a. "Oat of the High Rent Distriet," Connor's . Ladies' Exclusive YOU CAN SAVE MONEY By attending our January Sale. Every article of winter wear must go, regardless of cost, : if Coats Half Price H 40 LADIES' AND MISSES' COATS In tweeds, velours, whitneys, etc. Every coat new this season. 'Must be sold. SEE THE WINDOW FOR BARGAINS T.J.OConnor 260 Princess St. 'Telephone 800 Higher Up:.8ireet, But Always Lower in Price. . Gage's Cash Grocery Cor.Gore and Wellington Sts. Special in High Class Toilet Soap * 3 Cakes 25¢ The best soaps ever offered for the money Phone 248 License No. 8-2493 if 6 pom, to 8 | Aoring that time. Kingston Milling Co., Limited Manufacturers of High Grade Flour "White Rose' and 'Hungarian Patent" For sale by all dealers Oanada Food Board License Nos. 118 and '4-118 ALUMINUM WEAR WEEK AT MKELVEY & -BIRCH"S 3 JANUARY 13th to 18th FOR THE WEEK ONLY If your . roof A Discount Ew] of 15% Your Choice of Any of the Lines. - -- i} white shirts being furnished to the Arh AA . 5 SYRUP OF FIGS FOR CROSS, SICK FEVERISH CHILD if Little Stomach Is Sour, Liver Tor. pid or Bowels - Clogged. "ON THE WORK OF THE DEPART- i MENT, LAST YEAR. More Ladder /Fquipment Nebded-- | Fire Alarm System Needs Addi tions--Fotirteen More Fire Alarm Boxes Are Required. : |. Chief Armstrong's annual report | of the fire depar{ment was present: efl to the City Council at its inau- gural session Monday morning. ' | showed that during 1918 the de- partment received and answered 121 alarms. The loss on buildings and lcontents was $47,815, coversd by {$1,578,300 insurance. Fires were extinguished as follows: 27 with water from hose streams, 26 with chemicals, 1 by means . of hose streams and chemicals, 3 by using owners' garden hose, 13 by using water pails." { 'Alarms were given during the year as follows: 71 over the tele- phone, 33 by the street alarm boxes, 13 verbally at the fire stations, 4 by both. telephone and street alarm boxes. ' ¢ Sixty-five of the actual fires were 'sonfined to that part of the build- ings on fire when the department arrived four . extended to ether parts of the same building and one fire caused slight loss to an adjoin- (ing building. | "The chief reported that the motor truck has made a decided saving in ithe finances of the department and { what is of even more importance, is ithe added efficiency of the depart- ment in keeping down the fire loss within - the city limits, by the quick response' it when an alarm is received, owing to the use of the motor truck. {7 The Two Platoon System. | The department is divided into two platoons of nine men, one pla- toon being on duty from 8 am. to 6 p.m. and the other platoon from .m., changing every al- Saturday by the day nla- toon remaining on duty until 8 a.m. Sunday. This arrangement be- ing made after "congultation with the members of the department. During vacation period, or when members are off duty as result of illness or accident, one man in tun from the off-duty platoon is requir- ed to be on duty for thirty-six hours, being relieved for two meal hours A small gong is placed in each member's home, at- tached to the fire alarm telegraph [system, -and they are required, as under 'the old system, to answer all alarms when off duty. no member is allowed to leave the city limits without the permission of the chief or officer im charge of the depart- ment. So far the system has given excellent results. The response of tarmite is "now able to makel _ THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, JANUARY 13, 1919. Mothers can rest "easy after giv- ing "California Syrup of Figs," be- cause in a few hours all the clogged up. waste, sour bile and fermenting food gently moves out of the bawels, and fou have a well, playful child again. = Children simply will not take the time from play to empty thelr bowels. and the} become ight: ly packed, lver gets sluggish and stomach disordered. When cross, feverish, restless, see if tongue is coated, them ive this delicious "fruit laxative." Children love it, and it can not cause injury. No difference what ails your litle one--if full of cold, or a sore throat, didrrhoea, stomacBache, bad hreath, remember, a gentle "inside cleans- ing" should always be the first treqt- ment given. Full directions for ba- bies, children of all ages and grown- ups are printed op each bottle. Beware of counterfeit fig syrups. Ask your druggist for a bottle of "California Syrup of Figs," then look carefully and see that it is made by the "California Fig Syrup Company." 'We make no smaller sige. Hand back with contempt any other fig Syrup. Arr A ar ar Nt Itt NN PN officers in place of the colored one. The ladder equipment is showing signs of wear, and as in a good many cases lives depend on this equip-! ment, a start should be made in re-| newing it so that it would not" be necessary, to purchase an entire new equipment' in any one year as was the case in 1909. The fire alarm telegraph system réquires the installation of a time and alm recording seit this vear. 'With the use of the motor car it is] poseible to leave 'the station much onicker on receipt of an alarm, and 'there should be no possible chance | +f mistaking the location of the alarm, and the only positive system is by meéans of the recording sett. To complete the street alarm box' {nstallation, boxes are required at or near the following locatfons: At! or near Rideau and Dufferin streets, | Tames and Patrick, John and Bar-} rie, - Division and Stephen, on Rus-| sell street, division and Raglan] road, north' end of Sydenham street, Division and Pine, Brock and Iniversity avenue, Nelson 'and Mack, Ontario and Clarence, Alfred and Johnson, Albert and Johnsor, | Kensington and > Edgehill, Stuart and St. Lawrence. i the off-duty platoon being prompt 'and ~all that could be desired, and' the chief has no doubt that the city will receive Better service under the two-platoon system than it ever did! {onder the old system of twantye four-hour duty with one day off in five, ein Department's Needs. The uniform clothing equipment allowed members of the department should be completed by.the izsuing of twb sateen shirts for summer, and two blue flannel cloth shirts for "winter wear, one pair of gloves, and two pairs of leather boots yearly, A Prominent. re nisive fat that comes and AVE where it is sot is 8 burden: 4 hindrance te Sichsarcs thiel PAGE FIVE Special . . Q ™ SPECIAL SALE! Men's brown calf laced boots, Neolin soles and rubber heels, round or narrow toes. All sizes. 4.50 Ladies' brown calf laced boots, Neolin soles, rub- ber heels; all sizes. Special .. .. .. . .. .4.50 A few pairs baby deerskin moccasins, slightly soiled, clearing at . . : ry 50¢ Abernethy's Shoe Store =8 . & & Q ©: - A manual transmitter for strik- {ng the number of the street alarm box nearest to the location of a fire for which the alarm has been sent in hy telephone, should also be in- stalled on the system. : ts | WEDDED HALF A" CENTIRY, MR. AND MBS. WILLIAM LUCY, 6 JENKIN STREET, i Were Married in Kingston on the ith of Jauunary, 1869, by the fate Rev. Dr. Ryckman. Ea) The golden wedding of Mr. and Mrs. William Lucy, of 6 Jenkins street. 'Kingston, takes place on Tuesday, the 14th inst Mr. and Mrs. Lucy wers married on Jan. | 14th, 1869, in Kingston, by the late, Rev. Dr. Ryckman. For forty-seven years they lived on the farm in Pittsburg, where Mr. Lucy took his, bride. In 1915 Mr. and Mrs. Lucey, having prospered, retired frown the farm and live in their cosy _home at 6 Jenkins street. They had a family of six children, five of whom are still. living, one son, Frederick J.) having died six years ago. Those living are: Mrs. W. J. Free, Dauphin, Man: W. H. Lagy, Elgin, Man.; Mrs. J. A, McFatlane, Kingston; ! George F. Lucy, shawa, and Miss Etta, at home. x The family had inténdeéd having a reunion on the ¥4th, but owing to the prevailing epidemic it was de- ¢ided to postpone it until next June. Of the sixty guests who were pres- ont at the wedding fifty years ago, only two are still Hving, Mr. and Mrs. Lucy both ¢énjoy the best of health and are rarely absent from Princess Street Methodist church, where they are to he seen at ser- vices twice on Sundays fn all kinds of weather. The Whig extends its heartiest congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. 'Lucy mad hopes that they will 510 have many happy years to live. ge JA quiet but pretty wedding . took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. f JJohn A. Connerty, Jasper, on Jan. , ¢ { 2nd, when their | Mabel eldest daughter, "was united In mar- rHiagd to Mark W-. Bailey. Dd, v CAMPBELL' Big Removal Sale NOW GOING ON We will soon move 0 the. store now occupied by News man & Shaw, 122 Princess Street, and have decided to clear out our present stock bes fore moving. ok Big Reductions On Furs, Hats, Caps, * Gloves, Etc. Am CAMPBELL BROS Kingston's Oldest Fur Q. ©: The lips whenever furniture comes into the mind. Where a long time service is required, Reid's furniture proves its economy. Business men know the value of a proven brand; they choose with con- fidence the article whose demonstrated worth can be identified by the name it's sold under. That's why the name Reid is a guarantee to you when you buy furniture. - dni Bl 5 JAMES REID The Busy Store With Large Stocks Phone 147 For Service - AO" SUGGESTION BOY Of GIRL: WMENT