PAGE SIXTEEN Automobile Skates Hockey and Fancy Pleasure and Waltz $6.00--Auto Tube are electrically welded togdther and are tstrongest tube skate made. $5.00----This Beautiful Pleasure' Skate is designed by the best skater in the world. Auto in. C"~The lightest Skate in the world, made with famous aluminum tops. the $7.50--This is the finest Skate made for fancy or figure skate. Has tie saw tooth, Bote hes in 'the toe. These are our best Skates. Then we have the Ladies' Auto at $4, the Ladies' Pleasure at $3.and the Yukon at $1.90, are good Skates for those who do not have the desires of the better models. ' - Hockey Shoes We have the finest assortment of Hockey and Skating Shoes between Toronto and Montreal. We put Skates Shoes on ¥ Free When you buy your outfit from us. 'TREADGOLD SPORTING GOODS CO. 88 Street Phone 529 KEEP THE HOME INDUSTRIES GOING E MILO! 3 for 25¢ Made i in Kingston by Geo. A. McGowan ¥ THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, JANUARY 18, 1919. sossbe : WELL PREPARED . Bird--How are you fixed for the winter? Squirrel--Fine, a nice warm home, and plenty of food stored away. ~Y A DISAP. * POINTMENT never thought a boy of mine would turn out that way. What's the. matter? | sent him to college and he'd rather get his fessons than make the foot. hall team. ONLY ZAIR TO. FRED "I've made up my mind to marry Fred." "Don't you think he ought to be told? ® COOMB'S BIG TASK Moran's Successor Enters City to Anvil Chorus, * Jack Coombs, Pat Moran's succes- sor as manager of the Phillies, will have to travel over a hard road be- fore he gains the Quaker City fans' patronage. Few men Have taken up the managerial reins under such a! handicap. The sudden release' of Moran was more than the most pes-| Quaker Princess "Home of the Brunswick." Some folks get Into the fashionabla League fen. it not league is swim who would drown were for the wight dollar, simistic National League tan had ex-| pected, and it now becomes one of | Coombs' duties to make the National! League rooters in. this cily forget the actions of the club's owner. The, only way to do this is to win ball, games with a fair dégree of comsis- 'tency. > : Coombs goes to Philadelphia with the Anvil Chorus batting *well above the .300 mark. The Philadelphia fans have declared themselves again- st the President, William Baker re- gime, but after the season opens and Coombs has the Phillies up in the race it is a safe bet that those who are now swinging the hammers ywill flock to the N nal League. park | wearing. broad' smiles, Before this comes to pass Manager Coombs will have to db considerable rebuilding. There is room for im- provement in the hurling depart: ment. Coombs will not find anyone who resembles an Alexander when he looks the pitchers over. "Mule'* Watson, Oeschger, Jacobs and Rixey appear to he the best of the staff. ise set Will Pray Rughy. At a special meeting of the Army { Rugoy Unions, which included .the of the Dominion forces, it was decided to hold a tournament befween the British army, New Zealand, Oanada, = Auvs- tralia and South Africa. The com- petition will be played on the league system. A sub-committee on: which the Dominions will he represented, has been nominated to make the] nec ry arrangements, It Ras decided to ask the French army \to flay the winners. Before the war only officers were permit ted to. play amny representatives. In the matches of the future all rasks will be available. representatives 5 Providence May Hamilton. 5 The International League at its meeting in New York considered the return of Providence to its eir- cuit. Providence will probably re- place Hamilton. Willlam Draper, y the former owner of the Providence club, will confer with International a at a a a ea] gion and drive away weariness. Provittoce is now inf Ji agve and the smaller Put up a strong protest if it oa this city. 3 ul Er ---------- A LUXURY r "My, but these open grate fires are uy fine, these cool days." HIMILIATING ADMISSION Pm sorry for his wife. Why? it must gail her terribly. to know that sodn she's got to ad- mit that she's dependent én a thing dike that for her living. CHANGED "War has certainly changed many things." "Yes. In the old days our dog 'used to have fleas. Now they're cooties." What of Johnson's Plan. Last fall when baseball was still hohbling around on crutches and with a poultice on its eye as a re- sult of the disgraceful row over the division of world's series spoils, President Ban Johnson came to bat with a plan to do away with hag- gling over money matters. New York despatches indicate that son as either endeavoring to "cover up' or divert attention from the plight inte which the majors found themselves .or his plan has . been shuiited onto a siding. The Base. ball Czar proposed a scheme where- by the players of world's series teams and the clubs they represent- ed were to get nothing, all monies to be turned oyer to- the Govern- ment of the United States for the establishment and maintenance . of a home for crippled soldiers. The plan was endorsed: from coast to coast. What of jt? Cause of Appendicitis Now Definitely Known The commonest cause of appendi- citis is constiptation. Every doctor says so. When you require physic, don't use a cheap stic pill---get Dr. Hamilton's Pills, which are made from the private: . fs haji la of one of the greatest physicians. Dr. Hamil ton's Pills strengthen the stomach. regulate the bowels and prevent any tendency to appendicitis. In one day you feel the tremendous benefit of Dr. Hamilton's 'Pills... By purifying the blood and cleansing the system they prevent headaches, lift depres- No medicine so successful as Dr. Hamil- ton's Pills. Sold everywhere in 256¢ boxes, with yellow cover; get the genuine, John~« SMILES FOR; WHIG READERS A A A A IAA NN NNN NN NNN NINN | would be limited to ten three-min- American plan of the referee getting . ¢ HELP ALONG =f Oyster--Well, old fellow, it's up te us to help to conserve meat. / USELESS KNOWLEDGE This saying about knowledge being power ja all bosh, Why is it? There's a man who owes me money and , | can't collect a cent, ARTIFICIAL "Ghie has a good face" "The best the market affords." LIKE AMERICAN STYLE English Boxing Fans Favor the Re feree Being In Ring. The international 'service bouts in London, which resulted in a victory for the British army boxers, - have had the effect of opening the eyes of Engli®h patrons of the sport to the weakness of their system of judging contests and also to the inability of a referee seated in a chair outside the ring to see all that goes on with- in the ropes. - Advices just received from London indicate that there is a general demand among 'boxing en- thusiasts for the adoption of the into the ring and following move of the contestants, every Dickens Had a Big Day. Charles Dickens happened to. be in--Donecaster -one- Leger ' day... The story of his "sporting three winners" #n that occasion is told in Forster's life of the great novelist: "He bought the card, facetious]y Wrote three names as the winners of the last three races (never in his life having heard or thought of any of the horses, except that the winner of the Derby, which proved to be no- where, hgd been mentioned to him). In a letter to his Mographer he says: tv "qf you can believe it, without your hair standing on d, those three races were won one after an- other by those three horses.' * Dickens truly described this as "wonderful, paralyzing colncidengusy New York State Boxing Bill. Senator L. W. H. Giblis, of Bui- fala, announces that he has prepar- ed a bill designed to legalize box- ing, and that he would introduce it in the Legislature within a few days. Among the features of the bill are: Appointment by the Governor of a boxing commissioner for the term of twa years at a yearly salary of $4,000; minimum. age limit of eighteen years for contestants; only licensed referees to be allowed to be in charge of exhibitions; no of- ficial decisions -to be rendered; clubs to. pay ten per gent. of. total receipts to State. All matches ute rounds and the rules regarding gloves and other details are similar to those previously in force when boxing was sanctioned in the State. Usually the man who says he can| drink or he can let it alone is so busy demonstrating the first proposition that he never gets around to the second. ' Someone designates the small army of unemployed as "warriors." af 20Per Cent Discount ON ALL FIT REFORM OVERCOATS Inspection , Invited rawfor deW I h "Tailors Princess and Bagot Streets to chew King George's Navy Plug Tdbacco and enjoy it$ lin- gertng flavor and delicious taste. King George's Navy is made of choice tobacco, properly ot Ett hai « free from irritating substances a just Sight. It 1s tough, juicy, satisfying snd wholesome. Tryaplugtoday. wm A aa tan Wood's Phosphodine.: The Orat tnglish I le Lapes and iavigorates the petvous Sam, new old Nervous Debilily, Mente and Brain Wy Des dency, Joss of Enero, Polpilation o the Hi Teare, I idling Memory, Price $1 {o a Cue, I les. x will rol pe br. a druggists or m as Ss of Rene a ws 1 INTARE SYRUP OF TAR LRA] hs LIVER OIL 'THOMAS COPLEY Telephone 987. Wanting anythiog doge in the carpen. tery line. Kstimntes given on nll kinds tof repa rs and mew work;' aise hard. wood floors of al Kinds. All orders will receive prompt atteation. Bay 10 Queen street. Coughs, Colds, Grippe, Bronchiting Wh hooping Cough, Asthma, Ete. © MATHIEU'S SYRUP i isa: gaversig to tonic combining" t t ® strengthening virtues of COD LIVER OIL. I} Colds, when neglected or badly treated give is : consequences of sucha grave character that not risk using inferior preparations, MATHIEU'S 8 Pie the m------ has Sei The weapon they use is talk. bog, gl -" Se ue Ya FRE