PA Re rh AN THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY | 8, 1919. a Hockey and Fancy Pleasure and Waltz $0.00--Auto Tube are electrically welded together and are strongest tubé skate 3 $5.00--"This 'Beautiful 'Pleasure Skate is designed by the Jest skater in the world. Auto in C-~The lightest Skate in the world, famous aluminum tops. $7.50---This is the finest Skate made for fancy or figure skate. Has. tife saw tooth notches in the toe. These are our best Skates. Auto at $4, the Ladies' Pleasure at $3 and the Yukon at $1.90, are good Skates for thosd who. do not have the desires of the Hockey Shoes We have the finest assortment of Hockey and Skating Shoes between Toronto and Montreal. . better models. Skates TREADGOLD SPORTING GOODS CQ,' 88 Princess Street "Home of the Brunswick." Phone 529 made. 'Free When you buy your outfit' from us. made with the Then we have the Ladies' We put Shoes on The H. W Ne -- TT 4 PHONE G4 4 | NINGSTON dze how lucky he is when a woman 167 Princess ONTARIO 7 In most cases a man doesn't real- refuses to marry him, "It's a good thifg to have opinions | and it's a better thing to keep the In the World of Sport | ANGLERS TAKE NOTE, Poin s About _Land- rout. selon for 'fish and room plaintively ifter thé pisgine sub- and only the smell not generally ey are expert anglers. sportsman whose gar- borders on & well-stocked lstream stated that his cat takes more trout out of it-than-he does. {An fish love to bagk in .the sin, land, taking advantage of this en fine: summer days, Mr. Tom lies in { ambush, concealed in the _ ready {grass bordering some bright, pebbly ishallow. He needs neither rod nor line; unlimited patience is Mg sole | stock-in-trade. Not a .moyy #ses he imake, his quivering tail mere rust- ling the-slender bents as if stirred with the gentlest southern breeze. Presently there is a splash and a flounder, and a fine, _ fat trout, bursting with condition, comes flap |ping up to the shallow for its morn- jing sun bath. "For an instant only it lies there contentedly gasping in the soft, warm air, but in that in- stant the. four-footed :- angler has made his spring and fastened his claws figimly in the fish's shimmer- ing back. : mn -------------------------------------- ED. BARROW Cats Can Give ng The Red Sox manager, who has been re-appointed. Little Belgium's Sportsmen. Sporting chronicles throw curious sidelights upon the recent war. In the last few months -of the fighting the newspapers contained only scanty notices of the Belgian army, said papers being engrossed with the achievements of their own troops, but the Belgians were suf- fering heavy losses, the extent of which may never be fully appreciat- ed. The effort to revive sport in gatlant King Albert's country is proving exceedingly difficult 'be- cause of the scarcity of men and boys capable of engaging in Bel- gium's favorite pastimes. Some track and boxing fixtures had been arranged during the recent summer 2 Belgian soldier-athletics. They: ad to he cancelled because of the killing or wounding of the pro; spective competitors. No more In pressive, if mute, testimony ¢6 the sacrifice of the 'Belgian army and peoplé could be offered. These can- cellations were made when the Ger® jmans were on the run, and not when the Germans were overwhelming the entente Mnes in a big drive. wa-------- Enlarge the Circuit. . Expansion of the Pacifie Coast Baseball League from a six to an aight4team organization, by the ad- dition of Portland and Seattle, has been agreed upon by --directors of the league. The directors voted to apply for the Portland and Seattle territories now embraced in the Pacific Coast International League, formerly the Nerth-western League, and it 1s expected plans for the changes {n the circuit will be com- plated at 8 meeting to-day. x Major ey Coaches, Winnipeg Argonauts, who ire call- ed to win the senior championship of the Mahitoda Hookey Association, 'and challenge for the Allan Cup, are being coached by Major Francis Cald- well and Major Les, Moffat, both of whom were players on the Winnipeg Victorias when the latter held the 44th" Battalion, and not only won his majority on the field but was award- ed the Distinguishied Service Order. 'Wise men make proverbs that fools lid on them sometimes, may Aisquots ihem. 5 « | Manitoba-----Birtle, cup. Caldwell went overseas with the | CORNELL TO INSIST On Every Man Taking Part in Some Sport, Denial that President Schurman of Cornell University is seeking thé ab- olition of intercollegiate athletics at Cornell was made if a statement Ia |3 Y, V ; "She +0 "3 S| position of} sued by R. W, Sailor, Director of<the campaign to finance Cornell sports this year. In a recent report to the trustees, Dr. Schurman had recom- mended that inter-collegiate athletics e 'displaced" by a system of in- tramural spert, . Dr, Schurman's recommendation, Mr. Sailor said, contemplated re- tention oY intér-collegiate sports with 'the addition of intra-collegiate sports designed ,to provide physical training for every student. 1 would not serve nty ends to abolish intercollegiate athletics," Dr. Schurman is Quoted as having said. Vogue of Golf n Canada. Cgnidian Golfer--There will be new golf courses literally by the score laid out in Canada this year. As a matter of fdat even the wa. has not proved a deterrant . and many new courses have been put into commission since 1914. Not- able examples in Ontario have been "Kingston, Midland, (#rleton Place, Camp Borden. Weston, Britannia, Muskoka. Quebec--Grand Mere, sursle-lae, Granby, St. Margaret's Vale, St. Bruno and Seénneville. Asginboine, Win- nipeg "Canoe Club, Winnipeg, New {Brunswick --{Fredericton, Riverdale, Moneton, Nova Seotia--Dart- mouth, Digby. British Columbia-= Colwood, Invermere, _ Cranbrook, Balfour. Alberta--Bowness, -Cal- gary, Edmonton Golf Club (playing over the municipal Jinks), Leth- bridge. Sagkatchewan Kerrob- ert, QuiAppelle. This makes of twenty-nine new clubs which cian be rightly termed "golf war babies." In addi- tion, Chatham is also "getting into the game," land having been secur- ed for a course which will be laid out this year. If all this = activity has been registered in war times, besides several courses enlarged from 9 to 18 holes; what will be the record when thousands of soldiers return who learnéd the game in Great Britain and have become en- thusiastie about its many physical and mental possibilities and ad- vantages? Want Foreign 'Athletes. Plans for a gigantic revival of amateur spots is seen in the action of the U.S. Amateur Athletic Un- ion, which has forwarded invita- tions to several foreign countries asking them to send athletic teams over in search of laurels during the year. If foreign athletes can arrange to visit the United States it fs 'plan- ned to have them enter competition againgt star teams here and later arrange «for meets in other tities, such as Boston, Philadelphia, Chi- cago, St. Louis and San Francisco, it is said. A man may feel his oats and still lack horse sense. ne Old Folks' Coughs, Quickly oad This Tells of a a Method That Cures Without € Using Drugs. Elderly people ti take "Yold: easily. Unlike young "folks, they recover slowly. . That fs why so many peo- ple past middle life die of pneumonia. Cough Syrups seldom do much good because they upset digestion. Any doctor knows that a much more effective treatment is "CATARRH- OZONE," which. heals and soothes the irritated surfaces' of the throat. In using Catarrhozone you do not take medicine into the stomach you simply breathe into the fhroat, nose and lungs rich piney : balsamic vapor, so full of healing power that colds, catarrh"and bronchitis disap- pear almost instantly. The germ-killing balsamic mixes with the breath, d through the threat, down. the bron- chial tubes, and' finally reaches thg deepest air cells in the lungs. All parts are soothed with rich, pure, medicinal essences, whereas with a syrup the, d sparts could not be reached and harm would result through benumbing the stomach with drugs. 3 Inhaler. in your vapor A Catarrh pocket or purse enables you to stop a cold with the first sneeze. Large size costs $1.00 and supplies treat- ment for two months, small size 50c;. draggin 5g all storekeepers and ru WILLING TO Shaughnessy Sends Reply to | McGill Rugby Club. president of "SHAG" COACH. | Lieut. Ross lading, Gill Students' ( reply the Mc- | 5 had a] Frank | asked | coach fou by club next season. Lieut. Ottawa and will have within a shont time. He states he will be pleased to coach MeGil] again next season and concludes by saying-that Ite hopes that the Inter- Collegiate Rugby Union will be re- vived next autumn' MoGill have had word from '&H the other universities, vsignilying their willingness to return to sport, which 'is an assurance of the revival of rugby Shaughnessy is back in his discharge WILLIE HOPPE Walter Cochrane wants to meot him for the world's title. i May Admit Soldiers Free, . Arrangements may be made by the New York baseball clubs before the baseball season starts to admit free to the polo ground all men who have seen sérvice overseas either in the arniy "or the navy. It is report- ed pir substantial authority 'that both leagues will adopt the scheme as a token of their appreciation to the mer who fought to make the would safe for civilization. The Giants and Yankees have been ex- tremely liberal in the past in re- gail to entertaining soldiers . and sailors, and the suggestion to ad- mit service men free will doubtless be hailed with delight by soldiers and sailors who return from across the seas. -------------------- Fraternalism Not Paternalism, Wiliam allen White in Jasuary Yale Review. Now that the Allies have won, we should have fraternalism. And fra- ternalism offers tothe average com- mon man all the distinction and preference and gain that his talents entitle him to." Paternalism offers ratiohs. Fraternalism may not even give a man rations, but it of- fers him a struggle for justice. Fra- térnalismy seeks no common level- ling processs. Fraternalism seeks no economic balance which . will keep the slave fat and contented. Fraternalism seeks not to hamstring thie stronger pian and make him a weakling, but would give every man all he earns and make him edrn all he gets. - Giants Secure Good Catcher. Earl Smith. sensational young caltcher ~ of the Rochester Inter- nationals, last year, is the propedty of the Giants: Manager MeGraw gave up-five players for Smith Jose Roirigues, Joe Wilholt, Geo. Kelly, a utility player, and. Pitchers 'Hoyte and Ogden. « - «Ff Look into the mirror thichgh the 20 Per Cent Discount ON ALL FIT REFORM OVERCOATS. "Inspection Invited CrawfordsWalsh Tailors Princess and Bagot Streets Perfect for the Pipe delicious, handy, economical, keeping its rich moisture and fragrance unimpaired for any length of time, and burning slowly but fréely-- these are the qualities which you will find-in 'The. Perfect Plag Smoking Tobacco "Slice a pipeful, fresh from the plug, just when you want it, fill your pipe not too tight, light up gad you will sujoy a smoke of real satisfaction. - ' Resbived | That the Slogan of Boyd's Carats For the ' Year 1919, Is: Service | A service that i is made up of courteous treatment; fair and square dealing in all transactions; prompt attention given to the smallest repairs. A trial convinces. YOURS FOR BETTER AND BIGGER SERVICE ! George B 129 Brock Street large end of a pair of opera glasses if you would see Joursely as others see you. 2 THEY DON'T KNOW THAT CREME DE MENTHE IS FRENCH FOR CREME DE MENTHE (BUT, MUTT, Tene FRENCH WAITERS DON'T KNOW OUR - DRINKS: THEY WON'T KAW WHAT you meant F you of SAY YoU WANT Just LE Aut Tt ME AnD weit GET Some CREME £ DE MENTHE "It doesn't pay to be a dog in the Make the best ot the preseiltit mangeér---unless you are in the-can- | you are unable to excliniige its for ine class. SAnphing 8 better. i . 2 hi li ves CREME De pani | Deyn y ~ : ME NTHE, MON HERS )