Daily British Whig (1850), 22 Jan 1919, p. 4

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One 'good citizens. - _PACE FOUR THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 22, 1919; THE THE BRITISH WHIG| S5STH YEAR Publish Daily a THE Ror Witt URLISHING CO, LIM ITED, . President J. GG: ElHott .. ives aes Leman A. Guild .. - . Bditor and Managing -Director. Editorial Roomg ,. Job. Office... ... SUBSCRIPTION RATES (Daily Edition) One vear, delivered in city .. year, If paid in advance .. Ohe year by mall to rural offices EH Ome ygar, to United States .. ..53.00 (Semi-Weakly Edition) One year, by mail, essh +» +3000 Une year, IT not pald in advance $1. HH Une year, 10 United States .. ...§L. Six Ce months pro.reta. +. $6. 2 SrisCaA nL Rie RESENTATIVE FW. n, 57 Mall Bldg., Toronto R Bruce' Owen, 133 Bt. Peter St, Mont. 1 Norenrup, 225 Fifth Ave, New York F.R.Northrup, 1510 Ass'n Bldg. Chicago Letters to the Baitor are published only 'over 'the actual name of the writer. Attached Is one of the best job printing offices Can Can you keep a vridge score? Men of this kind are once more com- mandeered ! The Detroit Journal believes before Germany can settle up she must set- tle down, The Salvation Army Red Shield drive should ' commend itself, to all > General Pilsudski has agreed to play sécond fiddle tnder . Director _ Paderewski. The Sahara desert would be a good location for the ex-kaiser. He would indeed have a place in the sun! The United States senators who objected to tha president going 0 Burope are BOW 5 od objecting to his coming bae back. dellows, eh? Light itself is a great corrective. A thousand wrongs and abuses that are grown in darkness disappear - like owls and bats before the light ,.over 250,000 at the beginning "this year. * prion of day.---Garfield. "Rev. Dr. Knowles, Patroled, was censured for talking heresy. The advertising he got has put him on a higher knowl; he has had a call to a bigger church" President Poincare, of France, fn one brief sentence sums up 'he whole history of Germany. "The German Empire," he told the peac? delegates, "was 'born in injustice, It has ended in oblivion." Automobiles 'owned In Canada increased from 2,500 in 1909 to of All indications point fo a still greater Increase during the | Ae or, three years. nin War Stamps are now being in both English apd French, due to the demand of Que- bec. Here's hoping that the con- cession 'will result in large numbers of them being Bought in our' sister ", plavince. sae Hime Mr. Oogiy; thie: Ontario min- ister of , hatle the comi yulgar are. to create discontent among {mentous issues, One {Grand {to the has citizens {and b¥ lsransaliipping | nm government common people. than all the pro- |/ Sie, in touch with the departed {such an off-hand way wor ; be in keeping with the tradition f Christian teaching." KINGSTON FACING ISSUES. is facing several the will affect the city's the harbor improvement nd the other the entrance Trunk Railway main liae city. The Board of placed the matter before in a tentative way; pus energy must be put info the campaign results----and resulils Kingston decisfons on which future is in it ---are expected. The harbor improvegents esgential if Kingston is to be port for western grain for export. The enlargement and deepening of the Welland Cana! demands the deepening of Kingston harbor to correspond with the canal draught. Before the war the ques: tion was well canvassed and the had plans prepared These are available. The need now is for Kingstonians to arouse them- selves, to press the matter<at Ot tawa and to secure for Kingston what otherwise may go port on the southern side of the lake Canada eannot afford to build and maintain a canal and other places, not in Canada, reap the commercial advaptages. Much work is requir- ed in bringing the matter pointedly before the government, and' every interest in Kingston must get Dbe- hind the projeet, The future of this good city is tremendously in- volved ; The second demand, and urgent too, is to have the Grand Trunk main line pass through the eity. It will cost money to secure a change in the route, but it Will be money well spent 9f Kingston ean be 'put squarely on the map from a railway viewpoint. i Plans regarding the change are already in evidence; new plans may be projected, but iu any ¢ase Kingston: must decide on her needs and with force and vigor put the issue up to the authorities Brantford was on a stub line years ago, but its. citizens got busy and obtained a through service, .and its growth dated from that time. King- ston's prospects are equally good if it had an effective and accessible railway policy. These two issues are worthy the consideration and urgent effort of every citizen. Let us get together and push together for our pressing needs. to a "THINGS THAT LIE AHEAD, There is no cause to be fearful of the future of Canada. A country that fought so well in the war can "Searry on" just as successiully in the gays of peace. He is a faint- heared and Shont-sighted citizen who sees only blue ruin ahead for this country. Investigations carried on through Canada by agents of the dominion government disclose the fact that the task of replacing Can- ada on a peace footing, as far as manufactures are concerned, éan be accomplished "with Httle confusion, and that a period of exceptional prosperity atid activity lies before both Canada and the United States. Camada, according to the depart- ment of labor, Is entering upon a per- jod of expansion greater than at any time in her history. There is no anx- fety concerning the attitude of the manufactufers of the country, who realize that they must take full ad vantage of. their opportunities and minimizé the difficulties of tranpitien from war to peace conditions. Im- measurable opportunities, embracing every department of industry, con- front the Canadian manufacturers, and with the passing of the need for conservation, the demand for goods of all kinds will increase, Deferred construétion programmes, involving the expenditure of millions the spring, and industrial plants in for labor to inaugurate large schemes for & Stocks are low and the calf for manufactured goods will come from every quarter. The de- 'from abroad will be enmorm- ous, urope must be eomatituted {ana rebubit, and with the release of shipping for commercial purposes, trade with other pants of the globe 1 Havd- | tye J the of the Trade | the | that will- be to the city's adv antage | are | tho | of dollars, will be proceaded with inj- all parts of Canada are awaiting only | 1ding indus-| | it of twentf- drawn on} , and it has t ship-build { 3 viding em-| Yeen ont it-has gtimulated THE OUTLOOK GOOD vy by ifstituti | ---- . For Red Shield Drive "of Salvation 2 Army. The district manager, Joh Chifago, a millon d¢ r dousing de M whose field is the in Gnatario (F | of Quebec, | with] Montreal and Que-| enthu over| comnriliees rge of the Red Shie salvation Army in t tory He announces that | Belleville, Broekville ano i sn ata a | tightly cemenfed and enthusiastic | undertaken by mabufacturers and |p, tne drive that it is not possible nection with the he-| that there should be any slip-ups. re- | Already splendid grants have been made by the following: Perth, In Lanark county, $3,000; Prescotl, in Grenville county, $1,500; Dundas, begun for the compilation of accurate Stormont and Gle ne arry counties, details of imports with the objeet.of! $12,600; Renfrew town, in' Renfrew indicating the directions in which | COuBtY. $2 op Northunberiand and trade be - developed. A trade] 2 Durham counties, $8,000; Prince Ed- ard county, $5,000 and in many mission to London, and a Canadian, as places when the councils meet Trade Commission with headquar-| at the end « January there isereat ters in Canada, have been estab-! hopes that they will make grants, lished for the fostering of commerce: especially in Carleton, Peterboro, and industry. Important machinery| Frontedac, Lennox, Prescott and, is being built up by which the gov- Russell, these grants coming from | ernment will with lie county councils, 1g interests in every possible d "These parastions made J counti of men It ffices through | apd the province IS @8-| the exception of bec is very sigst th employer of {and e v | Mhe opportunities abroad havé 8 terri- i Faton, ! not) OF he beer forgotte The government : que are credits for wor Ne are Gar { proposes i« tablish Gai { 80 producers in | Habilitation the devastaited Europe which should hare of the businéss com-| | gions of Téad | {to a large jing to Canada A system has been | may co-operate bus r -- Sl s The "new Irish republic are some of the pre-i formally declared hut no to meet changing! done. conditions in this country, and the in the N.H.. game at Toronto, give ground to believe that in the, Tuesday night, Arenas defeated Mon- * days -that lie ahead all will be well | tredl by 11 © 3 ' SE, CHILD'S TONGUE BECOMES COATED IF CONSTIPATED { Whe n Cross, Fevedish and Sick Give "yf alifornia Syrup of Figs." has been harm rection, ia is Demand For General's Pictures During the past week close on} nine hundred copies of the photo- graph of the ate Major-General T D. R. Heniming, which was pre pared by the Whig, have been dis- tributed to friends and admirers of | the deceased. Letters- are now be ing received from subseribers all over the country requésting that! copies be sent them, in addition to the many expressions of thanks | and -appreciation which have been! sent to the Whig. The fact that there has been wo great a demand for the photograph is a striking tribute vo the great esteem in which the general was held by' the publie, and fo his gre at popularity in the district Children love this "fruit laxative," and nothing else cleanses the tender stomach, liver and bowels 50 nicely. A child simply will not stop play" ing to empty the bowels, and the result is they become tightly clogged with wagte, liver gets sluggish, stom- ach sours, then your little one be- comes cross, half-sick, feverish, don't eat, sleep or act naturally, 'breath is bad, system full of cold, has sore throat, stomach-ache or diarrhoea. Listen, Mothey! See 'if tongue is coated, then give a teaspoonful of "California Syrup of Figs," and in a few hours all the gonstipated waste, sour bile and undigested food passes out of the systefn, and you have a well, playful child again. Millions of mothers give "Califor- Tn nia Syrup of Figs," because it is per- Permission has been given to a, fectly harmless; children love it, and limited number of selected Canadian] it fever fails to act on the stomach, students, now with the troops, to}liver and bowels. study in British universities during! Ask your druggist for a, bottle d bilization. 'The i . of "California Syrup of Figs," which emobilization. They will recelve| b, 'v1} girections for babies, chil- pay allowancs. The serious situation affec stindthe! | liinty He yrs Canadian packing plant as a resuit ofl ware of counterfeits sold here. Get the cessation of British orders for ba: }the genuine, made by the California con is set forth in a strongly worded | Fig Syrup Company." Refuse any cable to the British authorities: other kind with contempt. Rippling Rhymes WINTER DAYS The winter days are with us now, the winds are wild and chill; and my old idiotic cow comes bawling up. the hill. To seek the wooden water trough she wandered through the gale, and had her antlers froz-: en off, likewise her priceless tail. The view outdoors! Increase For Operators. G.T.R. telegraph operators have received an increase in wages of $25 a month over the present scale, dating back to October last, for a working day of eight hours. Time and a half will be given for Sun- days and, legal holidays and four- year men will receive two weeks' holidays annually with pay. --_ > arctic winds ecavort and shriek, without a lick of sense. And yet I am not woe-begone, as I sit by my fire, and ply my pipe and demijohn, my corkscrew and my lyre. Though at my window tempests. beat, one thing I'm thankful for; I do not have to save the sleet, to Help to win the war. ners wave, the long ordeal is done; we aie not asked 'to pinch and save, that we may can a Hu 'ed; my car is frozen in the shed, the radiator cracked; 1 I havessome fowls which should provide fresh hen- A 4 fruit by the keg, but they just let their duty slide-- they yao not spring an egg. My stock of coal is getting slim, and when for more I plead, the dealer says, with visage grim, seed." But let the winds of winter blow! Ome thing I'm thankful for; I do not have to save the suow, that we may win the war. --WALT MASON. THINGS THAT NEVER HAPPEN Foe ACAI ~ CMLL YEARS is sad and bleak, the snow's heaped by the fence; the|™ Triumphantly our ban- | un" Some || « griefs and worries, be it suid, my spirits have attdek- |} "Your stand-off's gone to || EY aa EE cam sara Cu PA CALLS Seriety Brand Glothes 'ACoat Superb Style Lines BUY YOUR OVERCOAT HERE Style is tailored into our overcoats, not pressed in. Society brand workmanship, that of the highest skilled tailors, goes into their making. The selection of material by experts'--fabrie of . which Society brand overcoats aye cut is 'subjected to rigid ' tests before accepted. "The Broadway at . The Devonshire . . .$30.00 The Allenby * Sai The Hudder . . . . . $22.50 .$38.50 .. +. 928.50 «$25,000 78, 80, 82 Princess Street POULTRY SHOW EXHIBITORS We Carry a Full Line Of "Buckeye" Incubators and Brooders Feed Boxes, Drinking Fountains, Grit Boxes, Egg Testers, Thermometers, Hydrostats.: BUNT'S HARDWARE Phone 388 HARDWARE King St. CloTHING I ON SN EASY] Suits, Dresses and Furs, prs ord QOvercoats, : We have always: advocated shorter hours for thie druggist VEGETABLES Are Lower in Price This Season ATOMATOES CORN PEAS BEANS SWEETASH . SPINACH ASPARAGUS BEETS Get Our Special Price by the + Dozen . REDDEN & Co. License Nos. 6-459, 8-184

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