-~ _ | y A _ cist ga THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 22, 1919. Crs fa THE KINCSTON TERMINAL | Shack Left Her - |MENENSNESNSTURNEENMENNRSEENNENRNESENENNSSSNERSNEN a : A [ree os -- : "Out of the High Rent Distriet." | continued trom Page 1.) \ \"R "'WICTORY. dent 'Cook saidfe thought . COULD NOT SLEEP A aN \ EE 'Weak and Nevvous A 3 3 #4 9 1 9 F | ¥ this t Ringston When th L \ § \ ha ated ir } 1s Tae © systein receives a shock AN el \ | onnor S d {8s XC lISIVe 1 ; a 191 any kind, the heart hecomes weak « \J ) 3 SRR +] ol e , cal delegates s id be { ened, the nerves unstrung, the appe ef ol i | : 4 I atten s meetis The embers | 4 E : rd pl a ul the meet The members {tite poor 4 and weak feelings RE = Board were of a similar opin- fcome over you, you can't sleep at | 3 o Thi seconded by Dr. G tell, it wus lining: on ISS 18 | decided to recomin City Couvn-{ To al those wi*o Suffer from ner- i vous shock we would recommend If you have a coat to buy, here is your op- { wa convention. the ool / 4 y) i Tha ttl ash lotton § ! Jest remedy to tone. up the en- / portunity, before stock-taking. The secretary read a letter from fy. ooo ang! strengthen the weak- / the Ontario Associated 'Boards of ened organs e { Trade, announcing that a general Mrs. J. J. Butyan, Pilot 'Butte, oa a rice meeting would be held in Toronto on |Sask., writes "I have' used Mil. "vy . s . March 27th and 28th, and asking burn's Heart and . Nerve Pills after 28 only, ladies and misses stylish coats, | that resolutions the Kingston 'Board Saving suflered from 8 terrible shock . wm * ¢ desired to place before this meeting, iy whole system. was so ut- Every one new this season, Must go this | be the Bonds of the secretary of herbs Nek: ana netvaug.] toulg hot socia rds Tre . g it, /my appetite was week. the Associated Board of Trade brie y poor. I aun x, pet S Baa b-- A { February 14th. This is the first the floor without trembling all ayer . j meeting of this organization to be| I had hot flushes and fainting ur anuary a e lield since the outhreak of the war. ispells. When I was onthe second x . . The late Robert Meek was vice-presi: {box of your Heart and Nerve Pills, I . Js a hummer, The greatest bargain festic Sit Of the Asfociation, and epree lat they wera daiug Ladies' Black Kid Laced Boots, spool and Cuban heels . . .. . .4.85 ' > 3 y ~ : r 2 s Mme good, so I kept on until 1 had (ented the local Board of Trade at the K a : : val you ever attended. E very article in the [Jiehicaihe foci Board of Trade at the forent sooxes, when I felt like a dit-| + Ladies' Brown Calf Laced Boots, Neolin soles, rubber heels .4.85 pre reduc] hp! Prices : will pay youte % The counet of the Board will be}, | 3M never without them inthe 2 ~~» uy now, even for next winter. Sian oe (house, and highly recommend them: SEE THE WINDOW | meeting in the proper time, and willl Milburn's Heart . and Nerve Pills r . : { be given power to appoint a delegate are 50c a box at all dealers, or mail- to attend the meeting " ed direct on receipt of price hg The . { En Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. ® notified to file resolutions for the li, an who suffer with their heart i : Resolutions Considered. AA es i AAA AA mn ry °® ® : onnoy a utep wan Tecelvel fiom ihe SPOKF ON REPATRIATION Ladies' Best Grade Brown Calf Laced Boots, Neolin soles and { Fort William Board of Trade, ask € J x . { for support in a resolution passed by | rubber heels, specially low priced at .. .. .. ..... .. .. ..598 260 Princess St. ? 'Telephone 800 , that Board, to boost the iron indus COVERRMENT PANS TO HE J : : fin Ca 4 is clat he § Up Biree v % { try in Canada. - itis claimed that t nd . . 1 Higher Up Breet, But Always Lower in Price | industry in Canada is being neglect- TURN SOLDIERS TO CANADA. | , to se a del to the Qita~ } cil. to sen Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills as } | | | nd on motion of J. G. Elliowt, 'night, and you wonder it life is worth | \ { ed; and that millions of dollars are An Address Given by Trevor Me- : ; being expended on foreign ore when Guire, a Member of the Repatria- Co = - ---- 4 | it could be obtained in Canada. tion Speakers ."Bureaw. : ry The local Board will recommend Trevor Maguire, a representative 5 ; ! that the representations of the Fort| of the Repatriation Speakers' Bureau, . g ~ 9 h G y = outlingd very clearly tk olic f = Gage 4 as roceyx V AH { ter, ba considered by the governutent, | the Répatriation Commitice i (NOT GUARANTEED) - x { The Board also endorsed a resolu- | re-establishment of the returning sol- 7: Cor.Gore and Wellington Sts. tion of the Edmonton Board of diers to civil #ife, at a public meet Men's sizes, 6 to 11 at . . n » Pott ; St "ling held in the Great War Veterans' : . Trade, asking for a uniform stand"|IDE he h Great rans yi Special in Oranges .. .. .. . .30c dozen ard of weights and measures and) POMS ou Tuesday evening. W. F Boys' sizes 1to 5 . | .. . > "i Nickle, M.P., occupied the chair, and 1 Excellent for marmalade; excellent for 3 Coinage in all countries ir Introducing the speaker suid that | Boys' sizes 11, 12, and 13 I ie. The Board received a letter from (his was ; subjee tr - : : - y S was a s ect which was of the s ' : eating the Canadian Reconstruction Com-| greatest importance to the Dominion Children 8 sizes 8 to 10 A . . pany of Toronto, regarding the car-}of Canada, and one in which al . - ' . Also fine large Grape Fruit . . ..3 for 25¢ or a lr aun, and one iy whith About 100 pairs ladies' clearing at. . _ . License No. 8.2493, / = Phone 248 ! war; also a letter from the Yorkton Mr. Maguire, who-ig' himself a ve-! : Sask., Board of Trade, asking that turned soldier, told his audience how the government make arrangements the Government were planning to re- a i HO gait ; i ! 4 . a a i { "8 N : re turn the soldiers to Canada Dis- 9 \ 4 - - to assist 'undergraduates home from persal areas are being established at eX net & oe ore | the war in comipleting their educa- twenty-two points in the country, six : ¥ ] : ® * A . | tion, of them in Ontario; and tp these sta- oi ; | J. M. Campbell, chairman of the |tions the men will be sent on arriving en _ 1 *y | railway committee of the Board of in Canada. There they will be dis- Pps gave an i t charged to civil life if hat . . . {he meciing held in Kingston on De. mo on th' returned man 1 nthe | EMENENENENENENEEE NEE ENA NN SAE NAEENEEEENEEEEEEEE T_T He BR er i mv a ECG a ; i | : Es 361 care Of the sorter: ro. 1a In 4 TE A fy KAS tL Manufacturers of High Grade Flour cum 240s, between Toca business 64% 0 he soldiers" estabtiment I - y '"White Rose" and "Hungarian Patent' national Operating war board for the| ore i 8 @ chain of employment bu- reaus all over the Dominion, and ; railways. He said the. conference lthrough these offices it is intended to For sale by all dealers «J | Bad resulted in much good, One im-|place all the men in lucrative and 3 PF id Lacense Nos. 118 and 4-118 { portant matter taken up was that of | congenial civilian positiens The . | the receiving of freight at the sta-|speaker, explained fully how these of- tions. While the war was on; a car|fices aré to be operated, and showed ! had to be filled before iwwas moved. | that the returned soldier will be - Now, a car would be sent out every Siyen the preference in the filling of three days; and there was. ia, mueh| Sp Bolo 0 Giign "on ie) émova d e better service. Another matter _re-1Government's pension scheme and its medied was that of the settlement of application, laying stress upon the! 'vy ' claims. The railway committee i8{potnt that pensions were not gifts] . a | {seeking to have the local Grand]from the Government for good set- | . % | Phunk train, Belleville to Brockville, | vices rendered, but. Were allowances Genuine Reductions gO NE - | resumed. An effort will also be made | made t6 disabled soldiers on account { to have the train which formerly left | of disabilities received at the front, In Every Line " Vi COMES TQ 1 er al hts a at & 8 . ad, | 10 ecaualize their income so as to, These wint alg here at 6 a.m, for Toronto resumed make them self-supporting. and abe | : < * » . i . nights when supper An, outside business = eoncern Is to provide for their dependents. | He will Soon fave te the The lips whenever furniture comes into the mind. fll looking for a location and the Boare In regard to the land settlement' | Store now occupled by New- . . . . i { through its. power committee, Willischeme; he said that at present the | man & Shaw, 122 Princess St, Where a long time service 1s required, Reid $s where we intend to conduct i our for- ¥ : i ; : : is over and y secure all thé necessary information | Government might well call in super- | business on a much more ex- furniture proves its economy. Business men know tune to be told, to in- megarding power and other induce-| natural aid in order to find an ade- | us hens on "i . : sure the good luck mets that can be offered. guate policy, ~The intention of the} JONSIVE scale than ever before. | phe value of a proven brand; they choosé with con- X i 3 3 the Board, | Government was to expraopriate all rT E a : . one wishes you to a of the |1and necessary for this scheme, in-| male' present stock at im- || fidence the article whose demonstrated worth can have, pour the cheer- [llfl standsra Bank, and 5. a. roseia, cluding all land within fifteen miles} mebe reductions '|| be identified by the name it's sold under. That's why ' of the railroads which is not der 3 A manager of the Merchants Bank were cultivation. He explained. the : a : § ye tee to when ou b ng liquid out of one present, and given a warm reception. | gition under which the land a on This is a Rare Oppor- the Rae Reid is a guaran you ] y uy urniture. : iii . . be give he re ar, i ' | of our attractive high "fifi ------------------------ lin sien "tc rerum lr ond tunity. ' : sw settlement scheme. This scheme, ll grade teapots. Yqu can get one very rea- | recently formed by the Government. All Sales for Cash J AMES REID lit sonable now. Our special discount sale: i Ra 2 i a nape rimental. stage, T Reg. Sal fi ll results. [ . : The Busy Store With Large Stocks eg. e i ; ~fill ~~ Mr. Maguire also snoke of the com- 3 i : Price Price | i ing of aity thousand ependents of / » : ; Phone 147 For Service Mk : . . ; : i ; ii| Soldiers from Great Britain, and said ; ' LL 4cupsize.. .. . ..... 80c 68 iif at i oe the duty of the peopie CAMPBELL BROS gC i 8 cupsize .. oo... 90 79¢ { o vo | arms, and flu their Dest to make them iti Ea, ' - | e I Ji welcome. © Although the G t : 4 - 8 3 Torr aR 95¢ 8lc | 5 ils doing its bast tor the ro-astablish- yg - 3 ot cup. size F 10 cut size \.' $1.10 94c i . ment of the soldier, its work, is use- | Kingston's Oldest Fur ee -- [a ". wow ae Ce aa wy * | Res ' ili less without the co-operation of the ' : Store : A } SUGGEST ION | : ili employers 'of labor. If emvloyers (Cor, ' : " iif WHAT A S AVING il] co-operate to the fullest extent, there be ny HZ Why not give your * Ili 0 ~~ - ~ All lines of enamelware now on sale at : 15% discount. ..,* <7 ji can be no fear of the future. od . SE il "After his address, Mr. Maguire an- : : 5 L) Y . BOY OR G ili swered a number of questions on the RENGH REMEDY. 0 policy of the Government The, ahE NEW \ Pl N No 1 wo al 3 AB meeting closed with a hearty vote of ' . 4 | / fi| thanks-to the speaker. Torr ga fl £ magazine writer says that pov- erty is a blessin disguise, Well, the disguise is so perfect that' but MEANS TO YOU ew oF us are able to see through, ER v The Jorge varietfiop We carry is. a source of - derment to our In our diamonds-and rings it ' js surely 'of some consideration. : It means 15 rofit on a safe It means 18% p GSTON EVENTS 25 YHARS AGO. Ik I. Although every coften house } and grocery store in the coun EY Trtise. Mocha and J " sha in (his Brovinee that