-- THE E DAILY B BRITISH RITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, JANUARY 1, 1919. Eastern. Ontario News | 1 the * GANANOQUE {From Qur Own Cotraspondent) {From Our Own Correspondent Jan. 11.-The local branch of GW.V.A, elected these office: President, Frederick J. Fletcher; Vice-President, Hugh Brennan, Sec- Treas. E. 1. Bovey; Assistant Sec.- Treas, 8. A. McKenzie; Executive Comm} ee, William Chevis, Freder- ick Megas, Frederick Brennan and 8. A. Me gie; Caretaker, Frederick Brennan. The GW.V.A. holds a business meeting every Friday evening. The club robni open-daily from 1 to 11 p.m. Ie returned men who have soen active service overseas are eli- gible for membership. Ganahoque Encampment No. 89 1.0.0.F, elected these officers: P.C.P. Elmer rison; C.P., Walter Cross; H.P., Gilbert Otser; S.W., Roy Pick- - ott; Scribe, Geo. 8. Master; J.W. Jno. 8. McEntire, ; Under the auspices of the local branch of the G.W.V.A.a largely ats tended and enjoyable dance was held last evening in the Assembly hall of the Oddfe Temple. The Citiz- ens' orchestra furnished music. Miss Gladys Sword, who has been spending the holiday time here with | Kate O'Neil, in behalf of the cheir, and in appreciation of faithful ser- price presented Miss Bishop with a neatly worded address and a pupse of gold it and Mrs, Williams of New who purchased Prof. Nicholls land cottage some time ago, were in town for a few days this week | looking after and arranging the de: tails for improvements 'to the grop- erty, George R, Webb, who was appoint- ed by the Government as local issuer of auto licenses for 1918, has been re-appointed for 1919. York, REPORTS FROM DENBIGH New Blood In Council---The Fin Is Again Epidemic, Denbig, Jan, 9---The flu epidemic has claimed a second victim jn this vicinity in the person of Sidney Blackley, eldest son of Frank Black- ley, who succumbed to it on Dec. 30th, at the age of thirty<ive years. He was not married. The iuneral took plate on the 2nd, at the Method- fst church and cemetery. Several other sufferers were very low byt are improving, and everybody hoped that we had now seen the worst of it, when another fresh serious out- break was reported in the Slate falls Settlement, where a number of old and young persons have been taken seriously ill. her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Andrew J. Sword, King street returned to or 'ston to cotitinue her studies at the Business College. A very pleasant social event was held at the home of the Misses Bren- nan, 'Garden street, under the auspic- es of the choir of St. Johns church on Wednesday evening in honor of Miss Jennié Bishop, who is leaving to-day for Bridgeport, Conn. Cards were enjoyed for a time, after which a dainty luncheon was served. Miss ---- Among the holiday visitors in this neighborhood were: At Dr. J. Ad- am's, their son Joseph from King- ston; at Adolph ¥Fritsch's, thelr son George from Renfrew and daughter Clara from New York; at 31. Ready's, their sons Horris from' Saskatche- wan, and William from New Ontar- io; at C. Both's, John Both of King- ston. - 3 A number of the young people have left Denbigh again, at least dur- AR AN iy i Fangs uy from travellers and out-of-fown houses, An old Toronto firm has Satablished | in 239 BAGOT ST. . The manager, Mr. H. J. Bongard, Has been for years accountant of the local branch of the Standard Bank. Call up 1728 or call in person and dis- cuss your investments. ' x ull Mist of all good Governintin and Municipal bonds, 5 to 7%. Any maturity Gesired from 1 to 40 years, Roosevelt 'passing NE ws, oN of this. great and truepatriot has left not only "his own count --and the who e world--the but Canada suddenly, | where Mr. Harmer has the position 4} nursing her. | tances, returned home on Monday. I 'jeial evening, Mrs. HOC, Multaugh. 'The Women's Missionary Society of the Methodist, +H. Cooke and B. Riley have return- p-street, Kingston. Mr, and Mrs. ine the remainder of the winter Al- Ready and Gus- New Ontario, d his brother Rich-} in North} bert Both, tav Berndt Eugene Mie ard for a lumber camp Hastings Miss Gladys teaching scl Katie Marqua and George Ba Miss Bertha S tawa- to resume Gowling Br Lily Rodger rs ke Stein . resumed her Eagle Hill. Mis in Renfrew county, in -the local school. ein returned to Ot- her studies at the s College, and Miss o Renfrew, to resume sh school there. Wil- way on a business trip and Arthur Ready to Kingston. The municipal. election passed over very quietly and resulted in the aequisition of some néw blood in our council, Which is this year composed of the following mem- bers: Frank Rodgers, reeve; :and Simon Ball, Oscar Chatson, George Jackson and William Slater, ¢oun- cillors. Thete is now: excellent gleighing, and the farmers, especi- ally from a distance, are making, use of it by bringing their. wheat and other grain to the Denbigh flour and feed mills, which been kept busy May and night, and have more than a week's work. of custom &ringing stored WWaY, LANSDOW NE LOCALS Remains of Late Mrs. Isaac Cole Are rive Fron Empress, Alta, ° Lansdowhe, Jan, = 8.---Charles Goodall of Lacombe, Alta., is spend- ing a fortnight with relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon H. Lauden return- ed on Saturday from a visit in Syra- cuse and Watertown, N.Y." Mrs. N. P. Earl is organist in Chalmer"s Presbyterian church, John H. Dun- can is attending the live stoek exhi- bition in Ottawa. Miss. Beulah Me- Clary of Rochester, is home on a visit. Messrs J. W. Clenden ana Al- ex. Clendenning left on Thursday: for a visit to Montreal. Mrs. M, 'W, Steacy, Warburton, en- tertained: on Wednesday evening. George iF. Johnston spent Wednesday in Toronto. 'W. N, Bowen, Brock- ville, was a visitor here Tuesday. Mrs, Shaw has returned from Mal- Wrytown when she was visiting her sister, Jolin Shields has sold his village property to Jonas Hagérman. Mr. aud Mrs. Sheels intend residing in Ottawa. Mrs, Eran Steacy is vis- | iting in Kingston. Miss Bessie Foley is teaching in Welland. ' Her sister Miss Ethel is attending college in Brockville, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Stevens, Elgin, are rejoicing over the birth of a daught- er. Mrs, William McConnell 18 a patient in Kingston General Hospit- al. Mrs, J. C. Stafford is seriously ill, and no hopes are held of her re- covery. Albert Harmer and' family, are re- moving next week to Fredricksiurg of section foreman. Mrs. C. F. Rath is 'seriously ill. Mrs. Pindlay is John Levis of Bramp- ton, who has heen renewing acquain- Miss Lillie Webster, of Athens is spending the winter with her sfster, Mrs, J. D: Latimer. ' The ladies of the Service League met on Wednesday at the home of Mrs. (Dr:) Bradley, and spent a so- Pte. G. Cavanagh; of Vancouver, B,C., visiting his' aunt, churel?is holdinig a" ple \bciat Friday evening. The remains of the late Mrs. Isaac Tole of Empress, Alta., arrived on 'Saturday afternoon and interment (was made in the Lansdowne ceme- tery. Her only son, Frank, accom- panied 'the remains. = The deceased was. a former resident of Lansdown and was highly esteemed. Cataragui Boasts 1 . Cataraqui, Jan. 11.---Cataraqui will have a" representative 'in the County Council this year in the per- gon of John Heaton, Deputy Reeve, Rev, E. R. Kelly is confined to the house with an attack of rheumatism. y Reeve. 'ed to Guelph College. J. Wise and children have been visiting relatives near Cloyne. School has reopened with Miss A, Sigsworth again in rge. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Green- have returned from Toronto and taken up reékidence on Albert S. L, Edwards are in Ottawa for a few days, the guest of Mr, and Mrs. Lot. ay. Mr, and Mrs. A. Hay, Saskatoon, are visiting here at M. Binnington's. D, J. Binnington is en route to Sib- Ia ha have lately | orig, 'Warren Marrion, has received | | foe SIXTY-TWO © ASES HAVE REPORTED HERE. ~The Churches Are to Be opened On Sunday. Wellington, Jan. 8. Ems of Hillier, who has fered from. the effects of flu, covering. Douglas: Mol is. recovering Very slowly from flu. Sandy. Noxon, who is now located in Torontp, visited his parents, and Mrs. Tolbut Noxon. Mr. Noxon | just returned from overseas. Miss Mart. Pettingill fell last week and broke her hip. She was one of the Post Office officials. Mr. and Mrs, Thomas L. Lucas and daughter and -3pn- of Vancouver, B.C., are vis iting! {riends here, XK. B. Demill has! returnéd to Toronto to oversee the reconstruction of his barge, Mrs. Jonh Pitins is at Detroit, owing to .¢ illness of his daughter. Pte. Hugh Fern is home : from overseas. He was wounded in France and returned fo England. Mr. and Mrs. Sioneman of Sashatoon, were guests of Mr, and Mrs. Alva Morrison last week. Miss Mona Clinton, of Wellington, who resigned lier position iil Toronto with a wholesale §ym to take up 'a better position at Parry Sound, as book-keeper and stenographer, for two weeks has been confined in one of the hospitals with flu, but is re- covering, o There has been sixty-two cdses of flu in the village, and a number ut deaths have occurred. The stork has been getting dn his worl here, leaving some fine bab- Jes, tes : XK. Showder is "still running.his vei .. Mrs. Rankin, the guest of Mrs. couple of weeks. Howard Birkett 'has been sick with fi, Mr. and Mrsc. Duby, of Montreal, are spending their holi- days with their cousin, Mrs. Fred- erick Nixton. Fred, Burly, of To- ronto, spent a few days with his [parents here. Mrs. Herb. Vanals- tine and mother, Mrs. S. A. Lane, of Port Hape, visited with Mr. and Mrs. James Lane, «Jones Picton and son, Bert, a returned - soldier from France, were gutsts of Mr. and Mrs, Alva Morri- son, Consecon street, The Thomp- son family, Consecon, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs, W. MoCul- lough. Mp, and Mrs. Pearce Maitland and their two "e¢hildren ware here to at- tend the funeral of Mrs, Pearce"s sis- ter, Miss Cora Zufelt. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dayton of Toronto spent a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Collins, Earl Benson 'was down from Toronto for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. George Gennett enter- tained a number of friends last week. George Tait is attending business College at Belleville. Harold Fitz- gerald of Toronto visited his parents ' last week. Bent Boyce, Fred Geddes of West Lake, 'was Masan here for a at Mr. and Mrs. George Boyce's. : Norman Clinton of Hamilton, vis- ited his mother, Mrs, D. Clinton, re- cently. Garnet Titus of Ottawa, spent a few days with his parents. 'William Monahan has moved the farm on the late shore and will reside in Wellington, » Those who died in Wellington and * vioinity from u, were Ralph Hugh, arry Dunn, Mrs. Cora Zufelt and, Fred Ellis. <The churches all re opened on Sunday, ja Cn aha road, "Late Mrs. Soba NX. Morton, Iy, at her home Jam. 4th,' of 8 ton 'who was She was married to Mr. Morton in Montreal. in 1902, ang shortly after- wards renioved to Morrisburg, where they had resided ever since. Besides Brother Jom. BIRO. Stiniee. Canthoge, TY oad op Ser Hh e, N.Y... one ak y : 'Watertown, N.Y. The ol silt: | the OHA. ser is re-{ when the junipers aul of Hilliar | THE FLU AT WELLINGTON KINGSTON JUNIORS 0 BEE 3 DEFEAT QUERN® S Ww OHA, GAME | BY 3 to 2, And Several Deaths Have Occurred | The Game Was Won Near the End-- | ¥& Was 'An Esciting Fight In the |§ Third Period. | Queen's lost the second game 2s on Friday an were beaten Kingston by a score of 3 to 2 { was a fiercely vorniested game from} [ ande their wives, were recent guests from The death Secured very mudden- i start to finish and the great audience | Mr. madé the rafters ring] but when the ff climax came near the close of the third period there was pandemonium, The band was pot present and it was not ueeded---no ene would have lis- tened to it. All were too excited. * The start was made at 8.22 and Campbell scored a goal within two! minutes. Baker, Kingston's "righty defence, was penalized. for a foul; and a moment later Hardy, who prov- ¢d himself throughout to be a player worth watching, tied the score. Ham- mill and Brown, left wings were penalized. The period ended 1 to 1. Both teams developed considerable speed in the second period, but neith- er team scorea. Camppell and Rubin were penalized for fouls, The third was called at 9.47, and it was an ex- citing figha for first place at the fin. Take Notice! ! The Thompson Bottling Co. Have started in the wholesale tobaccos, cigars and cigar » ette business, and are agents for the following firms: Macdonald's, Brier, Napoleon & Prince of Wales; Imperial Tohacee Co., all 'lines; Benson & Hedges cigars and cigavettes; Tobacco Products Co., Melachrino and Fairfax; I 0, Grothe, Ovido and Peg Top; The Rock C ity Tobacco Ue., King George, Master Mason; Tuckett's Limited, Marguerite, Club Specials, Why Not}? "Why not lay hardwood 'floors How? Quickly and easily put down and you will get the Beaver Brand at Allan's Lumber Yard " Phone 1042 Victoria 8t. Yard 'ish, with Queen's the aggressors, but the Kingston lads were determined to show them their match and for a time players of both sides were going down like niné pins. Robinson Was the first to be penshzed, but he: vai' up the time lost by scoring the fir goal, giving Queen's the lead." TH 2) advantage was of Ehort, duratitn, for Brown followed with"d goal which} was a beautiful play, evoking pro- Tonged "dpplaise." Hardy's second]. goal was made after a fast mixup in which he showed splendid form, and the gong sounded before Queen's could get possession of the puck. Nickle, goal keeper for Queen's and O'Connell, goal keeper for Kihg- ston, both did excellent work. The covered rink bids fair for a first place gnong the hockey season. The lineup was as follows: Kingston--O'Connell, goal; Laughlin, right defence; Baker, defence; Hardy, centre; Rubin, Mes right} wing; Brown, left wing; Blute and | ii Devlin, substitutes, Queen's--H, D. Nickle, goal; Kélvey, right ' defence; Campbell, left defence; Robinson, centre; mill, left wing: wing; Bush, Rooney MeNeil, futes, Referee--George Vanhorne, substi- . Isaac and Thomas Kirkham fel'- the city's attractions during |i ter | J Mc- [Hi Ham- |i D. J. Nickle, right Do | You Like SAUSAGE ? They are made with the very best Pork I can get and sea- goned with the most utmost care: i promise te give you some- " thing you will ask for time and #gain and as.a stuffing for. ".(eese and Turkeys they are Wnexoslled. At Hood's Cor. of Earl and Barrie Sts. Willard "DRY STORAGE The only proper winter care of any battery. Con- sult us--explanation - of our treatment will convince you. i WILLARD SERVICE STATION 19 Brock St. 1. LESSES, Prop. 'Phone 1340 ~~ od a large pine-tree near Mississippi this week. It was five feet in dia- meter and of great Height, Cooked meats of all Pickering's. kinds at 0 8 ry "EMPIRE {t GROCERY Fresh Tanners 53¢ De Pound In Rolls LEWIS ORR, 220 King St... License No. sare PPP OPPre PPro PPO RR WY in' 0d. Veins," (ures n Menta ond Brat orem 4 h da Price an the hig. 3 will ur. ATT ot trees) or hernia phy. on receipt srice. Dow pamphict iled free. THE WOOD RREDICIAY COL TORONTO, ONT, Formats LIBBY'S | Nuamatiah Gaon, 1h His po t Salad Dressing . . i 0c (Uoast Sealed Oysters). duced prices. an. one work satisfactorily, : Calt ni inspect these : ater there are es when f rg are Qn of ; Colum de 4s vivid with cken the " <M ASter criptive, ith rl Ee Ta fo EE ning. & HE Your "oud Sis,