Daily British Whig (1850), 3 Jan 1919, p. 7

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SAFETY FOR SAVINGS for yo r in safe ty No better noney place will be we Bank of Toronto 1 ¢ sums. Int erept paid o or TORONTO! : GEORGE B. MK AY, MANAGER. RS | Fucorpora tea 1588 Capital, $3,000,000 Reserve Fund ' $6,555,000 = small or MY Price, $4,500. > 56 Brock Street, --FOR SALE *Brick House--8 rooms, gas, furnace, goad location, deep lot and barn. Price $3,500 Brick House--9 rooms, electric light, gas for cooking, grate, hot water heating, garage, within a block of Victoria Park. 'J. K. CARROLL AGENCY "Phones 68; 874W. AAR 9 VT There are three things necessary to your success. 1st--You must like your job. w 2nd--You - must have good health and lois of Onergy. 3rd--You must _ have' good eyesight. When your eyes ache } and tire easily; when the print blurs and your head aches: don't neglect your yes, Consult us. R.J. Rodger Eyesight Sbecialist, 132 Princess St. , p p bh { NOW 1S THE "The © G.W.V.A. incorporated) General Meetings, Mondays, 8 p.m Band Practice Tuesdays, 7.45. Dance Fridays in Club Rooms, Richardson Chapter LO.D.E, 2nd & 4th Thursdays in each month, People's Watts 2 FLORIST 179 Wellington St. Fresh eut flowers dally; funeral & and wedding bouquets -to order. ut of town o re given special Attention.' Board of Education Having been requested by 'mn wumber of influential citizeny to offer, himself for re-election io the Hoard of Educa~ tion for another term in Ontario ward, Mr. G. A. BATEMAN has consented to be an candidate. x Board of Education TO THE BLECTORS OF Rideau & Ontario Wards Your Votes are Reapeetfully Requested Mrs. Alex.' Newlands & Miss E. L. Mowat tidates of the Lobes Couneir of Women :ifiveny, President; Ilda ©, » Renan, Secretary, TIME To get your car repaired and stored for the winter. "Ford Truck for Sule Robinson & Wiltshire | "Bagot St. 'Phone 242 Fresh Cit-Flowers Forme, designs, foral obi fd Phy evi bouauets made to order F. J. JOHNSON, Florist 116 Broek st, a WE WISH TO EX- : TEND To our friends and customs ers the usual season's greet' ings. We also wish to thank one and all for the liberal pa- _tronage extended to us during the year. Branch Post Office, Hingston, 1 the fight. The people's candidate for Reeve in the Mugicipaity of the Township of Kingston, is confined to his resi dence with the 'flu., but he is still in "I wish your hearty arty sup, port, one and all. " George A. B. CLARK ! Glenvale, ------ A To the Electors of the Township of ERNESTTOWN Ladies and gentlemen: Having serv. od you falthfully ag dep' ove for the year 1618 and as it will be im- possible for me to see each one of you perspnally, I take this opportuniiy of soliciting your vote and influence fof the year 1019. Wishing you a happy and: prosperous new year, I remain, yours sincerely, : © CHAS. LOYST 'SPECAL FOR SATURDAY Choice riby and shoulder Roasts, 23e to 2We =n Ib, $c to 35e a Ih. .25¢ to 33¢ a Ib, 'ie - to IS¢ a Ib, Choice Pork, Cholee Lamb, Choice ge a ib. Cholee Butter 55¢ a Ib, Fresh a donen, 112 Clergy St. Phone 2018 Food Board License No. 9-5008 GRAN D Er 'he TOWNSHIP OF KINGSTON | Opera House The Home of Quality Pictures TO-NIGHT Fultiiment of a Hindu Love Legend 3 "A BIT OF JADE" Starring 'the Dsinty MARY MILES MINTER An ©, Henry Story, the Pathe News and Comedy Heels Superior Vaudeville =" Performances af 2.480 and 7.30 poms d0e Ade and 15¢ | Air beri nea -- MATINEE ,.. EVENING ... Saturday, os 4" MATINEE i NIGHT Harvey D. Orr Offers the Happlest of -all N.Y. musical hits MISS BLUE EVES With Original Cast of Forty People, Ancluding Harvey Owr, Marjorie Bons ner, "Will Powers and Oakes & De= Loar. 3 BIG ACTS---22 SONG HITS AND Broadway's Prettiest. Chorus Spec lal P ices: Mat., 25¢, 85¢, bOe. Ev'g: 25¢, 50¢, 75¢, $1.00 SEATS NOW ON SALE. Griffin PictureS Thurs., Fri., Saturday Wm. S. Ha ~The Border Also Peggy Hyland In Peg of the Pirates Fatty Arbuckle Comedy In ireless + Current Events Coming: Theda Bara In-- CLEOPATRA ARK! Thiesday, Fri, Sat The Famous English 'Peduty, Kitty Gordon In Merely Players Elaborate Gowns--A Beautiful =A Gripping Story. Roy Stewart In "The Devil Dodger" A Thrilling Play of Western Life. BEARS AND BAD ME) y Two Reel Big V. Comedy Biot. |eoon GENERAL, MUST BE ADLE TO Star (f Seda sh CONDENIED ADVERTISING RATES First losertion, ice a word. Each con secutive insertion theéreafiér, hull cent un word, Minimum charge for ome insertion, Z3¢; three insertions, Boe; mix $1; mouth, $2. HELP WANTED APPLY GENERAL MATHS, tal, GOOD SMART OFFICE-ROY, ta MeKelvey and Birch, APPLY TO MRS, 169 University HOSPT. APPLY . HOUSEMAID, Geo. Mahood, Avenue. ABOUT 13 AS NUR roars. Wright, GIRL OF after school App 3 Geo. Clarke 107 Gore St no.. washing or ironing. Ap~ cook; 18 Wellington. ply Miss Hora, GIRLS FOR THE WORKROOM; leasant, Hght work. "Apply Miss icCallum, N. C, Polson, Co, Lia GOOD SMART GIRL, ACCURATE AT figures, with some knowledge of typewrkting. Apply Box 200, Whig Office. GIRL work, corner avenue, GENERAL to Mrs, and HOUSE Johnston, Alwington TOR Apply Union MAID ¥OR GENERAL HOUSE- Work Who cn do plain cooking. No washing nor ironing. Three In family; no dhildren. Phone-681, FOR, THE WINTER OR BY THE year, man familiar with farm work and care of stock. Apply M, E. . Binnipgton Cataraqui. 13 ring 2. SERVANT. three; no washing or a month, Tele- Box 280 Whig ONOE, GENERAL Family of ironing; wages $20 phone 1385 or apply Office. AT sdededededeiedolrdodededeodin dob deiviviviodobdalod & - + THE DIRECTOR OF SOLDIERS! & # Civil Re-entablishment requires & # meveral graduate nurses. Applica. & #% tions in writing or in person to #% Unit Medical Director, Soldiers' # Civil Re-establishment, Golden + #% Lion Block, Kingston, * Ph + sfesdreledesdeduleddedotesdradidedeididoodededotededodilol THERE IS GOOD MONEY IN SELLING nursery stock under present con- ditions. We want reliable. sales agents for unrepresented districts. Good pay, exclusive selling rights for 'alloted territories. Write im- mediately, Pelham Nursery Co. Toronto. AGENTS, MEN OR WOMEN, CAN make $15 a day taking orderg for authentic "History of World War." Distinguished Canadian author- ship. Introduction by leading gen- eral. Official. {Ilustrations, Great opportunity for returned soldiers and munition. workers. Liberal commission. ~ Qutfit free. Winston Co., Toronto. SKATES SHARPENEL WHILE WANTED CRNERAL FIRST CLASS SOFT dud LOGS, "Highest prices paid at J. H. Bab- Quek & Sons Mills, Odessa. . with separate flat, or apartment, Apply Box entrance, ald central $15 Winiz Office: TWO OR THREE FURNISHED ROOMS suitable for light housekeeping, wanted .by* married couple; no children, Apply Box 20, Whig Office. You wait, also boot and shoe repairing. * Best service. James Modney, 263 King street, between Johnson and William streets. SKATES, SKATES, SKATES, SHARP. 2 ened, hollow ground, and .put on while you wait, We are also tak 'ing orders for bicycles to be cleaned and storea for - winter. 371-373 King, St George Muller, ------ a ---------- SKATES SHARPENER AND HOLLOW ground 'witile you' wait, also boot and shoe repairing, Best service, James Modney, 253 King street Phone 1679. Between Johnson and William streets. TEACHERS WANTED, TEACHER FOR 8.8. NO, 6, 080; STATE . qualifications and salary expected. at once. An- Clarendon, Duties te commence drew Crain, Sec -Treas., Station, Ont. : 4 ON A SMALL FURNISHED HOUSE OR 1 LAVANT, HOLDING class certificate. Duties to commence stating experience Sec.-Treas, Flower FOR S.8, NO, 4, limited third Salary $5600. at once. Apply, to Arthur Cain, Station. FINANCIAL LOAN AND INVEST. incorporated 1862 Nickle, K.C.; vice. B. Cunningham, Money. issued on eoity and 'farm properties, municipal and county debentures; mortgages purchased; *RONTENAC ment Soclety; riesident, W. F president. A, received dnd interest allowe ©. Cartwright, manager, ence street, Kingston. y VIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBL Fire Insurance Company. Available fgsets $61,187,215. In addition to which the policyholders have for security the unlimited Ifablity of city property, insured at lowest possible rates, Before renewing old or giving new business get rates from Strange & .Strange . Agents. Phone 326. PERSONAL WOULD LIKE TO CORRESPOND with youns widow; no objection to one Hd, ¥ ntem- Diited, Apply HR "while j, Of- oe, investment bonds for sale; de busita « 87 AR Ni APPLY 30 ant Nd LADY'S EAR RING. near Un- Frontenac street, don street CLERGY STREET, A PAR- cel bearing a Toronto ad- dress. Owner can have the same by plying: at 234 » Broek stre ; SMALL PURSE CONTAINING change, on Wednesday on Ear] street. Owner may have same by calling at 173 Col- Hogwood. GENTLEMAN'S KID GLOVE oN Frontenac street, Owner may « have 'same by calling at hig Ditice, ann LEMAN'S RUBBER, SIZE ¥%. Owner may have same Be calling at 314 Brock St CHRISTMAS PARCEL, ON Johnsen between University and Alfred. Owner may . have' ~ same &t- 314 Albert street, IN ONTARIO CHAMBERS HALL on Clarence street, 3 parcels. Owner may have same by ! calling at Whig Office, FOUND ARTIOLES ADVER. | TISED FREER ' Anyone finding anything and wi to feach the gwner may do y reporting le facts to The J Britis Whig. he sJve. tisement will 'be printed ir this eolumn free of charge, ws LOST. FRONT ROAD, IN or city, goki watch Reward if returned to DEC, 20TH, ON Portsmouth and 'chain. this offiice. JYRIST WATCH BETWEEN *R. station and Brock or Wel- ington «streets. © Pinder kindly leave at Whig Office. Reward, BLACK FUR; CLOTH MUFF of WED. nesday evening on William street, near Barrie. Finder Kindly return to 207 Willlam or phone 504, HGOLD OF GOLD RIMMED GLASSES, Monday, Dee, 30th, between John- son street and Woolworth & Oo, Finder: kindly leave at 85 Johnson street. NOVEMBER 9TH, 1018, ABOUT Chain Rapids on Madawaska River, a& hound dog, mostly black, some 'blue and mottled; low set, with bushy tail and letter L cut hair on right hip. Reward on return to Jos. Legree, Renfrew, Ont. A PAIR \ TO LET. ROOMS WITH OR WITHOUT BOARD, Apply 204 King street, BRIGHT, WARM, SINGLE double rooms, centrally 56 Wiliam Street. FURNISHED ROOMS AND ALSO revms for Hght housekeeping, Ap- ply 396 Princess street AND located. and dry. Apply E. BE. Wathen, 143 Nelson street. Phone 2152 Notas Fras FLASS ROOMS AND (BOARD I, CHRISTMAS JOKES. PAGE SEVEN SR A AE The People's i a 7 A NY Senay { | FOR: SALE 'GO TO FRANK - Cooke, 39 Clarence street. BEEN I TWo. UBRIGHT RLANOS; 2 used, in good copditten. Apply R. J. -Kodger, Jeweller, Princess St. BUY YOUR AUTO nig AND ACk cessorfes from W; L. Brorms il ton. He sells the best of fires made for the least money. : FISHING TACKLE IBATS Fix FOR ing, ®o to -¥rank + Cuore 39 Clarence street, op) can Consulate. Tolophous hw PRICES, TWO DOUBLE eealled, slelghs, two cutters, one heavy sleigh, one delivery sleigh (bobs.) Apply 10, R. J, Carson. ~ AT BARGAIN BRAND NEW DINING ROOM SUITE, alsp second hand baby carriage,' Apply, in afternoon or avening- iy Susetiond: Jour own cholce, 216 Colborne street. GENUINE GRAPHONOLA AND Hg $34 ash, §1 per week. C, Tinasay! Simitea' 121 Princess Be 4 KOAL KOSTS--- ial tube mailed on receipt of $1 A trial will convince, Ade dréss, Koaline, 10-Fairbairn Ave. Ottawa, KO ALINE KUTS WE HAVY G00D SPROOND-HAND furniture, buffets, chairs. and th- "will buy ail kinds of furni- ture and stoves, J, Jhompaon, 332 Princess street. Phone 1609, SOME OF THE BIGGEST ADYVERTIS. ers to-day sometimes use a little advt, like this. -A phone call or a postal will bring you full partiou= STORAGE FOR FURNITURE; CLEAN a lars about this department, British, whig Publishing C ICE HARVESTING OUTFIT CONSIST. ing of eheds, plough, tongs and bars, four lce slelghs, set of heavy stoops, one straight sleigh, fall and pulleys, ete. Apply EB. B,, | Wathen, 143 Nelson street. FARM, 95 ACRES, PART OF LOTS 14. 15, 4th Concession, Earnesttown, on York Road 4 miles west of Odessa, close to Church and school, Apply on premises or A.B. Van Siyok, owner, RMD, 1, Odessa, BATEMANS REAL BSTATE AGENQY. FRAME RUNGALOW, PART FINISH. ed with Sood sized Tot, cheap for quick buye $1050--FRAME GUS, LARGE LOT, no improvements. $1630 FRAME, 8 Toowus, IMPROVE. ments, large lot and stable, off Union west, 650----FRAME, . ROOMS, STONER + foundation, garden; oft Chatham $2000--AT MARYSVILLE, WOLFE 18 and, frame house; Tae TOL A number of, w girls to mend bags." + * + # Speizman, 69 Queen Street. * HAIR roves, WARTS, BIRTHMARKS al growths and skin blem with. Dr, ose, 252 es IYeo permanently, out scar; 30 years' Xperience. Kilmer J. Laie, Eye, Ear, Throat and Skin Speci, Bagot street. corder, Canadian Or- er of Chasen Dear Sir:-- i desite to nAE you for your prompt payment of $5600 on the life of my dear eorge Kdward swell, who was Ti His Mother, Jan, 20d," 1918. 7th at Dax A description of a series : most in- teresting to Canadilins, 'more heen. received. As Mayor will be Held in the committee and Montreal Streets (above particulafly to rhe Mi service wash - Citizens Interested in the Election of Ald. ~N. E. O'Connor = Cor. Princess Ss) n the Estate of William Junies Baker I ot the Chty of Kin ngkton, in the Cotn- $x ut ob ly Be- BE is eres <by given. pursunne to ; hat u all eredit- MAJOR COMPTON. {FTON OFFICIATED oon gy ; At : Armistice Service Held on' Now. a2 RAPDIY 243 Brock shracy, (over Sei STORAGH FOR HORNITURE, CLEAN and dry, McCann's Real Estate bo 86. Brock St. Phone Ia room suitable for two... Apply. 'in the evening to 313 University, or phone 852w. FRGAT; LIGHT, AND airy; electric light, hot water heat. ing. Close © to Queen's and cars. Box No. 12, Whig Office, SEV, EN ROOMED MODERN HOUSE, No. 335 Collingwond street. For further particulars apply 86 Divis. fon street, or phone 350m. T GE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN ry, alvy room Our own lock and Key. Frest's IY Storage, 299 Queen street. Phone 526; res. 989 a Hii ou one furnished gr poo rent erate. A 45 State Poly Lower Rilons THIS DEPARTMENT IS ALWAYS glad to hear from anyone thinking of using classified advertisi Write ora'plions up about t. We may be able Hi fielp you, British Whig Pub. LARGE FRONT FURNISHED BED-| -- FRAME "Hous TS mouth; fuiprovementa; large. Iot $2200--FRAME, NEW, 7 ROOMS ALL improvements. 159 (VELLINGTON ST FORME! Clarence St. ny LE 3 ~~ TO RENT FURNISHED ROOMS, -; ™o LARGE bedrooms on second floor and large. sitting room or sitting - room, with private first floor. App, 10 4m, And 5 and 1.80 pm. 27 Wel. ington street, i . z LEGAL B. CUNNINGHA RITTER and solicitor, BAN An " Clare ence street. ARCHITECT rowEn | ed sow, ATCHITEOYS, MER- chants Bank Buildi corner Brock and Wellington i DRESSMARING MISS RICHARDSOX, DRESswAKEE, having resumed solicit. on, PAINTING. SIGNS OF ALL KINDS, BRASS BEDS d chandeliers refinished. Ww. Ii Carrothers & Co., 208 Albert street, en BE. "DOE, Phone DR. GORDON Cc, cofner Prine streets. Phone DEWAR, DENTIST KNAPP, BA. LDS. oMce 450 Princess rh We eilngion usiness, orders for fall and = wint Addres 202- Alfred street. or Mork

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