Amateur Finishing Best's Best Service Best Results Best Prices Now if you are an amateur | photographer what more could you expect? You can also pro- cure the x REST FILMS BEST PAPER BEST CHEMICAL SUPPLIES At Bests' The Popular Drug Store OPEN SUNDAYS Phone 59. Branch 2018 'OX B Setts GOURDIERS Ll rT TTT TTY YY YY } 4 WARNING . Now is the tome to come and make arrangemen 4 your car stored and overhauled. We still have space for 5 few 4 more cars. : Automobile repalr work a ED. WALSH, Prop. 835 King 6¢. Phone 2185 A a Sh a alii Bags Wanted A. SPEIZMEN Ee i ages CREEL In any quantity--Flour Bags, Feed Bags and absolutely This Pinex and Syrup preparation or time & gir gots old en- believe that. men dent things they say, she that they don't say them For 80 vears this old firm has fen "Walch Shop' af the Kingston djsteiet. WALTHAMS -- . The watch best known in Eastern \mioricns swiss Known the whole world ELGINS-- A. famous product "The West." of Also Hamiltons, Howards And other reliable makes, Ranging in price up to * $200.00 And all Guaranteed Marriage Licenses. Wedding Rings SMITH BROS. Jewelers so Established 1840 King Street, Kingston Watches | Try Making Your Own Cough Remedy You can save shout $2, and have better remedy thin the ready- | . made kind. Easily dome. If you combined the curative proper ties of every known "ready-made" re hy Jou probably could not get as mudh Ye Shrative power a here is in mid sim me-made 8yry whichis easily prepared in a few min. utes, Get from any Jrugist 214 ounces of Pinex (50 cents worth), pour it into a 16-08, tle and fill the bottle with syrup, using either plain granulated sugar syrup, clarified molasses, honep, Or. corm s , #8 desired. The resu ray (hunces of really better co h syrup than you could buy ready ma é, and saves easily $2. Tastes pleasant ta ri at the canse of a cough and gives ® immediate relief. It loosens the! Rhlegm, stops the nasty throat tickle and heals the sore, irritated m, ® at 20a "eusily that is is on 2 . A day's use will usually overcome the ordinary Sough and for bronchitis croup, whooping cough and bronch asthma, there is nothing better. Fiten is . most Saluable Smeentrated orwh © ex. onporind RB nuine y p severe coughs, sappointment, ask your full d don't Ay ything and don't a an $lse.® Guaranteed to give absolute satis The Pinex Co, Toronto, Ont. ' and never spoils, oi un used for gene to break u 5. To "avoid di for "214 or promptly WAY FRIENDSHIP'S 'Choice Groceries All kinds of fresh vegetables a specialty, ------ 210 Division St. _ Phone 545 i [town for a few {Notice--Hereafter, the Whig, im common with other papers all over Canada, will make a charge of Ge. {for inserting an engagement, mar- riage or reception sanouncement.) » * * Mrs. Bruce 'Holmes Hopkins °re- ceived on Tuesday afternoon at "Hazeldell" 'for the first time since her marriage, when she was wear- ing 8 most becoming gown of pal- WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 22, 1919. ing of the Skating Club. on Satur- day evening been with Miss is Bow the guest of Mrs. Colin Ham- fiton, Earl street, to Montreal Sal The date of the sciente dance at 14th February. * * - Mrs. H. Foster Chaffey, Brock- ville, has left to join" her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. 1 Mallory, at San | Bernardino, Cal Miss Helen Muckleston is in Ot- tawa, Miss Teddie Hoag is visiting re- latives in Toronto. Mr. rand Mrs.- BR, 8. King street, . returped York on Saturday. Bt ---- Waldron, from , New est pink Georgette crepe and lace with corsage bouquet of pink roses. Mrs. E. J. 'B. Pense received with her in the drawing room, where many pink roses and carnations (Were most artistically arranged, and an open fire and shaded lights shed a soft and welcoming glow. In the dining room the tea table, which had a most effective centre of pink roses, was in charge of Mrs. Carter, Mrs. Hansord Hora and Miss Amy McGill, .their assistants being Mrs. Ernest Cunningham, Mrs. Frank Ryan, Mrs. Hubert! Ryan, Miss Bessie Smythe, Miss Thomas, Miss Edith Pense. Miss Mary Strange and Miss Elizabeth Cunningham. Mrs. Hopkins re- ceived again this. afternoon, when she was assisted by Mrs. Higgins, Mrs, G. C. Campbell, Miss Strange, Mrs. H. FPF. ., Richardson, Mrs, Hubert Stethem, Mrs. Munro Reynolds, Miss Aileen Rogers, Miss Jessie Smith and Miss Mildred Jones, . Gengral Sir David Watson and the ober: of the "4th Canadian Division gave a ball on New Year's Eve at the Hotél de Ville, Brussels, to which the King and the Queen of the Belgians were invited, and at which people eminent in the Belgian capital were present. The invitations were Ingeribed: "To dance In the glorious year of peace." The last great ball at which British officers on active service danced in Brussels was the famous one given by the Duchess of Richmond on the eve of Water. leo. . 9» * » Among the guests at the' curling tea on Tuesday ternoon were Mrs. «J. Carsof Mrs. Frank Phillips, Mrs. George Mahood, Mrs. Frank Day, Mrs. D. @. Laidlaw, Mrs. H. F. Mooers, Mrs. D. Phelan, Mrs. Hamilton, Mrs. R. E. Burns, Mrs, Hugh Welsh, Mrs. G. B. Reed, Mrs. Palmer, Mrs. Price, Mrs. L. T. Best, Mrs, Charles Mackay, Mrs. Ernest Sparks, Mrs.' John Carson, Mrs. -'W. W. Gibson, Mrs. Jack Gor- rie, Mrs. Cartwright, Mrs. Elmer Davis, Mrs. 6. B. McKay, Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Macpherson, Mrs' R. J. Wilson; Mrs. H. T. J. Coleman, Mrs. W. T. Connell and Miss Kidd. : - w . * Mrs. W. M._Goodwin. 125 street, will receive térhoon from 3.30 » . Next Monday the Bridge Club will meet at the home of Mrs. Har- old Davis, 'Stuart street. * * Centre on Thursday af- to 6.30 o'clock. » * Mrs. H. R. Dutt, Princess street, was hosfess at the L.C. Reading Club on Monday afternoon. * . » Miss Mildred Jones was hostess at the Bridge Club on Tuesday evening, ' LO Mrs. W. Balfour Mudie and Miss Agnes Johnston were in town from Gananoque on Saturday. «Major Gifford, MC. Gifford, who have been ville for to town, Harold Hughes, Gore street, re- turned from Toronto on Tuesday, Mrs. Porritt, who has many old friends 1h Kingston, has been in days. Folger has returned where she has bee rs. Spackman. - . and Mrs. in Belle- some time, have returned Miss Doris from Montreal, the guest of M - Captain Garnet Greer, - AM.C, Peterborough, has been spending a few days in town, ajor and Mrs. H. Pp. Lafferty, who were Bers on the 8.8. Olympia, are present in Quebec. Miss M. Shaw, Clergy street, is entertaining the members of Sydenham street i hureh choir this evening from t until eleven o'clock. eT > Nursing Sister Cott, who has re- cently returned from overseas, has been spending a few days with friends in town, Dr. R. Bruce Taylor has return- ed from Toronto. . Miss Dorothy Marsh, who has been visiting Mrs. Colin Hamilton, La returned to Toronto om Mon- Y. Mrs. Rowland, sr, who has visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Row- land, Universiyg avenue, left to-day for Montreal to spend the remalnd- er = the winter. ol | I Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Harrison, Co- bourg, are spending the winter in St. Petersburg, Florida, 1 R. Walsh was in 'town from Brampton for the week-end " . . * Mr. and Mrs. L. Abramson 'an- Bounce the engagement of their daughter, Sara, to William Holz- man, Ottawa, the marriage to take place Feb. 4th. 3 . * » The engagement is announced in Calgary, Alta, of Olive, only daugh- ter of the late Rev. James M. Boyd, -A., B.D.,, Beauharnois, Que, and Mrs. Boyd, to Lieut. Charles Bert- ram Huyck, Canadian Engineers, son of Mr. and Mrs. BE. R. Huyck, Tweed, Ont, The wedding will take place shortly. (Continued on Page 10.) COUNCIL No. 20, C.O.0OF. The Installation of Officers--Two Presentations Made. 3 The installation of officers of council No. 20 C.0.L.F. took place on Tuesday evening. "The following were installed: W. R. Buck, CC; William Payne, V.C.: R. C. Bell, re- corder; C. H. Linton, treasurer; Mrs. Eva'J. Smith, prelate; Lena Reynolds, pianist; Charles McGuire, marshal; Almeng J, Dehaney, ward- en; Lawrence .Northufore, guard; William Crawford, secretary; Trus- tees, B. J. Buck, Silas Grimshaw, W. J. Amey. . After tha. instalation ceremony Chief Councillor WR. Buck present- ed Mrs. Eva Smith gnd Mrs. Almena J. Dehaney each vin 8 gold wrist watch and an address fh the name of the council, as a mark of apprecia- tion of their work for the council, Auditor, H. A. Chadwick, present- ed his report showing a membership expenditure during the year of $830.20. There were 18 deaths dur ing the year, four of 'whom died in action at the front and sixty new members were added during the year. ------------ The Ebert Government is given complete return to power in Ger- many. The new national assembly is to meet at Weimar, - ' For Agonizing Corns You Can't Beat It. Certainly not, "Putnanis' 'em all beat a mile; It's a marvel of corns and foot lumps, acts like magic, Why for nearly fifty years Putnam's Ex- tractor has been the standard rem- edy, the dependable one, the sure kind that never disappoints, It's painless too. Think of it! Paint it on to-hight, in the morning the pain is all gone, ' Small wonder the sale of Putnam's Corn Extractor is so large, 26c. at dealers everywhere, Woman's Hair Reaches To Knees A. Near Ago Was Threatened With Baldness. Tells How She Made' Her Hair Grow. Somat Mrs, Esther Emery, now friends in the city, Dossessor fof marvelously. beautiful hair, which, when loosened from its colls falls to her knees. Moreover, it is of soft, silky and fluffy texture and in color a Yet just one threatened with tell how she had growth in so short a time, "Had anyone told me such marvelous results could be accom- plished so quickly, not have believed it. Twelve months ago. my hair, which then reached barely to my shoulders was falling out at an alarming rate and grow- visiting bald scalp in several spots. Tt was [dandruff and itched like mad all the time, hair tonics, but they were all same and never did good. ' One day I chanced to read in my home paper of a simple home Miss Bessie Sanderson, who has| Aghes Richardson, | PROBS: Thursday, fair; somewhat milder. = vector: ecurain| TTT TTT MERA AE of 618 and a cash balance over all > | I= Queen's University has been set for! CM ~ ey = [em-- Ss" bo i AWOO As a special attraction during this month of sales, and every woman should avail herself of this splendid opportunity--ne re- strictions for personal use to individuals--to others ' quantities re- stricted. * MONARCH FLOSS This beautiful sweater wool to be had in colors of rose, strawberry, purple, lavender, emerald, Nile, copen, gold, moss, black and white, in full | oz. balls. Thursday .. .. : MONARCH DOWN {000 Ibs. of the celebrated Monarch down in a range of shades: rose, copen, buff, cardinal, gold, brown, purple, maroon, moss, resida, emerald, black and white, in 2 oz. balls. Thursday .. .. MONARCH FINGERING Sl 150 lbs. of Monarch fingering yarn in grey and white only, : regular $3.50 a lb. Thursday.. ..,. .. . .. oon $2.65 w wie Ee ee ek. «ea ES ~~ .53¢ « & KHAKI FINGERING is the fortunatels glorious Slosty gold. | == year ago she was|s baldness. Urged tol= obtained this won-|S 1 positively would | 8 ing very 'thin, actually exposing the pe I tried fully a dozen different |S ption to make the hair grow |= 150 lbs. of khaki fingering wool at less than wholesale cost. Regular $3.25. hursday 5 : STEACY'S UNBREAK ABLE 300 Ibs. of Steacy's famous unbreakable yarn dark grey only. A special value at $2.50 a Ib. FACTORY YARN : fact ood cl rn in a « of 3-ply grey factory yarn; ag clean yarn i ' medium shade of grey only. Reg. $2.75 a Ib. Thursday 91.89 = in color of - Thursday $1.57 54 [dull and lifeless in color,' turning (Cu grey in patches, and very dry and |S 3 ttle. My head was covered with |= me a bit of [==