PAGE FOUR < THE BRITISH WHIG fo 1 1 mn i | SE Published Dally snd Semi-Weekly by THE BRITISH WHIG PUBLISHING C0, LIMITED, J. G..Ellot: .. Leman A. Gulls .. . President as » "Editor and Managing- Director. fr SALV. ATION ARMY i troopship wi x C ana Ls 1 APPEAL] the The! task, ! se the swered | ) gov- {ernment provision for this w kg, and t yat it had to be done, pu yor an occasioral dollar but has Heretofore the this organisati as we would a bone to a dog, ever taken the The | tunity has now ponte when real ap- shown The jthat its wo rk deserved. oppor- preciation can be diers, whose Army | Let us now he families the ed, fought Ip them by substantial has our nt Abirami I Business Office Kdjtorial Rooms Job Office ... SUBRC RIPTION RATES (Daily Edition) Ome year, delivered in city .. One year, if paid in vance 3 One year, by mall to rurai offices One year, to United States . isemi- Weekly Baition) On year, by mall, © Une year If not paid in advance Une year, to United States .. Six and three months pro rata. SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVE FF. W. Thompson, §7 Mail Bldg. Toronto R. Bruce Owen, 123 St. Peter St, Mont- eal. LI ¥. R Northrup, 325 Fifth Ave, New York Chicago | F.RNorthrup, 1610 Ass'n Bldg. lly aiding the Army A nation-wide campai on to b of this move t It publie, support be 'the it 1s not Few, if b etter work t¥an the by zations have last a th any any, orgar 1 Qa lve as evéry Kingstouian can attest Let this city's contribution thy he WOT the noble cause ~-- THE BOARD OF EDUCATION. portant body large amount of money, Linost e a" only over the actual name writer. Letters to the KEditor are published of the to the controllable expenditure of the City Coun Fhe citizens have ex- pressed confidence in the representa Attached Is one of the best printing offices in Canada fon of THE BRITISH is "authenticated by the ABC Audit Bureau of Circulations. job only one N there is Alexander of H, F that gentleman hav permit Mrs tives, change, Mr taking the place Metcalfe | Rideau ward stepped * selection by gracefully asida of her acelama ti 3 gralluate the spléndid New Year? and yesterday' the New Yea: fulfilling at the Are you resolutions made Today's « Menu The reniains pf spread. Look after the birds hovering around these chilly Ais. Make Kindaton a sanctuary (for the feath-| ered tribe. A ledgue of nat a league of churches, a league of individuals in concord! This old world is mov- ing ahead. 8, The president of the = Unite States is hot sorry, we are bold au- ough to guess, after seeing England, _Ahat he went. Kingston | feeds houses. not grow until they are provided. The housing conditions are bad many sections. in 3 Ald. O'Connor fias all the quali: ties that are to be found in a good business man, and these qualities | are essential in a good mayor. With Christmas and New Year's past the average citizen will now back up to rpise a bank Accomnt to meet the /smergencies that will come again in a twelvemonth. Canada must ngw finance herself. War saving stampd.are a splendid means towards this end. They enable! everyone to save, thus rendering a douhle service--to the investor and to the nation. In 1871, following the Franco- German war, Victor Hugo returned shanks to Germany fo Louis Napoleon off the throne, and Jirusted that the French would re- tury le fayor. They have. * Jorsusalem has been suggesigd as | the capital of the proposed Leasue of Nations, It is an appropriate | choice, recalling the bibleal pro-| phe-v: "Through thee (Israel) shal the earth de! all the nations: of Blessed." One: cannot weld admire Ald. O' Connor in refusing to make pro- mises beyond the Promise of serv- Ing the people if elected mayor. wandidate glued over with promises * 48 not the kind needed in any pro- grevsive city. The Royal Nortn-west~ Notnted Padice force is again {0 he brought 'up to strength with power <0 enforce © interra- 3 ors of the plains" have earned high praise in the past, andl will do good work for 'Western Canada in the future, putiing up new houses the Authorities should i vacaut iE st used providing these requisites' a tang 18 Avatiahle here o Smakatataan. euiiati ie has. the second reading of a bit any other. language but Bt be Spor, as tie we We can-| driving | {Newlands is a hei acquisition to the Queen' experience and board _ Ontario has had teac be an one contest will occur, E. GQ Mowat Bateman, the sitting m | ward A During the, past marked adv {the demands 'of the teachers, tween $4,000 and §5 will be added to the No 'one can, with degree také objection to the power' of Miss opposing member year | made a ance L000, as a re- | sult, [1919 [ot confidence, lincreases, the purchasing "money having practically all the advances made and the [aries consequently remain fairly | before the supplemental | voted. Good teachers-are worthy of | adequate refnuneration, and Kings- j ton is blessed with a high type of} | seliolarship on its staff. Inspector | | Stuart has given much attention to | those employed and Das made selec- {tions 'with care as to | qualifications and teaching ity. This year the board will have to, increased vacational schools, | any deportment {consider technial training, (night classes and other needed im- | provements, and there is no doubt' but that- the trustees will givé pro-| foumd thought and attention to the various matters so that thé Kings- ten schools may maintain a high standard, the equal of any schools in "province. They = will follow closely the lead of what they hope the new Minister of Education will prove to be, ¢ man of vision and pro- gressive in all things that will be of advantigd to tive province. He be- {Meves, with many others, that edu: ontion is the best elvilizing force in | the world. i { { the THE MAYORALTY. The Whig is in no Wise cast down | bdcanse of the envious; and narrow- minded criticisin evy ed by the at-! } ublic has thrown|tr intense interest in it!in 20 1- j one Salvation h fight. | ofthe The. Board of Education is an im-| and is the spender of aj quali iy Only; the board } in meeting; ! and be-} budget ot| absorbed! sal! as! sums were, capac | accommodation, | ferent! 7 jare to th ekiz and, be- d and aad 16, nobl est nd humanity ident, and what Enough Are to ask at 1ipped his duty 5 hic short of this) spirit, erly faunched Ti | that may be but] means. | who } done, this on Army, | Ia are mal spirit nr not Eur Kingston as K Ipetty to exercise Whi lands | I 10 uo altar 'nr wo nj ked of in for the citi is mpon Coming Ne xt Wedne esday. rade and Commerce 3 land indust rially as she | a1 thousand feet be sent abroad missions and-agents ol ment, to be wown to ple abroad, to stirac } ¢Gpital industries, and to e- | Stimulate an active trade millions of people will see abroad, and now the department {showing Canada actually from coast to coast to her citiz under the auspices of the Clubs and\Rotary Clubs, to arouse in terest in Canada, with regard to h vas{ resources and Canada's illimit- lable future, The films to be shown om the time it is sown, har shed, transported, inspected, 1 it is foaded on ocean anada's water powers; parks and play grounds; shipbuilding; aeroplane land many other Canadian This Is «dn educational exhibit rare merit and entertainment, ing the gréat industrial possibilities and the marvelous beauty of the world's greatest wonderland--C da Many lo 1 this millions arouse Many films » film as fhe are, tds! ries activities, ol show- i show i | Queen's University is helping out the university at Saskatoon BE. F. Scott has left for the will take lectures and on his return dygn will take ix we Ss Orange ther W weil, and Prof. W. G. Jor up the work there ) yrices are to drop stint 1 O and w Div Windsor, has t nadian br Adding Ma tnrg treet, have rei to Ont, where Mr. Sturgeon 1 position with the ( of the Rurroughs company Ele ct Newnan to appoint « n to regulate fodbd pri eon He ved ken wich hine ommis A A At AAR AAA AA a | aotetntet te troma st ans i I & We've tippling Rms BALMY DAYS been serving grease; days of peace, blush of shame; fare's dismal game! sugar in your tea, "around to see! Alood of angry prunes, and things like those. sar "You're knifing Uncle just as much 'as some pro-Uerman dub! beats the Dutch how those were bitter times, dark, tr you fotieed how my rhymes were dripping salty tears.) The bard who's fed on prunes and substitutes for pie,! put into his runes much zest, If he's deprived of ham, e cannot write a psalm that's full of golden tones. some shrief, can't try ad 'and dumb, nd migerle, that's sweet; to hoot. or conserving bread, we've been when one may eat a pie, Lhow good to say good nor care two foes, I lived-on sawdust bread, and some would You're slacking it simply the grab!" Oh, | c, galling years; my wife "Sam! jam, I must wate The lyre seems --WALT MASON. il i titude which this paper assumed hn 3 ! calling "upon the citizens of Kings: 1 ton to lignore- the widélydendered | advice not to vote for Ald. O'Conaor | because of his religion. In deprecating this harmful and] unfair policy the Whig sp~ka for alt classes of citizens, and not for party! purposes, as has been alleged by] those .who value' expediency more {than prineipie. The day has "gone by ret us hope forever--when the iw jrth-while, self respecting news: payor will 18nd a 'slavish support to any party or party candidate. The man--not his party or religion- land the policy he supports, will in ture determine the attitude of o press. "What is best for the community and the nation," must ihe the standard by which all men and policies should be judged. The journal which fab" shert of this ideal fails---and Yails ignobly--te measure. up to its opportunities te Ihe @ -publie welfare. the uncailed-for introduction of sees tional and bigoted elements . {ute the mayoralty campaign. It assum- ed this attitude on its own responsi<} to offer for its course. ! {1a the fast issue of Queen's Quas-| terly Prof. 0. D. Skelton advocates ihe same principle in fo. to aa Hility, and not at the request--not| even with the knowledge, it may bel. frankly adtitted ot ithe 'candidate L it endorsed, and if has no apologies x § 4 aE ERE EE t to Canada, and | Canadian | un-| steamers] ana- | Pred. | ~ ' con- and now we look ahead to bounteous' and feel no | by to "war-| How good to put four spoons of | picayunes who is] When streams were running red with} And if I tried to sneak wildly! though he may condemned to gnawing | |CLOTHING ON EASY TERMS Ladies' Sults, Dresses and Furs, Gentlemen's Suits and Overcoats, N. N. Morris, 374 King St. TL MEN'S AND BOYS' WEAR KINGSTON'S ONE PRICE CLOTHING STORE THE STORE THAT KEEPS THE PRICES DOWN. NS - A A NA PY T Very Attractive Goods at Voy Attractive Prices MEN'S UNDERWEAR Sizes 34 to 42. Penman's win- ter weight elastic wool ribbed shirts and drawers. Extra spec- ial value, 98c per garment.. MEN'S WOOLEN SWEATER . COATS Sizes 34 to 42. Military and shawl = collar "styles. Browns, greys, blues, maroons, etc. Ex- tra special value at $2. 98 each. { Mer sd Yom} Men s Juits « Overcoats [jp YOUNG MEN'S SUITS Extra special value, $18.50. Sample suits, sold outs and - cancelled numbers. Sizes 34 to 40. Ready to try. on; finish- ed to your order in a few hours. there for six weeks, | ns BOYS' PURE WOOL KNICKERS Heavy warm tweeds. Sizes 24 to 28. Extra special value, $1.98. BOYS' SWEATER COATS ee 22 to 30. Extra value, C. We believe we have the best $28. 50 Suits and Overcoats in Can- 'ada. Each garment a beauty. Ta ilored with a regard for perfection. its strings are still and mute, when all the grub is bum,' But now come. brighter days, with peace, the boon! now mark my soaring lays, when I have pies to eat! | ---- BIBBYS 78, 80, 82 Princess St. 0 8 | For heating water for cattle. It will pay every farmer to use one. ' McClary's make. Sold only at BUNT'S HARDWARE Jas. License 'Nos.| 6-450 8-184 EN & Co. FARMS FOR SALE ! A First Class Farm of Fifty Acren, with wou bulldings ail in _ ood repair; the "soll is ail thi- = . Able: rich, clay lomm aud tile deained; well fenced; watered by, twe wells and ereek; young ore chard; one half sere of berries Just bhegluning to farm is handy to work as it is henxly squunre and is wel Joeat~ an "- ote of many farms we "nave for Mule, extend our hearty. the confidence shown us during the year that 'is past, and, extend to them hast wishes for em A HAPPY NEW YEAR. away on respected passed Sundny in the veo of # Moses Green,