Wile EER F 1843] : You Always Pay Less Here. Out of the High Rent ' District. { TOOK SIXTEEN PAYS TO GO TO eg min mmr i be * SANDWICH, ONT. 1 j ; Fhe Original Returned to the Whig-- oO Connor's b,adlies' Exclusive GE J. J. Behan, secretary-ireasurer of Aman A Le hier nm A A A Ae A Tiana the: C:M.B.A., has received a let ter from W. J. McKee, Windsor, Areasurer of the order, whi be of interest to Whig reade rn} McKee stated that the le i . found among the papers of his wifk's | father, the late Charles Baby, M.P.P; | who was a leader of the Frenci- Canadian families in Western Ontar- 3 id. Mr, McKee js an ex-member«of ' Our annual clearance of every article of winter wear cparelless the Legislature where he wis Li . : eral whip for a number of ygars, an of cost previous to stock-taking. No carrying over to-another season aimarm personal friend of the tte : easona e E. J. B. Pense. He sent t} : -- : here. No matter what the loss, all must be sold. Our loss is your * Si Bi: a mae etiel to. - = y gain. Take. advantage of this sale, which will open : ft lo the Whig. The lowes is as ToHows: . p F | Kingston, Dec. 22, 1843 : ; { Dear Sir: Your letier of the 15th ¥ 8 : came to hand this momping, and, in Sa uy a anuar Dr. Barker's abbence, I hdsten to give 9 You thé required imformation. Our subseziption list at Sandwich consists And continue throghout the month. Bargains that are real. Re- ot ous Pings, Viear Gen, MeDonald, : ; ductions that are genuine. All articles marked in plain figures. . Détroit, This composes the whole Ji = a : : : MOCCASINS, SNOWSHOES, HOCKEY of the subscribers in your neighbor- ~------ AAAS AA ir Eularty overs Foesday amt" Friday | BOOTS, DANCING PUMPS, AT POPULAR - JUST A FEW OF THE MANY SNAPS melts ee mn me mend HE PRICES » COATS HALF PRICE | $12.95 40 DRESSES obedinfit servant, Sur Your a8 only ladies'. and misses' odd lines in § New styles in all wool serges, silks and ROBERT R. SMILEY, 3 . 3 tweeds, cheviots, velouss. Priced regular 5.00 poplins. Odd lines but nfostly every shade and, Printer "ritish Wiig. . » . { Sine. Values to $25.00. Chas. Baily oi et siritisl Wiig Visit our travelling goods department and you to $25.00, Lik 3 > Letters were carried by stage in are sure to purchase yourself a good travelling COATS ONE THIRD OFF | HIGH CLASS DRESSES those days and there were no postage | Exclusive models, all the new cloths. No J Individual models. No two alike, in silks, . stamps or envelopes, "The letter wis worl bag. Our prices are right and we handle the best two alike. Priced regular $27.50 to $48.50. _ satins, velvets, georgette crepe, crepe de chene simply folded and Sumy With a wak baggage that'. s made. Alsg the balance of our Salts, plush cots one. J aie. Priced 820.50 to $47.50. . wafer. It cost one shilling and four "third off. , - pence to send the. letter to Sandwich AT OXE THIRD OFF and the post mark om the bdck . is $6.95-30 GIRLS) COATS | BEAUTIFUL WAISTS took sixes Bars (0 make the Jour Good Bags .. .. .. .. .15.00, 18.00 to 25.00 tweeds, full lined, "Value to $11.50. x Sed In voiles, silks, crepe de chenes and geor- " on 'ngsion, ; : x Other lines ete py STINE IR 4) . 4.00 to 10.00 getté crepes. Priced $1.25 to $18.00; CHILDREN'S COATS ALE AT 209 DISCOUNT BARBY COATS Di At less than wholesale prices. - Boudoir Caps, Tea Aprons, Camisoles, 'Neckwean, Scarfs, Wool Setts, Kimonos, etc. - 3 4 » UNDER ORDER -IN- cor NCIL 3 BARGAINS Y » * WAR SHREVICE GRATUITY In raincoats, Children's dresses, children's All at 25%, Discount : dlabouy furs, underskirts, sweater colts, ete. See our special Boudoir Caps at 39¢ each, ; The Pay That Will Be Issued For Ne IN Service Both in ve Navy and On rR i a A ANNE BANNAN --_-- Bo Land Overseas and in Canada, ; : 'MILLINERY CLEARANCE The following is the schedule show- : ing the number of days pay and al]. = > Your choice of any hat or shape 1 m the "store at Half Price. oWalices to which an ex-membe: of J the Canadian Forces is entitled under KEEP YOUR EYES ON OUR WINDOWS FOR BARGAINS J init fim Be i War Service Gratufty.! l A-<In the Canadian Naval Ser- 5 vice for three years, six montis of li which service were in a sea-going A ship, 183 days. : B---1n the Canadian Naval Service. for two years and under three years, six months of which service were ina sea going ship, 153 days, | 9 C.--In the-Cangdian Naval Service,' ; «for one wear and under two 'years, § . six months of which service were mn EY a sea-going ship, 122 days. | Sh. * : TT pi D--In the Canadian Naval Service war films in comparison with Am- -- Worth While Films. "for less than one -.yeal six months With reference to the searcity in of which service were in a sea-going . moving pleturs houses of Canadian ship}; 32 days. - - erican films, which hag recently : A--JIn the R.N.C.V.R. (Overseas turday Si secial ! been the subject of diseussion in Div.) in a ship of the Royal Navy Sa lf various cities' throughout the Do- for tliree years, 183 days Nea I -- "1 inion; thers will be considerable Bn the R.N.C.V.R. (Overseas ' interest in an announcement receiv- Div.) jn a ship 6f the R.N. for two ed to-day from the representative of years and under three years 153 days. . Asbestos . ad Irons the British Ministry of Information Cin the R.N.C.V.R. (Overseas The success of our fur fs in. the Canadian distribution of or Div.) in a ship of the R.N. for one J 'lait year has en 2 ' ficial 'war Tims, fo the "SIfect MAL voy ang under 2 years, 122 days. a rd MAKE IRONING A PLEASURE . there have "just been received: a D---In the R.N.C.V:R. (Overseas year, Despite the higik/prices couple of Canadian films that are Div.) in a ship of the R.N. for less that prevail on i aks" really worth Witte. One is a Short than 'one 'year, 92 days. © | or ea ge reel. showing the Prince of ale > ise | General Currie,' Generals Watson, | A--ln the C.EF. for three yeas, abla to oni Excellent Morrison and other -enteritiz the AFL Of WHICH SGIVice Was Over urs quality . town of Pemain and attending seas, 183 days. thanksgiving service there T hk a 3 : . other is entitled "Canadians ih thes <o--In the C.E.F. for two years Fur Neck Pi "» re ts . and tinder three years, any part of Great "Advance," and shows sce - 2 ~ leading up to the final battle of the WHICH Service was overseas, 153 days: Fur Muffs C--In the C.EF. for one year and ' (capture of Mons. After rearrange. : Sb Ewer a 3 Fur Coats iment @nd consolidation into a two- "under two years, any' part of whieh Ireel feature the film will 'he ready Wervice was overseas, 122 days Fur Caps Morty after (he first of the year. J D--Tu the C.E.F. for less than one i onda year, any part of which service was N : th % Mrs. Elizabeth Evans, Prescott; overseas, 92 days. 5 s ow 18 e time to {died at a local hospital on Sunday, E.--In any Canadian Naval or land ' aged 'eighty-one years... force, for two years or over, 92 days. : buy. mn mn . F--In any Canadian Naval or land force for two years and under three' ir 61 days. : "Fi { G---In any Canadian Naval or land - ' force, for one year and under two, | 31 days. -- '} Kingston's Oldest Fur --- Any previous post discharge pay n $ : { y > ; paid to an applicant for this gratuity : 2a md ies wt 3 | will. be. deducted from the Sthownt to Store ish to extend to our many patrons and a 4H yw : Hay Co Newark. NJ {| which 'he is entitled according to : iends a Happy New Year and a the above schedule. ! TTT Payments on this account shall hey » : rh : ! for a single man without dependents A---- af CR : ; not less than $70 for 31 days, and 2 4 for a married man, or a man with { Pn y FLEE dependants not less than $100 per 971k Seve Phone 237. SATIS Leen | . communiTy: eocoosoeemeees | PLATE KINGSTON EVENTS! | PATRICIAN /38 FEARS AGO. ay : a "J This plain pattern is severe ne in its lines, yet embodies all Deen formed. the grace which makes it the Ean RAR .- most popular design in Com- Tow ar ot th a munity silver. urses the Gene Hospit- a + e a: Community plate will fast a : lifetime of wear, and is a very Rr, me Desert Spoons, dosen $15.00