_THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, JANUARY 3, 19 g. SULLIVAN PREFERRED TO ST AD AND FIGHT John L. Believed That Dancing Was Not Necessary in the Boxing Game. The mM W Newman TTT, (0 a wa ating FH dn \ ! his manager in 1880 that Joho L. Prone 44 J 167 Princess St. Sullivay's, Ee cavesr saally 'boguns KINGSTON (01 ey) - 5 livan knocked out several good men, including George Rook, J. Donald- son, Jack Burns, Jim Dalton ' and Fred Crossly. In these affairs Sulli-; van learned something of ring taetics but his education -in that direction | never progressed very far. Orikin- ally. he insisted upon standing in one place and defy his opponent to come within reach, which meant 'good night" for said opponent. \ Madden finally convinced him that i» was Jdesifable to move about a { bit, bwt the only. concession Sullivan would make, was a ferocious rush. *S1 ani a fighter," he declared, "not a dancing master." For a dozen years his tactics, consisting of a right swing, a downward left 'punch and a straight°drive with the right, proved enough except in the case of Tug Wilson. The latter,"an English box- er with much skill, but minus the punch, escaped Sullivan's rushes and swings. forfour rounds, and thus wen a pot of money offered by Madden to any fightér who could stand up four rounds against Sullivan. For Something Refreshing Ask For St. Lawrence Ale & Porter Ring Phone 645 For a Case. "A. Tyo, 473 Princess Street i A. Clarke Taylor, only Son of Henry Taylor, died at the Yamily re- 'sidence, Belleville, on Monday. De- ceased was born in Belleville -twen- ity-five years ago. Kingston Care in growth and maturing of the choice i ¢ Havana leaf--care in its selection--care in its for } inspeection of the finished cigar, : § mae WERE IE UNTO oe a * Anorew WILSON & 0 227, £007 F WORE RE i SDEIRES n the World of Sport COAST RABES A HOWL. Bays N. H. I. Must Make a Change in Their Schedule. "Unless the National Hockey League rearranges its schedule to permit of the winning team being on the coast in time to meet the Pacific Coast Hockey Association champions mn the Stanley Cup series in the first game around Mareh 17th, an appeal will he taken to the cup trustee, W, M, Foran. and the easicrners asked to comply with the conditions gov- erning cup series set forth in the agreement drafted and signed by the rival leagues three years ago," said President Frank Patrick, of the Pa- cific Coast Hockey Association' in Vancouver. The agreement calls for the first cup game to be played each spring not later than March 15th. The coast schedule calls for the final game on March 10th, and the play- off will then take place, ang, if ne- cessary, the winners will be ready to play the eastern champfons on March 16th in the first game. The NH. IL. have gamds scheduled right up until March 14th, and then will follow the play-off series Old-time Boxer Meets Death. Pte. Thomas J. Coyne, a once famous pantamweight ' boxer, died recently in a French hospital from an. attack of pneumonia. ° "'Scetiy" Coyne, as he was known to boxing fans went overseas as a member of the 87th Canadian Infantry = Bat- italion apd participated in seyeral battlés with the Maple Leafers. About fifteen years ago he was recognized as oné of thb greatest bantams in the east. One of his most important ring contests was staged in Gloucester, Mass., with Kid Goodman. The bout. was a fif- teen-round affair and .resulted in 'a vietory for "Scotty." * . Golf-driving Machine. J. W. Porter, 8 Winnipeg golf en thusiast, machine which is something of a nov- elty. The drive is made from a mat in the regular way, but the ball} is captive in that it travels along a wire and hits a small target about twelve feet away... When the target is forced back it sends an arm at the sid@ forward, A loose ball, which 8 in an inclined runway, is forced up the Tunway by the arm, and the harder the hit the farther the ball travels up the incline. Markings on Ithe runway indicate the distance the The drive- attached ball would have gone. ball has a brass eyelet which keeps it on the wire. ee -------------- v World's Serjes Earlier. According to Ban Johnson, the world's baseball series will start pext year about October at It is plan- ned to have the ational and Ameri- can Leaguers cloge their pennant ADVERTISED OR : : ALWAYS THE LOWEST O ~ Owing to the fact that we find we have not sufficient Spackto carry boys' clothing, we have decided to close ou nie at Juis nosde no Xa0giratle TL gL to the letter , a » orth which we were f . his te sale. This sale will continue un this means to you. We must turn otir boys' goods into-cash speedily. Such an _ the money saving sweets of this banquet of values can or will say that we have markable claims, but ne Everything will be A in plain figures and one price to all, BOYS' DARK TWEED SUITS, Bloomer Pants. Sizes 24 to 30. 54. 75 races on or about September. 25th. dos als . A ' ' er since newspapers were first printed are claims being backed qup as 8 iy are being backed up at t has Invented a new drivingy FIRLDS STILL NEEDE D. Revivals in E ngland W ill Depend on Military. Work. King George gave recently his heartiest support to the proposed re- vival of soccer on ite old scale by sending the governing body, of which he is the patrom, a telegram express- ing the hopg that the sport would come back stfoug and soon, or words to that effect, A Cricket has not been far behind soccer in its preparations for a large | year: in 11919, ~The . question | of { county matches and other fixtures i will be affected largely by the gues- tion of grounds. So many athletic fields in Great Britain are still -in the hands of the military or naval or aviation forces, and some of them have 'been so grips altered by trenches, build- in8s and other war-like necessitios that the question of the revival of a mumber of sports will depend largely upon. first, how 'soon the grounds will be turned over to the athletes by the Government, and secondly, how soon the damage may be repaired. Racing Popular in Australia, The war did not have an adverse effect on racing in Australia. Al though a large percentage of the young men of the ' country "were overseas "in uniform, thoroughbred facing was more popula than eve. The largest crowd in the history 6f racing in Australia saw the vecent' running of 'the Metbourne Chp, which is the biggest event of its kind in the Island Continent. It 'is: estimated that over 90,000 persons' were in the enclosure on the day off {the race, Of these, 82,000 paid ad- mission and the others were admit- ted free of charge. Racing in Aus- tralia pays a big - revenue to the Government. Last year. the tax, afr the "betting "machines totatted- "31 a 000,000, and thig year the anfbunt will be much larghr, § Plan Winnipeg Memorial. President Boyd, of the A. A. U. of C., speaking at a banquet in Winni- peg, bringing the baseball season of 1918 to a close, urged the baseball- ers to co-operate in the proposed me- morial to athletic heroes to be erect- ed in Winnipeg, and encouraged them in the plans to Promote a Ca- { nadian amateur baseball association oni"the lines of the present Canadian Amateur Hockey Association. ~Resume Cycle Ruces. The Paris I.'Auto announces that a great winter cycling season is in pre- f paration in. France. Should mili- tary matters pan out as expected, re- marked the writer, next February will see the famous Bol d'Or race, a 24-hour. event created in 1894 and interrupted since 1914 In March OVE RCOA WEHAVE A COMPLETE RANGE OF * FIT "REFORM WINTER OVERCOATS PRICES ARE REASONABLE -INSPEC- A TION INVITED % CrawfordeWalsh Tailors Resolved! That the Slogan of Boyd's Garage For the Year 1919, Is: Service * "i & a A 'service that is made up of courteous treatment; fair and square dealing in all transactions; smallest repairs. prompt attention given tothe A trial convinces. YOURS FOR BETTER AND. BIGGER = +» SERVICE }* Boyd George 129 Brock Street : Phone. 201 plans have been made to Tun the six day's race. > BOYS' F UR BAND CAPS - Assorted sizes. Sale NOW WE FIRE OUR GUN It's Echo will Be Heard Throughout Frontenac County ? suit----anythin in boys' wear at less than cost price. Think what a saving avely Boyp o oh Bellish a ao Not one of the multitude who will taste the NOT, THE LION'S PRICES ARE You have probably read newspapers containing re= 5c BOYS' BLOOMER PANTS "Sale Sale price, less than - $10.50 $15.00 Suits. Sale price .3 Sw n im en § > ni 7.50 A FEW MEN'S : SPECIALS FOR sizes and patterns. § Sale' price loss dhan THIS SALE. tain MEN'S NECKWEAR. 10. dozsn Ties; as= neat patterns. Regular 78c ; sorted value, Sale price. til the - entire boys® stock is sold out. - . GOAT during this gigantic sale, , Wo are giving = big reduition. on every overcoat owing 10 the extremely mild esther. We LA Shing Sue 2 Yor awe oe 16 moans daiahs 16 you,