¥ ¢ JANUARY 8, 1919. PAGE FIVE . "Out of the High Rent District," 0'Connor's' - Ladies' Great Snaps ! ! In every depagiient. previous "to stock taking Our Big Sale Is now in full swing. Bargains that are real. Reductions that are genuine. SEE THE WINDOW J.O Connor 260 Pi St. 'Telephone 800 "Higher Up Street," But Always Lower in Price. \s \» Insist on Getting CHARM TEA In Packages Only Black, Green, Mixed. At all Grocers. Exclusive Kingston Milling Co., Limited 3 Manufacturers of High Grade Flour "White Rose" and 'Hungarian Patent" For sale by all dealers Canada Food Board License Nos. 118 pnd 4-118 / old Weather Comfort QUEBEC HEATER WITH GRATE __Glear--Altractive. Will burn any kind of fuel. er. Checked down will hold & an re for 36 hours. Size FOR SINGLE ROOM com- We are healing ch and ~ would: be pleased to give you esti- jj mates on installation of hot air or § hot water furnaces. Ask Plumb- © ing Department. a [omer said, A wonderful heat- + ) THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, CONCERT N CITY HALL AUSPIC ES OF AL G:W.V.A, uso IR THE THE : LAX | Knight MacGregor, Toronts Vocalist, Provided the Chief Part of a Very Enjoyable Programme, The granti eonce f the G w V.A. in the City Hall esday evening although somewh disappointing « regards the vided a musi ent such as i Kingston crowd der the pgtronage of Brig.-Gen: Victor 8. Williams, who was present; this being his first public appearance since taking over the position of G.0.C. in Kingston, Knight MaeGGregor, the 'Foronto ar- tiste whin provided the major part of the programme, fillyl realized the ex- pectations of those present. He of- fered a varied repertoire of songs, and sWowed that he was equally-at home, in either simple ballads, plan~ tation melodies and selections from grand opera. In all he: supplied , twenty-one humbers, three of which i were encores, The gems of the pro- | gramme were "The Prologo" from | "Pagliacci" and "La Donnae Mobile™ from "Rigoletto," which the artiste 'rendered in the original dtalian; | "Dear. Old Pal of Mine,' a very ef- fective littlegpallad written in the { trenches; "I Want to be Ready," a | negro spiritual®ballad which delight- led the audience, and "The Laddies Who Fought and Won," whic) MacGregor sang as an encore great vigor and expression, In every one of his numbers Mr. MacGregor showed himself to He an admirable concert soloist. - He is | gifted with a splendid platform man- ! ner, and his voice is of a rich full { tone and of great range and power. His dramatic art was at all times apparent, and his work was greatly appreciated and heartily applavded by those present. 'Those whe did not attend this recital certainly missed hearing an artiste of rare ability and skill, one whose equal is very rarely heard in this eity, Mr, MacGregor was ably assisted by Miss Edna 'Wallace, pianisty who accompanied him, to perfection, and showed a complete understanding of the finer points of the classical items on the programme. Miss Goldie Bars- tels rendered violin soles in hey us- ual finished manner, and Miss O. F. Telgmann added to the programme by two well rendered readings. at forithose pres m offered to a event was un- Mr. with Brothers Did Not Vote. Two brothers met at one of -- polling sub-divisions oh Mo "HOW are you voting?" one od the other, "I'm voting for Ald, 0 Connor," he replied, "how are you voting?" 3 5 "I'm out for Ald, Newman," the whereupon the two walk | ed away front the polling booth ; without recording their vote. Tha {Incident caused much comment among the workers at tiis booin. To Go to Trial; | Some time ago 'a Bath farmer sold a barrel of apples to a farmer living at Collins 'Bay. He claimé' he has not been paid for the apples, and has taken action beforc Justice of, the Peace George Hunter charg- ing that he securpd the apples un- der false pretences. Wilfred Williams and = Myrtle Martin, of Thurlow, were quietly. married in Belleville on Saturday. Best family physic. Do not gripe or cause pain. Purely vogeta- Ma. sage tn take 256 Is woman Bonn, PR ASA Cocoanut oil ine For Washin Hair If vou want to keep your hair in goodhcondition," be careful what you wash it with. Don't use prepared shampoos or anything else, that contains - too uch alkali. This dries the scalp, akes the hair brittle, and is very armful. Just plain mulsified cpcoanut oil (which is pure and en- tirely greaseless), is much better tHan anything else you can use for "sNampooing, as this can't possibly in- jure the hdir. Simply moisten your hair 'with water and rub'it in. One or twoltea- spoonfuls will inake an abundance of rich, creamy lather, and cleanses the hair and scalp thoroughly. The lat- her rinses out easily, and removes every particle of dust, dirt, dandruff and excessive oil. The hair dries quickly..and evenly, ahd it leaves it fine and silky, bright, flufly and easy to manage, You can' get mulsitied cocoanut _oH at most any drug store. It fs very "cheap, and a few, ounces is enough last everyone nn the family for] dl ; I the audience, pro-; HAD SUFFERED. FOR FOURTEEN YEARS (Coujdn't Lift an Arm or Leg From Bed--Tanlac Re- stores Health: I could have found Tamba« years age' said Wiliam "who fives at 417 East Tama, Wash. a "I wish fourtean D. Lawrence; Thirtieth street, few days agQ "1 have suffered all the pangs inflammatory rheumatism just that many years" he'continued 'and many times. | Baveé-been in such pain and misery 1 would almost wish I could die and end it all, My whole body was racked with pain nearly all the time, and I would get teriibly swol-] len all over, sometimes my feet would swell so bad I couldn't get my shoes ons The swelling and pain would come so suddenly in my feet at times that I would have to cut the strings in my shoes so I could get them off real quick. I was so bad off at one time that I was flat on my back for two or three months on a stretch, and couldn't faise an arm or leg all during that time, and_ev- ery part of my body just ached with pain all the time. I went night after night without a minute's sleep, just had to lie there and suffer, : "I tried everything I could get m¥y hands on, thinking'l would.get some- thihg after a while that would do me some good, but nothing seemed to help me .very much I thought a change might do me good, so 1 came to Tacoma a short time ago, and when I get here I heard a great many people talking about the good Tanlac had done them, gad I thought I would try it out myself. Well, sir, it began to overcome my 'trouble right away I am practically free from those terrible rheumatic pains now, and all that swelling is a thin of the past, and, in fact, all thdt fourtedn yevars of misery seems to be over. 1 sleep lke a log and am gaining, both in weight and strength every day. 1 never lobe minute from my work now, put df full time every day, and just feel pont) all the Thine. It sure is great to be in such fine shape after fourteen yeyars of agony. 1 don't believe there is an+ other medicine in the world equal to Tanllae,"' Tanlas is sold ¢ of n Kingston by AJP: Chown, in Plev by Gilbert Ostler, in Battersea by tg Clark, in Fern- leigh by Ervin Martin, in Ardoch by M. J. Scullion, in Sharbot Lake by W. Y. Cannon. "- = ~Advt. {WEEK OF PRAYER SERVICE FIRST CONGREGATIONAL OH u RUH TUESDAY EVENING . Rev. Dr. Wilson Spoke on "The Church Universal"--A, Strong Ap- pealed For Christian Unity, IN Prayer was held on Tuesday evening in the First Congregational church. There was a Jarge congrégation, The servige was conducted by the Rev, T. Pe Courcey Raynor and the special preacher was Rev. R. J. Wilson of Chalmers Presbyterian church. It | was essentially & prayer meeting and representative clergymen and laymen led in prayer." Rev. Dr. Wilson's subject was "The Church Universal," and he took a comprehensive view of the Christian church which fifty years ago was. div- ided by theologies that no constitute divisions. There now cx- ists a spirit of unity in essentials. This was strikingly noticeable in the allotment of 'territory in the foreign mission fields. But it was not in the foreign mission field that the need for unity was felt. He directed ai- tention to' the grave menace io the existing drdér of society everywhere and to the church itself. The Bol shevik 'and LW. WwW. propaganda threaten our social lifé and an age of terror is bound to follow the as- cendency of socialism, In. "western Canada there are nq less than eighty different languages spoken. church must take united action for her own safety as well as for fhe kingdom of God. He believed that Christian mis. sionary effort of the past century had kept India loyal during thg past four years, and thi relief from the Ger- man fear was awakening a me¥ con- try. /The church is today presented with an unfinished task and may well be on her knees, It is time to give thanks for a~measure of unity but also to seek the spirit that will give driving force and energy for the great task before her, Dr. Wilson's | address was a erful appeal for | Christian unity dealing with the ' stupendous res bility that rests upon the church" today. "We are here," said he, "fo seek a spirit, and' surely we will never do more than, the will of God." ; 'Miss WoolgaF sang "1 Heard The Voice of Jesus Say," by Rathbun very oltestively during the service. | Endeavors wiil ve made to have the Canadian National Railway con- tracted through Perth to Lanark aod nd then on to Aroprior. The second service of the Week of | I j | | { i longer - | The 'sciousness inthe people of that coun- O= o= == O 'Abernethy's ° Q © Keep Your Feet Warm 'Warm lined cloth boots for men and women, _ 3.00 to 5.00. : Warm lined overshoes for men, children. Moccasins for girls and boys. i © 'Warm house boots for elderly ladies; plain tops, 1.75; fur tops 2.00. Warm house slippers for women to do house- work; red, brown, 2.00, 2.25. KEEP YOUR FEET WARM COLDS & women and grey and black, 1.75, AND AVOID Q Qo Sr j Kingston's CAMPBELL'S FU RS The success uf one fur trade last year has couraged us to do still better things this year. . Despite the high prices that prevail on most articles of merchandise we. are still able to show excellent' values jn furs of quality and style. Fur N Pieces Fur Muffs Fur Coats Fur Caps Now is the time to PRE BROS Oldest Fur Store 0 long time service is required, Reid's Business men know con- can ves its economy. ied by the name it's sold under. That's: why e Reid i is a guarantee to you when you buy JOMES REID The large variety of | a Sunes we Supey ina to roe of in Andividunt ean" fuccenaiuily fitted here, horough Phone 147 For Service SE EL, ---- A GOOD SUGGESTION Wh not ive your BOY GIRL = \AN EX DOWMBT POLICY : THE EXCELXSIOR eof No