% AA PACES 22 Bat YEAR 86. NO, 2 # The Daily British Whig KINGSTON. STAs | FRIDAY. JARU ARY A 3, 1919 ER . SECOND SECTION To EEE ENA SEERA ECR RRA A EE EER R RARER ARENA RENAN NEE RE NAR ER RRR AR RRA AR RRRRAA 2 w . itt Ri A ", ~ vast stock must be reduced at once. We want a quick clearance, -snapped up." This mammoth sale transcends all previous January ~ Bargains Chamoisette Gloves -- 300 pair white, natur- al and grey fine qual: ity chamoisette gloves in sizes 6 and 6} only. Reg. 75¢. Sale price 48¢c. ette Eh with Plo, ' points. Reg. $1.25 a pair. Sale price 95¢. Fleece Lined Gloves-- 240 pair black 'and white fleece lined gloves. at 50c apair. price 39¢c.. Ladies' Cashmere Hose --600 pair black and cream cashmere hose Sale = this | is a Suplicate of ne run at | the splendid li our November sales, a 75¢ value for 59¢. Sale price 49¢. 300: pa pair black cashimer:" ette stockings. A spec- ial value at 35c a pair. Sale price 29¢ or 4 pair for $1.00. 120 pair of fine soft wool cashmere hose, a regu- lar $1:25 value. Sale price 89c. * | 60 pair all wool cash- mere hose with silk em- broidery in sizes 9, 9} ~ and 10. Reg. $1.00 a pair, Safe price 48c. 144 pair pure wool black cashmere hose in sizes 9 and 94. Reg. $1.50. Sale price 98c. - We guarantee. every pair of gloves and hose to be exactly as de- scribed and- in every case to be less than wholesale cost. ; : Children's Ribbed Hose, 150. pair "black and cream cashmerette rib- : bed Special . value A sweeping cloatance with counties bargains. The most stupendous array v of bargain values ever offered in Kingston. Time is short, hence such astonishingly low prices. Come to-morrow for first choice--the choicest values will soon be efforts. ~ Commencing Saturday ; Continuing to Sat.Jan. 11 A SENSATIONAL CLEARANCE OF ALL WINTER READY-TO- 'WEAR! In pursuance of our policy néver to carry merchandize from one season to another we have placed without re- . serve our entire collect- ion of high-grade Coats, Suits, Dresses, - Blouses, Underskirts and Millin- ery. we WARM' W INTE R COATS -- Our entire' collection of New York cloth: and fur-trimmed coats in a splendid as- __sortment of styles, sizes and colors. Priced from $16.50 to $75.00. in ladies' 'and misses'; and from $5.00 to $15.00 in children' s coats--to clear. Sale price Less 33 1-39. : DRESSES --In three choice assortments. Silk poplin dresses in misses' and women's sizes.. Priced to $17.50. Sale price .. .. . . $995 Silk and Sylk jersey dresses pricéd from $22. 50 to $32.50. Sale.price .. .. . . . $14.95 Silk, satin, crepe-de- chene, georgette. serge and copn- " bination dresses priced from $19.50 on up to - $75.00. each. Sale price less 207. BLOUSES Our entire collection of the smartest New York georgette crepe, crepe de chene, habu- tai, taffeta and lingerie waists--the greatest and most complete stock ever offered for a special sale --for your choice. Sale price, Less 20%. MILLINERY- Your unlimited choice of ladies' trim. 'med and untrimmed hatstand lids for kids, at all : prices. Sale price, less 50%.. NO APPROBATION. NO RETURNS ALLOWED. New York Suits | Mew Model . ( "orsets a . 15 dozen fleece-lined vests in the natural ghade, 9 dozen natural union vests. English Bed Comforters 35 only, McLintock's sanitary ventilated feather down bed comforters in a beautiful assortment of col- orings in art sateen, silk and satin in a full assortment of sizes... These celebrated comforters arrived from England toq late for the holiday trade, so rather than carry them over we have prepared to sacrifice all pro- fit for a quick turnover. Reg. 8.50 to > $25. 00 each. Sale price, Less 25%. Women's Wa arm Winter Underwear VES: I'S--10 dozen heavy winter vests in white; spec- ial values at 75¢ to 90c. Sale price 67¢, Reg. 85c a garment. * Sale price 59¢: A splendid value to-day at 75¢c. Sale price 59c¢. 18 dozen Penman quality wool vests, worth $1.75 a garment. Sale price $1.39. i With drawers to match at the same prices. COMBINATIONS Zenith brand combinations in short and long sleeves, ankle length. Sale price, 3 ~ $1.69. 8 dozen short sleeved and knee length combinations; 'worth. $1 75 a suit. Sale price $1.59. ATTENTION ! ~~ MEN! Mein 've bkirmsicm miabet o paciul Wh hs esiiacs An a i oa once vi rs oe Jy prices. ' Quantities are limited. Be early ! SOOUKS--600 pair black cashmerette the city, Sale price 25¢. | 820 and ir, Fle rk BATH dae Socks splindil value at 35¢ a ~ "12 dozen genuine stock-taking is at hand and our January. B Suna White Flannelette--900 yards of soft, fleecy flannelette, full 25 in- ches wide. Worth 23¢ a yard. Sale price 17¢ 1200 yards of white sha- ker flannel, full 27 in- ches wide. Worth 27¢ a yard. Sale price 19¢ 750 yards extra heavy - soft fleecy . flannielette, full 36 inches wide. Worth 50c a yard. Sale price 39¢c. Colored Striped Flannel- ette--480 yards only, of the best - domestic flannelette in good assortment of eolors-- full 29 inches wide. A special value at 23c a yard. Sale price 19c. American Flannel 950. yards waisting flannel "mill ends": of from 2 to 10 yards. - Reg. 48¢c: a yard. Sale price 35¢. Huck Towels--10 dozen pure linen (J. S. Brown make) hemstitched towels, size 18 x 36. Reg. $1.25. Sale price 89c or $1.75 a pair. "Old Bleach Towels" "Old . Bleach" - (name on ' selvage), pure linen huck towels, size 18 x 36. Special value at $1,00 each. Sale price 75¢. Huck Towelling + 300 yards John S. Brown _ pure linen huck towel- ling, full 18 inches wide. A splendid... value | at $1. 5 yard. Sale price 75c. | Tea Towelling -- 750 'yards red checked tea - fling; - full 27 in- © towe chee wide Worth 35c., proms b Roller Prowalling 1250 socki-- value sold special at 8c a pair yards heavy cotton rol- ler towelling with red border. Worth Oc a of American / 5