THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1918, PAGE THREX |qessesvrereuse vss EP oo see, ght at the ; x ea Club, when | --- -- - > lal Tor twenty-eignt. | 3 fcoviin will be lata for | Proka: shows clearing; i Told In Ni 3. Robes was boss . robs: Wednesday snow; clearing; cold, : EE ii Club on Manday. affer- ) ® ; Ta bests Winter 3 i ii «Ye $l *. + a { cd CH g t rand drs. A. B. Canningham are the guests of Miss Agnes Rich-] pecia " : ardson at "Fettercairn" PRATIFEIEINNNL S000 S00 Colonel and Mrs, Neilson, Quebes (Notice--Hereafter, the Whig, in]8%¢ the guests of Colonel and Mis. Hickey's Speedy (of . vi g R. E. Kent, King street, Ones Claes SA a fommon with other papers all over] Mrs. W. i. Elkins who has been ea WwW Canada, will make a charge of 50¢. |. Nr ha a + ins oi Cod 1 ; on Phir | E ; for inserting ah engagement, mar- for England bre rig a 28 ailing 'ine Cod dver gy... Oe HH ta 3 : . for Canada early Ji V. gy ] Hage or Teception anuouncement.) ! Miss Eileen Robinson, Albert and $1.50 ] 4 : Fmaulsion Cod Liver Ol}. 2 i WISH 3 Among those noticed at the! Street, is in Ottawa for New Year %, and $1, Bridge given by the members of the the guest of her aunt, Mrs. J. A; Chilblain Cure .., ....2 Ladies' Curling Club in thei attries] Walker, *Derl ng Court, Fureka Conn Cate ,.. ..% | EVERYONE Hye new Piri or a turday After. \ Miss Helen Tofleld and her guest Best's Bahm ... ... .. rH noon were Mrs. R D. Suthertand, | Miss Eleanore Wood left on Monday Hagel Dold Bresitos I 11 h Mrs Emery, : Miss Jennie Shaw Mrs, | for Towulito, all the t 5 aries. Mr AR ea re PE Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Horsey and C. B. Taylor, Miss Mildred Selle ¥r1 Miss Mildred Horsey, Ottawa, are ig : - E. a i Mrs. Day, Mrs. Hugh Ryan, Miss Eth- : Hl = 9 i SS ¢l Keut, Miss Norah Macnee, Mrs. | the Bueats of gin 5 hole, at SLISS " 5 i HAPPINE Frank Ryan, Mi Norah Martin, | Mark's Fectary, rele eld. | > 4 ¥ | { Miss Lillie and Miss Margarer Mur- 4 ie in . faa | ray, Mrs. D. G. Laidlaw, Mrs, R, Ug-| Miss Alix Garvin, Ottawa, has) HA garet Cunningham, Miss Helen Kay, Miss Bessie Power and : Pein 3 Marriage Licenses, Wedding Alleen Folger, | Dr. 8. M. Polson let this week Rings * ws | for New; York, Those people (and they Mr, ad Mrs. Garnet Lockett, Tan |. a : . Wiliams Nock are man ) who read the | street, entertained 'at dimmer 'on| ry +E. J. F. y iinams, aor . ordeal of an eye examin- § | Monday evening in honour of Miss | COL ag Euest of der rents, b ation are agreeably aston- Sally Quirk and Lieut. Walter Mac.] C0 ad Mrs, C. N. Spooner, Fron- A a Te or cuekts were My |1é0AC street rd ished to find that, as made nes When sie other gu opt ar y "| Miss Norma Telgmann, who has by us, it causes no pain, § land, Mr. and Mrs. W. I Macnee [heen iy Now York for the lat. tyo i s rR Hon elan Kos Vet % Troe Imonths farthering er ar as -a d socom fort, or inoonven- A . Mrs. Douglas, New York, JF. Doug | violinist with the world-famous vir fence. J 1 las, Miss Norah Macnee and Miss Juoso teacher, Prot. Leopol Auer, is eweiers Ethel Kent, spending the holidays in Brooklyn b % z : . fwith her asin, Mrs, C, W. Tracey. Limited Mrs. 1, SL, Alert street, Is] apps Rrancis Botterell, who came ' entertaining at a sk party to-luy from afontréal to-day for the night in honor of Miss Nevada Best {'Macnea-Quirk wedding, Is the guest . 'Ang We Use No : Established 1840 23 . fof Mrs, James: Cappon, Barrie Drugs. King Street, Kingston This year the weekly teas at the | street Curling Rink will be held on Tues-|{ N¥fisg Cunslill, New. Y5rk, is the day instead of Wednesday guest of Mrs. W, H. Macnee, Union » » » i Keeley Jr, M.0.D.0 ys i A NA A A Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Macnee are | Mr, and Mis. Stephen Roughton, y Key Je CLOTHING ON EASY entertainiig at dinner to-morrow [Ki street, have returned from 4 : | AAA Ann | Bolloville * 3 TERMS a, i - - = : 4 226 Princess Street 4 Ladies* Suits; Dresses and Furs, "oi Mrs. Sydenhagm Or MeGilt is X . RT rs. Morgan i Gentlemen's Suits and Overcoats, {visiting her daughter, A The Brn a Store, fpen | that low, Mrs. Johu McKay, Mrs, H. N.|been visiting Mrs. Waters in' Bplie- eit, Mrs, H, T. J. Coleman, Mrs, J.| Ottawa on Thursday "after sponding : _ . Bott: Mes: A. Tofield. Mrs | the past week with her sisters, the : ! : 3 y , r Mr. and Mrs, A. 'W. Browne, Barrie ridge , Mrs, 'W, BE. Mae] . ' Keeley Je, ODO, || mms je PRR ROL RL ' Mnith Ara (YA; smith. Mrs. 1 | Canon and Mes. Walsh in Brampton, $ } k : Mrs. J. | Smith, Mrs. Gordon Smith, Mrs. J Mi Isobel Macausiand whe his . 2 Mrs, W. Crothers, Miss Minnie Croth- | i hed to Toronto, King street, to- ers, Mrs. W. J. Gibson, Mrs, Hi jyaX.. . SEASON Dias, W. 3. Gibson, Mrs. Hareld| 90%, Edith Garlapd, Ottawa, who ( 'W ( al Miss | 180d sailed for Canada this week. 1 | ' ile. Phone 59, | tobertson, Mrs J. Gorrie, Miss Adal" Mrs. ©. F. Constantine and hes Birch, Mrs. R. J, CQardiner, Mrs, | aa atk a % : , 3 1 ri S$. TT. 8 rg. | Baby, who are at int Euglani 4 PEACE i be Su. ane ELS CRE appy -- Ea ES | ' V5. Mrs. Garnet Lock.] Miss Kate Fraser js returning to RE 4. Eiliot, Mis. if. A. Robert Pari. | Missés Fraser, Barrie street, CHRISTMAS C. Gurd, Mus I Phelan, Nine loan with Mrs. R. 8. Waldron, re- Davis, Mrs. Hubert Ryan, Misa Mar-| TO OUR FRIENDS AND CUSTOM IS THE SINCERE --, AI f . son, Mrs, F, Cays, Mrs, Garnet Lock-| v mr should bring to . ) R. Easton Burns, Mrs ? Pr ; Y or Phelan, George Mc | Tas been doing V.AND. work in Eng- Li it d + NEHER EEA a |Jellett in Toronte N. Morris, 374 King St.| £ 4 / { Mr. and<Mrs. W. E. Rees and Mr. fand Mrs. Ira Kipp motored from hhh ----. i STORE HOURS FOR JANUARY & FEBRUARY 8.30 to 5.30 Daily Except Saturday JANUARY SALES On Friday, Jan. 3rd, our greatest of all sweeping clearance sales starts with a colossal list of wonderful bar- gain opportunities, all of standard quality merchandise :priced to clear disregarding cost or former selling price. * . dada a A Gananoque and spent Monday in town. Mrs, W. H. Craig and her child- fren, who are staying with Miss | Bessie Sniythe, West street, expect to move nto their own house on {Gore street early in January, Ad » - * { | Dr. Leslie Coleman, visiting his F 5 : ' LEH Sik Rl {brothier, Dean Coleman, at Rose. CN CE rE | "ha, Dia et L Fo AR { lawn." left today for New York. permi his JOvVous iy ! | Vernon Crawford, BA., B.Sc. after We cannot ' tet Joy ) 1 {a week in the city has refurned to eason to pass without thanking our | Pittsfield, Mass. 8 to . g Mrs. Aykroyd, Kingston, is in Moh- many loyal friends for the manner | treat visiting her son and daughter. jin-law, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Ayk- " . 1 * in which they have Sotiled to royd until after the New Year. Peri i. Botting and Miss Gertrude Bot- the success and Pros Hy ve ave BLACK | ting, Kingston, spent Christmas with J rin: e las weive | their parents, Mr. and Mri. James enjoy u g | Botting, Westport. months | Miss Isabel Benjamin, Yarker, is | the guest of her uncle and aunt, Mr. May the New Year bring you a {and Mrs. F. C. Mulkin, Ottawa, full measure of all the best things of | 'Murray Barker, Kingston, spent life. RE ERT | the week end at his home In West- | port, ® » - - x Capt. and Mrs. George Shortt, St. { Anne de Bellevue, spent Christmas ~0 { with the former's parents, Dr. and { Mrs. Adam Shortt, Ottawa. ! Mr. and Mrs. R. PF. Segsworth, Tor- FOR CHRISTMAS onto, arrived in town today to spend New Year's with Mr. and Mrs, Ww. B. Dalton, Johnson street. Lieut. and Mrs. Terry Maunsell s are spending a few days in Ottawa. Miss Bessie Robertson, Union street, left on Sunday for Halifax to Clspénd a month with friends. - * - Sir 'Herbert Holt is giving a dance i RL for his son Cadet Robert Holt, of v the Royal Military College, on New THREE FULL Yedr's night, at their residence on 1h Stanley atrgst, Montreal. LOTS FOR SALE Mrs, W. J. Robluson, 43 Division street, will receive on ursday of this week. Her daughter-in-law, Mrs. , 9 > On Nelson Street: {l/s bn. Robinson, formerly Miss Mur- |S , - iel Robertson of Ottawa, will receive = - £ : CHEAP With or : A {Continued on' Page 10.) Preliminary details will appear in these columns Thursday. aT TTT TTR Insurance and Real Estate. 89 Brock Ne. W. H. Godwin & Son || ™E ALLies screen IS "The Woman's Store of Kingston" timistic Views Regardi or Approaching Peace " 'Conference. Paris, Dec, 21.---The sentigiont ji Peace Congress circles after anotfier week of ocovferences is distinetly brighter, and a spirit of optimism lias taken the place of i which has : WE TO PA' AND| fame, vem