Thrift Habit money. nd ec The anom 3 Acesunts | this bank THE A GEORGE B. d or JORON MK AY, " uy A HR HE = i Fmcorporated 1588 Capital, $5,000,000 Fund $6,555,000 Reserve THRIFT gat the root MANAGER. : _FOR SALE 3 : Bgick House--8 rooms, gas, furnace, good location, deep lot and barn. Price $3,500 Brick House--9 rooms, electric light, gas for cooking, grate, hot water heating, garage, within a block of Victoria Park. Price, $4.500. J. K. CARROLL AGENCY 06 Brock Street. 3 "Phones 68, ST4W. AA A A You have .the ability, you have health and energy, BUT YOUR EYESIGHT 18 POOR. What's the trouble? "Are your eyes strained? Can't you see clearly? Does the print blur? Consult us now and note the wonderful difference Correct 9 Glasses make. 7 A » RJ Rodger Eyesight Specialist. 133 Princess St. &=----=--= NOW IS THE TIME (Incorporated) General 'meting, Mondays, at 7.30 p.m, Members ark reminded that dues are now payible quarterly, in ad- yanee. A "Meeting of the Kingston LIBERAL Association Will be held in the Council Chamber of the FRIDAY JAN. 10TH AT For the purpose of appointing dele- gates to an Eastern Ontario Conven- tion to be held in Ottawa on Jan. 14th. On 8 PM invited. Women are eligible as dele gates, and the Ottawa Women's Lib- eral Committee will welcome them. A Ww. BIC HARDSON, M.D., _ To get your car repaired and stored for the winter, Ford Truck for Sale Robinson & Wiltshire 239% Bagot St. Phone 242 \.. Watts fu: Lh People's : FLORIST) Fresh ent avy insto total designs and wedding bouquets to order. Out] of town orders given specipl | Notice to Creditors | in the HEstate of Willlam James Baker Of A = Court House, All Liberals and their friends are | THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, JANUARY 10, 1919. GRAND 2= TO-NIGHT The Russian Symphony hestra MODEST ALTSCHULER, Conductor Soloists: VERA JANACOPULOS« Brazilian Soprano BESEKIRSKY, Violinist 80e, 5c, WASSILY Russian PRICES: 25¢, Saturdy, Jan.11 MATINEE AT 2:80; EVENING, S15 Welcome Return Visit York's Greatest 'Comedy Suc- cess Filled With Golden Laughs {4 New PRICES: ---MAT., 25c, 35¢, EVENING, = 25¢, '80c. 7T5e, isi NOW ON SALE s, Jan. 14th | Tues. | | ONE NIGHT ONLY "The World's Greatest Entertainer 0c. $1.00 In a Programme of New Songs And Old Favorites Company of Noted Artists Prices: 50¢, 75¢, $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 SEAT SALE ON SATURDAY Mail Orders Accepted Now When Ex- { press Money Order is Enclosed - A A AA AANA - Griffin PictureS | Thursday, Fri, Sat. | FRED STONE In THE GOAT ' . LILALEEI, SUCH A LITTLE PIRATE of the City of Kingston, in the Coun- | 5 or Frontenae, Tebacconist, un- | Chaplin Comedy 1 $1, $1.56 WAP 4 4 4 hii CONDEN JED ADVERTISING RATES -- sertion, 1¢ a word. Each con secutive -lusertion thereafter, haif- cent 8 word, Mindmum charge for one Insertion, 25e; three - thwertions, Soe; mix $15 one. month, § =. First in HELP WANTED GENERAL eccrine pdt Hi FOR KINGSTON yal COOK Hos ------------------ Y SALESLADY AND PRE- Apply Box 301, Whig" Of- oF MAN 18 TO 20 XBARS ; i. o clerk; in store. Apply A. ie, 171 Welilngton street. WASHING AND AN TO Do wo. NG 1 ending once a month. GENERAL SERVANT FOR FAMILY of three. Apply in the evening to 47 Clergy St. East. SERVANT. MUST UN. plain cooking. Apply Mrs, Wallington Street. A GENERAL derstand Third, 13 is GOOD GENERAL, MUST BE ABLE TO cook: no washing or ironing. Ap- ply Miss Hora, '18 Wellington. ui ---- ~ HE WORKROOM; work. Apply Miss Polson, Co., Ltd. GIRLS Pleasant nt Hum, NC TO ASSIST small near YOUNG GIRL "WwW ANTED with gen neral housework by family, Apply. 24 Frontenac, Union street. SERVANT FOR FAMILY Apply in the evening to Hopkins, "Hazeldell," ont. GENERAL of two, Mrs. (Capt.) Portsmouth, ad Ai ia sdedeidededoded STENOGRAPH- + # or and office ansistant. Apply Box + t 81, Whig Offige. A - SB BB Bde edo Dedede 3 EXPERIE ENCED THERE IS GOOD MONEY IN SELLING nursery stock under presént con- ditions, = We want reliable salés agents for unrepresented districts. Good pay, exclusive selling rights for alloted territories. Write 'im-~ mediately. Pelham Nursery Co, Toronto. NTS, MEN OR WOMEN, CAN make $15 a day taking orders for authentic "History of World War." Distinguished Canadian author- ship. Introduction by leading gen- eral. Official {Nustrations, ° Oreat opportunity for returned soldiers and munition workers, Liberal commission. - Outfit free. Winton Co., Toronto, AGE ALL The PEACE Peo HE LP WANTED---FEMALE. GUAR Kot ur} ~ us on the Knitter Pull] 3c stamp, 24 C., 607) WORK Ar Ww AR rl for v eA rs anteed particulars Auto Knitter Co, HN ept. College St. Toronto. POSITION WANTED. YOUNG tion in sofce, - with shorthand and typewriting. Box 960, Whig Office. 4? LADY WOULD LIKE POSI- knowledge of Apply TEACHERS WANTED. € PRINCIP AL Ww ANTED--SC HOOL SEC- tion No. 8, .Seeley's Bay, Township of Leeds -and Lansdowne Tear. Services to commence - not lager han Feb. 1st. W. F. Bracken, Set- Tetary-treasurer, Sesley's Ont. : Bay, . WANTED GENERAL SOFT ELM LOGS, FIRST CLASS 'Bab Highest prices paid at J. 'H, cock & Sons Mills, Odessa. 2 OR 8 FU RNISHED OR UNFURNISH- 'ed rooms, for ight housekeeping, by 4 young otouple, on north side of. Princess street. Apply A. A Grenier, 72 Princess street, SKATES SHARPENED WHILE YOU wait, also boot and shoé repairing. Best service, James Modney, 2563 King street, between Johnson and le's William streets. hollow ground, and put on We are also tak- *~ ing orders 1or bicycles ~ LO be cleaned and 'storea for winter, George Muller, 371-373 King St ' ened, whiie you wail ED AND HOLLOW ground while you walt, also boot and shoe repairing. Best service, James Moduey, 253 King stréetl. Phone 1579. Between Johnson and Willlam stréets. eee Mette tee SCHOOL TEACHER, SPECI. ally experienced in teaching back- ward and delicate children, would like pupils for mornings or after- nwoons., Apply Box EQ, 'Whig Of fice. SKATES SHARPEN PUBLIC ? WANTED TO RENT A ONEY MAK- ing farm by young an of more than ten years experfence. Would prefer a farm with cows and fm- plements on; also a good sized Wouse, not too far from Kingston, Can give reference if needed. take posSession March 1st, Apply B. B. Burteh, 471 Johnson street, Kingston, Ont. we HELP WANTED "+ A number 'of women. or # girls to mend bags. Apply A. + Speizman, 69 Queen Street. + &* Phe RIPe + a> 'Wanted A superintendent of Construction at Sydenham Military Hospital, Kings- tot, at a salary at $20 per month. MA pplicants = shoukd ise contractor's Superintendents or Architects accus- toed 16 supervising construction. Application forms, properly filled in, -of ;Mark Roach, PERSONAL RAR, OLES, WARTS, BIRTHMARKS al growths and skin Diem janes removed permanently, with- out scar; 30 Jears experience. Lr, Mimer & Eye, Har, Nose, Throat and Skin Speeislist, 52 Bagot street. Notice to Creditors ESTATE OF MARK ROACH, DECEASED, a inn Notice is hereby given that all per- gons having claimg against the estate late: of the towriship of Pittsburgh, wiio died on or about the 13th October, 1918, are hereby Te- auired to deliver a statement of the same to the undersigned solicitor ov executors on or before the 30th day of IN THE SKATES, SKATES, SKATES, SH ARP- ' 5 A FOUNTAIN TEN ON RIDEAU street Owner may hav same by aE at 16 Rideau street. PAIR OF GENTLEMEN'S WOOL- en gloves on Princess street in front of Grimm's. Owner Ry have same by calling at Whig Officel YALE KEY ATTACHED TO black cord. Owner may have same at Whig Office. IN LOBBY OF THE POST, SUM of money. Apply Postmast- r James $tewart, IN FRONT OF THE STANDARD Bank, a man's mitt. - Owner may have same by applying at this atten. ON' hHE CAUSEW AY, LADY'S work bag. Owner may have same by calling at Causeway Office. 'A GIRL'S BOOT AND RUNBER. Owner may have same at 377 Brock street. FOUND ARTICLES ADVER. TISED FREER Anyone finding anything and Maing to reach the owner may ' y reporting the facts to The British. Whig. The ajvey- tisement will he Jrimed fz this eolumn free ot i ™O PAGE: SEVEN A A: Forum a EA HEEL RETRO PE ONE SMALL POOL 418, Whig Office. CHEAP, TABLE, Box CHRISTMASR JOKES. GO TO FRANK Cooke, 39 Clarence street. = > . SET HEAVY TEAM BOBSLEIGHS, Apply H. F. Norman, cqraner Charles and Patrick streets. . z UPRIGHT PIANOS; NBERN' used; in goed condition. Apply J. Rodger, Jeweler, Princess St. BUY YOUR AUTO TIRES AND AC. cessories from W. lL. Storms, Wil- ton. He "Sells the best of tires made for the least money. FISHING TACKLE THAT'S FIT FOR fishing, - go to Frank W, Codke, * 28 Clarence street, opposite Ameri. can Consulate. Telephones $81w; ONE SMART DELIVERY HORSE, 5 years' old, used to city traffic; aiso two brood sews. Apply H, Web- ber, 811 Princess street, GENUINE GRAPHONOLA AND TEN selections; your own choice, $34.60, Hrerms, $5 cash, §1 per Wee kK, C. W. dindsay, Limited, 121 Princess st. KOALINE KUTS KOAL KOSTS- Trial tube malléd on receipt of $1.26. A trial will convince, Ade \ iz LOST. GREY PURSE CONTAINING bills, on Saturday, Ja front of Masoud's. return to Whig Office. Kas ne IN Reward. w STRAYED, SIX-YEAR-OLD COW, BLACK AND white, Small sized. Anyone Knows ing of her whereabouts notify Alex. Darling, 1a Lake Opimioon, , Ont. TO LET. ROOMS s with OR T WITHOUT r BOARD: Apply 204 King street. FURNISHED FRONT BED SITTING room for girl. Apply at 254 Barrie street. FURNISHED ROOMS AND ' ALSO rooms for light housekeeping, Ap- ply 396 Princess street STORAGE FOR FURNITURE} CLEAN and dry. Arnly 2. E. Wathen, 143 Nelson stree Phone 2152 FIRST CLASS ROOMS AND BOARD all improvements; centrally loeat: ed. Apply 243 Brock street. STORAGE FOR PURNITURE, CLEAN day. MeCann's Real Estate '86 Brock St. Phone ¥2¢ Agensy, r 621. LARGE FRONT FURNISHED BED- room suitable for two. pply 'in the evening to 313] Griveraiis, or phone 852w. STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN, dry, airy rooms; your own Jock and key. ' Frost's City Storage, 239% Queen street, Phone 526; res. 989 |rwo UNFURNISHED ROpMS SUIT. able for light housekeeping, alsc one furnished bedroom; rent mod: erate, Apply 48 Lower Rideau street. ig "© 4 THIS DEPARTMENT IS ALWAYS glad to hear from anyone thinking of using pommel a Finder diy classified advertising. | dress, Koaline, 10-Fairbalrn Ave, Ottawa. WB HAVE GOOD SECOND-HA ag niture, buffets, 'chairs - and ta~ es; will buy. oll kinds of furni- ture and stoves. J. Thompson, 33 Princess street. Phone 180 EDISON MIMEOGRAPH, MANHAT- tan typewriter and balance of books from the library of 'the late Major J. M." Lanos, Call in the Svening at 111 Lower Union Street, SOME oF THE BIGGEST ADVERTIS. ers to-day.sometimes. use a little advt, like this. A phone call or & postal will bring you full particu lars about this department. British Whig Publishing Co. ICE JARYESTING OUTFIT CONSIST. | ing of skids, . ploughs, tongs and bars, four | sleighs, set of heavy stoops, one sthaight sleigh, fall and pulléys, ete. Apply BE. E $e. KE. Wathen, 143 Nelson street, BATEMANS REAL BRSTATE AGENOY, $3500---SUBURBAN VILLA BUNGA- jow with all 'improvements; good stable agd*28; acres of good gare den land, capable of dividing into 23 building lots, all facing on streets, leaving buildings and gar- den besides, 3500 BRICK HOUSE, 10 ROOMS; ALL improvements, hardw ood floors and stable, 4500 SEVERAL BRICK HOUSES with improvements, 6000----PRESSED RRICK HOUSE, ALL Rodern electric SEDI, hardwood good garden. Rear entrance, Beauty location, 159 WELLINGTON. PHONE 396W, = LEGAL of B., CUNNING ana solicitor. ance street. A AM, RR Ww office, 79 Clar © ARORITEOT POWER & SON, ARCHITECTS, MER- chants nk Building, = odrner. Weosd's Baeybodise 'Brock and Wellington Sts, DRESSMAKING MISS RICHARDSON, DRESSMAKER, having Fv Buatness, sollelt rders for fall an winter Addres 202 Alfred street. work 3 January, 1918, after which date the estate of the said Mark Roach will he distributed amongst those . entitled thereto, having regard only "to those claims of Which sald executors shall then have had wpotiee. Dated at *Kingston, 1919, J.B. ~ NOT 5 18 hereby given, pursuant tol 1.8.0. Chap. 121 Sec. 56, that all credit. | ors and others having claims against | the estate of the said William Janes | Baker, who died on the 26th day of October, 1918, ara required on or be- fore the twentieth day of January. 1919 to deliver to T. J. Rigney, 59 Clarence street, Kingston, Solicitor for the executrix of "sald estate, their must be filed fi the offce of the Civil Service Commission not later than the NOTE Book Tickets For Sale | A Re ge gist day pd may 4 Books contmining twenty 85c tickets [Master at Kinghion, of the Secretary of t Civil 8 6. y or thirty-five 15¢ tickets. ivi] Servicetummission,. Ottawa. $4.00 Pcr Book Write. or 'phone up about #t. 4 may, be able to pind you. British Whig Pub. Ceo. TWO LARGE FURNISHED BEDROOMS on 2nd floor, and sitting room or sitting room Wedrooin on 1st. floor; Private entrance. Apply between 8 and 10 am, and 5 and 7.30 pm, 27 Wellington siveet, Sth Jan. w ALKEM, Salicitor. Wim Murphys Joh Wether Exeoutors. order of the 'Commission, W, FORAR retary. Ottawa; January SiH, one By WE WISH TO EX- TEND To our friends and, 'customs ers thé npsual season's greet. ings. We also wish to thank one - all for the liberal pa tronage extended to. us during the yoar, : Pronch Post Office, Kingston, names and addresses and fgl)l particu- Liars of their ¢laims and of the seouri- Fties, If any, heid by them; and that af- ter said last mentioned date said exe- cutrix will proceed to distribute the as- setstof the deceased among the persons entitled theréto; having regard fo those claims anly of which she shall then have had notice, and that she will not be liable for any part of the sad asséis to any person of whose claim she shall not have had notice at the time of Such a T. Solicitor for M grec Bad r, licdtor for Margaret 2 Executrix Kingston, Dec, Ton, fresh Cut Flowers Purchases of the above books ef- fect a saving of $1.00 on 25¢ book, and $1.25 on 15¢ book. On sale at Box Office. Tickets good at any time ECIAL BILL JUNE ELVIDGE In "A Woman of + sony omption' iy ana ls. veplote with exciting and pring Tan ---- Grand Special Sat. BROUGHT TO TH THE GREAT mH THE For HEEP THI ni NAY I 50 W OUS AND GLITTERING BALLET mE Rah REA hed MA "NT FICENT SCENE en oLh HR or REAL AEENANRNNENNARNASERRNARRRRANRRED THUR., FRL, SAT. POSITIVELY THE BIGGEST DRAMATIC SPECTACLE EVER 2a Jan 16-17-18 Mat, E CITY OF KINGSTON ST CAST EVER ORGANIZED IN TORY OF THE STAGE. COME DOWN EET HIGH. Li DANCING mis, a ¥ THE REVEL RS IN ova OF NADIN STAGE SEITINGS, SO Bie ARY THEATRES COULD NOT ERR ATGS N RI . ots > : 70 RENT 6 ROOMS: 169 NVENIENT, COTTAGE. CO GA Wellington St. Bateman, Kingston. DENTAL 1L.D.8,, ee 250 Prinses street. Aol 8. Phone 6 DR. GORDON ©, D EWAR, UNTIST corner Princess and Wellington \ Streets. Phone 11678, ¢ ¢ DRS. SPA ARKS, tints, ELE winston street, Per Carnovsky's. Phoge 346. 5 PAPERHANGING arEREANGING, rashid, GrALY. 5d - Kalsomink First class PAINTING. SIGNS OF ALL KINDS, BRASS BEDS and. chafdeliers refinished. W. Carruthers & Co, 298 Albert street. ' ¥ FINANCIAL FRONTENAC L@AN AND INVEST. ment Societys, incorporated 1862 Presidant, Wo P- Kickie Honagent I on ofty and farm properties miunicipal and Rased: ntures; rigages ure Investmant. i" A or wale: de ved and interest allowed. 0 weight. manager, 87 Lo L. LONDON AND Fire. A nny STATE 2 Arainbie which the po security the ad