Bags, Feed Bags and absolutely 'clean Sugar Rags. Positively highest prices 69 r Lackies 'New Store All ready for the Christmas trade. Christmas Cakes and Cream goods a* specialty. Choice Confectionery, Fancy 'Cakes, Pies, ete. Call or telephone your order early, Formerly Crotherls' King St. Bakery. Queen mer Street 802 King St. Phone 141 The Home of Quality Pictures Mon., Tues., Wed- Daily Performances at 2.80 and 7.80 p.m. Special Holiday Attra tion The World's Greatest Child Star Baby Marie Osborne wn IN ae "Dolly Does Her Bit" Something Doing Every Minute Novelty Vaudeville A Judge Brown Story, The Pathe News, and Additional Features MATINEE ... ... an OE EVENING and 15¢ & «Hoe SaturdayDec.28 MATINEE 'AND NIGHT / / CYP, NOW FoR some rum: The Whirly Girlie Show hd ddh CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATRS First insertion, 10 a Word. Rach com secutive insertion thereafter, half. cent & word, Minhaum charge for one Insertion, 25¢; three insertions, Boe; mix $1; one month, >. ' : HELP WANTED HOTEL. PUR us COOK. APPLY REVERE MEN FOR EXt poses, Apply ¥ Frontenac s et, AVATING = LW, Watts, A CAPABLE NURSE MAID AT ONCE, 3 wages. Apply Mrs. Stirling, Alice Street, Good No, 1 ; EXPERIENCED WAFIRESS AT AN good wages paic Apply Prince George Hotel DAY AND NIGHT Davis & Son, Limi- Tannery. APPLY IN RVENING and 8 to Mrs. B. N. 162 Johnson street, FIREMEN FOR ghirts, Apply A ted, Kingston NURSEMAID, between 7 Steacy, CUT. Win WANTED: CLIBAN class salesman. Princess street. HER ter, first Davies' Ceo, RRA Qt AlIEIKD TEA QUALIFIED FEMALE TEACHERS WANTED, A QUALIFIED TEACHER FOR SS, No, § Hrnesttown. Salary $500.00, Apply to Harry Caton, R.R. Nao, 3, Bath, Ont, : CHER FOR 8S, S. No, %, Bedford. Dutfes to commence January fad, 1815. Apply E. Tur- mer, Westport; Ont. TEACHER FOR 8.5. NO. 4, BARRIE, . Salary aunum. Duties to sommenice January 3rd. Applv to Mrs. Thos. Whiteman, jr, Harlowe, nt, A UALIFIED ¢ Neo, 13 mence Janhary Suh, rate of §350 a year, Kirkpatrick, Westpo 326 per TEACHER FOR 8.8, ford. Duties to com- Salary at the Apply to F. A rt, Omt, PROTESTANT teacher for S8. No. 6 Olden. Sal- ary $425 per annum. For particu lars, apply to Roland Coulter, Sec.- Treas, Mountain Groge, Ont. A QUALIFIED TEACHER FOR S58, Nao. 1 Rear of leeds and Lan downe: duties to commence Jan- wary eth, 1918. Apply, stating qualitications and salary expected, to Jahn W. Reed, Outlet, Ont BILLY BAILUS, Gaiden. Voiced California Nightingale 35 PEOPLE MosTLY GIRLS Prices, Matinee: a5¢, BOc Evening: 25 $1.00 ON SALE THURSDAY riffin PictureS MON., TUES., WED. Special Holiday Bill Mary Pickford In her latest Success Johanna Enlists ALSO SEATS ra Dustin Farnum IN The Scarlet Pimpernel Allies' Review; Comedy Reels RR Eh en EG STRAN Monday, Tues., Wed. What You Have All Been Waiting For Lawrence Grant and Olive Tell In To Hell WITH THE K ; The Big Smashing Attraction Sen- sation of a Generation In Eight Parts Weekly; Keystone Two Reels ' HAND OF VENGEANCE ipisode One Strand Comedy In the Matier of (he Estate of Fran. cls Maude Nicholson, Deceased. Notice is hereby |given that al] per- sons having any img against the late Frances Maude Nicholson who died on or about the oth October, 1815, at the - Village of Portsmouth in the County of Frontehac, are required to sepd by post prepaid or to deliver to the undersigned/ solicitor hereth for Marte Maude Led Administrator of the said Frances aude Nicholson their names and addyesses and full particus lars in writin of their claims and statements of their accounts and the nature of the urities if any held by them. And take nptice that after the fife teenth day of January, 1919, the Marie Maude Lee will proceed to tribute th not be liable for part 'thereof to alm she the sald assets or an Any "person of who BRA not then have received ton the 13th D Pe 1 Leonid not GOOD GENERAL, MUST BE ABLE TO cook; no washing or ironing. Ap- ply Bliss Mora, 18 Wellington, GIRLS OR THR WORKROOM; pleasant, light work. Apply Miss McCallum, N, C. Polson, * BRAKEMAN--FIREMEN. RXPERI. ence unnecessary, $150-$200 month. Ty. Address "Railway," care Whig Office ONE WHO CAN good wages Must have re. Apply by letter to Box Napanee, Ontario. MAID WANTED. Cook; ferences. 621, TWO YOUTHS AS MESSENGERS, AP- ply in person-to Assistant Director, Soldters Qivil Re-establishment, Golden Lion Block, Kingston FOR THE WINTER OR BY THE year, man familiar with famm work and care of stock. Apply M. E Binnington Cataraqul. 13 ring 2 ert tt meetin Fld lob bd bb ded Ddednlod hd dod la SOLDIERS' > THE DIRECTOR OF Civil Re-entablishment requires several gradunie nurses. Appiien- tions In writing or in person to Unit Medical Director, Soldiers' Civil Re-establishment, Golden Lion Block, Kingston, - ddr deldedodenolotilid Sib ded did iio < dled a oof Io TWO YOUNG MEN, EXPERIENCED house to house CARNVRSSErs to work of and surrounding; guaranteed salary $20 week and comnvis- sion. . Apply to-wight frem 6 to 7 tandolph Hotel; ask for None but experienced should ply. per eri. ap- THERE 18 GOOD MONEY AN SELLING nur vy stock under eon=- daitior present 2 We want retibic wales Apents for anrepresen Mstricts, Guod pay, exclusive selling rights Tor alloted derritories. © Write im- mediately, Pelham Nursery Co, Toronto, oo HELP WANTED + R : A number of women or ¥% * girls to mend bags. Apply A. + Speizman, 69 Queen Street. + + * BEEP RBBB SRI D BPEL DSB de deeds TEACHER WANTED FOR 5.5, NO, 2, Abinger, Duties to.' commence January 2th, 1919. Salary $425 per annum. State qualifications and experience to John Gilmour, See.- Treas, Vennachar, Ont. WANTED GENERAL FIRST (CLASS sopTr ELM Highest prices pig at J, cock & Bons Mills, Odessa. LOGS, Bat be H RENT, FARW or Gores or more, with good build- ings, within six milés of Kingston. Apply Box D-19, Whig Office. ABOUT 100 SKATES, SKATES, SKATES, SHARP. ened, hollow ground, nd put on While you wait, We are also tak- Ing orders for bicycles 10 be cleaned and stored for winter, George Muller, 371-373 King St WE WANT TO BUY ALL KINDS op Second-hand furniture, We also have for sale a number of second- hand 'heaters and stoves, military harness and military horse blan« 8. Shapiro, 46 Princess Fhone 1237, SITUATIONS VACANT. . a Yee ae HISTORY OF THRE WORLD WAR HY Professor March. 'Canada's Part In the War" by celebrated Can- adian, Colonel Nasmith, Mam moth book; three hundred illus- trations; great money maker: sample book free. Bradley-Gar- retson, B nt HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, BIRTHMARKS and al growths and sKin blem ighes removed permanently, with« out scar; 30 years' experience. Ur, Kilmer J. Lake, Eye, Kar, Nose, I'nroat and Skin Specialist, 252 Bagot street, MUSIC, MRS, A. D. NELSON, LATR SOPRANO 80loist In Boston and Calgary churches, i8 prepared to receive pu- Pll in singing, Information ré- garding method taught, experi ence, terms, ote, given at inter View. 306 Alfred street. 'Phone DRESSMAKING MISS RICHARDSON, DRESSMAKER ae RAEN AEST NNER RNA 0 OA fe. = FOUND OF .MONEY--BILLS, ox Saturday in a dewntown business place. Owner may have same by dcallmg on Den Dee, Wolfe Island. SMALL PARCEL AT POST OF. Hoe on Saturday afternoon, Owner may have same by caling at $14 Princess St and proving property, SUw A PAIR OF CHILD'S Owner may have calling at Smith's Division street PAIR OF CHILI'S STOCKINGS on Princess street on #riday night. Owner may have same by calling at 212 Brock street, BOOTS, same by Groeery, eARL AND gold U'wner calling at JAR CORNER Sydenham o rimmed eveg Can have sar 116 Ean street. FRONT OF HOAG'S store, small purse contadn- mg a sum of money. Owner can have same by calling at Whig Office, DRUG FOX FUR ON FRIDAY AFTER- noon, Owner may have same by calling at £2¢ John- NS STREET, THRER ahildren's Story books, Owner may have same by apply at Whig Office, SILK SCARF ON ONTARIO ST. Owner ' ean have same by calling at 116 Rar] Street CHINESE LAUNDRY To corner Bagot and street Owner same calling Office SMALL PURSE ON CHARLES Street, near Patrien; Wed. nesday Owner may nave same calling at Whig Office FOUND ARTICLES ADVER. /\ TISED FREER / Anyone finding anything ané ishing to reach the owner may 40 go by reporting the facts to by by HH i HT PIANO, NEWCOMBE, UPRIGHT. AP. Ply 218 Alberi street. Phone $50), CHRISTMAS JOKES, : 60 TO FRANK Cooke, 3% Clarence street, FISHING TACKLE THATS FIT FoR Hshing., £0 to Frank W. Cooks 38 Cisrence street, opposite can Consulate. Telephone §91w, GENUINE GRAPHONOLA AND TEN Selections; your own choice, 203 Terms, $5 cash, $1 r week, C. W. Lindsay, Limited, 141 Princess 18 KOALINE KUTSs KOAL KOSTS-- Trial tube mailed on receipt of $1.26. A trina) will convince, Ad. dress, Koaline, 10-Falirbairn Ave, Ottawa, & WE HAVE GOOD SECOND-HAND furniture, buffets, chairs and ta- Dies; will buy all kinds of furnis ture and stoves. J. Thompson, $33 Princess street. Phone 1649, mr -- SOME OF THE BIGGEST ADVERTIS. €érs to-day sometimes use a Mitle 8avt. like this. A phone call or a postal will bring you full particu- lars about this department, British Whig Publishing Co. FARM, 535 ACRES, PART OF LOTS 14. 16, 4th Concession, Earnesttown, on York Road 4 miles west of Odessa, close to Church and school. Apply on premises or A. B. Van Biyck, owner, RMD. 1, Odessa, BATEMAN'S REAL BSTATE AGENCY. FRAME DUNGALOW, PART FINISH. ed with good sized lot, cheap for quick buyer, $1080 FRAME HOUSE, LARGE. LOT, LO unmprovements. SIG50--FRAME, 8 ROOMS, IMPROVE. ents, large lot ang stable, off . Union west, FISHO--FRAME, ¢ ROOMS, STONE foundation, garden; off Chatham The British Whig. The Ives tisement will be printed ip the street, Column free of charge, \ LOST. SUM OF 345 IN WOOLWORTH'S STORE yesterday Finder return to 68 Stephen Reward, \ Street, ON FRONT ROAD, IN or city, gold watch Reward if returned to DEC, 20TH Portsméuth and d¢hain this office, SMALL PARCEL, CONTAINING BOOK. et and photo, Wednesday, be tween University, University Ave. and 'Johnson, Finder return to 425 Jongson- \ y « FOX TERRIER, WHITE AND BLACK, answering to the name of "Bust er," in the city, Monday, Decem- ber 16th. Wil ithe findes kindly return to 76 Frowtenac street FINANCIAL INVEST. 1862 . K.C.; vice. Cunningham. FRONTENAC LGAN AND ment Boelety; President, W, FP, resident. ¢ A, B. oney Issued on city and farm nroperties, municipal" and county debentures; mortgages purchased, investment bonds for sale; deposits received and interest allowed. R. having resumed business, sollelt orders for fall and winter work | Addres 202 Alfred street. POWER & SON, ARCHITECTS, MER. chants Bank Bullding, ocerner Brock and Wellington Sts, INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. local Notes and Items of General Interest. H Dr. Ernest Sparks has returned from Toronto, Brigadier<General, I. W. Shannon, of London, Ont., is a Christnias vis- itor in the city. The ubsent 'boy should write a Christmas letter to his mother if he cannot go to see her, Ex-Ald, Hugh C. Nickle has been asked to enter the city council as representative of Sydenham ward, Karl William Jamieson, Dayton, Ohio, 18 visiting -his mother, Mrs. William Jamieson, 417 Johnson street, bid . It 'was a dreary before-Christmas Sunday, but after all it was better that we were given such a fine Satnrday. i g Principal Dyde, Queen's Uriver- sity, preached Sunday morning and evening at St. Andrew's church, Tor- onto, ; John Leheup, Lower avenue, has sold a couple Division street in the vicinity of Regiopolis College, to Anglin & (Co. Through classified adve may find "your work" position for which you are fitted by aining and by liking. The trade done in Kingston on Saturday was immense. The mild weather and fine roads enabled every farmer for two-score miles around to got to. the city, Sleigh] University oi lots on § {the six on King 81, Ringat lo 7 ave brought ists to i ig s end -of six purchasing | of i: i 3 ¥ ! stone are ngeded there, and Ald. Couper, Chalmers member on the Board of Works, will no doubt make the requisition. | Two lads 'have been sent to the in- dustrial school for a term. They were up for misdemeanor, and after making inquiries into the case, the magistrate felt that it would be in the best interests of the boys to send them to the institute, The funeral of the late Pte. Denis Bertrand, C.E.F., took place from St. Mary's Cathedral on Monday morn- ing with full military honors. The R.C.H.A. band was ip attendance and the escort and firing party were from the 3rd battalion C.G.R. inter- ment took place at St. Mary's ceme- tery. Perished In Barning Coach, Belleville, Dec. 28.--1t is't now clearly established that Miss Susan Donovan and Miss Sarah Donovan perished in a C.P.R. coach which took fire "at Bonheur station, Ont, 120 miles west of Fort William. The Misses Donovan were sisters of G.T. R. Constable Patrick Donovan, 184 Church street, Belleville, and were coming east on a visit. The Misses Donovan were daughters of Mr, and Mrs. Patrick Donovan, Roblin. Re- sides the parents and brothers, two sisters survive, Mrs. J. V. Walsh, Tyendinaga, and Sister Donovan. Hotel Dieu, Kingston. Take Over Eastern Plant. Pembroke, Dec. 23. Messrs, 8, A, Dunlop, M.P.P., sand W. L. Hunter were eden : N.B., Sone ing neg n_ econwection with a deal which has been under way for some months past, whereby the Tho- mas Pink Sempany, Limited, of Pem- broke, has secured the controlling in- terest in the MeFarlane-Neill Manu- facturing Company, a concern en- gaged in the making of lumbering tools and kindred lines at North De- year. een's University and 'one of its trustees. His zon is a student here now. C. Cartwright, manager, ence street, Kingston. LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE Fire Insurance Company. Available assets $61,187,215. In addition to which the policyholders have for security the unilmited lability of city property, insured at lowest possible rates. Before renewing old or giving new business get rates from Strange & Hyrange Agents. Phone 326. DENTAL £ R.A, 1.D.8,, Princess street, E. KNAPP, DOS, office 250 Phone 652, DR. GORDON ©, DEWAR, DENTIST corner Princess and Wellington Streeis. Phone 167%. SPARKS AND SPARKS, DEN. tists, 1569 Wellington street, over Carnovsky's. Phone 348, FOR SALE OR TO LRT FURNISHED RESIDENCE OF REV. Canon Forneri, 218 Albert street. Recently gepafred and renovated, Supply of coal in, Apply on premises. ACRES, MORE OR LESS, 15 WILES from Kingston on Rideau. canal part Jote21-22.23 in the Sth con- cession, township of Storringten, one mile from Brewer's Mills Look: near church and school; lake on farm: good drilled well; well tims béred and swear bush; for stock and ry; ome mile from cheese factory; windmill and barn. Apply to owner, Dennis Murphy, 116 Colborne street Kingston, Ont. $7 Clar- T MARYSVILLE, WOLFE 18 land, frame house; iarge lot. - FRAME Hous, PORTS. mouth; improvements; large lot S2200--FRAME, NEW, 7 ROOMS ALL improvements. 150 WELLINGTON $7. 87 Clarence St, FORMERLY T0 LET FURNISHED on UNFURNISHED Toms. Apply 464 Brock street, FURNISHED ROOMS AND . ALSO roorgs for Hght housekeeping, Ap- ply 396 Princess street STORAGE VOR FURNITURE; CLRBAN and dry. Apply E. EB. Wathen, 143 Nelson street. Phone 2152 FIRST CLASS ROOMS AND BOARD &il ymprovements; centrally lookts od. Apply 243 Brock street. STORAGE FOR ana dry. Agency, 98 or 621, FURNITURE, CLEAN MeCann's Heal Kstate Brock St. Pnone 318 BEDROOM AND SIFTINGROOM ON first floor: grate fire ang use of phone. Apply 44 Lower William street, » room suitable for two. /Apply in the evening to 313 University, er LARGER FRONT ER BED. phone §52w, STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEA ary, airy room, Our own lock an Key, Frost's - City Ntorage, 29% Queen street. Phone _.6; res. 989 TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS SUIT. able for | housekeeping, also one furnished bedroom: rent mod erate. Apply 48 lower Rideau street. THIS DEPARTMENT 8 ALWAYS glad to hear from any one thinki Framing p oitsnited 'sivertinigl may be abet help you British TO WENT. FURNISHED HOUSE, "DAISY" PUR- nace, alectricity and gas; good pan- tries, fire plage. 6 roems and two bath reais, a month, Invmediate Apply Box 203," Whig £ nt Susmesgion, ce. LEGAL dna solieir LAN ome ha * ---- PAINTING PAINTI KALSOM. NG, GLAZING AND ing, hardwood ors and furni. -- --- ture finishing, im anos and talking machines, fag Botow, or white Charley Hebert, 2¢ Plum slreet, Soft Coal in

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