THE DAILY BRIFISH WHIG, -- ---------- tri Son RIN, Se TIE fries : . - : T= : p-- ---- oY 5 dinner consisted of rogst--Heel, with | Se---------- > \GREA | SI POULTRY Sravy, potatoes, carrots, cabbago,} { : £ EDNESDAY, JANUARY 22, 1919. 2 corn, plum pudding. and brandy | : ? i ray a areas | SBRCE, Oranges, apples, and nits. The {EVER SEEN IN KINGSTON IS NOW boys présentéd Major Alexander Me- i IN PROGRESS. Murty, D.8.0., with a toilet set, and | : & Guarantee _ Capt. J. Archie Gordon, M.C., with a e e nN ¥ x Nel he i * jthe azmouries on Tuesday evening to China, as big as turkeys, aad feath- {Hundreds = of People Viewing the pipe | 7 {nee the beautiful birds thut have been ered right down to the toe nails; | Splendid Exhibits at the Armonries -- ; { Two Hundred More Entries Than v-- | i | rd ' : it is Made by the facturers of Le Page's ade b; Manufacturers ge's {| reared expressiy for show purposes. | | DL ot Because itis y 3 : The laying strains are the best to be | JOlnSOD Sly oes Glue : Aerts ! « hat doesn't choke or thicken in the cviinder { brahmas that seem to shuffle when fect fountain pen ink that 0 t n dhe AR Tok : 3 3 2. Wi furthermore--and this is a merit of unique value--S8ignet blue-bla ; John McKa Limited id - a block, white 3nd VaR les: COMPANY SALE . man old familiar pleasing blue---but dries jet black --and a. blagk 2 70 perhaps the ake lightning and 1 IR Et vi *leages the eye--insures legibility aud "feels" good as Kingston's Reliable Fur House {oro perhaps the most beautiful fowls ISA ACTING . g that will never fade. Pleases 3 8 3 Before, Colds Cause. Grip And Influenza. | obtained, and the utility fowl are the - . ; ; ch the pen to paper. and the most popular, For beauty CROWDS OF soon as you touch t 149-157 Brock Street F..C. Jackeon has returned to his| work in Mil + Ya. after spending | the past week with his family on Do you, as a user of ink, réaliz¢ just what that means? It means that the same standard of excellence which has made Le Page's Glue the Universal: Men- der----the always reliable household requisite---is characteristic of Signet Ink. WRITES BLUE--DRIES BLACK-IS PERMANENT Signet Permanent Writing Fluid, made from the World's best dves, now so hard to get, is everlasting absolutely. Where the permanency of records is essary, Signet is indispensable. : ; 4 Hee But that's not all.' It fills every perfect ink requirement. Flows freely, is without sediment, will not corrode or build on the pen; besides it is a per- j exhibit at the armouries which open-| GROVE'S signature on the box, 30ec. {ed on Tuesday Hundreds of people TT ---------- } { Outline of body, color and texture of | plumage, strut, voice and set of comb { from both city and country went to { have all been given the artist's atten- | tion Here are to be found lang- . shangs, originally imported from "The greatest show of birds ever LAXATIVE , BROMO QUININE fe : s § {best of their kind. _ Before being JanuarySale |:iiiiEEE Kingston of plumage the golden and partridge SIGNET INK IS SOLD ONLY AT {seen in Kings is is a fitting | Tablets remove the cause There is { description try Association [only one "Bromo Quinine." .E. W. { has given his most devoted care and | thought to produce the highest type. Wyandotte; and game are unsurpass- RIFTY BI IYER ed. The blue andalusians are in a TH F S + ji class oy themselves. The cambine $5 3 i > en '3 a beautiful bird, and is new in this Since our . sale "opened " : : : i : ¢ . or mn pal d ' on Saturday last we have oo x 1 x SANTOS] Fs sen ar voprosenss fl cco bor meh COLLEGE BOOK STORE o ! Arapmas, coching and Janushangs; people with the genuine ] J . : ® by hoautitul yironEly repre- {jf a renins offered on Furs, 5 : i Victrolas Phone 919 Open Nights ved, white A, @ V. rocks: golden, sil- Cloaks; Millinery and ver white, tridge and A. 0. V.|fl Hats. Every article in our an We Have jctor in Stock wyandottes and Rhode Island feds: entire stock is marked "Records oe = the Mediterranean ,which seem to be down {oa quick clearing Campbell's Tomato Soup VICTROLA XI, $174.00. Balning strongly in popularity, by the Campbell's Vegetable Soup ORCHESTRA RECORDS { Prize, special prizes are' offered by lead the list of odd Fur leghorhs, minoreas, Spanish, blue an- (|| price, We aim to convert dalusians, anconas and campines: the our whole stock into cash Clark's Tomato Soup Clark's Vegetable So Cofs In recording the playing of a full orchestra is a Victor ;many of the Kingston marchants, Achic rons, 1 tp ing 4 He new fields of delight for the musip = while silver cups, medals and shields English by the white, black, buff and to make easy the reorgan- y Distributors for Red Rose a the . popu doyers. Every Known variety of music may enter the intimacy of are offered by American and Cana- "thing. Bay Them! blue orpingtons. red caps and Cor-/ ization of our business. your home ED Lhe doors of the Victrola. We recommend the ian glubs formed to promote the W R.McRae&Co nish; French, Houdans: Polands, by ek Walt Tor every Adme, reading of the different varieties of Village Swallow's Walts--Vietor Concert Orch. ves 35655-8150 owl. The American buff leghorn L i ! { GOLDEN LION . k \ } : License No, 6-543 : So 5 &= noreas; John McCoutrie, Winchester, N CARPET WARE- e ; =| blue 'andalusians; . H. Kirkland, THE KINGSTO Anvil Palka relub offers a $10 silver eup to the ge. pREIRE. § {Smith's Falls, anconas; J. Calclough, \ 4 N HOUSE i : wy ® Kingston, anconas; J. W, Lake, cam- . ep Il ent sented by beautiful types of the bar. La a a the silver and black; Dutch, Ham- Fo-day we mention La- burgs;' game, black-red, duckwing dies' Odd.-Fur Coats--by and English; bantams, both game "odd" we mean the only and ornamental, including seabrights coal of its ki 3 stoek. and black, white and buff cochins coat of its kind in stog ; = = = All prizes are awarded strictly ac- We want to clear these jcording to merit, and in addition to || out quickly and so have {the association's ribbon and money: ut the knife in deep. YY Coats below: » NEY ie Otionn--Vietor Orel ... ... ... ... ... ..855 1.50 Ing pen, cock, hen, cockerel and pul- end in F. oki let. Cups are also offered hy W. F. Na hey lotr Herbert's Oreh. ,.. ... ... .. soe» A5052-81.23 Nickle, M.P., George Robertson, Ot- Mikado, Pare He--Vietor -Concert Oreh, oo. ... ... ... , tawa; E, P. Jenkins, George Holland, Hungarian Dasice. No. S--~Phitadelphin Orch. +o GAT52--$1.25 5. 8. Corbett, Smith Bros., W. R. Giv- A mehony In (FF Minor No. 4) Boston Sym. Orch, T4553--$2.00 fens, R. J. Rodgers, and the Associa- f Marah AM - endelssohn--Victor Herbert's Orch. ' tion. game bantam cu = Bridal Marek ng rin---Viet ' Ce LB a p. : : All the Papin Poeat® eT eel: in Stock y Some of the largest exhibitors are: ; Charles Anglin, Kingston, black mi- | Mah TTY Dance o he one Bees-- Victor Orch. ., { winner of the most points on breed- i = pines; A. 8. Large, cornish; - Rook : HTH | SRITTHHINNR URN Hii Bros., Prescott, and J. C.K. Muncie, 1 1 i ord of 35 ears, and the HHI HERR RHEE Kingston, bantams; James B. Hol. With its business rec y | land, Kingston, langshangs; C. S. Parks, golden wyandottes; Ben.Whit- ney, silver wyandottes; Clugston Bros, white wyandottes; Joseph White, Portsmouth; barred rocks; Ar- thur 'Leader, Barriefield, W. E. Weeks, Picton; J. . Drummond, Smith's Falls, orpingtons, white leg- of Bi and bantams; Bliss and Tien, of Binburg placed eighty entr es; SEAL F. Bedelph and J. G. Patterson, of Kingston, partridge - wyandottes; LYNX COAT $288 | Moore and Smith, Carleton Place, and 1 only Hudson Seal Coat, {H. Young. of Renfrew, wyandottes; 45 inches long, natural L. W. Williams and George Berdan, vax o rolls {¥: of Kingston, Rhode Tsland reds; C. Yhx cape. co ar, culls Boyce, James Latourney, H.:}| . and border, faney silk Why Pay Rent When You Can Own: Your Own Home, $3500--A real bargain. Semi. detached roomy house, Syd- ALWAYS BUSY STORE hig enham St. A most desirable With its business record of 15 years, are TL this week uniting forces in the building, No. Manse) 130-132 Princess street, formerly occupied SG rooms. stile' an by R. McFaul. $2700 -- Frame, modorn, Opening date will be announced later. Stuart St. Frame, big lot and stable. Victoria St. $3500--New bungalow, Vie toria St. X v ETT TTY YY | The Busy Optical House, 342 King St. * 'With 'hours of study. daily, should be handicapped with poor eye- sight. It takes but a few moments for us in examining a child's eyes to KNOW whether or not. their eyes focus properly. : Why not make sure on this point to-day? i CONSULT; J. S. Asselstine, D.O.S,, Walsh and James McGuire, Kingston, Teghorns. . There are two hundred entries more than last year, and the stock is pronounced much superior. Every one who purchases an ad- missidn ticket has a chance to secure the beautiful fowl! that go to the holder of the lucky number. On Tuesday evening the first pen went to firawing takes place for the pen of barred rocks. On Thursday evening the white wyandottes will be drawn for.- 4 Vaituven Bros. have on exhibition a beautMul Ford Toupe, tequipment that seils for $800 and & jone-ton truck. 'There is also a 200- egg Cyphers incubator. ! PTE. NORMAN WILSON DEAD, | Report That He Was Alive Proves to Mr Le. Hrs, uey iv t street, who fs at present ill in the Hotel H. A. LeHeup, and this evening the | poplin lining, highest grade throughout. Sale price only Hudson Seal 42 inches long, Alaska sable collar and * cuffs, faney silk poplin lining, best quality thronghout. Sale price $238 only Plain Hudson Seal . 40 inches long, fancy silk poplin lining, very , highest quality throughout, . +5. "4 ._ Sale' price -...... $188 1 only Muskrat Coat, 40 inches long, eollar,enffs, belt and buttons of Hud- son seal,.made from our highest grade skins. Sale price ~...... $1 only FR Black: Muskrat Gout, 50 inches ong, large 'size,' qumlityss rt Sale from' fine, glossy, even earl skins, 'pretiy. bro- Sal caded satin WH ] handsome En : every delail. ; EIR ---- Newmian & Shaw ce" The Always Busy Store : =D | e-------- Ere NCDENTS OF THE DA LOCAL NOTES AND ITEMS OF W. Swaine, plano tuner, orders at McAuley's, or 'phone 564W. ; There was no session of the Police Court on Wednesday morning. 'We have four good practice planos or $356 a piece. C. W. Lindsay, Lim- - David Patterson, Bay Oity, Mich., has been. visiting bis sister, Mrs. Frances Wilmot, Clergy, streej west, We bave four good practice pianos Ii for $35 a piece. C. W. Lindggy, Lim- E W. Mullin & Lor. Johnson and Di Sts. Phones 530w and 530) BAAR AAA roews BUILDERS SUPPLIES ey HARDWOOD FLOORING Birch, miiple, plain oak and quartered oak. Winter is a good time to lay Hardwobd Floors. Houses are usually dry and carpenters have more time. Our clear grades are excep- tionally good. 2 i S. ANGLIN & Co. Wood workine Fanor ¥ Lamber Yards, ge Bay & Welltnuton Streets, King ston, Ont. Office Phone 64. 3 = Miss Mary Le Huray, Montreal, 1s] i I! the wuest of Mrs. 3. A. Waddels, 620