THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1918. PAGE TWO fA ESTABLISHED 1859 John McKay, Limited The Fur House. ee 2 ictrolas 149-157 Brock Street {land concert was held, through THE SOLDIERS' CHRISTMAS CELEBRATIONS AT THE VARI OUS MILITARY HOSPITALS. One" Headquarters Staff Visited the Soldiers at Their Quarters -- A Very Happy Time Was Spent. Pa. as festivities commenced y hour at Queen's Military At nine o'clock the band of the Great War Veterans' Associa- tion arrived on the scene and sere- naded the patients, At noon the Christmas dinner was served, and it was a grand repast. The rations had been augmented by gifts sent through the medium of the Standard Christmas Dinner Fund. and a splen- did dinner was the result. During the dinner the hospital was visited by Brig.-Gen. G. 8S. Maunsell and the headquarters staff of the military | district, accompanied by the band of CH A In thé afternoon a Christmas tree the renerosity of the Daughters of the Empire, The tree was beautifully decorated, and 'aden with gifts. Ew- ery patient and member of the staff recéived a gift from the tree man in the hospital with a box of cigars a gift from his son, Capt. W. Nickle, a former 21st officer, still in England. A fine musical pro- gramme was rendered, and refresh- ments were served. Christmas day J N= at Queen's was one of festivity from morning until night At Sydenham Military Hospital, W. Fg Nickle presented every 21st Battalion | NCDENTS OF THE DA LOCAL NOTES AND ITEMS OF! GENERAL INTEREST. Happenings In. the City and Vicinity "==What the Merchants Offer to the Readers of the Whig. ! Don't load up with too many solves, W. Swaine, piano tuner, orders at MecAuley's, or 'phone 564W, Santa Claus and the weather man worked band in band for the Christ: mas celebration Through classified advertising you may usually meef a sudden em- ergency for increased' business help. 'With the Christmas festivities now over) the mayoralty and alder- manic candidates will now have the stage, Through 'classified advertising you may get in touch with oppor- tunities to earn moré money. Tell what you can do Now fs the time to have your plano tuned. We carry two expert tuners and will assure entire satis- faction. C. W. Lindsay, Limited. The stores were nol so crowded on Tuesday nigirt, showing that the people are taking heed to the old time motto, "shop early." on sale. Through classified advertising You may secure a tenant for that store or office Of course you should tell all about what you have to offer, and the nature of the busi- ness needed in that community. We will rent you a piano, and at re- The Christmas tree and entertain- ment at Sydenham military hospital was held on Monday evening. The Daughters of the Empire arranged a splendid treat, and provided gifts for every patient. The Christmas tree was held fn one «Ff the downstairs wards, which was decorated for the end of six months if you feel like purchasing instrument we will allow the six months' rental on purchase | price, and arrange easy terms on bal- ance. C. W, Lindsay, Limited. A cheque for ten dollars was re- ! Phone 919 New Year's and Gift Acknowledgment Cards Almost as large and complete an assortment of New Gift Asknowledgment Cards BOOKS FOR RETURN AND NEW YEAR'S GIFTS A well chosen book is the recognized New Year's or Return Gift. TO CHRISTMAS TREE COMMITTEES Discounts will be given on all books purchased in quantities for Christmas Tree Entertainments. 4 JANUARY RED BOOK NOW ON SALE The January Red Book and all current January Magazines now as our line of Christmas C THE COLLEGE BOOK STORE ear and ds. aN Open Nights ceived by the home for the aged from Union No. 117, Amalgamated Sheet Victor Records VICTROLA XI $174.00. Dance Records Forget Me Not Waltz Felicia Waltz ... . While the Incense Is 'Burning, 'Fox-Trot Sweet Emalina, My Girl, One-Step : Oh Lady Lady, Medley One-Step Sinbad, Medley Fox-Trot ..... At the Jass Band Ball, One-Step Ostrich Walk, Fox-Trot My. Sweetie, One-Step Some Sunday Morning, Medley Fox-Trot Maytime Waltz Ameticin Serenade, Fox-Trot 35639 1.50 18450 . .D0e, 18477 . 90c. 18457 18407 1845 Mahood Bros. A | BUNGALOW Hardwooll Floors, Furnace, electric light. modern plumb. ing, central location. - - IN AN tl al John Mike, a Turk, of Brantford, fired at a Hungarian girl he greatly admired but missed her, and turned his revolver on himself, inflicting grazing wounds. Ea Abe hee Wouldn't tempt you to part with your EYESIGHT---then why neglect it when your eyes tell you in unmis- takable terms that they need help? Blurring vision, an effort to read or work headaches We Grind Our Own Lenses A FORTUNE and frequent have but one meaning: "You Need Glasses" and should visit J.S. Asselstine, D.O.S. The Busy Optical House, 342 King St occasion, and Santa C.aus visited the Metal Workers, Internation Alliance. boys and left them all their Christ-| The cheque was sent to help in giv- mas presents. A musical programme ing the old people a Christmas treat. was given and refreshments were The band of the Great War Vet- supplied by the ladies. On Christmas erans' Association made the round day there was a special dinner, and [of the ciiy's hospitals on Christmas the hospital was at 12.45 o'clock vis- morning and serenaded them in ited by Brig.-Gen. Maunsell, Brig.- turn. In spite of the fact that a Gen. Hemming, and the headquarters jarge number of the members are staff, who extended the greetings of out of town, and some are sick. the the season to the patients band made a good showing and the music was appreciated At the Mowat Sanitorimum. | The patients of Mowat sanitorium | had a lively and enjoyable Christmas | day. The band of the G. W. V. A. arrived at nine o'clock and played a R.Q.M.S. King, One of the Regiment- splendid programme of music. Af- al Members of the 21st. ter they had left, Salsbury"s orches- Mrs. T. H. King who resided at 409 tra arrived, and played-all forenoon. Barrie street has reeeived official no- Dinner 'was served at noon, and it tification that her husband, Regiment- was a real Christmas repast. Col. 'al Quartermaster Sergeant T. H. Genet and Major McManus, on behalf King who is serving with the 21st of the headquarters staff of M. D. 3. Battalion overseas. and is now in Gen. Maunsell proposed the toast of, Germany, has been awarded the "The King." A supply of cigars meritorious service medal. The med- and cigarettes was sent to the pa- al has been sent to Mrs. King by re- tients from the Standard Christmas gistered post and it was accompanied 'dinner fund. In the afternoon a by the following letter from Col. Har- programme was given, the feature ry Genet, A AG, M.D. No. 3. being a novelty performance by John "In forwarding this decortion, the Magee and "Admiral" Smith. The general officer commanding the dis- | patients in the infirmary were visit- trict, desires me to express the ed, and given their gifts from the greatest appreciation for the services Christmas tree, "A real old-time of this gallant.seldier, and I am, also Christmas," 'was the report given by directed by the Honourable Minister {the patients who thoroughly enjoyed to express his niost sincere personal themselves. appreciation for the services of so brave a man." At the Barracks. Q8.M. King enlisted in the 21st The troops in the various barracks battalion and went overseas in April of the garrison all enjoyed a big 1915. He has been on service con- Christmas dinner on Wednesday. t'muously in France and has never # Thanks to the generosity of the citi- received a wound. He is one of the zens who subscribed to the Christ- Very few original first who is"still mas dinner fund, extra rations and] With the unit, special Christmas dainties were sent| tout to all units, and prepared by the| Colds Cause 'Grip And Influenza. regimental cooks. During the din-! LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE ner the barracks at Barriefield, Fort Tablets remove the cause. There is Henry, Tete de Pont barracks, and Only ove "Bromo Quinine." E. W. the artillery park barracks were vis-| GROVE'S signature on the box, 30c. isted by the headquarters staff of the military district, who presented the 't Best compliments of the season to the] The Next Best Thing. A { You cannot visit all the sick and' Joys, A large number of the sol-| offering you would like to, but you iets XUIe Drameq « hristmas leave, | can send a gift to the Kingston Gen- Christmas as pleasant as possible for eral Hospital, which is doing this those who were not allowed to go. work so well. It is not 100 late. The boys weré allowed a complete holiday, and thoroughly enjoyed the festivities. . AWARDED M.S. MEDAL. ARETE -- z Christmas Tree Entertainments. Special discount in quantities will he given on all books for Christmas free entertainments at the College Book Store. Christmas Greetings Received. The Whig's Christmas mail con- tained cards of greeting from promi- nent citizens and from various clubs and firms. One of the finest cards CARPETS, RUGS, Etc., etc., ings of the season to the Whig from Lieut.-Col. R. J. Gardiner and his ntaff, It -was adorned with the iC. A. M. C. crest, and the greeting was very tastefully arranged. The | Kingston Curling Club sent a ecard }| symbolical of the sport of eurling. On the front is the figure of a cutler en- received was one extending the greet- Invest That Christ- mas Money in Good Furs. On Canadian Northern Railway, Dec. IMPORTANT CHANGE OF TIME 22nd, 1918. Train for Ottawa and Toronto will gaged in sending one of the curling stones along the ice. The staff of the Hotel Dieu sént a plain but taste ful greeting card. Cards from outside points were re- teived from the E. B. Eddy Company, E. J. Slack, managing director of the Montreal Gazette, a handsome souve- nir, and the Chevrolet and McLaugh- lin Motor Car Companies. - A hearty Christmas greeting was a'so received from E. J. Powers, the Whig's spe- ledve Kingston at 1.20 p.m., instead of 2.45. Train for Napanee, Belle- ville, Trenton and Picton will leave at 5.20 p.m. instead of 5.40. Train from Ottawa and Toronto will arrive at 3.20 p.m. instead of 4.30, ---------------------- With the War Veterans' Association. The Great War Veterans' Associa- tion have received a handsome leath- Newman & Shaw's New Store (Formerly R. McFaul) Save money by buying your OILCLOTHS, LINOLEUMS, EIDERDOWN COMFORTERS, ow Many lines at Wholesale Prices. PAS, Newman & Sha = The Always Busy Store adhd ohana hd dh A A A Aa 4 a Lake Ontario Trout and Whitefish, Fresh Sea Salmon, Had- dock, Halibut and Cod. Dominion Fish Co. Hoard Onnada Rusd Hoard. Lieessy + 4 4 We Have in Stock Just Arrived Oampbell"s Tomato Soup Campbell's Vegetable Soup Clark's Tomato Soup Clark's Vegetable Soup Distributors for Red Rose Tea---the Good Tea. Victory Bonds are the thing. Buy Them! W.R.McRae&Co GOLDEN LION - Porras License No. 6-543 popular En A New Detached Brick Dwelling On Clergy St. west, Hot wa- ter heating, electric Nght, gas, A Detached Frame Dwelling With 7 rooms and bathroom, on John street. $2500 A New Brick Dwell- s ng On Nelson street, with all improvements. $3650 We have a complete list of homes and investments at of- EW. Malin & Son Cor. John and Division Sts, Phones 53%w and 539) poses BUILUERY SUPPLIES ewecy Hard Coal p Ne tan now make fai rom eliyery: of: the best Scranton coal, stove,' egg and chestnut sizes, Order through the Fuel Conimissioner, 5. ANGLIN & C0. 4 Phone 66. er. covered -armchair from the Vie- tory Loan Committee as the first i 3 P prize for their float which took part # | : A ; fn the Victory Loan parade. It is | Christmas day- was faithful'y ob-|} ! 3 an exceptionally handsome piece of served by the Anglican churches inf ] furniture, and has been placed in the ty. Ail of them were beauti- I 5 if omce oF the use of the secretary. decorated with fir and flowers, || ireasuter special Christmas music was ren- |} ly Communion was cele- the attendance cial advertising agent in Chicago, Christmas in the Churches, 300 Ibs British Columbia Salmon steaks, 29¢. 200 Ibs. fresh select Halibut Steaks, 29. jl The Great War Veterans have so- cured a handsome hand-painted post- }} er setting forth the aims and objects of the association, bearing photo-g i al tine Sith rovms In uss gs » {i hospital, the poal room and also the outside view of the building. This! noster is to be placed in a suitable | frame, and' hung in the Yall at Bar. i CHOCOLATES NOW TILL XMAS rey St. James' and St. : lar At the 11 o'clock music was a special fea