WHO WON THE WAR? should co-operation cease after| - DOOM Quietly and with mo notadé pt 2 1 ake a _Ghg From Pot fam's angust banque y alebration: the soldi 1 ie ie - con I : _~ here | blaze of glory sho 4 ' Cu Are returning to 5 rn a me a . Nenad 23 any's proud. chijgls acelaim-| & : . " United States, Ir aT it ap-| : she oni . i The splendor of my thre Tne { ré, are different scenes as the | Bran yo 11 sought my peaceful royal couct : SHERI 218 of autocracy o« back dozen nil 3 { 7 do fien all the guests were fov ! { _ AT Bi a > Tp -------- : ith - bands' plaving "Di schiland verg anu fp RE Fas ith -hands" playing De wi fad > 4 * ug 1 ioughts I lay me down Alles the regiments march X i fo ' 198 4 ne ha fate - the German capiial Rugiuenta) hi ak Ee he _ bald ! wi Jules BY an Niquestioned Fight! ; 'MEN'S AND BOYS' WEAR widards are crowned with laurel, are .covered with flowers, hel-|the teachers; und ook after all dhe | RINNE Var gmumerce, | science, KINGSTON'S ONE PRICE CLOTHING STORE. i t R imattefs { ¢ on' eneral » Ih bi tors. "orn Ebert from is rostram [THe coustcy could do uo much more|. TO & fassFeuchieds great. | . THE STORE THAT KEEPS THE PRICES DOWN. JOT) ST BOE : é I GH than the sc 1 an ' boy . congratulates the homecoming ler joa = . And then'l slept, and in my sleep . EOE: : e ! N A ed my soul; Briar AeA ie . £0 i | My glorie all" were swept away, iT 3 . } wr RL lang. > Have @een/ Made "and Denied About| | 1 heard war's thunders roli, } 3 Who won the war? It soems al Distinguished Pair. | And earth was torn with rage and} at ! 5 x] matter "of sojpe doubt. Germany Ag tain derogatory statements | i hate { ory aC ive 3004 & L # ' bs § says: "We lost a smaller percentage | regarding the Ma and Marehion~ and ruin from pole to pele v i once | 988 of Al 1 a emair, in con { of our adult we alos than did Frene I nection wi otr visit to the United | The honor all mankind had, held and Seml-Weekly Bs A large' part of France is a ruin, States, -an ir recent departure For my Tmperial name i SH WHIG PUBLISHING | while our land is untouched. The| have appear: in Canhdian papers, | Seemed turiied by some foul dev 00, LIMITED. debt France staggers under is more! and are believed by sole, we are | +o Blots .. . -:. President | ner capita tlian our 'own. On the|@sked to give 'publication to the fol- OW I ok. ov poval MEN'S WOOLEN SWEATER : MEN'S UNDERWEAR A Guia |... J Bditor and 2 lowing statement from the Britigh|™2Y crown v 8 + my Toval Managing Bireotor. whol¥, we are eating more." . oad RE aroha > 3 sabes H A : 3 fermany, whi ) . Yor Marshal, oh Were fined to rigs of shame! i : "COATS .- Sizes 34 to 42. 'Penman' 8 win- Is Germany, which recognizes the York city . value of staging scenes Yor outside "In answer to your question; I heg FE Co ' i Sizes 34 to 42. "Military and effect, aware of the Impression her] to state that the Marquis and Mar-| Germany great Goethe sang, i | tht. elastic wool ribbed jubi¥ation makes? It is to be. as chioness af Aberdeen and Temair left | And Mozart made divine, ' shawl collar styles. Browns, ter weig : (hi tl x Americs a 'of their own wolition on din. | Fhe treasuré trusted to my hands sumed that is. and that shel aqucion of their. shi y suecessful| . At heir of Frederick's line, greys, blues, maroons, etc. Fx- Shiite and drawers. Extra spec- means to convey to the world the idea | on 'to this. Riry } ag l4y shattered round my ruine d hous se | ' MIS 16 Convey. {g th 4 The. en | mission he wo 'rmrongh some mad fault '6f mine! tra special value at $2. 98 each. i ial value, 98c per garment. td MEE | oes who have mrotected the father i DEROGATORY ST ATE ME NTS TON RATES a that she repents nothing and thatthe collection fur for the Wo-| Sta ws y = 4 F xp ah she aol Men National r Association of ca emi Weekly JBaition oe if opportunity offers what she has I elind ! wi me T God! the terror of that dream Jan Nail, ph Be advance' e fit "80 done she will d{ again. "From figures,and staienients sub-| N6 mortal man has felt; & year do | Sai y rt | mitted to this office it would Re he 11 sweated drops of. ood, 1 i] . six and onthe oe b THAT Civ 10 SU RP r v S. that Lord and Lady Aberdeen were My marrow seemed to melt SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVE In these days of municipal deficits, instrumental in" sending to Ireland In that dread france a nameless hour ! "Im W. Thompson, 57 Mail Bldg. Toronto wks ps<feel kind ©f chésty to noarly $100,000; and that this money { In Hell itself"T awelt! : | ] TR Rita Owen, 123 St. Peter St., Munt- ropedt: tha = Kuigaton nded = 191% was Juised, af mm extréemaly low out-| pea :3 S50 ended 2 x . i x sak a ¢ " 1 rMrup, fth iH lay, Lord Abe sin hrimsel! standing | And thén I woke; thank God, 1 woke, Sr ¥ No TRruB- 1510 Absin Bide. Chicks with a surplus, Tor the second year{most of the expenses of the trip to And quick turned on the light; i e Nn in succession, when, according to all! this country.' . i My mirror showed an ashen face, 'on Fd -- aa rules. of mundcipal Eoverngiont we "The British Assistant Provost|{ Contorted, drawn with ifright; BY or the Actual name of the oN he : Marshal in Ney York paid Lord and | Twas mine! What? Wilhelm con- 0 writer. ____ |should have had w deficit like nearly Lady Aberdeon the. re pect of aiding] guered : HH . Atta tpa a one of the best Job | every, other municipality But theselthem" in every way possible, and he| By a vi ifn of the nig nt? | ' Srinting Imicen In Canada are also dave w hen, even. the hard and would any other dis guished Brit ii : { y mi fast rules of warfare Nava been] ishers visiting this eouniry, who, lke; But see, thif no royal couch, 3 r ; | themselves, have done good work for Piz but df outchst"s edt: The circulation of THE BRITISH {| koteked to smitheréens, and, there the Alded cause ) Whig is authenticated by the fore in. our municipal arena th¥ un- 3 - a Fierce cris "Let him ba shot!" | 7 ' Ni am. aw }, This Is no dream; { 4 y YOUNG MEN S SUITS hag : BC » foreseen has occurred, and enough 0 ; Audit Buread of Olrculations. revenue came from several quarters HUSBAND CAN'T TOUCH 8 true Ah W. BENGOUGH i Extra special value, $18. 50. Ly # Erie oo that" permitted the city treasurer tp 10,000, { : . ! ritalin: as in Canada and thel«noge out" a surplus. 'So if" last 3 006 SHE = INHERITED | i a ; Sample suits, sold outs and | l lo I'And hark, wid clamoringd for blood, Usied States, \the voters have shOWN |year's Council was not eonsidered a Knight MecRpegor in City Hal, _cancelled numbers. Sizes 34 that they care less for political labels | hody ast i i at Jot ao Knight MagGregor, the gitted y ¥ to boast about, it at least prac i ; : ; : ot . + Ban they did dn the past. Hal Corio Tro Ho We Dre: aritone, a native to 40. Ready to try on; finish Se itland, 'has spent. the greater part | ed to your order ina fewf hours. an omy was essential, and it can point : his hfe i nada, and 1s" proud 3 Ninoty- four; billion dollars Js thy e proudly to its record of having wound 3 [10 call this gr country 'his home- 4 'Germany | must meet, and, as land His id for prominence the 3 Ave 4 % i k sied Fas 8 th : fsn' RS. Stout aT on amo Tn over." ; 3 3 ea { toatl Festi val oT y * Perhaps it will pe news to the > oh {Edmonton in 191] when he carried majority of people to know that last y B ; off the gold Ml in the lmritone ia ¥ ~ . ae i . class. In 1914 p won a 'voveted KNICKERS Mam A. Sleith 'or St* Thomas. was|Y®* the Council could direct the 3 3 honor when he 5. awarded the : born, died and buried last Friday" expenditure of only six mills of = the ? : $ Stutchbuhy cup fof the best work Heavy warm tweeds. Sizes ¥ : wy . | taxation. That is, it could only leg- 3 < done in the gold njedali class at Friday ceriainly was his uilucky day. islite upon the expenditure of about the Alberta ne. Unith Since then he 2% to 28. Extra special value, a vou i has toured the United States as a 08. \ one-filth of the city's revenue. The concert soloist will phenomenal $ - vere form, is spreading throughout | Palance of the revenue went to fixed yo 'success, and received a ~continuous . 3 'he | things --debentures, interest, salar- ; * {roiind of ovations fim the musics! a ' pa Shan ud amade or fes, schools, street lighting, tire and 'Hi loving public. - This Bed artiste 13 BOYS SWEATER COATS of medical science. police departments, etc. ' This year's : 3 apisear at Tih, poi Bl on ges: Sizes 22 to 30. Extra value, ---- Council will not have any more ; > under the auspices of fhe 'G.W.V.A. | 69c¢. 2 _. Bolshevisni i$ a wild delusion, but, | money to expend without increasing 3 ; k Seats may be booked [flat Uglow's Bapplly, as President Poincare of| the tax rate, and it 1s a lowering A } 3 book store on Satutlay, Monday Franco says: "1 do mot fear it for father than a ralsing that the people '|B 3 . 3 g : and. Tuesday, . |, i We believe we have the best $28. 50 Suits and Overcoats i m Can- Francs It is a microbe whieh at:{100k for. 3 il ada. "Each garment a : beauty. Tailored with aregard forperfection. , tacks 'efeated bountries, nof vietori- sip 2 y 3 Variety Saower. _Ous ones." a oD O'CONNOR FOR M MAY ho On Nov.15th-an Solio-riends-- HEE ion REE RIIRGS 5.k er x : "Kingston is in need of a. good] : land relatives gathered afl the home : ; aid fm 9919. 4 Tm 5% of Mr. and Mrs. Roberfl Robson,' The defeat of Ramsay Macdenald|mayor for 1919. There are' many | Westhrooke and presentafl Mr. and by 14,000 majority demonstrates [problems that have to be faced and Mrs. Harold Pabcock witha variety. that the great mass of British work-{the mayor will havé to take the in- shower. The gifts . were Ruameraus ingmen do not intend to follow wild Hilative. Ald. O'Connor has shown} Bi and beautiful. | theorists into : the. reklms of Bol-fthe qualifications essential for such ; § a : shevism.' a task. He has filed many of the | [{() 3 4 WEAK, RUN DOWN | Noni chai rmanships of the council.and Is y Tells How Vinol Made HA fl Strong. The oes Ost. of farm pro-iversed in municipal administration. ha 5 So. Kaukauna, Wisi was 8 Would suggest the adyisability |He has shown force and. vigor im his : i, A weak, all rur dowh,. th pil the "back--te the farm" movemeat. work, both public and private. He MISS ALICE DE LAMAR. Burd) a a a. it Sie Farm labor is almost non-existent{has demonstrated a capacity for ser- 3 husband can handle the income I OWOTS, . After everything else these Jays. Food prices will con-!viee that is entitled to reward at the ad Jolt 23 Captain Josebh bad failed to help me, vi t built iv rong. - up Victory year with "something BOYS' PURE WOOL The Toronts N sws says that "iy il- 5 A revival of influenza, in less se- 'tinue high uftil there are 'more Hands Of the citizens. He was not snine Ee his daugliter Alice me. and Made Me well an - EH e .y | Antoinette Lamar, He so stipu- Mrs, Jay Parker. people working on the farms of this given to verbosity in the council.| jatea in his will. Jf she marries aid The reagon Vinol was so country. but when he spoke his words were| has 'offspring the principal of the ful. in ~Mrs. Parker's case | i trust passes to her childr Oth ! ae 1 listened' to with respect, for he pus- i. ah. Br cause it contains the necess: SER Yorkers, inelid-lspseed full knowledge of the md ae he ro lions revena fo. the ments to create an appetite, \§ ing Judge C. E. Hughes, refuse 0 naer review and his convictions car. | Sa5ally song the medical schools of £€stion, "4 pure blood and Harvard, Columb ad strength is the beef a serve on the mayor's committee to ried weight. He was a business man | king universities. . Johns Hops {liver -peptones---iren and. gly welcome home-coming troops be-Byiva brought to bear all the barad- mnt nei phosphates in Vinol--that does fs cause William Randolph Hearst is headed experience - time had given| John Franklin Ellis, in his 58th you will not be disappointed if you a - member, Heart's - 'pro-German him. . He was not vitu year, passed away at Toronto try it. Mahood's drug store and at 7 perative or » activities en ed bombast leds than a week's illness' the best drug stores in "every town i¥itles are Kesuly resented by Wii te; he gave his acts clearly, ipneumonia. He Was born. at Madoe. and city in the country. loyal Americans, a * [coneisely and convincingly. -- 3 i > he ; The BYUBE Permit. soot Permit svclalists, pa: His claims have been made to the electors courteous | at- cifists, etd, to air their grievances, etors in coun us terms, modest . a . ly, a et. Wo hope effectively, - Sin Imagined of to their ly, and yet ®-hope ffectively, ex ; ol presséd. They should be weighed|] . : "hearts' content, but when it comes . . . = and discussed, for the closer they are . a r J to eleéting them as members of par- x : / ; looked into the more appealing they| A . lHantent, that, as Kipling would say, * " y bar become. He has passed the duty of ve k is an her story." Britain believes ; ; go ? 1 . in Jetting agitators alk. but he civic government to the people she BoA THE = » : stops right there. have the decision In their handy. This AMA On an islamd cold and bleak Reonpeiis. Willyuss 474 eR RX ies in Farm of ¥ : 'jbeing -s0, Ald. O'Conner awaits their > ~ Friedrich stands, war and palBad ir his cheek, and 2 Koad rend Cm the soil in ail il % N---------------- ' : : . [verdict with confidence. * he sighs and wrings his hands; and « hot and briny Cmhile, rich, clay loam and tile | With famine conditions in the in e @ * "tear drops into his stain of beer, for no chorus girls are A : drained: well fenced; watered by or, Allied intervention in the. The cimpalgn has been carried on near, and no clanging German hands. See the idol of 7 : two wells and creek; young ore west and Polish Taids lw the cast, to with dignity and in a «omiiendabletd FTES i the Huns, in a dismal tisher's shack, stripped 'of all 14 Shs Whe Bal) acre 32 berries y spread rit. Ald. O'Connor Mas placed his, X : his Swords and, guns, ald, with gocsctiont on his back: | § Ti - farm Is hamiy ta work an ies Bolshevisin, Ger _ge- |aspirations to the mayor's chair onlf § § and the fishers grin and moc . i$: ZF Pn =4 4 Saarly ayusre Su nw - nite pointy |0l0 rounds Ties doviad 10 Tas es wie TIL gta ties mr we day She jade a bid for: world: °F of Kingston's w. 8, and Jf hom. J presence as a threat; they would e pr ! - have for sale, en as chief magistrate thare is evefy : book, and they will, already yet; and J A 3 . guarantee that he will do his utmost self a wreck, With 4 rope around his neck to warrant the approval of the-elec- | BEE vuitarey at him peck--and = le s Bay " a eat. Full of fear must the, steams of tors. "Support Ald. GGounor "| @ 3! re day is ger, when the s midnight us CA, x a the window and-the door;