Daily British Whig (1850), 3 Jan 1919, p. 6

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(From Fn Jan, 3 Att Leeds Lodge No, 201, A. F on St. John's night, BR. Wor. FF. J. Skinner, P.D,DG.M. of t Masonic District, jgnstalled cers: W.M,, Wm. t Battgms Rev. Waher Cox; S.W,, J. lan; JW. J. H, Fawcett; Robert Tulloch; Chap.,, Rev. G, E "Kidd; D. of C., R. J. We sry S.D. A. L. Knight; J.D. George A. Baker; 8.8., Johm Hubbard; J Eldon sSuebler; Tyler, George Toner. Wesley Stoliker is getting things in readiness for the early opening of the skating rink on thie corner of Garden and William greets The works of the Ontario Wheel "Coy; ddd, which have been closed for the past ten days, reopened for bus- {ness yesterday morning. The Ladies Auxiliary of the local branch of the G.W.V.A, are arrang- ing fof another banquet in honor of the recently returned Ganano- queans from overseas, Dr; and Mrs, J. J. Luvis and family of Pine street, have gone to London for a fhert visit with the former's parents, M7 and Mrs. Thomas Davis. Stanley MceGranaban, Clarence street, who went up to Kingston for a holiday visit with his parents, was taken ill there and has as yet been unable fo return William Salter is confined to his! home on James street, with a' severe attack of rheumafisnm. Pte, Hugh Dempster came down from Kingston on Wednesday for a visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, William Dempster, Charles street, Pte. William Allen, recently arriv- ed in Kingston from overseis, spent "a few days this week in fown with friends and relatives, 'William Chidley of spending a few days friends, Hewitt Smith spending w.e houday H. Val- Trea 3 Kingston is hére with A THOMAS COPLEY Telephone 987. Syanting Suything done In the carpen. tmutes given on all kinds 4. de repo ra Sud pew work; alse hard- wood floors of wl kinds. All orders will recelve EL Arompt attention, Shop, 10 Veen Alres wh Safe reliable ro Bold in 4 oh of i he N. 1,81; Bord Br sil' drones or bob % ru; , Or seht pried on © receipt i tice, pamphlet. COOK Ce co. (Formerly Windser,) inh M0UCKS, Homes Drummond, -- Lorne New Canned "Fomatos ihe per ] New Seedlens Raininn ia bulk, : 18e Ib, Good Cooking Antes, 50e peck. 1 LEWIS ORR, | = Mike xo Sari | uhhh Aubhiuie Ak ki on To-Night 7.30 Two Public Meetings : VICTORIA : ~~ At McConnell's Hall, Princess Street Other Wards at Newman Electric Co, , Store, 167 Princess Street x Newman, Mayoralty Candidate, will hold a pubs the electprs of Victoria and Rideau Wards at at above addresses. Speakers will be on hand and all.those He fo 4-1 and nephew Wi el Joyeeviile, and: AM. i uncle, | as | wgon hare r. and Mr sturgegd to Mi Mar) {. Crouter In Bi ington. ett, Ki ng y 8@ ason mn and rs, | home Miss E couple tired, spending 1} 'guests Wood, have 1rne were accompanied back | Wood, who will' spend a weeks in town Lorné Stunden, sliday "time Mr. and Mrs. street his dut derick olf a short] parents, Wel- spending here with hi 2, H. Stunden, has. returned {0 re ies in Brantford Mrs. Pritehard,' Brockville; spending the past few days in town with her sister Mrs, D. H tunden, Wellington street, ' has eturned home, Mr, and Mrs. B. O street, spent the pas at Jreck in with relatives, ¥ Britton, King | Toroa- to HAD SPLE NDID TREATMENT On Scotland and in Old | London, Fd Leave in 1 PTT. SAMUEL Charles A, Sills, received a very from Huis son, Pte. Samuel written in Edinburgh, 'where he was spending a few days on leave. He tells of the splendid treatment he received in London at the hands of the Y, M. C. A. repre- sentatives. He also speaks in high terms of the Khaki College which is being operated : for the Canadian troops in England and Fraiee. He expects to leave for Canada darly date. A. SILLS Wagarville, has interesting letter A. Sills, | MUNICIPAL NOMINATIONS Front of Yonge. 8. Clow. Counetllors--P. nant, L. Loucks acclamation. Connors, Tra Ten- and T. J. Haffle, Front of Escott. Reeve--Robert A. Foley and Wil- liam H, Warren. Township of Kitley, -. Reeve--Hugh N. Stinson, A, Bal lantyne, W. M. Hanton and Albert Foster. Couneillors--aJohn Seymour, Jelly, I. IB. Lockwood, Dav- id John McKenzie, Alex. Morrisen, sr, Ezra Kinch, W, D. Livingstone, South Elmsley Township Reeve--Messrs. H. E. Joynt and D. Willlama.- _Couneillors--Mesgrs, H. E. Joynt, H. Frayns, F. Kelly, R. J. Ready, MeSpadden, R. D. Preston and Blanchard, ---------- C. H. Ww. P Expert Aerialist. With more than fifty young miii- fary aviators as his instructors, Hal. Cooley... popular young Uni.» versal actor, who plays the grole of the mysterious 'bird man" in "The Brass Bullet," recently learncd toe managé an aeroplane with extra- ordinary ability for an amateur. In support of beautiful Juanita Han- sen in Universal's latest ; thrilling serial, Cooley flying overhead in a monoplane . called upon te raif bombs on the deck of a vessal, thereby ung the hero from his enémies, At the King Edward fo night and Saturday. Open 1 p.ni. Usual admission, Sassen cn ch nh ¢ "favorable to the candidature of All. Newman for the M yor's : Sha for 1919 are cordially invited te attend. FINAL RALLY MERTING SATURDAY EVENING. | mitt i reli, | which is | from Scotland, at an' Reeve---Omar L. Buell and David r if Philip Bxroshaw, THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, F RIDAY, JANUARY, 1¢ 1919. = {THE GI: NINE - TALS, . py H BOYS WHO FHEFY, . bw AS USED ON COMMITRED They ment They Them Wiiter Pumping Station---- Had Keys Which Gained Admission to Buildings, ine tails Had to wo . pol station for 'no less the consent » given a taste of to say, ghey did pk on not Th band of ng city cimily. "All pleaded when he re Magistrate Par- atier was of the opinion | that it w dose of the eit-o'-nine! tails, that the 'unruly. boys needed, a nd § go ordered thig gs their medicine. The boys robbed several stores and | in addition sters are the members of a boys who'have been com-| a series the and guilty and t used' to pump the river to the camp, practically stripped the pump every piece of brass, and sold it. is understood that 'damage to extent of about $500 and perhaps more was done. The lads also stole | a dar in their fway with tobacco, shoe laces, #d a useful articles, An. incident water and of the raids on stores they got candy, gum and lot of small, whigh was not down on the progfamme occurred while a constable was giving one lad a dose | the | | fa of the. cat-o'-nine tails. As youngster was taking his dose; a par- cel accidentally dropped out of his pocket on to thé floor, and won in. vestigation if was found to contain some articles which had been report- ed stolen from a store two nights ago. As a result there is further trouble for the boy. Oné of the lads had thirty or more keys in .his possession, and it is beliéved Jit with the use of the keys they secur- ed an entrance to many places. A scene from 'Hearts of the World" coming with a large symphony orches- tra; including a harpist, to the Grand Opera House, for three days eommenc- ing Man<tay, Jan. 6th, | Military Matte The reduced fares which Have Deen allowed officers," nursing. sisters-and men of the Canadian Expeditionary Force and . the Canadian Railway Forces while travelling on furlough; have been discontinued. Capt. Pearce, information officer, was formerly with the 139th North- uwmberland Battalion and was alsa formerly priblisher pt the Campbell ford Despavoh. : Lieut:-Col. John F. Kidd, who is honored with the title of C.M.G., is the well-known Ottawa surgeon wiho went over in 1915 with Quegy's Unis versity Medical - Unit. He turned to Canada recently in poor health due to overwork at the front, and Is now 'in Kingstoncon duly at Queen's Mili- tary Hospital, Major Arthur Bick, Ottawa; Major] Almonte; Elliott Greeme, R.M.C. graduate, have all been awarded the D.S.O, Sir Archibald Camerbn MacDon- nell, K.C.B, C.M.G., one of the best known and popular officers of. the Canadian west; has been given the 8.0, 7° § Bapt. Black, of Ottawa, the 21st Battalion, C.E.F., been 'appointed APM. D. late : of has 0. | 2 and he arrived in the city on. Fri- day uiofning to take over the duties} rier. of the original Capt. Black Is 1 et 21st ~6lTicers, pi he served with that unit con- tinuously up to April 21st, 1918: iad ne times and Did 8500 Damage to Govern! than | of | . 1 ness ability. jae therefore entitled to the endorss? tion of the Board of Trade, the Re- of burglaries around | press. (has shown himself, since coming to to this made a- raid on fohants' { thé. government pump at Barriefleld, | . oo ire since his election as presi It ibhas been the leor "averyihing that made for » quantity of copper wire, while | {eil, buts Robertson, Ta letter to his congregation. jer, Norman Burns, the be wo IN SYDENHAM WARD, his letter & Whig, suggests that pr y. should endorse as "alderman and support the contest, agrees with that as it suggested that the f Trade and other civic ould take more interest in ipal affairs 'and should Tr caudidaies possessing marked As Mr. Rodger.is of the results of this movement, ne + the candi 1 "Ti inas- Board bodies jature end its in Wh view, | lz rel iH -- Oud | busi-| of tail Merchants' Association and the - 'one of siness city's | the { He een. Mr. Rodger {most sucessful 18 byt | Kingston, to be deeply interested in all city problems. The Retail Mer Association hag taken on a tity in the Beard recognized: He. booster the fgond of Kingston, There is a place for swch a man in the City Coun- He Has as good runhipg males D. J. Millan and ex-Ald. H, N. both worthy of re-elec- dent, while his act lof Trade 'is Widely an enthusiastic Ald. tion. > 3 IE i The Late K. H. Fannell, The death of Kenneth Herald Fun- nell, aged twenty-three, oecurred on Priday worning;"%fter a short ill ness from Influenza and pneumonia. The deceased was the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. David J. Funnell, 184% Barrie street, . Two rink gamee were played on Thursday evening at the curling rink and they resulted as follows: R..D. Sutherland, Skip, 16; McLean, skip, 9. J. M, Farrell; liott, skip, 13. Both of these games were ties and extra time had to be played to decide them: The games tonight will be as fol- lows: J. A. MfRae vs. H. W. Newman. T. Slater vs, L: Sleeth, . G. Hanson vs. J. Hooper. } WITH THE CURLERS & A.W. skip, 14; J. M. El REV. DR. SYMONDS St SPEAKS; "Chiireh U fon Common' in Front Line Trenches. The work of the Canadian Chaplain Service among the troops overseas is praised by the Rev. Dr. Symonds in He says: "It is the simple truth to say that the Canadian Chaplain Service is &---undted church, and the striking success whieh # has achieved may fairly be claimed as a powerful tes- timony té the value of unity. In only one respect is the denuminational dis- tinetioh observed, viz, in. the. cele- bration of the holy communion, when an Anglican must be the celebrant at an Anglican service, and a Pres| byterian at a, Preshydonifz service." | TO THE ELECTORS {as one | thie past, .+|R. J. Rodg | Candidate for Alderman | 0 Sydenham 'Ward SYDENHAM WARD Onde more 1 respect : solieit your vote and infiuenc e 10 fleck me of your a ldermanic represens With thanks for support in Iam 7 Yours very truly, D. J. MILLAN Fra er SYDENHAM WARD Your vote and influence respects fully solicited to elec me as alders man for 1919. J CHARLES | S.. ANGLIN "SYDENHAM WARD ELBCTORS: Yours is<the vete 1 me one of your representafives the above ward next Monday. fally tatives, neell to elect for "1 Thank You, H. N. ROBERTSON IAA A A AAAS A PtH NN FRONTENAC WARD LADIES AND GENTL EMEN: 1 respectfully solicit renewal of your votes and influence to again elect me ds an alderman, Wishing you all the compliments of the seas son, S. S. CORBETT Am On A A FRONTENAC WARD LADIES AND GENTLEMEN: / "J respectfully solicit a' renewdl of your confidence, and promise, ir again elected as one of your alder- manic representatives, to serve you faithfully and loyally. W. P. PETERS Frontenac Ward 1 respectfully solicit your vote and influence in my election as alderman for the year 1819, WM. PATTERSON The Workingman's Candidate. TO THE ELECTORS OF FRONTENAC WARD 1 want to thank you for your gener- ous support of 1918 as a representative of Froptenac ward for alderman, and as 1 have endeavored to do my duty to | the best of my ability and tried to Keep down: €Xpenses.as much. as possible, 1 once more solidit your vote and will do my utmest for the city and its wel- fare If 1 am returned to office, Owing 10. sickness in vhe family I have been gmable to canvass the ward, so 1 leave myself in your hands. Wishing you all compliments of the season, I remain; respectfully, . W. SMITH Dealing with reconstruction preb- lems, Dr. Symonds dirécts the atten- tion of his congregdtion to an appeal, from all the churches of Great Britain (with the exception of the Roman Catholic church) which appeared ni the London Times, inviting people to embrace a new ded! of international felations as opposed to the old "Bal- ance of Power," and old diplomacy. Hg says this is a_lne of unguestions able progress, and hopes all' Cana dians "will pursue it thoughtinily and intelligently." ---- Two New Candidates. Two of the new names that are before the electors Jor Alderman S! honors, are those: Marshall P. Reid, in Vietorda ward, and of Wil- liam Patterson, Frontenac ward. Both are popular and progressivk young citizens, who would make good aldermen, They are offering their services to the eity in response to a public demand, and believe that +Aigy will be accorded the. hearty support of the eleptorse Letters From Overseas, Dr, G. 'W. Bell Has received a letfer from his son Carléton Douglas Bell, who is with the wechanical transport in Germany. His previous' letter was dated at Mens, Nov. 11th, the day the armistice was declared. Capt. W. J. Morgan, RS. is now at Cambrai, 'and, in a le or to Di G. W. Beil, receivéd dn Thursday, fre speaks well of he at attitude of the people toward i 'British ji roops, Y Frank Hume Is Home, "Jack" Burns, was among the re- turned men who arrived in Kingston on New Year's Day, and he is being |, Fetters Ti arved " Aa Sersens three years. An hi with | =i jor Ww. J. Cook and Ga J. nl A robin 4 Batali: no in ne Frank Burnes, son. of Fireman ; and ante Go, Foara my on one 0 To the Electors: If my work in the City Council dur- ing the past few years in your behalf hua t.7 healed to you, I would be pleas- to continue in your service, and wa ask for your votes and influence to return me as alderman next Monday, HN W. LITTON Victoria Ward PERCY B. CHOWN Solicits Your Vote and Influence For e-election as VICTORIA WARD in Victoria Ward, I vespectfully so- licit your votes and influence, MARSHALL P. REID VICTORIA ppt ley ie | tor 1910. S10 THE ELECTORS ly req your vote fri -- Your vote and iftuence respectful: nested for Take Notice! The Thompson Bottling Co. Have stirted in the hblesale tobaeces, cigars and 'igars ette business, -and are agents for the following flrms: Macdonald's, Brier, Napoleon & Prince of Wales; Imperial Tobacce Co., all lines; Benson & Hedges cigars and cigarettes; . Tobacco Products Ou., Melachrino and Fairfax: 1. O. Grothe, Ovido and Peg Top; The Rock City Tobacco Co., King George, Master Mason: Tuckett's Limited, © Marguerite, Club Specials, Pref. Panetelos, Pref. Perfectos, A v AN > »- w 5 5 es Is the Popular Candidate for Mayor He Is Ald. H. W. Newman BOOST FOR HIM ! WORK FOR HIM ! VOTE FOR HIM ! ELECT HIM. Ald. H. W.. Newman - Mayor for 1919 a tam Wood's 2: dino, @ ilnglish Remed, lyr. the whe Bervous stem, makes new "lood Pie oe Nervous | done , Menta na ve el 'arpitatlon a neryLe Price §1 per fig Aa fas six will cure, PE by ou druggists or wailed in plain pkg. on rn of ¢ Rss New DP Tea 4 EDICINE COve €O0., TORONTO, OK ir Chora Wisk) 7 Carpenter and Builder Ww. pen BILLENNESS Specialising Store Fronts and Fit ak Remodelling Bulldlngs of aN ESTIMATES EXPERIENCE Address, ars Natveintty Ave, DRY STORAGE The only-plaper Winer care of any battery Gon- sult us--explanation of our treatment will convince you. ; 3 WILLARD SERVICE STATION 19 Brock St. I. LESSES, Prop. "Phone 1340 iQ HQ? S.0:.S. That means our stock of Spruce. wh have an excellent quality of Hooring and * siding. ' Allan' Ss Lumber Yard Victoria 8t. Yard Phone 1042 LINDSAY'S Four Reasons For Buying Your New #., Piano atLINDSAY'S ie Fhe LINDSAY fli of easy payments is elastic. The terms of each sale or transwection are urranged to suit fhe customer' = convenience, without" in any way effecting 1} the price, 7 "One Price Only" --8% interest chatged "n the. bake ance for. time accomodation, a Canada's Premios Piano OWSe 12 Princo Street | Bey Starey. in 'Mintreal, Ottawa, Quebee, Brockville, Pele - ville, Cornwall and Three Rivers, 0 ¥ i i

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