Daily British Whig (1850), 3 Jan 1919, p. 3

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oa THE DAILY. BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, JANUARY 3 1919. ae ___PAGE THREE mrt Probs: Saturday, fair and quite cold. SY Steacy's Stupendous | 'Specials || ANNUAL Hickey's Speedy Capo ne lf 1 JANUARY Short Stop owe ina ae Wine Cod Liver Oil... .B0c and $1.50 ~ i Emulsion Cod Liver Oil, Boe and 81. Chilblain Cure .... ....2%5¢ Eureka Corn Cure ,.. ..25¢ 3 Best's Balm ... i HO : i Dover's Cold Breakers' v7 Lae Best's i The Popular Drug Store. Open i Sundays X 1s AE Bfanch 2018 WHITE, RED AND : ON ALL BLACK OUR SR - STOCK, INCLUDING OX DIAMONDS, a rc Nl A "FROM. 7 3 id i JANUARY us? = 3 Setts Il 2nD TO 15TH || THEE oY od rand Sp HONOR EAN A ANE, FOR CHRISTMAS above the German flag on :Dep Tag" GOUR D | ER SMITH BROS. MTEL ES NE = EE mE Starts To-morrow with the most splendid bargain list ever of- fered in the history of this store. See First Page of Supp lement for Details Start the new year right--the Steacy-way of saving money while you spend | it. These i . Bargains i in . Are an overflow that Tack of space on secial page advi forbid enumerating. To be well and strong throughout thé winter every doctor prescribes warnt wearables--and these may be had in all pure wool at less than the cost of cotton mixed and shoddy garments. For Children BRUSHED WOOL SCARFS-_ | 8 dozen brushed wool sear An in plain'and eombination color effects, all the wanted shades : --special values at 90c each. Sale price, each . 15 dozen brushed wool scarfs in solid and combination colors. Reg. $1.00, Saleprice .. . ... .... T= 12 dozen, reg. $1.25. Sale price. . . 20 dozen, reg. $1.50. Sale price . . . 10 dozen, reg. $1.75. Sale price . . . "5 dozen, reg. $2.00. Sale price A TOQUES ¢ In every imaginable style, color and size--720 in all for your choice in brushed, plain and fancy wool. Priced at 35¢, 50c, 60c¢; 75¢; 85¢, 90¢, $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50, in plain and com- bination color effects for boys, girls and misses. Your un- limited choice. Salepriceless.. .. .. .. .. Tis 1-3% WOOL CLOUDS granu In black, white, red and grey. Priced from 25¢ to 3. 00. Sale priceless .. .... o ah 1 25% i KNITTED SUITS 108 kiddies' pure wool knitted and brushed wool suits in Sette of twa and Bites plekes; all the desirable shades gre shown he x Jame rete rom size 18 to 30 --perfect fitting, well made garments will br. lieve." ng rnin 5 Ed _ a = give ly satisfaction. Priced Tegularly f from n $24 00 on up to . | and Miss Bmma Suofton, of Poronte. : ud : $8. 50. Sale price less . > a 33 1-3% PE lers S Lat tinier and See lop" s -- Bay Vie Jewe Ww. + AN Nan IME MBE MED B Y [Clark, of the Dental College, Toron- . . S JAY SCHOOL. to, is with his: father, James Clark Limited enn re / Superintendent For Nearly Forty [ 'or Jarre Late TI as Clarke i E Established 1840 Yeaars--Corpl. Warren Hartley | faite 3 hor he larkse s » Anne. th re eo ; Me, Cyril Sm 4 etur King Street, Kingston -- $1 ry a Swatiman -Jetuen | [oseuspey a gon son Desember i Sth of homas Clarke, ollowing 12 uch Hnxs ia Joluten; ad- "I Battersea, Dec. 81.--The annual gn attnck of inflienza and pneu- Just Ble any a = 9 erat Snr Christmas tree entertainment of 'monia. Deceased was forty-eight wood werking condition. Must be ' NEW FREN the Methodist Sunday scheol was yéars of age, and was born at sold to male room for more mo- THE held. in the Orange Hall on Chtist- , Waupoos, being a son of Ezékie dern machluéry we sre lustall- TT mas Eve. Notwithstanding the Clarke. of Picton. He is survived sietn. See un wbout that new con APIO SN: fierce storm which, held forth out- hy his wife and two daughters, The AP ION 03 side the hall was ( to the doors: {Tuner fl took plac 'eon December 3 for Host & The entertainmént provided by fhe !3lst to St. John's chiirch, interment Meanes & Slack i tot Baan On tor Ohromic eRiEnedns, school was Of a high order, especi- being made - at Ww aupooy cemetery, ri aily the flag drill put on by Mrs. {Rey Mr. Webster, of Milford, offi. AB Queen Street, |! pe PR TEN is of |UodHng's class of girls, including ted 1 Th 1 he WORD * T class 8 & ciated at the servic 1e patibear- Sis aioe waned wor The GRNUINE PACKETS: recitation on "The Flag" by Miss ers were H x Clarke Do H. paiAtice Jamisson: and a chorus by 'the Clarke, brothers of deceased: D. EE class. A good dialogue entitled; | Williams, J. Shepherd, J. Leavitt, "You're Dreaming," was well put [brothers-in law, and E. Clirke, ne- Eo by Misg "KE. Anglin's class, assist: iphew. "Among the relaiives present = ed by two of the girls, and a splen- | wele Harry J. Clarke, {irst officer Ei chorus, "Take Me Back tolof [the navy, North Sydney, Cape £5 Canada, * by the ladies' adult Bible | Breton, ' =n | The tree was well laden with | Late Mrs, Speriy "Snider. =n for the ehildren and some of! Verona, Dec. $1.<On December =the 'grown ups.' Santa Claus was (22nd, 1018, the deuth angel passed =! {represented by Fred Langlord. Atlover the home ' of Sperry Spider, {the close of the entertainment. the | Godfrey, taking bis beloved young EH == superintendent: W. J. Anglin, was wie --after---- Week's THESE of In. 5 presented with. a handsome fumed [fluen?a, aged twenty-two years: De- ! , = oak Morris chalr on behalf of the [cessed Was one of the mdst beauti- ee ; ; ' = vires sehonl ; JeeOinpunied oy ap ful among young women, possessing 4 address eulogizing him for his long 'a mild an! genio disposition, tak: . 500 ibs. Western Round Steak, per Ib. 28¢ [and faithful services as senior su- ing with her as her atic "Christ perintendent. Mr. Anglin was 1ak- {firs(," and dearly loved by all who Boneless: Pot Roast, per 1b. ' .25¢ en completely by surprise, but re- knew her, Grace os Ler maid. iplied feelingly and gratefuly In.ac-len name wag a gradi nurse. of - Oven Roast {western beef), per 1b. epting the gift. He has filled the [Kingston Hospital, graduating. June 'St Beef, 'Boneless per 1b. 2 "9296 psiticn .for aboat forty years, {15th, 1917. ~ There. are left te ewing ' Corpl. Warren Hartley and Pte. [mourn her loss besides her bereay- Rib Roast, per 1b. .25¢ (Cyril Swailiman. have retin ad from |ed husband, her father, Levi Storms, 'ovarseds ey .enliste in 1916, {residing neay Verona, three sisters 500 lbs. Sweet Pickled Potk, p per hb. .32¢ and went over with the 146th. The land twa brothers: Mrs. 8. J, Deys, 'former was only fifteen years .of Mrs. A. Card, Mrs, Zara Ball, Vers ~200 tbs. 'Sweet Pickled Shoulders; 1b. Be age oo #6 joined up Both luna: Joseph Storms; Kingston' aud] 8¢ == reac France and saw consider- | Frank, Vefona. 1000 large t Tomatoes; per tin -- ~ 252 able service. ' Pie. Smallman was CORSET ~-- » Sn Beef Tender erioms, Hearts, Kidneys, Ox == severely wounded inthe back and Presentation at Northbrook. § left arm at the battle of Courcelette. Northbrook, Dec. 31.--A pleasant : 'Tails. Fi Renn through almost evening was spent at the home of y A is real age was Mrs. William Both on } Dec, 19th, Home made Sausage, Ib. ' AER ry ( y & H8 was taken out of the fw hen her sister, 'Miss Adda Presiar, : neh | put into the tailoring became the re¢ipient of many use- New England Sausage; ib, RE partment. Subsequently he was [ful gifts, after which a lunch' was Little Pig Sausage, 1b. oF : ven olticer's training. course served. Many friends and 'relatives ig his stripe. » gathered to show the great respect 500 bs. Mild Cured Hams, per Ib. . fhe epidemic is visiting the lin which: they hold 'Miss Preslar.| it missed in its first |Rev. Mr. Richmend read an address (Whole or half) x : # {and thatked Miss Preslar for her : : $ : =| Rev. W. Ww. Anglin, who is now [sefvices in the church. Miss Pres. et on ss = farming and ranching extenshvely [lar made a happy reply. The fel h WM. DAVIES C0 a Limited on Manitoulin Island, spent Christ~[lowing Saturday Miss . Preslar left S " . == i 8 at his home here. He wus a|for Ditawy to visit her sister, Mi¢ . delegate at the. recent United Farm-|Camphelt : Princess Street ie "Phone 597. jers' Convention in Toronto, and 'was Canada Food Board License No. 9-87381. elected as one of its directors, {5 NS 5, Pt, ore be, vin in 'he west refurned home recently. RR) AE HT re tr EEA SE 1 See Srelding id Pda mong p § ! Ty | friends here. rs. Brown aly-| B = = b u es Ane Hf oke, Mass, is Hy sister. | . { OVERALLS « . i Lats. 8. Lake, al the Granite House. |' g i Hand W Thompson, of Mountain} i 144 wool overalls in scarlet; cardina grey and whité. fi rove, ere, Chvisiuut Evens: ot a = ( Priced from $1.50 to $3.75. Sale price less hr 25% their sister, Mrs. Ralph = Sleeth. ; Huogubone, - of Watertown, ia with friends here for the \ ~ gh y is SWEATERS . = iss Ha teacher eS Se R22 HE y = 105 pure wool sweaters in brushed: and plain Knits; in solid 5s : --" and combination color effects, the sizes are 2 to 34. Priced from $3.50 up to $6.95. Sale. priceless . aa .3313% This i bsolutely the Ce nil saat Viagiet aale EM This saul ae of Toronto---No reser article marked in plain figures. ~**%:7"" 0 Re SEE FULL PAGE ADVT. FIRST PAGE OF SUPPL

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