Daily British Whig (1850), 24 Dec 1918, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TU ESDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1918. %, Bone oem r There is no time in all the year so fraught with joy. The Happy Christmas faces shine with giving. The lights glow forth from homes where children dwell. The tingling air revives our slug- gish veins. God Bless us Christmas. all this Merry Livingston's Brock Street. | real singers and a chorus of beauti- | To-Night OPEN TILL 10 Q'CLOCK | Your, opportunity to purchase that gift you hage overlooked or that new pair of stockirlgs for Santa to fill. Stockings for all the family. Children's cashmere and heavy ribbed Women's silk, cotton and cashmere Men's cashmere and heavy wool socks Overstockings for children in red, white and black Gifts That fl Will Please LLL. bo At The Grand. Large audiences grefted the pro- gromme at the Grand yesterday, which consisted of thre Pathe News, an 0. Henry story, excellent comedy reels and a five reel feature picture that was onc of the most entertain- ing that has been shown here for a long tilme. It was "Dolly Does Her Bit" and starred that wonderfully charming and attractive child star, Baby Marie Osborne. As Polly in this picture she helps along with her Httle bit, and the many amusing sitmations that ensue while she is do- ing it made the onlookers roar with laughter Although it is supposed to be a serious pleture, Baby Marie and her little negro playmate who worked so well in "A Daughter of the West," filled everything with comedy and their antics were a regu- lar scream. "Dolly Does Her Bit" is 3 take off on some of the more serious war pictures and every foot of film was made for the amusement of the audience. There was also a splendid act of vaudeville, consisting of Flynn and Howard in their novelty singing and dancing specialty, that was well received by all, This bill will be repeated again to-night and also Christmas Day, both matinee and night. "The Honeymoon Limited." Musical comedy, one of the most popular forms of entertainment known to the present generation of theatregoers, will be the attraction at the Grand Opera House, matinee and night, Saturday, Dee. 28th, when Oharles FP. Yale offers "The Honey- moon Limited." Funny comedians, ful and shapely girls are the charae- teristic features of musical comedy. It is for these reasons that musical shows hold such a firm grip and un- waning popularity with those who relish a light entertainment. 'A com- pany of thirty-five comedians, sing- ers, dancers and musicians form the 1919 version of *"The Honeymoon Limited." A scenic production, em- bracing two acts and half a dozen scenes, are shown during the action of the play. "A Trip to Palm Beach" is the introductory scene of the first act and at the finale of the second aot spectators find the scene taid on the Metropolitan roof garden| in New York City. | At Griffin's. Dainty, delightful and insouciant Military Matters The engineer depot at Brockville practically ceased to exist on Tues- days when all soldiers attached to the depot were ordered to procesd to {heir relative military. districts. 'vhere they would be granted dis charge immediately. It has heen announced that Brig.- Gen. Victor A. 8. Williams, who re- cently returned from overseas, and who was a prisoner of war in Ger- many for some time, will speceed Brig.-Gen. T. D. R. Hemming, who is to retire on Jan. 5th. The coming retirement of General Hemming was indicated by the Whig some time ago. General Williams, it will be remem- bered, served in Kingston on the staff as chief staff officer, under Col. W. D. Gorgon. He was a cavalry of- ficer and before assuming staff duties commanded the R.C.D. Capt. C. C. Shaw and Gunner C. R. Holt, R.C.H.A. having proceeded to Quebec have been struck off the strength of the R.C.H.A., depot, Staff-Sergeant Charles Wolfe, Roy- al School of Artillery has been dis- charged to pension, with an exem- plary character, The general officer commanding M.D. No. 3 will inspect all dinners of the garrison units on Wednesday, Christmas Day, Major E. H. Lancaster, C.F.A, has been appointed waiting member of the standing general court-martial. Lieut. Charles Askwith, having completed his duties as draft con- ducting officer, assumes command of No. 3 C.A.S.C. Service Company, and has been granted Christmas leave During his absence, Lieut. 8. Crosth- wait will act as officer commanding that unit. On Wednesday the units of the Kingston Garrison and the patients in Hospital are to have a special Christ- mas dinner. An extra allowance of twenty-five cents a man. has been made, and in additicn extra dainties and rations are supplied The gener- al officer commanding is to make a tour of the units in order to extend the greetings of the day to all ranks. In the hospitals there are to be Christmas entertainments and con- Mary Pickford, the nation's beloved, was seen at Griffin's last evening in her new Arteraft photoplay "Johanna | Enlists," which abounds in the most | delicious humor; it is a veritable pro-! test against the old adage, "There is, nothing new under the sun," for it is| decidedly the richest, newest, most | delectable comedy dealing with mod-| ern days that has been seen in many | days. And as for Mary in the titu-| lar role, one can go no further than | to say she is perfection In addi-| tion to this superb feature Dustin! Farnum was also shown in a stirring | {drama entitled "The Scarlet Pimpe-| ral," which: proved delightfully en- tertaining to the audience last night.' This is a red-blooded story of the kind in which this brilliant actor ex-/ cels, and he does some of the best] work of his career in it. This pro-| gramme will be repeated this evening and Christmas matinee and evening. | At The Swrand. i "To' Hell with the Kaiser!" This! exclamation has been said, either sin 'ently or aloud, by patriotic Ameri-| {cans and lovers of decency every-! i | where! But in this multiple-reel | Screen Classics, Inc. feature, the ex-| pression is taken literally. The Ber-, liner is actually ghown in "the aot| place." How he gets there, and | what becomes of him after his arri-| val, form an interesting part of this wonderful picture. It is only a part however. Mingled with events now | historical are tender romance and vivid drama. A family of Americans living in Europe are among the! leading characters, and are instru- mental in bringing about the tremen- | dous denouncement. Alice Monroe! demands dire penalty for the fate; that overtakes her little sister at the hands of the dastardly Crown Prince. "To Hell with the Kaiser," is the greatest arrangement of Prussianism and the Hohenzollérns ever made. It is America's challenge to "fright- fulness." ere ent THE POSTIES ARE LOADED WITH CHRISTMAS GIFTS FOR THE KINGSTON PEOPLE. The Big Rush #t the Post Office Be- "on Monday--Mail Is Greater Ever Before, Monday was a heavy day at the post office. It was a true saying that all roads led to the post office. A id representative had a peep. be- hh the scenes during the biggest rush which occurred late in the af- ternoon, and, judging by the number of parcels he found on their way to 'people, and on their way out of Kingston, there will be much to gladden the hearts of the people this Christmas. Parcels have been coming and going for the past few days in a big rush, but it b the climax on Monday. Parcels have been Boxes and certs, so that the soldiers in the city will be well looked after during the festive season. In orders iesued at Militia head- quarters Tuesday Brig.-Gen. T. D.'R. Hemming addressed his valedietory message to the staff on the eve of his retirement from the command. He expressed his keen appreciation for the loyalty and co-operation of all those associated with him.during his tenure of office dnd extended the compliments of the season. Brig.-Gen. Maunsel, acting G.0.C., Col. Genet A A.G., and Major Me- Manus will visit the soldiers at their Christmas dinner in the various hos- pitals, also the R.C.H.A. and the Dis- trict depot. ANOTHER BODY FOUND, | Believed to Be Member of Crew of Minola. A body has been found washed ashore at the head of Simcoe Island, and it is believed to be that of one of the crew of the ill-fated steamer Minola. It was brought to Kings ton to-day and taken to Corbett's und dertaking parlors. An effort will be made to establish the identity of the man. January Magazines For Reading. Red Book, Woman's Home Com- panion, American, Everybody's, Green Book, Popular Mechanies, Adventure, Saucy, Detective, Ains- lee's, Blue Book, Cartoons. ' The Col: lege Book Store. Holiday Women's Canadian Club, Dr. Leslie Coleman, of Bangalone, India, who has een director of agri- culture under the British Govern- ment for eleven years, will give an address on "India" in Convocation Hall, on Friday evening, Dec. 27th, at 8 o'clock Admission for non- members, 26c. # ! fal At 75¢c. The original edition of Face to Face With Kaiserism, by James W, Gerard, author of' My Four Years in Ger- many. Just the book for a man, at the College Book Store. Special 75¢. ; Christmas Services. St. Paul's Church----Christmas Day. Holy communion, 8 am. and 11 a.m. Preacher, Canon Fitzgerald. NS Embossed. No plate Decessary, Us ly machine - A any Soria wo been Tooking for HANSON, CROZIER & EDGAR 20 Marke oh Kingston » DAILY MEMORANDUM. j © No Whig on Christmas Day. of | three, t hand mi, Probabilities wr WOODSWORTH--On --] ORR TEIN HR TSE RAI SEERA TTT -- ---- -- HH 0 RT Store Open Tonight, 7.30To 10.00 LAST MINUTE SUGGESTIONS To complete your gift list an interesting collection for to-night. SILK STOCKINGS No woman ever has too many, and you make no mistake buying here. » Women's Black Silk Stockings at . . $1.50 and $1.75 Women's White Silk Stockings at . . $1.50 and $1.75 Also in the following colors: Pink, light blue, navy, brown, sand, Russian green, cardinal, smoke grey, mid-grey and others. Each pair in a gift box. Men's Black Cashmere Socks Seamless, with fine ribbed, neat fitting top. Women's Black Cashmere Stockings. Women's Brown Cashmere Stockings. PRETTY HAND EMBROIDERED NIGHTGOWNS $3.75 to $6.00 : Hand Embroidered Teddy Bears . . . . $2.00 to $5.00 Hand Embroidered Chemises ... . . . .$3.00 to $4.75 A NUMBER of VERY PRETTY BLOUSE WAISTS Ready For Your Choosing To-night Dainty Voile Blouses .. ..$1.75 to $6.00 Silk Blouses . . or iN $4.25 to $7.50 Georgette Blouses . . .. . .. .. . .. $5.95 to $15.00 Crepe de Chene Blouses . .. .. . . .$5.00 to $10.00 HANDKERCHIEFS Ladies' fancy embroidered, put up in dainty gift boxes .. .. .... 5... . 0... 35cto $1.00 Ladies' plain fine linen hemstitched, 20c, 25¢, 30c, 35¢ each. Or put up in half dozen in a gift hox. \ IE - + : - 1! TI Hi | i | SOOO CRA "of = lil TE TR i RA EE TL

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