PAGE TEN |THE DALY BRITiSH WHIG, FRIDAY, JANUARY 10, 1919. In the ami Feeble Old People | Vinol is What You Need | becau f contatns the very elements needed to re- ace weakness with strength, viz: A eef and Cod gver Peptones, Iron and Maggancse Peptonates, and: Glygerophosphates, with a, mild tonic wine. Thisisa splendid 'combination to restore strength, vitality and vigor.' It has given ninety percent satisfaction for sixteen years. | HERE IS PROOF: ' Malone, N.Y. 5 Winchester, Va. 1 am 84 years of age and got into "1 am-a farmer's wife, 75 years of weak nervous condition | age, and pneumonia left me in a weak, run-down condition, 80 I could hard! keep 'about and do my work. bafi'ap raught ie me Vinol and it has t strength so fast that I nk it is the best medicine I have sh taken." Mrs. Jennie ie Chain, onk women meng na remody Hho Vi . | F wouldn't worry | is young, ha | and will | fighting line VBEST DRUG STORE. IN EVERY TOWN AND CITY IN THE COUNTRY." {again hot as optimistic | dio 80, | affect | have foo a 3 Bh. Biba Tables Easy Chairs, C hesterfields, all styles and Finishes. R. J. Reid . Leading Undertaker es | | 1 | } Phone 577 A Mae MAA NU LN SN NANA THE | NEW LIGHTER DAY RANGE : haps she wu { i Seeitat = | - Lemmon & Sons 15 87 Princess Street Kingston For Crinps, Colds and "A Aches and Pains 1 pected { asked her to | mouflage | comforted Ruth, | she andl her g i happened to Brian, I know him, ! cape, ' ! clear sky comes By Jane Phelps. arian 1S WOUNDED BUT N NOT I SLVERLY VFTER GXX NHI He wa had vidnded! he marse Was. prety well as coalg ye was conscious s hud 0s wiles. ther not His pight arm had been also he had been feuck der Gy a piece of i wound if 've is reail Ru ed as Ibadl worrv jured 2 whos SHrant usly hurt! q she Had fini be had turned the hand t1e £318 the file "hol ing 2 i wutse iz delifag it "her anit d. : will { just as it is, she says sae 8 a praoe) » 'baek in. the in a til > bat or nt what i, ghould happen-----if he "Pears filled Ruth's "Maye sécnething should die!" { eyes. , "Now, Ruth, don't allow to even think of such a. thing write hiyw 4d nice, cheery letter, teh believe he is dll right. You'll hear S00N Mes: Clayporne wa as she pretended wanted | to keep while trying a Hitle on the death might ure to. he. But she Ruth cheerful, and eiculgted mot (Brian's) oft her niece's fad Ruth told Mandel at Brian had been wounded him the hospital nurse had writton, anda that =he was fearful she hai not told tlie danger might be in; that they had made light of it so that she wouldn't worry "No--1 wonhin't en-Suraged 1 thoss al badly them to his her he way have an dea tell things en't feel that he "that pretty soften my urse They ha B moh thine to thelr Scmeway, his manner « He looke point of view; ind did, Then, impersonally. He for if anything but he did not so talked of him as he would of any wounded soldier. Per: foolishly anxious. She couldn't expect him to whelly when 'so many were Killed, from a many was = speaking would be sorry hej { him | until she = this one Ae VS But Lhe migat Was 8 nurse : hosght nded as would Ime 48 he better, then she back to health, thiilied at the thought received the next letter written by Brian himself planned all sorts of comforts 2 invalid soldier. be bagk on thd get this he wrote, fttle. But am almost all © right My. «hy fer is stiff, but 8 all. 1'll soon" be gun- ning for the Huug who did it.' Rmph alto (6d Mandel of thlg let ter. TH Jre reemed rather adit ferent, she sotleed, dnd resented "He dossn't seem glad a bit," vo hersel, "and he i8 wvsua.iy enh ¥ over the soldiers." That, Mandel had made an effort (o show hig sympatyy with her in her he had in her anxiety, he could 'mot know. Or that he jad taken himseld to account more sternly -tlian €he could or would 'de, hecause of the reglizalton. of his failure But Rutkigogn forgot everything tirat Ben wae once more all In his Iter Be had not men- +1 Mald® war She And she for : line when A Wag goss. she a1 S50 right tioned MolVie "ing deither been - hig rse when wounded and naable to write! Gidding" had been the Vota the lettar vritten He first Mary the with By Joy second lets J 'joyous over daliie el pot heen ness But her lived In Brian's 3 paid: It ysas dreadful short he lying rns ov GA Ad ~ Hurrah! Dance all Day! My Corns All Gone! It's a corker; the best wrinkle ever devised, and Gne that's safe, sure, de- pendable and painless. Corn troubles are over, foot lumps fade away fast, you get just what you need once you paint the sore spots with old reliable Putnam's Corn Extractor. Substitutoyrs have endeavored to penetrate i¥y secret of marvelous curative power, but after nearly 50 years it's still by far the best of all corn remedies, Ise mo other, sold everywhere in 25¢ bottles. > to A A SA -- With Lorna Moon. seroma Something Different What #3 it that comes over you, Little One, When suddenly .out of a the greyest . of clouds to settle on your heart? Oh; you are sx - just one of the § big moody sister. hood and so yon 8 can't explain? Why should you know wherefore thé rose "color fades ali at once NG into a sodden grey? WwW hy should a tulip know why it cps $4 ens its petals at sunrise and clos- es them agar at sunset? Whag it is that you really want? child? A suiprige? Music? acinvirer? A new hat?e---- this mach you: do know, you. want something else! Your whole hos ing eries 'aloud for a change everyting, inside and out. Re ud help some if you could go lo a lit- Religion? A 'garden and on your in a stespy | knees there "Gentle Jesus, meek and mild, look upon a [little child." It omigat help scme if a pair of baby arms stole around your neck. Something else to take you out of your grey mood---a new hat, a bunch 'of dawey violets te match your eyes, and a different man to tell you that you are wonderful! 0, blackest of ¢louds, * which gathers in the sky of imsufficieut variety! © strange waywanrdnes that has its beginning in deadiy monotony! = Td» much work, or too much play----too many dull days, or too many hours of pink excitement -all feed the preying beast of de- pression. 0, butterfly on the 'wheel of gadely, with listless wings moving in the fragrant zephyr, do you not long sometimes to harness yourself to- the chariot: of destiny? Aad busy Httle ant, ever storing your trea- sure against toqmorrow's. day of need, do you not long to spread 'gay wings and fly away to rest on a rose bud? tle church set quietly say, ------ plain How ate her x0t hav- an I did over | A Der Yon wice PHA al to ang oti e W just f fellow want lotr walk ternoon when she ) We talked 1 thiek of i---<principally you ard tae kiddie. No how 1 bong t« yau both Huns don't do better this time, I shall Fol, you hew I Jove you both. Your hus- sand and ithe kiddie's dad." To-morrew--In Helping Another, R ih Hetuel? is Hel pe; P- of if the see and THIS 1S A WARTIME iviig This chic wartime model .combinés most becomingly style and utility. It is of navy blue serge beaded in. red, whité and blue and shows new, inter. esting points in 'the coatee effect, fas: tened by crossed straps to a gracefully draped skirt. EASY TO MAKE THINGS OVER: Women Mave No Excuse for Not Re. modeling and Wearing Some of Last Year's Garments. " Never have the possibilities for mak- ing over been better, says a fashion writer. Loose panelas and combina- tions of materials give no woman an excuse for not wearing last: year's frock. There are any number of new effects in draperies and the clever one will be able to adapt them to her mate- rial and figure. One should be able to make an old frock into a new one with- out Batting an eye, Fringe is going to be a great help. But, while fringe is apd will be worn a lot, there are braids which are quite as stylish. There is little in the line of fancy trimming which bas not been wrought by hand in wools. The trim- mings and general ornamenty clothes are giving ns enough variety to serve us, but not much garishness They are showing ingenuity in hand touches other than wool embroidery, There are cordings and tuckings and all of the new garments are likely to stow &rrow heads. Nearly every one can | < aise together | now | one knows | than they did | teh | Realm of Wo oman --- Some Interesting Features "THE WIFE" a ( . A Tea of Any Kind that does not live up to its Advertised Merits deserves to fail and usually does. True economy is not so much a matter 'of whatyou pay for an acticle,as what value you get in return-- ublic with unchallenged value le from mmade.-it has served thei for 25 years and never wavered a the standard of Quality which famous. "Always ( Good Alike" No Fears Sm I THREE FULL LOTS FOR SALE On Nelson Street CHEAP W. H. Godwin & Son Insurance 80 Brock St. amar 424 New Arrival of Goodwillie's Pre- serves In & Ruspnercies, Straw. berries, Cherries, Peaches, Pears and Gages, We recommend Dalley's Stee Cut Coffee in 1 and 35 Ib, tins, Belleville Cider, Bon Marche Grocery tion of | Same price as before the war Are messengers of pA ae long winter evenings. Get these! youl enjoy them. 90 cents for 10-inch, double-sided Let the Great World Keep T aig Wortg Yeoe "Il be | Proud in Dixie of Their Old Carnpbel ad Bart 216049 Miro's Band 216047 Bluebird Henry Burr--and--The Little Aa Good for Rid 's Good for A for Something 2 After All Campbell and 216048 . How Would You Like to Be My Dadfrb= Fox Trot : and---A Little Birch Canve and Waltz Miss Band 216050 Sweet Hawailan Moontight--Campbell and rand 3h 1 Had Someone fo * Henry Burr 216046 el Land--and-- Watch, Evi bil car Howry Bure 216039 WR. ¢ Gone--larion ' Ton Clad 3 Co Mele Yo eo Burr 18509 Smiles LoL] Joot---and--Rau hes Fox T 's Orchestra 18473 Red Seal Records | Fah) La Boheme--0 soave fanciulla ~~ Alda-Martimelti besos : The Song That Reached My Heart Williams 74571 Andante Cantabile Elman String Quartet 74575 Victrolas from $34 to $597 (sold on y ments, if d Musics Esk for ree copy i 620-pay Siting ove So, Mamicel woe) + Hear them at an "His Voi 3