_ PAGE SIX { Our Own O iv Judge by, was recently & third meniser of the Board for the adjustment wage differences between Company of Canada and ployees, who are members Amalgamated Association ed Steal and Tin Workers, Mt érrigk. Bancroft, of Toronto well Known as the prime mover 1a the fight Tor the Workmen's Compel- sation Act, arrigped here ssterday 'afterfiopn. The board 'con : Judge Ruddy (chaimman), jek = Papcroft,. representing workmen, and Dr. E, L Atkinson représenting the: Steel Company of Canada. The 'initial meeting was held at~four o'clock yesterday af- ternoon at the Provifeial Hotel. Shortly. after. noon yesterday the T.L.R. train on her run in from Gangnoque Junction was derglied near Cheeseboro. "Mrs. Frank: Garrah, King sfreet' east, 'has been confined to her home for' some time past very seriously ill with very shght hopes, entertain. ed for her racovery. Rev, Walter Cox left for Ottawa yesterday in the interests of (he 1.0.0F: of Canada, of which he hiolds the position of Grand Master of Ontario. % Ptes. Percy Newton and Freder jek Runnett came down from Kings- 'fon oh Wednesday to dttend the honorary banquet the G.W.V.A. ¢ hall that evening. The home of Mr bert. Cale, Arthur scene of a very jpretiy nine o'clock on Wednesday even- img, when their only daughter, Miss Elsie Cole was united in marriage to Pte. James A. Back, of the Royal Dental Conps of Kingston. The ceremony was performed by Rev. 'W. 8. Lennon, pastor of Grace chutiech, "before immediate relatives of the contracting parties, Both were unattended and stood beneath an arch of flags, from Which was Suspended a large white bell. The bridé was arrayed lh her handsome (Fron resp Jan fuddy pointed Lone; at and. Mrs. Her- gireet, was uae wedding at {Buek i) | was served Andrew bridal 1 dainty repast, handsowiel de The witile many teem and i annual mee held dat Ho The of Trade 'was board gathe the Provincial 10 fifity sat" down dent, was int Thompson, S.A., B the Red Shield dri started 19th inst, officers were eléet W. Bell; Waight; ford Long; Charles A. Watt; Taylor and Byron second vi will locate in whieh F. first vice4president, 'C. down Lo being and the sat able in pink gift 'to Jair of peari beantiful tok- bespoke arty regard mon her . large Mr. and © Mrs. Kingston, ng of the Board last evening. The geven o'clock at tel, where supper upw ards of Bel he chair Capt. ave an outline of ve which is to be The following President, ¥. K. Clif - w ed: ceqpresident, secretary-t reasurer auditors, "AW. Heaslip. TIDINGS FROM Y ARKER. Benjamin Wheel Waiting For Yarker, Jan. 9. is a great amount roads Mrs. cently in Camden East at V. Methodist parsonage has been The presented with a new furnace. Yarker is proud so far Pte. soldiers; and Gunner Oldha A Teception will § the rest of the boy "at home" Babeoek's hall Mrs. Archibald Ch in some places, biles are still running. Clinton Smith spent a day re- Factory Closed, Machinery. --Although there of snow on" the the automo- Mr. and Edgar's. of her returned Wray Wilson m have returned. he prepared when s come home. An was recently held in 8S. D. and Wil- Born to Mr.. rd a son. bur WHson is unloading a carload of wood he purchase The of* homes again. has been chants Bank at Ve tion here ig filled Warner h transferred 1 near Ardendale. flu'" has visited quité a number Freeman the Mer- yrona. His posi- by H. Hulfman. as returned from Lyford to the west to his home here, loth school teac the holida) at homes in Camden, hers having spent thelr respective Kast and Brock- ville, have returned to fill their posi- tions again at her home, Fred travelling suit of navy serge with pink #ilk crepe de chene blouse and a corsage bouquet of carnations and maldeniair fern. After the cere AR. [pases -----------------------------] We will in a short time move to the store Jessie Bell, of Bel week recently at Misses Blanche Wil ddgar ,of Kingston, Miss Stella Storms Ia Storms'. Miss leville, spent a R. 8. Burgess' son and Margaret also Hilda Wart- AA AN 1, presi- a eo Re be ed ar ne fre fri of ly Ha ho on is Firessensiseienss +> - + * +> sister * Wil The ton, thur Hutchins of St. Wilson, Wilson car 'General THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, on ntal roof. meeting of the s held Wednesday e Ol min George Weighills nt a few days with ank Sinpkins. ' west, ye he en v n Wheel factory ¥ ad rival more machinery min's house orial service y for Pte Al will be xt » who ym pneutnonia. Witlam Woodhouse in' Kingston and children ends in Toronto. Toronto, at his parents', Smith. Mr is Mrs are Mr. and Mrs ni and Mrs. use his property on Water street. Vincent, visiting his sister, Mrs. for some time has purchased a SHERRI PEPPPPRPIRRRIDIEIS Gen, Hemming's Piet ure Free The Wilk has prepared a finely mounted copy of a splend- id portrait of the late Major- T. D. ®., Hemming, which it will be pleased to pres- ent free of cost to cariitg"to..oall-nt this office for - it. This is. a large-sized and very fine picture of the late gen- eral, and Is mounted on 'heavy gray paper, suitable for fram- ing. 'It measures about .four- teen by eleven inches. The cost of wrapping and mailing to any outside address will be 10c. Copies of this picture will not be given to children It will be ready for distribution Satur day afternoon. PBELL BROS now intr New: man & Shaw, 122 Princess street, and before moving hgve decided "to clear out our present "stock. 'This will be'a rare opportunity for real genuine bargains in gE Furs, Hats, Caps, Gloves Etc. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF AN EARLY SELECT ION Australian Oppossum Muffs Natural Wolf Muffs . . 'Wolf Muffs : loon Muffs . a Sable Muffs 2 ow § Delors" « $6.75 . $6.25 $14.50 316.25 .$14.75 .$21.50 Japanese Fox Muffs' Taupe Vol Mutts $13. 25 Natural Wolf Neckpieces $8.00 Black Wolf Muffs . . Hudson Seal Muffs Russian Fitch Male Japanese Croge Fon ox. s Taupe: 'Wolf SL $19.75 § .$23.00 .$14.25 $29.50 | R Russian Fieh Negkpioces $31.25 spent the holidays Bell at 1ppoint officers for the; ol} his § hd Winter is clos- a few days aw aiting the M nd family have moved. into held William Hamil- died in hospital in} England visiting Morris visiting Russell Swith, spent a few days recent? Wi Earle Benns have meved into John Wright's recently purchased from him. John w right is erecting a new barn Ar- Minn. Richard Wilbur new Ford any adn E } i 14 i * * & +> oo + * + + > * + +» + + & + + + * WITH THE RETURNED MEN GRIEVANCE PISCHARGE A REAL NG PAY. Returned Men [Favor of the Sal | Campaign--Hard | Men at Fort vation Army Weather for ithe Henry. There are still soldiers who are the Government's scheme. One of the stated a case in which there deems £0 he some rocm for grievance. Two men enlisted on the same day in 1915. One of them secured a staff position in Canada, dnd remained in the ecity.. The other went to Eng- land, was injured in traihing and returneg to Canada without reach- ing Framee. He was discharged ofr Novembér 9th, while the other, who had heen in his office in Canada all these years, ig discflarged a week later. Under the terms of the new act, the man who has been gs far as England. gels three months' post discharge pay, While the man Who has fen in Canada during the wi of his service receives six months' war gratuity, Soldiers of - all ranks from pri- vate up, are sincere in heir sorrow at the passing away of Major-Gene- aral Hemming. This has been the subject of much conversatiomw 'dn the veterans' club rooms, for the late general was best liked by those who were in the ranks, for whom he always had a wapm spbt in his heart. PE The Army and Navy Vetéhand and 'the Great War Vetérans' ASso- elation, wsawell ds the Ladies' Auxi- Tiary of the A. and (N. Velerans, sent wreaths as a token of their respect for the late General Hemming, ~The rank and fle of the return- od 'men fire heaity supporters of the Salvation Apmy campaign to raise funds for their wplendid work. Not "one of them has a word to say against Mie swork of the army in the past, but they are 'unanimous in praising their effonts on behalf of thé troops. Some of the are to 'take lan mietive part camipaign The billiard returned picking holes 3 war gratuit « Ne Ueanannts 1 a ew in the tournament at the Great War Veterans' rooms, 'which closed last night, was Bo great a suctess that another tournament is being organized, Comrade Hicks is in charge of the arrangements. The {ooys 'on guard at (Fort. Henry are findMmg the severe weather of the past tiwo days very trying. It is no joke ito bé on guard up on the hill' during 'the night when the wind is blkwing half a gale and (he thermicimetqr Wrope, to fourteén be- low @ero, The new GO.C, is already 3 great favorite with the returned men: He received. ideputations of the wveter- ans' associations on various mat- ters, and the 'boys were delighted wily their reception, t WITH THE CURLERS 3 The result of the curling matches on Thursday were: In The Afterncoi. Asselstine skip, 11; Bibhy, skip, 7 Mathewson, skip, 14; skip, 11, y Buchandin, In The Evening. Montgomery," skip, 10; skip, 9. McFarlane, skip, J. Elliott, 13; F. Waugh, skip; 9: Cuninghan, skip, 8. + There will be ns more schetluled games played until the' 13th. inst Teams left to-day for Napande, where they will play to-night. FLY FLAGS FULL MAST ll Order Still In Force Against Half Mast During War, The city buildings flags have been flying at full mast out of respect to the memory of the late Major-Gen- eral Hemming, while the flags on the 'Royal Military College and the ar- mouried throughout the 3rd Military District are at half-mast. When the g civic authorities were asked by the local military authorities as to why the city hall flags were not half- masted, they were referred to the onder iss by the British Govern- ment that-flags must be flown at the masthead only during the war, and Bl a: peace has not yét been declared, the order stands. The civic author- ities claimed they were in the right, § oo convinced the military people of 8. 4 Change' In Commissionership, . London Jan, 10.---It is widely rumored that a odange ds fmminent in| Juriguiag fhe vity REG! AR ey veterans | '| ship with survivors. are missing, STOCK MARKETS. | Que tations Furnished by Bongard, Ryerson & Co. 280 Bagot+ Street. Y ork Stocks, Opendng. New Close | {2 & O. N.Y.C Re ading | Southern, Pac . Raflway So Paul... Union Pac ific Atlantic Guill Marine Marine, pfd. Gen, Motors Maxwell Motors- . . Studebaker .. Willys-Qverland Baldwin Loco Am. Smelters Anaconda . . Ingpiration, .. Utah Copper SEA Bethlehem Steel "B" Crudible '.. .. .. Midvale .. .. Rep. Steel .. a Allis-Chalmers .. Am. Can ap Am, Car Fy. Distillers .. .. Ind. Alcohol . Am. Sumatra... Tobacco Prods. Montreal Stocks, Ames- Holden Brazilian "in i Can, Car uae) Can. Steamship in Can. Loco. .. Vr. Can. Cement Dom. Steel .. .. Maple Leaf . . . Montreal Power 871% Steel of Canada ... 627% TWO MORE ORE TRANSPORTS HAVE REACHED CANADA The Scandinavian at St. John and the Afsguaya at Halifax. 63 < 65 62 133% (Canadian Presa Despatch) st. John, N/B., Jan. 1.--The 8.8. Scandinavian arrived in" port this the most eventual voyages the Jast few years. cers, jana, the latter chiefly wom and children. During the veyage excep- tionally rough weather was encoun- téred and many were sick. Spanish of gers fell victims and were buried at sea. are in readiness for the troops. STEAMER STRIKES MINE oft Middlesheaugh, "and Most of Lost, (Canading Press Despatch) London, Jan. 10.--The British steamer Northumbria, 47000 ' tons, struck 'a mine 'off 'Middlesbrough on Thursday, and it is believed thal most of the crew was lost. A bodt with two survivors and eight dead has been washed ashore at Newton Abbot. [Pour boats Which left the wp ---- tr CALL VPON WILSON | To Ald in Seulement of New York i arbor Strike. EE EE Despatch) Washington, Jan, 10.--President Wilson was lalléd on to-day by Government officials to aid in the settlement of ithe Wtrike of the New. York harbor workers. Two teporls on the sitiation A gent to tae President 'Ti Parfs Wy cable. One was from. the (Wh a and the other fiom Secretary of Labor Wil- son, 'wihio explained 'the situation ai- ter a iconferenice with 'W. J. Lauek, secretary of ithe War Labor Board. At the Department of Labor Lhe opinion (was expressed that the Pre- sident 'would take stune action dur- ing the day. Wl *. Araguay At Halifax, Halifax, N.S., Jan. 10.--The hos- pital ship Aragudya, with seven hun- dred wounded Canadians arrived and docked this morning, after a rough but uneventful voyage from Liver- pool. The patients include 102 men- tal cases, fifteen cot cases and sixty- five amputations. Trains for Ontar- fo are ukpbcted to leave about 3 p.m. Major Shillington was in charge of' the patients. -- - To Arbitrate on Property. The exthequer court meets at the court house 'on Tuesday, January 21st, Judge Walter Cassels 'will pre- side. The case for judgment Ys that of the King vs, Pense esiate, In which arbitration is Sought in con nection with the Ongwanada pro- perty. GM. Macdonnell, K.C., will represent the plaintite snd A. B. Cunningham the defendani. Among Whe ichvilians attending faperal were W. F.. Nickle, KC . Newman. mayor or ; IW. X. Mills and R. 1. Eine representing: thé Retail Menchants' elton. Col. R. EB. Kent, \W. J. Siehite, €. Anglin council; ic. Stevenson, repri- senting the banks, a R.. J. Car- "°F. G. Wallace, vice-president sof the. Canadian, Locomotive = Works, Bas relurneg after a pleasant -holi- ok. 3 morning from Liverpool after one of (| She brought 103 offl- i 165 other ranks and 146 civil- |i influenza broke out 'and four passen- || A child was born at sea. Trains |} Hi Take Notice! | The' Thompson Bottling Co. Have started fn the wholesale tobadéeos, cigars and cigars etfe hasiness, and are agents for the Tollowing firms: Macdonald's, Briey, Napoleon & Pringe of Wales; Impérial Tobacco Co., all lines; Beuson & Hedges cigars and cigarettes; Tobacco Products Co. Melachrino and Fairfax; I. O. Grothe, Ovido and Peg Top; The Rock: City Tobacco Co. « King George, Master Mason; Tuckett's Limited, Pref. Banetelos, Pref. Perfectos. Marguerite, Club Specials, Why Why not lay ardwood Algo now? Quickly and easily put down and you will get the Beaver Brand Allan's Lumber Yard Vitoria 81. Yard at Phone 1042 v Do You Like SAUSAGE ? They are made with the very best Pork I can get and sea. . soned "with the most utmost care. thing you will ask for time and again and as a sinfling Geese a oe Turkeys they are unexcelled At Hood's Cor. of Earl and Barrie Sts, ~ 1 promise to give you some- for S License No. 9-5824 DRY STORAGE The only proper winter care of any battery. Con- sult us--explanation of our treatment will convince you. 19 Brock St. WILLARD SERVICE STATION I LESSES, Prop. "Phone 1340 TENS OF THOUSANDS OF MINORS MISSING Children of Greek and Armen= ian Residents of Turkey. Salonieca, Jan. 10. Reports receiv- ed from Constantinople say the Greek and Armenian tes have formed special cum, with the purposé of searching for tens of thousands of minor children, includ- ing young girls, forcibly taken away from their homes by the Turks dur- fifg the war to be made followers of Islam or to be placed in the harems of high offitials and military officers. An investigation by. the . Greek Commission is reported-to have re- sulted in the discovery in a single day of 120 children, of whom 85 were kept in a Turkish CGovernmént or- phan asylum. - The Turkish police a%y declared to have issued orders authorizing Turks holding minor Greek children to return them only to their parents. As several thous- and parents of the minors have been massacred or deported, these chil- dren, according to the order, will therefore remain in Turkish hands., ADVISE PROCEEDINGS AGAINST EX-KAISER On the of Violations |[f . or Tn ards op tions . (Canadian Press Despatch) London, Jan. 10.---Proceedings against the former German Tmrper- or are advised in a special réport by a sub-eommittee of the commission 'charged with inquiry Into violations of the laws of war, appointed twe months ago. " Ong of the most difficult phases of the work has been 'inquiry' into the ill-treatment of prisoners, their em ployment behind the firing lines, il-| legal 'methods of warfare, misuse of Lemme ey Carpenter and Builder W. R. BILLENN ten, emoaciitbe moldings of al ESTIMATES 1 EXP ERIENCR Address, 272 University Ave. the Red Cross flag, the bombardment of hospitals and the execution of Miss Edith Cavell and Captain Fry- ate,' a Corned Beef 18c and 20c¢ 1b. Pot Roast 22¢, 23c, 25c a lb. AINSLEE'S Cor, Clergy and Princess Sts, Q EY I" OLD CUSTOMS CHANGE Fashions change in every. thing. Quite so.