THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE nl ---- Address of the General Manager at the Annual Meeting of the Bank. ' _THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, JANUARY should Be effect! maintained ia} Great Britain, and at the - neces- Sary measures to this end should be taken without delay. Similiar meas- ures are being urged in the United States by a not uninfluential section ofthe press, and it is disquisiing to hear a discordant pote sounded in certain influential financial circles in this country. We think that the Gov- * falling prices. Few of the promoters, however, appear to have considered! where the money is to come froth. By all means let a wise and statesman- like view of the matter prevail, and; all public works be undertaken which are in the best intersats of the community, having regard to all as- pects of the guestion. But let it not be forgotten that such works 18, 1919. 'It is an Expensive undertak- The address of Sir Joh Aird, General Manager of The Canadian Bank ernment could well afford to re to be d for sogner or later of Commerce, at the anmual meeting of areholders of that Bank fii 0 to pay a} have e pal ro 3 2 A small royalty to endourage an in-| out of the taxes, and thé hope of held on the 14th fst, will be interesting to our readers, Not only does it crease in the production of the gold every citizen at the present moment, deal at length with the business of the Bank during the past 'year, which | mines of Canada. The conditions of| I may safely say, is to see his tax has been a most sucessful one for the insti ution, but it indicates the view] the last two years have very adver-| bills reduced rather than larg®y in- taken of Canada's Prospects by one of heg, leading bankers. Sir John sely affected the mining of gold, es-| creased. Even 'public borrowing said: : pecially as compared with silver, and | cannot indefinitely postpone the evil For the first time since January, this cause should soon cease to] ID the interests of the country, we be- day of payment. . 1914, we meet without the sinister |operate, and we shall wateh with ]leve that the Government should p-- shadow of the 'great wa upon us. much interest the course of the note seriously consider some plan for Reconstruct With Savings . Difficult as is the outlodk before | circulation during the next few | placing this industry on a profitable Some of our municipalities are . many of the warring nations and | months, in which the greatest' am- foating. 3 already hampered by the load of perplexing as are the problems for lount of contraction always - takes debt incurred in former eras of pros-| which a solution has "to be found { place each year. Large Volume of Transaction, perity, and no one would advocate before a satisfadtory peace can bel Rn ' \The ne i l : : ; Xt item of the assets, con-| ny considerable increase at this concluded, hostilities have ceased. Increased Deposits, {sting of and cannot be renewed on the same The increase in our total deposits] ® sting of notes and cheques and bal-| time in the national debt of.the Do- colossal scale. We réjolce that the (ls $76,733,000, or 27.7 per: cent. | 06S due by other Banks, shows an| minjon. The safe bourse is wisely set sacrifice of life has come to an end [and the greater part of this is un. | increase of $3,830,000, glmost all of| out in the Cunliffe report, tb which and that those members of our staff {der the heading of deposits not | which is made up of larger holdings | I have already referred. After speak- at the front who have survived the |bearing interest, which account for{of cheques on other banks, whicn| ing of the pressure that is sure to conflict, and others who are near | $64.552.000. Deposits bearing in-| constitute the daily exchange. This! se brought to Bear upon the stafe for and dear to many of us, can now [terest show an increase of $12,181, increase is due solely f Look forward with assurabee to the]000, an amount which would "have ue solely to an increased | capital expenditure in many forms o welcome that awaits 'them at .their | been much rediter had it not been volume. of current banking transac- | reconstruction purposes, it poinis out home-coming. The p > year has |for the Victor Loan of 1918. b if ina. Securities of various kfnds| that all money expended on recon-T] been pleasurably marked by the |we turn to the monthly statements | increased $16,183,000, repres-| struction work should come out of | jubllees of both our President and [to the Government. we skall find | ented principally by larger holdings | savings and not be obtained by the Vice-President fh their respective {that deposits payable after notice | of British and Canadian Govern- creation of new credit. The burden | callings. We have, therefore, many dropped $18,853,000 during No- | ment securities, On the other hand,| of prevailing high interest rates in reasons for a feeling of jubilation vember, which is solely due to the railway and miscellaneous securities v | * ; DM Cas f such wor also to on this occasion, and this is added Victory Loan. On the other hand, igs | the case of gue SFiS Rae Ing to give Kingston a Private Wire, Bond and Stock Office ard, Ryerson & Co., ~ 239 Bagot Street : Merit and need the Joyal support of every bond or stock buying citizen of Kingston. . Te The manager, Mr. H. J. Bongard, is a local man. THINK TWICE before handing your order to outside t have decreased slightly. Call aud| be considered, and although the out-| houses. gre Is no we cannot get. Perhaps : oy the valine 1 he Statement fy eaiembeted that under short loans show an increase - of | look as to the value of money after we can buy it cheaper than you can. It costs you no ing to you. 5 {ernment for the deposit of the pro-| $8:324,000, of which the greater part| the war is uncertain, it seems pro- more, and you will be furthering local enterprise. Call ; ceeds of the Victory Loan with the |S i loans outside of Canada, and | bable that current rates in Englahd ¥ 1728 Government bonds 5 to 7%. Any maturity. An Excellent Statement. banks from which the money was |/mmediately 'available assets" Are are hald below the natural Jevel at The earningsof the Bank have withdrawn, a large part of this |3$35,682,000 greater, standing at| present by war-fime regulations, and been good, and the profits have money Is still 'at the credit' of the] about fifty per cent. of our liabilities that when 'these restrictions are re- again reached a new high level, | Dominion Government, subject to to the public. © Commercial loans moved, rates may tend upward rath ; & amounting to $2,850,000, or $212,-|its requirements. 4 show an increase of $52,621,000, er than downward. It is clear that 000 more than a year ago. We con- | : 5 . EA ramet er sata fess to a feeling of pride that we | How to Save. nearly all of which is lent in Canada. | the importance of saving and econ- i - or have been able to maintain the pre-| Once again the Minister of Fin-| "hile there is no deubt a good deal omy in personal expenditures as & miér place among Canadian banks lance an® the organization which | Ok activity in such manufacturing as| public duty will not be lessened by| in this, to you, important item. Not- {controlled the Victory Loan .cam-|can be carried on under the circum-| the ending of the war, bpt, if pos- Fr Th withstanding the apparent size of | paigns have won an outstanding | stances of the past few months, a] sible, increased. om e the figures, however, it must mot success. The Victory Loan of 1918 | large part of the increase is due to it is interesting to note that the ; - be forgotten that the rate of earn- Ww over-subscribéd many times high i { is of C SC ' prices and to delay - 3 st is d ings of this Bank, as of Canadian and without the "use of any compul- thor realiz-| London Statist is of the opinion that t oun ; Si e - * Few Drops When Corns Hurt, Pain Stops! Corns Lift Out Don't let corns ache twice! Lift any corn or callus off with fingers--Here's magic! J ing on r p o vi r bags In gelteral is Siadily Je sion save the mere breath of/ public eo put WiRea er Produ; AfTeD 209 war Ceuziid Will prove Moe Sing, when measure y © fopinion, the Government has been tie e 2 services rendered and the extent -of provided with. More. than the SWm Government. The delay in this con- ited States, and that thus the drain thes effort put forth by our staff. On | which it required. Yet, as I point- | hection, while no doubt largely in-}! upon the manpower of this country |¥ the average of our total assets duf- {ed out last year, the lesson Is how | évitable under existing ocenditions, made by the war will be more than ing the year we have earned only [to save, 80 strongly impressed upon | has a prejudi effect on those im-{ remedied. Lennox and Addington 7-10ths of Ono per cent, as compar- [the community by these campaigns, mediately concetned. With the pass- ud ih 1.3] pot tnt. In 1913, the [is their great result from the na-|ing of the era 'of high prices, espec- ; The Future. : : por oor Til ot and. 1.47 he of View. ay lally those of farm produce, and a As to the Mure, we feel that wel Jan. 16 Cp igs has form- = thus acquired of how to' invest sav- a Mi muni hormal| can look forward with quiet confi- | ed in the bay but owing to the last ings wisely pay mean to Canada in an that of 'munition-making,| gence. The multifarious restric- co mild days, ®t is not safe 'for . "Increased Service. le main causes of this, as I have {the years 10 come? Except for the | ®€ Must expect to see decreases in| tions which have necessarily been | \oiiine vet. Overton Ball has so placed on business during the warly,. covered from his recent illness I The aa pin_prgtions years, ae, increase in the productive eapacity 18 Yolume of both our loans and 0 e one han © enormous in- of the country, that #s perhaps the eposits. Indeed, it will not be sur- w less disa; before long, Ime Sarvicos: whol mes. porto, | reatest war. © Mlongeide I the lous | Leik If the Aguses of the praseni | ana they should be removed by the Ea ra cme fd for the" public Without remunora | ro th Na orgie ie i Jaunies sheet are not exceeded for Government as speedily as possible, James Chapmian of Brockville visited small bottle of fmeezone, which them without any irritation. tion, and the fact that banking is | dividual banks is a very small mat. | *C7CTAl yeirs to come. This will' aid in lessening unemplod | ii 'Norman Hikley's for the = week- will cost but a trifle, but is|. Women! Recp freezone on one of the few businesses fn which |ter, whioh, if the lesson fs the. Total assets have increased $95. ment at home, and enable our = ex-15 4 "Oyire a number of people went | v sufficient to rid one's feet of| your dresser apply a few "Charges are sometimos lowered but roughly learnt, will require only a] 235.000, and now amount to the porters to resume their operatfons in to Kingston on Tuesday evening last|' every corn or eallus. It is the| drops whenever a corn begina seldom increased, in spite of the |short period of time to remedy it-| ery large sum of $440,310,000. This other countries before the field is oc- | (© Kingston " ye most marvelous drug known. | aching. Pain stops, sorn goos! general increase in the cost of |gelr : Increase is 27.8 per cent. over the cupied. Attention should also be] '° near Harry Lauder, v 4 ® horyihing Sige: and on the other, Horns. figures of last year, a remarkabie given to the prompt settlement of all © increases in salaries and wages Bank Helped Loan, showing when it is recalled that we outstanding contracts and obligations which 'are. inevitable to enable our Our efforts to assist the Minister Vv y @ been marking time in the op- t t laims men to meet the great increase in of. Fiance in obtaining subscrip- Bas new branches, and that we of Ing Caverament Sd to fhe sla | the cost of liviig. Tt must not be |} Frenlenac. : ham, Jecontly Feturaen gam Ke. has been ill the past two weeks, a Viig. must no {tions to the Loan have resulted in { * " §|rope, e guest of J. S. . forgotten - that salariss .and -wages |our securing through this' bank the | Move Rat taken over the business of} contracts. These are sometimes al- ' V. Smith passed through here en : i constitute the most formidable item {large sum of §104,543,000, repro-|80Y other bank. "| 16wed to drag, causing great injus- i \ '{route to Sydenham. Mr. "and Mrs.| RQUALIZES ARMY AND NAVY of expense in the budget of a bauk, [sented 160,773 individual sub- a . : tice to individuals and corporations, HARTINGTON, W. Raymond visited Mr, and Ms, ---------- and it will readily be understood |scriptions:. This amount included Reinstato Returned Men. 3 . h Amin Jan. 16.--The school re-opened on{R. Powell, Elgin, last' ' mid-week. England Now Pays Jack's Wife As that the responsibilities and ' the {$160.000 00 of now money and re- | With recora | ahd preventing them from resuming Monday with a very small attendance, | Sylvester Hobbs, who resided at Much as i. difficulties of dealing fairly with presents 15 per efit. of the total. | desi o etnsta lo stall it Is 0ur| their accustomed place in. the peace but it 1 daily increasing. The peo-|Watertawn, N.Y. is visiting rela- | The anomaly which dates back to the members of our staff, in view ot [it is gratitying to kiow that we] ro to reinstate all officers who| activities of the nation, By prompt plo are glad io welcome home Lieut. (tives ai Sydenham and Perth. Road. |ihe days of Trafalgar of paying the the high level: of the cost of Hving, [have far exceeded the proportion {71° Lo come back to our service! attention to such matters the Gov- Ross Carleton, who has done valient|Mrs. B. Lees is seriously, il, hav- | dependents of the man in the Bri. are not small, ., © {which might be reasonably expect-i10™ milltary duty, and at the same| ernment can assist materially in the | sarvice for his country. . He enlisted|ing an attack of pneumonia. ~ Dr. [pion navy a smaller allowance than Sr -- ef from us. This result has not time to avold any hardship which restoration of a normal state of af-|in the west as a private early in the|Freeman is in attendance, Mr. and to relatives of men of similar ranks on Unnecessary. been' obtained without very strenu- | might be created by dispensing With | rairs in the business world. We have | war. Mrs. J. Challies, Oak Filats,| Mrs. George Lees and John hi in the military forces. has been recti- Wh unusual Sham Fin our Frofit ous efforts on the part of our staff, the services of the members of the been fortunate in this country 'in [returned home this week after spend- are nt 5 aL Aeiping Hand fied. ¢ a : affords aon Bratieion, ea and also the expenditure of a large temporary staff, who have filled the that our participation in the war has| ng some Time at" R. Gooderham's. det at; cine on Hitherto this difference in pay has the covery of the appropriation of (fortunately the heavy task came | DLiich, 80 AGCODABy during the | uot involved material damage at |The IAFRers are going up wood: ori we oF She Admiralty, a $1.000,000 set aside in the year upon our staft just at the moment | PPL fOUF years, home. Our efforts have entailed no ALLEY, WOLFE ISLAND. | eae ---- being that. Erialer Channs of n ' promotion 8 : No humbug! ~~ Any eorn,| Put a few drops directly upon whether hard, soft or between] any tender, aching corn or ecal- the toes, will loosen right up| lus. "Instantly the soreness dis: and lift out, without any pain.| appears and shortly the corn Thié drug is called freezone| or callus will loosen and can be and is a compound of ether dis-| lifted off with the fingers. » §. covered by a Cincinnati chemist.| Freezone doesn't eat out the Ask gt any drug store for a corns or calluses but shrivels - IANS NANNLN NNNIN x Fadden, Inverary. Corporal Gra- Falls, yesterday for treatment. She 1915 to provide for the depreciation | when their ranks were depleted by With sorrow we record the death exhaustion -on our part, and while Te Toads. are no yy Of securities. *We then expressed /the ravages of influenza. 554 con- | In .actiongof eighty-five addit:unai] the problems before ys are many and 14 The, Toi A number BINAYY the bope of saving this, Or at least nection with this. as well as pre- | Members of our staff during the past| qimcult, we believe that a satisfac- |from here attended the assemly : a part of it, at the end of the war, vious loans, we shall also be requir- | year, ma. a total of 226 who have tory solution will be found for all.of held in the C.M.B.A. hall, Mar¥s- and itris 4 source of satisfaction to ed "to_perform for the Government | been killé in action, or have died of ; ville, on Wednesday evening. The + find 'our prediction fulfilled. special services, such as the pay- wounds, 'since the outbreak of the saelparty "at George Woodward's on On the other side of the account, ment of coupons and interest dur- war. The number of w id our disbursements in the why of ling the term of the loans, the last , or of wounded men aividends Ane, au to Brehoids; of which does not mature until the Hed a JS lias Bow Seach may) . ers, and the: amounts requ to 1937. ; as missing an : 5 | ing. e d 5 pay the spegial war fax on bank Jar 1841 ie al 23 asin the prison camps. Under . 3 Ur. a meeting of the Fatm ed a large party in honor of their That's what I call gratitude, ote pirculation and for the Offf- year to assift in the Dominion Gov.| the terms of the armistice we trust a : evening in the township hall, | Bucst, Willlam Cain of Cleveland, {commented Mr. Gabb. fag cers' Pension Fund, are the same as |arnment financing te a large am- | that these prisoners have now been Marysville, and was well attended, | Ohio. The evening was spent in : 4 year ago... Subscriptions to vari- [ount, and we assumed our full share | successful in reaching allied or neu- : radi games, danging, ete, At midnight all} * Twice during the year man 'feels ret ae PLe putriatic nature, al- Ti cts. In in, ve PL ye : $ oo CLARENDON were served wit refreshments. Miss the need ot Hn | hafore She va- | F ar : Loam, : = ! " . Richard entertained a num- cation and ir ' go of the war, Wave called for $102,000 to the 1 vertiment 2a I Jan. 14.--A very old resident, Mrs.| Am * 1 a vom 350, ; . against oi out Increase Export Trade, Welsh, aged eighty-two years, passed | ber of her friends during the holi on af our trouble : 1 h about -- 100 : the advances made against similar A year ago I urged the import- away on Saturday, ith. The funer-| days at Fettercairn., Sergeant Sethe > Hine Durselies tog Rue a security to the Imperial Munitions | #0ce to Canada of stimulating the - iY al took place at Perth on Monday.| liam A. Fleming, Spartanburg, 8.C., Aire Of other PEODIS. ioe We have a -- $100,000 to | Board. production and export of food, the Much tig fs felt for Arthurarrived at his 'home . after nine name who is ways prevalent with defray the cost of a memorial = ------ need of organization for the Th s White in the death of his wife, on| months service in the army. School {yp secret order sign or grip. . propose toiraide in h of the of- |' Finance y and the attractiveness of the outlook i Jan. 6th, aged thirty-four years. She| has reopened with Miss Justina Car-: 'when you do an act of charity ficers of the Bank who served. in! Arcoptance under Letters of Credit] for this branch of commerce. The| , She=! hope prices change after leaves a large family of children and| ty, teacher, Mrs, William Simmons' there is no need to publish &t. It will the THreae ear: and gor the Fost. of oftset in our balance sheet by -thelending of the war has in mo wise e ny don't. They will probably |# !0ving husband. Miss Ella White| left for the General Hospital, Smith's be found out poonet oF later. The form of | Sorrespondihg liability of our cus-| dimmed the prospect. The . last go up. wif y win who was dangerously ill 'with pneu- is yet 'decided, but | tomers which appears #mong the as-| number of the Agricultural Gazette, : monia is recovering. Thomas Kirk-] probably take shape when we | sets, show a large increase, repres-| the official publication of the 'Domin- L _Aham, son of Isaac Kirkham, is ser- 3. to. erect a new building on Pented by advances in Canada &nd the ion Department of Agriculture, con- : : iously fll. The majority of the flu} © here, an undertaking which | United States secured in nearly every tains an appeal from the Dominion 7 ; patients are now on the way to re long be "delayed if the ni-| case by fovd supplies purchased for) Government along similar lines, and : covery. John Glem is able to be fevelo : he Prsiness account of the Allies, Cash on hand.) particularly emphasizes the .bright| | ; [around again after a seige of Mu. yin unsultable quart- | COMSISHnE of gold and silver coinfprospects of the meat export trade. " Delbert Dustin, Kingston, spent Sun- | After doing all this, we have ane Dominion notes, nts to} Speaking of the outlook before this ¥ in Clarendon. Mrs. George ul able to transfer $1,500,000 to| $61,971,000, as compared with $54 .:| country pow that the war has end-| eely, Miss Rossie and Mrs, William : 652,000 a year ago, an increase off ed, the Minister of Finance, Sir| {Sly dre now convalescent after al. $7,319,000, Of this we had $17: Thomas White, writes: "There would | J ae, serious attack of flu. ; 500.000 in the Central Gold Reserv-| seem no reason to apprehend anyl fg : i . es. to provide cover for our' excess! failure of markets for all the food | Ree ad LER. note circulation. Our total' hold-| that Canada can produce, Our grain,| 1 |. dan. 15.~The snowstortn of last, | Ings of gold and siiver coin--prin- live stock. and their products, with] | vi gel [Eriday. blocked iratfie for a hie eipaily gold, fucluging; ec-| those of our fisheries, should all be : . as a : ' 5 GratitutGe. "It says here that a SEAlthy West " ETRY aC ern "man has left $500,000 to the wo- Il attend- CHAFFEY'S JO0KS dents | 20 who = refused to marry him Tuesday evening was we sr : Jan. 14,--A number of residents twenty years ago," said Mrs. Gabb, ed. Miss Louise 0 Balen, ron vif are fll wih 'fl' 'but all-are improv- las she looked up from the newspaper is visiting her sister, Mre*Stewar Mr. and Mrs, Brady entertaii-] she was ing. . Sang the "first 'i | Statement, the first Habilities: is notes in Se.