Daily British Whig (1850), 6 Jan 1919, p. 6

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"a THE DAILY, BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY -------- "So ------------" GANANORUE By his request, made to Mrs. | Role Of bis fath: | Roosevelt some time ago, Col. RoosE- | Brock street a velt's remains will be interred quiet) ' eet, sleyen "K | 1y hépe and privately g3 a 'privaied on Thursday n W. Gordon Karr J ier of i United States 7 had 'just recently recovered. from an attack of influenza which bad con- 5 fregre | Hepry Wilmot, M.P.P., fined him to his home, and was able FEAT ig edi BTS ate h) | Oban-geal, Argyle, Seotland, ninety} to be out around again, After tea Washington, Jan. 6. Protoand 16-| one years ago last October. Shey that evening he went down street grel wis expresséd im all ecirgles and [came to, this country when four years {iff . fot 'a while, but returned early and | from all quanters of the United Stat-|of age, the voyage taking. at that was sitting in the house .about 11| eg gt the death of Col Roosevelt. | time, fifteen weeks The faniily set- o'clock when he suddenly 'rose 10 |mhe courts adjourned amd congrédss|tied in pittsburgh township in the hig feet with L$ hand pressed over | ouiled for a special memorial = ses«iyicnny of Kingston, and ashe bis heart, and 'with .a ery of "OB!" | sion The news was cabled to Presi-lived in the neighborhood ever since. | dest Wilson imi mpdETely. - ifn 1850 she matried Henry Wilmot, fell to the floor before assiztafice {| who predeceased her ahsut thirty EET EE EE Ee x Bank of Nova Scoti could reach him. Medical aid was years. Of her eighs children, seven " INCORPORATED 1832 PAGESIX ) $ | COL. ROOSEVELT DIED IN SLEEP, | 110g of a blood clot from a broken velo. : | .. (Continued from page 1.) Take Notice! - The Thompson Bottling Co. Have started in the wholesale tobaccos, cigars and cigar ette business, and are agents for thé tdllowing firms: : . Macdonald's, Brier, Napoleon & Prince of Wales; Tobacco Cov all lines; Benson & Hedges cigars and cigarettes; Tobacco Products Co.. Melachrino and Fairfax; L. 0, Grothe, Ovide and Peg Top; The Rock City Tobacco Co, King George, Master Mason: Tuckett's Limited, Marguerite, Club Specials, Pref. Panetelos, Pref, Perfectos. Jan. 4.--At the ér, Town Cou From the Countryside + John Boles, sr. has returned from Perth, 2 The Late Mrs, 'Wilmot, Ann F. Graham, widow of the late] CALIFORNIA - 13n. 1.--Snow had again made 1s appearance making the road some- what better, Miss Ethel Hest of Chantry is spending a few days, the guest of her sister, Mrs, William Hatchings. Mrs, Gus Jardinal has returned to her home in 'Battersea, { tater spending o few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Charles Hutchings. Born to Mr, and Mrs, Robert Gamble, a daughter, Mr, and Mrs, Jamés White spent Sunday afternoon at Willlam Hutchings', Nell Graham-and sister Florence have retnured home after visiting their aunt, Mrs. William Eaves." Ford Philips and sister Amy of Forfar spent Sunday at Burton Burtch's. A quiet wedding was solemnized at GLRENDOWER. Den. 31. Those ill at the felds- par mine are getting better, Thos 'Fitzgerald 18 buying cattle for ship- ment. Mrs; Goudy held a" meeling {hn 'the Friends' church last Sunday. The lakes are frozen over Now. School Nas elosed for a while, Cut- ting wood is the order of the day ©, Garrieon, on the siek list) is at] hs. sister's. Sanford Leeman Is drawing 'wood. BATH ROAD. . Dec. 8.~"The "flu is still preva- jent in this vicimity. -- Sketch of His Lite. Col, Roosevelt. was born of Duich ancestry in New York city on October vived by four at once summoned but was of ho vail. The cause of de i t#i- : a a f ath is attri sons and one daughter, she is sur- "sons: Peter G., Cal: buted to heart failure. The home of Mr. d Mrs : T..Sly; Charles iad Mrs Mires 27th, 18568. He was a physical weak-| gary, Alta. John A. Pittsburg; of a very interesting event on Tues- ling and not till he became a man Hear F . Vernon. BC. and Wil- day evening, when they celebrated did he develop normally. His man-{liam A. Fernie, B.C. - For the Inst their "golden wedding anniversary. hood however, was ¢haroughly typical | twenty-five years she male her Quite. a number of relatives ' from of the strenuous Amerjeanism, and! home with her daughter, - Mrs. Ed- 3 he was one of the United States' |ward Sibbit, who died three years CAPPTAYL. fans most famous presidents. He was el-| 889 Since then she lived . with RESERVE FUND ... ... .& town and vicimity were presént, to- Gananoqué wnen Thomas Burtch of [gether with quite a number from 2 : ected to the New York Legislature inher grandchildren, the Sibbit broth- 3 : k 1882 and of governor of New Yorkjers from whose home the funeral : Kingston branch will, opéa for business in PMPOrary. quar California was united in marriage to jout of town. Mr. and Mrs, Sly spent State in 1889. In the meantime he took place on Friday. Her sweet dis- ters, 186 Princess Street, Miss Florence Wiltse, of Morton, The the first thirty-three years of their hall, Misses Mabel and Aluvia Sly [ville and the last seventeen fears | became prominent as a soldier lead position -and kindly nature endeared : were visitors at Latan Burch's of have been spent in Gananoque, They | ing a regiment of Rough Riders imjher to all during a long lite which WEDNESDAY JANUARY 8th ' » . wt A. N. LYSTER, Manager. ; 812,500,000 The trustees held thelr regular school meeting on Thursday, Robert Bushell was put fn. as trustee for another year, Up- to-date ®quipments for the school are ortheoming the coming year. Mrs. J. Andrews, who has been ill, is" convilesding, Miss Bessie Hull, {teacher at Westbrook, is spending Ler holidays under the parental, roof." Mr: and Mrs. Dier, Westport, are visiting at J. Orser's, 3 KEPLER FALL RIVER Dee, 31,-~The share-holders of Jan. 1.--The guihinations ap Mage | Elginburg Farmer's Threshing Com- diy in Osa town hall passed off quiet- 'nay met Monday night at the home ly. Thiee other councillors being of Charles Ewing and after the usual nominated. Archie Gray, the reeve poutine of business, the- members top 1918, will Hold the reaveship for |and their families, numbering about 1919. t. and Mrs. Bdward Convoy | thirty-five sat down to an oyster re- have returfied home from spending past, After supper short addresses Christmgs 'With their daughter, ne. | were given by Rev; Mr. Charlesworth, D. BE. Dustin, Kingston. Miss Tou: jy. E. Johnston and Charles Ewing Grip Ms bhon Ab eroal from hare AN united in their praise of Mr, and attended the Christm enteriain. bostass. Mise ah leal ho hua ec, oth, . manta ey ALY 1st. at ng.) daWgitter of jo and Me. Jou Jol, Basil' Fullerton, who just recent-| berly. 'Misges Eva Conroy and Rose! S00 08 I abe farmer of fan | Fapalved Ms Giadparge jrom the Miller 'at KE. Conroy's. ~~ Miss Flor. wore qutetly married Dec. 18th ya anadjan Air Forces, ' has . " » We , arrived here from 'Toronto for a tyes (ray Spent Suristmas wedle unio the Rev. Mr. Oliver of Inverary.|visit with his mother, Mrs, wo R der her pa . hTe 'flu" has once more disappeared | Fullerton, Main street. from this. vieinity. T. Garrett has Miss Austin, of Toronto, is spend- had an attack of bronchitis, 'Miss [ing some time in town, guest of Mr. Annie Redmond left yesterday for land Mrs. W. E. Austin, Pine street. Washington, D.C. Miss Alma Joha- 'Willlamh Gauthier, Wellington ston leaves Thursday for Boston, |street, who has been located "in Mass. Lorne Lawton has" Téturned | Kingston for some time past, Has to Montreal, after spending Chrigt- [returned to town, and purposes mas with his parents. George Rottér, | leaving in the near future for New Elginburg, visited H, E. Johnston re- [York Qity, where he has secured a cently. Mrs. R. D. Wartman ahd |situation. Shilaren spent Monday the guests of B IL Frederick loulette, of . ps by Rev. Mr. |Mrs. Jobn Silver, . Elginburg. Mrs. | BPOeKY le, gnd sister, Mrs. Pritch- Jw ot a Price seached |W. Cordukes. has returned to har (8rd, of Torento; who have been | orltte Re i So Ra oroning, Tak home at Elginburg after spending.a spending a few days here With their ina point the familiar hymn, "Chrks- Dome on from England on _ the [ew days with-her sister, Mra. H.{fister, Wes. bol. Slunden, Welthe: tan Awad, S SUNG. We 2 Iw Carmanty. Miss ¢ Grace Godfrey Johnston, ton street, have rétorned to Brock: | Morn," was sung by Whe. full choir Carma Nort Grey in Fk ville. and congregation. The Virgin's James McDonald's store. Pte. R. P. MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS, Jun. §.--Tie: funerni of 'the lafe | Lullaby' was perbaps ove of "the Héwtey reports at. Kingston to-day. W. Gordon Karr, who. passed away |®0st 'pleasing features. of the can- Mr. Fitzgerald is on the sick Hst. _ | very suddenly' at the home of his | fata. [It was an alto solo sung. by Mr Puserad } {fsthers Town Couneitor;, James H.| Miss Pollard. Haroll Angrove took ¢ a) GLENVALE. + =. 4+ Depity <Reeve--N. Hartt. ." IKakr; 0H: Phirediy + evening, .was | fhe part of Herod inthe dialogue 3 <1 Si Fames Mercer and fam-|*tObuncitlore--G. S. Way," F.° Ek Aeld. from the. family ; réSidence, Sud. the Inhle chorus the Jar of te fly. Nave movBa' to Kingston to, re-4 Hot ana. J.¥N. Dalmas, iv | Brock sfreet, yesterday afternoon to mast. - This. part Was rendered 'very Te ef aoLFY th ear Ot Ky J . {the vault: at Willowbank cemetery, | éffectively. | Herod's decree is fol- Ui +f ae: eth from fu. Rev. Charles 'E. Kidd conducted the | lowed by a lamentation sung by fe- "oh Decetsed. "WHA nut schoo) ness |. © Dapuiey ttlerdl Service it the houte, Jriteh | Lh ne wD Domne So hy. A Pr tary 1. Sounciliors--T. B. What CR. ; A odge : ,» 10 Come : Ee Cpiwin Cink, also MF. Bworth, Dr. A. Dexia Sytves-| NO. 201, AF. and AM., took charge |All Ye FUthivll by the full choir JO Blierbeck and their [ter Church, Avibur Pope. _|of the service at fhe. grave. and the' congregation. : And ved Christmas with | -Publie Utilities Comuissioner--1.| The services of 3s Lonel hove uThe Cotutug of the King' i por-] Thlonds near Gananoque. Miss Pos- [Frith Fraser. peen secured by ' the = edueatfoua! | Naps one of ilie most comprehensive end Kingston, ls visiting at H. committee of thé Board of Fduca-|dettings of Christmas music, and . " Miss Mary Hamilton, C. Omer's. ' Village Of Bloomfield tion to fill the vacancy on the stuff | ives ample scope for the best vocal Wolte Island, Is spending the va- Counciltors--J. E. Baxter, H. Y, of the public school occasioned by | talent. Miss Shaw, organist. and cation with her. parents here. Mrs. Cooper, George Walkin: ¥.|the resignation of Miss Gladys |dhofr leader, and her eholr are de J: Long apd Miss Flossie, Cataraqul, | Shannon. ge Walkinihaw, Job [hor "who is leaving shortly 1 lo- | Serving of the highest praise for the v Yistted at G. Hamilton's recently. 5 cate for the practice of. her piofes- successful Tendering of the piece. All 3 Herbert Curl and his sisters are ill sor fii' the fur west provinces, of the solos were: well taken and the Montreal, with fw. Ne. and Mrs. Leot- ard' happy couple will reside at Brier marriéd Hfe on a farm near four Sunday. Ormond Powell and Gordon | are both in good health and spirits, | the Spanish American war. He was it scemied fitting should end, as it did, elected vice-president of the United with the passing of the old year States io 1901 and became president The funeral services were conducted when MeKinley was absassinated a by Rev. A, W. Cock. The pall bear- few months later. Ie was elected [ers were Messrs. P. G,, J. A. and G. president 1901 and defeated for thelll. Wilmot; J. S., R. 8, and BE. M " " presidency as a progressive candidate Sibbitt Why Not ? in 1912. In 1909 he made a famous hunting trip to Ateita, and in 1914 . he explored parts of South America. The death of Mrs. VanAlsiyne oe Why not lay hardwood fleors now? Quickly and easily put down and you will Alla Beaver Brand at hen etre thie United States entered the, curred at the Hotel Dieu on Sunday. a 's Lumber Yard ns umper ar 8 Phone 1042 Francis Melntyre, Wellington street, who was taken ill ia Broek- ville recently while visiting there with relatives, las so far recovered #8 t6 be able to return te town and resume his duties. Mrs. W. D. Pennell, Brock street, who - récently underwent a Setious operation in Kingston. General Hos- pital, has returned home to reeupe- rate, Mr. and Mrs. Ira A. Kip, jr., have Dier weré recent visitors at Charles Hutchings', 3 ce late Mrs, VanAlstyne N en pro-ally. He visited Canada to sided with her son Edward Vin arrived in town for a visit with the | hoost the Viet ' on in | Aldtyne ~ataraqui. latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil-|1917 fhe Vittory Losu yampuign fu | Ja Ham E. Rees, Market street, Wl : { Malen . Weleh, of Portland, is VAN ~ spending a short time in town with CANTATA RENDERED relatives and friends. At Late William Smith William Smith died at the Hotel Dien on Monday morning." The de- ceased was seventy-five years of age Sydenham Street Methodist : and is survived by his son Church Evening Service, A cantata, "The Coming of the Smith, B.A. school King," by Dudley Buck, was given| Thomas. The ait Sydenham Street 'Mathodist| lake place from-his late vey na church on Sunday even'ng. It opened Main street. with am oggan prelude, "Noel," by a Ernest Madvand, which was beau- tifully rendered. Then followed the "Prophesy," 'a soprano solo, whieh They are made with the very best Pork I can get and sed- goned with the most utmost care, I promise to give you some- thing you will ask for time and again and as a stufing for (Geese and Turkeys they are unexcelled. * was sung by Mis: Woodman in good At Hood's voles. Tha "Advent" was sung by Cor. of Earl and Barrie Sts. i: " Tdecense No, 0-5634 r, Col. Roosevelt was an outspok- The deceased was a widow and re< Victoria St. Yard \ MOUNTAIN GROVE. Jan. 3.~Miss Edpa Clark, Hamil- ton, spént Christmas with her broth- er, J. D. Clark. Mrs, Harry Pringle, Robihdale, was a Christmas guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John French. There will be no eléction tlifs yedr as the old collucll was re- eléoted by declamation. Mack Peter. con amd Miss AMpa Loyst, Dead Creek, weré quiétly married on Dé. the full chorus, but dmcluded a so. prano and alto duet by Miss PoMard and Miss Crufkchank, with much ef- fect. The "Annunciation" was an alto solo sung-by Miss Pollard, and ba temor solo sung by Mr. Mack. J. Harvey, hass, showed good voice. =At -------------- \ Township Of Marray. ,Reeye-M. LB. Mayhee. Ly Canadian Government Municipal Bonds Wood, Gundy & Company ; © Cansdisn Paciie Rallway Hidg. TORONTO Saskatoon, London, Eng. ---- bi Town Of Picton, Reéve--Albert Powers. : New York Wellington Vilage. - h Reeve--William Fox. Township Of Hillier, Reéeve--0O. L. Jones. Congietlors--W. H. Morton, C. Kinnear A. A. Carley, G. Hardy. i © Miss Ethel Lloyd, a former suc-|ehorus {hroughout was perfect. The Gordon entertained (beir Sun- tessful teacher on the staff of the |mMale chorus was particularly well day school olasses op Friday even- local public school, and for a nim- |dhosen ; A na and 8 'véry ehjoyable time was ber of years engaged in the practice| The vioin "and 'cello accompani- LA pg : of her profession in Saskatohewin, | ment by Anthyr Locke and Prof. " : and who has been spending a few weeks' holidays here with her. pars .. jentsp Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Lloyd, King g street east, left the latter part of Earl|the week for Saskatoon, Sask. to resume her duties. Miss Marian Paton was a strong support and en- piched the harmony. At the end of the service Mr. Madrand played Gouniod's March. v Pegs | dp Dec 31.~Th SARE. of 3 Pep. 31 The marriage of AMIS. |. Township Of Ameliasbutg. greace nine Bagh. of Qmpan, 10 _ Councillors--W. J. Reddick, Joins Geare A Dee, sist. in at. All E. Bouter, John Weese, plate a: Lake Rev. the fn Mullins, daughter of Sidney Mul- drew's fags, 1.Th. officiated. Township Of Athol, Hns, Brock street, accompanied her Pringle; i Hi Davy blue Councitlors--Harry Bryaot, Wil- [as far as Winnipeg, and will locate TWith White satin Mam Bwmorey, Charlton~ Melealfe,jthere with her aunt, Miss Nan Sey | John Moore. Moulton, a well known and suceess- , trim and. wore a navy velvet hat with - a. W o." ediatei fulJournalist «f that city. w me... Immediately Frank Cole, a former resident of ber ihe wedding Mr. and Mrs ek oti ri IR where they this town, where for 4 number of . will spend their honeymoon. Mrs. years he conducted' an undertaking ] dyices, from King, Who for three years has been Morris |business, arrived in this section the [# lin to-day. The jast telegram the faithful teacheér of the school, end of the week with -the yemaing|® Feceiveq here from the Wolft Jett recently - for her home. The of Mis mother, Mrs. Isaac 'Cole also |® 'Baresy @nnousced the selzure will re-open Friday with a former esteomed resident-of this |# of fts 'office. Private advices yd Allen as 'teacher. Miss Sex- town, who pass way recently at|® say tht the Spartacans ooccu- an is spending the holidays at - Empress, Sask. e remains were |# pled the offices of hall a dozen mer homie dn Newburgh, Miss Haiton, George FE. Lumley, Milton {interred it Lansdowne vault. | big wewspapers, ineluding the Strong, teacher ut St. George's Storms, Biss) Eva Sheets, Stone street, Soelalist Vorwaerts, rounded up here last week. The ac- Take, 18 visiting at her home in Sabbah 8 and MiSs Clara Atlan, Charles street, x cused is sixty years of age, and will afaberly ] A South Marysburg Township, Ihe have been spending the Christ- : be arraigned before Magistrate. Far- : . : ; rt Counelllors-=-Albert Colder, Ham-|Mas vacation here with their | par- HS = rell on" Tuesday morning. It is al- ARE Nx {lton Welbanks, Glibert Jarvis, 8. 8.|ents, left on Saturday for Kimgston | THINKS WHEAT MAY BRING $1.50 | leged that the boys sold large quan- : RDON Esty dos Farrington, i to resume their studies at the Kings- tities of brass and copper wire to Me- don, "br wor Sopl or wash! lo Business. College. ___| Miller Does Not Believe Farmers Laughlin, fic. Joha Glem} ophiasinirg To ip. (Migs 'Josephine Bedard, sujfer- Anxious Over Pived Price, MeLanghlin came hefore Magis- ) ' Sounchllors--Horace Way, Blginivisor at the Eastern Hospital, Toronto, Jan. 6.--A Western Cama- trate Farrell at a special sessions of The only proper winter care of any battery. Con- sult ns--explanation of our treatment will convince you. J ' : WILLARD SERVICE STATION train here on Monday morning, Ea- 1" Brock st. : L LESSES, Prop. "Phone 1340 ward Mclaughlin, a second-hand an dealer; belonging' to this city, way placed under arrest by Constable, James Cotter on a charge of having purchased stolen property from the band of boy burglars, who were ETHEL STRICKLAND As' Ma Bascom #1 "Turn to the Rigi" o lat the Grand on Saturday, Jan, 11th' matinge and night, PLACED UNDER ARREST A COUP D'ETAT OCCURS IN BERLIN. # -- (Canadian Préss Desputeh.) Amsterdam, Jan, 6.--A coup d'etat took place in Berlin yes- terday, it is believed here on the DHagis of a Ber- bride Was Sad *Township Of Hallowell. Resve--J. W. Pasta Deputy Reeve---B. A. Reynolds. Councifors--8, J. Foster, Huff, Fred Hubbs, mid North Marysburg Township. Réeve--John BE. Shepherd. Coutiefllors--Clardnce Bett, F. Claimed That He Purchased Stolen Property From' Boy Burglars, As be stepped off # Grand Trunk Shh bbbprd Shh rbeP S222 0BFP 4424S Jan. 3.1) "Fobr Reasons For Buying Your Ne Piano at LINDSAY'S B Ci) ourt h Rea SON: + % $ § 8 i "The LINDSAY stock of Pi-. flour anil |Gorsline, Arthur Rightmyer, Harold |Brockville, who bas been spenlin ; the Ti th BOO Senheds: Noxon, the past week With Tomtives here dian wilier In a. Jeter 16 aa Spe fptesadi "hot gutity" y Wooo Ms " Mra AD- |una Ia Kingston, returned to Brock- | Sides will urge the Buropean coun: [CNEL JIC JAE [0 jhe ©440 | Kingston. _ Officers Thausferred, E Hours S. Campbell, 'Main streer, | 1108 In Reed of wileat to my she ied has returned | Prescott, Fan, B.S. M, Pearson; |who for a number of years past has | 2igbest prices possible for next year's ; : in Kingston, Eben for the past seven years, immigra- {heén traveller for the firm of La- | STOP: In view of the fact that the ; i rR 4 Yor the holidays. | tion inspector at Prescott, has been montagne, Id. of Montreal, pas greater production campaign was en- ; : di wi ¥ ssippi, 1s in transferred to the office at Toron- resigned his position with them and tered upon for those very cOUNLTIeS. {@ oo. = og i h ; rae AL Mrs. | 10 He is being succeeded at Pres- {nas accepted the position of travel He looks for u price of $1.50 to A's Mr. and Mra [cot By Inspector Bantord, who is & hing salesman for the Ontario Steol | $1.75 #84 that the United States Is Tysick Wind family, moved to [former resident of Iroquois. Pre- | products .Comph - prepared to lose the difference be- a Where they will vious to his departute Mr, Pearson! Miss Helen Mabeé and brother, |tween i : bushel at : 'wag presented- with-a club bag bY : a v will be much missed g bY {Carleton Mabee, who have been | Chicago, sud treat it as a war © on. iss Ella White, spending thelr 'vacation here wilq | Renditure. Ir (his tutus out %o Be} st e case, the Canadian surplus dxport would likely be marketed al friends. or of Avtbur White is danger: ill with -pueumonia, - Fwin w a "phe rs ~ Fernleigh, is in Clarendon on today. Pte. Howard Camp- Mrs: gi Shith's Fa sidence of : . B--iThe te Joly: Madden, residiog in- the township of South Elmsley, alien Tp J wes' it rents, Dr. and tone street a similar figure. The writer of the fetter thinks Western farmers are not particularly anxious 'or a fixed ce, and, if they could get $1.25 to 1.50 next season, they would be 7 want to] . Pog io se over > anos, Payer-Pianos and'. Or- ans is made up ONLY of begidling Canadian and Ameri- can makes: Heintzman & Co., - Brambaeh, Weber, Wormwith and Lindsay Pianos dnd Player- Pianos: Estey Organs. Cata- logues mailed free on reqgiest.. - Be L 3 . "One Price Ouly"at interest charged on the bal. ite; Cornwall nd Three Rivers. v Oftaws, Queber, Brockvile, a

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