Ee sal JOINT SAVINGS ACCOUNTS A Joint ronto in the deposit or ta the sarvivor Savings RA Mme withdraw money. BANK or TORONTO GEORGE B. M'K AY, MANAGER. GE Account may of two or more In case of de A convenient ace AN Pucorpornted 15855 Capital, $3,000,000 Réserve Fund $6,555,000 be ope ned at rons, 4 ye ¥ ant for 1 i E E sS a E E : I -- Farms for Sale ! We have for sale on the York Road about 5 miles from city, two farms adjoining, cach comprising about 50 acres. Both have dwelling and outbuildings. We will sell either one for $3,500, or the two together for $6,800. Owner leaving country. - must be sold. > 56 Brock Street. Immediate possession, Property J. K. CARROLL AGENCY Phones 68, 87T4W. v Wy v © : 4 $ You, wHo ARE SHORT- SIGHTED--HEED DO YOU KNOW that you are going through life handi- capped because of the fact that you cannot see clearly? Vy hy DO YOU KNOW that through our careful, accurate oxame ination and correct glasses we can give you that vision which will make of* you a success and give yon _ real pleasure? Think it 'over and come NOW, R.J.Rodger 182 Privicess Steect" | z We Are Eyesight Specialists AA a 3 PUBLIC NOTICE * Owing to the druggists of the city having entered into an agreement whereby their hours of business will be consider. ably shortened. We will, be- ginn Monday, January 20th, 1010, our store each night at 9 pa. (Saturday excepted.) Your hearty co-operation will be 'appreciated i - (Incorporated). General Meeting---Mondays at 7.30, Publle Dasices--~Tuesdays 9 p.m, te a.m. Richardson Chapter, LODE, 2nd and 4th Tuesdays. % Dance Orchestra Gerald A, Radeliffe, violinist, for. merly of the Strand Theatre. Open for engagements for any number of pleces, dLatest musie, Phone 778 or 36 lower Union Stieet, PNA So A AA. AAA A A vacancy having occurred in the afice of Chaneellor of Queen's Univer. sity hy the death of Dr. James Dougiay we will, in pursuance of the Constitu~ tion of the University Council, attend at the office of J. M, Farrel, 194 Ontario Street, Kingston, on' Wednesday, Feb- rusry 19th next, at 4 p.m., for the pur- pose of receiving nominations for a new election to fill the sald vacancy. R. BRUCE PAYLO Vice-Chancellor. J. M, FARRELL, Registrar, Queen's U miversity Council, POULTRY Show ar THE "IA, r m our l es Tues., Wed. Thursday {Afternoon and Evening Biggest exhibition of birds ever Msg In Kingston. $20 Pen given ny each' 'night, General adm on Pree Advice to Mothers by Mrs, Tp Rob torian Order (of N " ta ecighed and uch advice No treatmen) _ Doctor in tendance Open Monday, W ay, Friday, 2-5 pm., 301 Barrie Street. Adhd hdd aa a THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 22, 1919, Opera G RAN D House The Home of Quality Pictures To-night and Wednesday ing Picture of the Year BROWN of HARVARD Starring the Well-known Compiian TOM MOORE ' EXTRA ATTRACTION June Elvidge "JOAN of the WOODS" In a Five Reel Brady-made Feature VAUD VILLE Shows at 2.30 and® 7.30 pam. MATINEE EVENING ., 3 dally. "10¢ 'and 15 Monday, Tues., Wed. Nothing thrills the ordinary man like big money in a hurry. This unusual man had to make it by the barrel. He had to make $3,000 anHour SEE HIM! Hale Hamilton Randolph » The Amazing George Chester Drama HAND OF VENGEANCE Episode Five. KEYSTONE COMEDY Kingston's Own Boy Soprano, MASTER Will Sing the Biggest Popular Song Hit of the Day. "THR ROSE. OF NO MAN'S LAND" @ ® Griffin PictureS MON., TUES., WED. DOROTHY DALTON ne | None GREEN EYES SESSUE HAYAKAWA ee IN rere The City of Dim Faces Official War Review Selected Comedy QUALITY ! 1% ECONOMY !! "GOLD BOND" SOUP 2 tins for 25¢. Ask forit. UR, WHO. WANTS WOO i? | . Soft and hard maple, and birch. In 20 and 45 inch lengths. Prices right. Apply Bex 222, Arden, Ont. r at Ottawa url won, or Fabris 1919 a proposed contract for four vo times per week on the Toute, n Roeral 'Mati Route, No. rom rr July next. dg notices Qontaining rther as to conditions . of pro- t may be n and blank The Most Satisfying and Entertain. EMERSON - O'CONNOR, La CONDEN3IED ADVERTISING RATES First Insertion, ze a a word. Each con secutive insertion thereafter, cent #8 word, Minimim charge for one insertion, 25¢; bri insertions, B0c; six $1; ome month, §2, HELP WANTED APPLY RANDOLPH cH ANBERMA in. iotel. COOK GENERAL, Apply dn evening, street. GIRL TO HELP IN DINING ROOM. Call at 318 University 'Avenue, or phone 1228w. COOK GENERAL two in small flat; must be experienced. STENOGRAPHER, WITH ~ ence in inveice work, . Dalton & Sons, Ltd. PLAIN WORK; Ap- Co~ HIGH WAGES, FOR FAMILY OF good wages, and Phone 1876. BXPERI- Apply W, | POR for kitchen work, Dunham Hotel, LAUNDRESS Also girl ply the New bourg. YOUNG GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- work; small family. Apply 24 Frontenac 8t., near Unlon. Tele- phone 1708. EFFICIENT STENOGRAPHER, few hours weekly Apply Secre- tary-Treasurer, G.W.V.A, 67 Frin- cegy Street. AN A COOK FOR THE and three maids for the weids for the Kingston General Hospital. Apply to the matron. LIVE MAN WANTED---SPARE TIME or steadily--selling our guaranteed trees and plants. Outfit free, lib- eral commission. Brown Brothers Company, Nurserymen, 'Limited. Brown - Nurseries P.O, Ontario. THERE IS GOOD MONEY IN SELLING nursery stock! under present von- ditions, We want reliable sales agents for unrepresented districts. Good pay, exclusive selling rights for alloted territories, Write im- mediately. Pelham Nursery Co. Toronto. A AGENTS, MEN OR WOMEN, CAN make $15 a day takin Srders, for autnentic "History of World War." Canada's part in the' war by.dis- tinguished Canadian author. In- troduction by leading General. Nearly 800 'large pages, including full-page, offecial war pictures, Largest and best war book pub- lished. 'Great opportunity for re- turned soldiers and munition work- ers. Liberal commission, Outfit free. Winston Co. 182 Spadina, Toronto, EXPERIENCED COTTON LL 3 help. Will place a few good girl learners, wages to start "is $ per week of 55 hours. Apply to Dominion Textile Co. Cataragul + + * & St, City. * » PERSONAL HAIR, JIOLES, WARTS, BIRTHMARKS growths snd skin plem tohos Toaoes 'permanently. ¥ with. out scar; 30 Jame, perience, Dr EERSEe "an Sa" Actin, ™ 2h roat an n al 68 Bagot street. Wecluital, INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Local Notes and Items of General nterest. sition. at R. re _Rodger's store. Miss Agnes Stanton, Barrefield. has left for Buffale, N.Y., to visit among relatives and friends, Mrs, T. A. Davidson, 49 Pembroke street, leaves to-day to attend the funeral of her sister, Mrs. M H Spafford. The Canadian Club is expecting to have Hon. N. W. Rowell speak here in Pebruary on the subject of repa- triation. Rev. J, D} Elis went to Toromto to-day to wttend an executive meeting of the Methodist mission board. He will Return on Saturday. The death of Frederick V. occurred at the General ain on Tuesday. Decedsod was three years old, and the son of Lawrence foyoe, who is serving in the C.E.F. over seas, : aged thirty- _ Jewellery Mrs. Elsie Randall, eight ygars, wife of Herbert G. Ran- dall, died in Watertown, N.Y,, on Sun- day. ' She Ras bo went to the Unite years ago. Besides her isan sh leaves four sons and three da ln ft st: iy, sohoc -- Mel =] MAIN KITCHEN 1 A ; Miss K. Oldfin has resigned her po-' 19 Sydenham | | nr 1 I HELF WANTED--FEMALE, half« [PEACE WORK AT WAR PAY GUAR. anteed for three years. Knit ur- gently needed socks for us on the fast, simple Auto-Knitter. Full particulars to-day. do stamp, Auto Knitter Co, Pept. 24 C. 607 College St. Toronto. AGENTS WANTED. HISTORY OF THE WORLD WAR BY Professor March. "Canada's Part in the War" by celebrated Can- adian Colonel Nasmith, Mammoth book; three hundred illustrations; great money-maker; sample book free. ad ~Gatrestson, Brant- ford, 3 WANTED GENERAL \. i 2 FIRST CLASS SOFT ELM Highest prices paid at J. cock & 8 Mills, Odessa. BY FEB. 18ST, A HOUSE OR SIX OR seven rooms, or part of a house. Apply to Mrs. Nash, § Alice Street, Phone 1438w. WANTED FOR RENT OR 3 large house with or Erounids;: quote prices, 229 Whig Office. WANTED---OLD FALSE den't matter if broken. I pay $2 to $15 per set. Send by parcel post and receive check by return mail, P. Terl 403 N. Wolfe St, re Baltimore, Md. 3 a LOGS, Bab- SALE, without Apply Box TEETH, SKATES, SKATES, SKATES, SHARP. ened, holiow ground, &nd put on whi.e you Wait, We are also tak ing orders for cleaned @nd stored George Muller, 371-3713 King St SKATES SHARPENED AND HOLLOW ground while you walt, alse boot and shoe repairing, Best service, James Modney, 53 King street, Phone 1579. PAN Johnson and William streets. WANTED TO RENT A MONEY MAK- ing farm by young man of more than ten yedrs' experience. Would prefer a farm with cows and im. ents on; also a good sized e, not too far from Kisgston, Can give reference if needed, Can take possession Mareh 1st, 1919, Apply B. B. Burtch, 471 Johnson street, Kingston, Ont. CARTING PHONE C, ANDRE, A UNION CARTER, 1754w, or call at 35 Charles St. FOR RENT. FIRST CLASS UNDERWOOD TYPE. writers by the month at reasonable prices. R. Chas. Bell, 130 Clarence street, nexy door to garage. Phone 1002w. DENTAL E. KNAPP BA, LDS, D.0.8., office 350 Princess street. Phone 652. A. BNrIsY DR. GORDON ©, DEWAR, i corner Princess Sua streets. Foone 167 DRS, SPARKS AND SPARKS, DEN. tists, 159 Wellington street, over Carnovsky"s, Phone 348. mrsnnd FIGHT IMMIGRATION + OF COLORED LABOR bed. Will Not Countenance Proposal That Would n Door to Oriental Labor. Paris, Jan. 22.--1t is reported that Japan and China may raise the gues- tion of restrictions on the immigra- tion of their citizens to the United States and Canada. Canada last year reached an amicablesunderstand. Ing with India on this issue, which should prevent any future Komagata Maru incidents, but if China and Ja- pan revive the issue it may re-open the racial color question. 'Both Canada and the United States will fight the adoption of "any proposal which would open their 'countries to an unrestricted flood of"Oriental la- bor. z "A FORGOTTEN ADVENTUR Address by 1. P. Bur Burpee Before the Historical. Society. A meeting of the-Kingston Histori- cal Society was held in Convocation ER." ling. There wasa fi hear a lecture by 1. P. a very interesting address o "ergotien of the Pir b A Fare! The lecture took the form of a biographical sketeli e | S4rdan pr attenda Burpee, o 0 t oF the career of Dojald Mckengio: earliest pioneers exp ] ration, Se) : of the fur trade in the The lecturer told neor's river, : ikon in avid work in an the Columbia he a is FOUND CHILD'S WHITE THIBET MUFF about a week ago Owner may have same by calling at Ww nig Office. PRINCESS STREET SATUR. dayevening & bunch of keys, OWner may have same by calling at Whig. GENTLEMAN'S glove on Brock Cooke's Chirch on night. Owner may same at Whig Office. WOOLLEN FOUR BLADE, PEARL HAN. died knife. Owner can have same 'by proving property. at 169 Stuart St FOUND ARTICLES ADVER. TISED FREER Anyone finding anything and he British Whig. tisement will be eolumyg frees of © rinted iz thw BO. T™WO PHOTOGRAPHS BETWEEN York and Barrie streets, yesterday afternoon, Finder. kindly return to 28 Hickson» Avenue or Whig Office. PAPERHANGING APERHANGING, PAINTING, GRAIN. ing and kalsomining. First class work guaranteed and prices rea- Please leave orders with 198 Colborne street. sonable, Fred Young, MUSIC MISS MARJORIE LAMBERT, TEACH. er of music. Pupils prepared. for Toronto Conservatory examination, Address 459 Barrie street. FINANCIAL FRONTENAC LOGAN AND INVEST. ment . Soclety; incerparated 1862 President, W. Fi Nickle, K.C.; vice. Jioeident, B. Cunningham. oney od on city and farm properties, municipal apd county debentures; mortgagee purchased; investment bonds for sale; deposits received and interest allowed, R. C, Cartwright. manager, 87 Clar- ence street, Kingston. LIVERPOOL, Fire Insurance Company. Available assets $61,187,215. In addition to which the policyholders - have for security the unlimited liability of city Droperty, insured at lowest possible rates. Before renewing or giving new business get rates from range & Strange Agents. Phone 326, 3 DRESSMAKING ' MISS RICHARDSON, DRESSMAKER having resumed business, sollelt orders for fall and winter work Addres 202 Alfred street. PAGE SEVEN i Terme 4 The People's Forum: raters eae ras EL (rr----) ONE 3 YEAR oLp«SN ALL DELAVERY horse and two bfood sows, Apply $11 Princess street. WALNUT FURNITURE. be sold at once. Apply in 893 Princess street. ANTIQUE Must evening at BUY YOUR AUTO TIRES AND AC cessories from W. L. Storms, Wil- ton. He sells the best of tires made for the least money, FISHING TACKLE THAT'S FIT FOR fishing, go to Frank W, Cooke, 29 Clarence street, opposite Ameri. can Consulate, Telephone 881w, GENUINE GRAPHONOLA AND TEN selections; your own choice, $34. 30. 'ernfs, $5 oash, $1 per week, C, ~ddndsay, Limited, 121 Princess St WE HAVE GOOD SROOND-HAND Turnitu buftets, chairs and th- bles; will buy all Kinds of furai- ture and stoves. J. Thompson, 358 Princess street. Phone 1608, SOME OF THE BIGGEST ADVERTIS. erg to-day sometimes use a littie advt, like this. A phone call or & postal will bring you full partieu- lars about this department. British Whig Publishing Co. BATEMANS REAL X BSTATE AGENOY, #38008 U BURBAN VILLA BUNGA- low with all improvements; good stable and 23% acres of good gar- den land, capable of dividing into 43 building lots, "All faging on streets, leaving buildings and gar- den besides, 400 BRICK HOUSE, 10 ROOMS; ALL improvements, hardwopd floors and stable. 500 SEVERAL BRICK HOUSES With improvements, G000--PRESSED BRICK ROUSE, ALL modern; electric lights, hardwood flgors, good garden. Rear entrance, Beautiful location, 2500-BRIOK Hous, IMPROVE- LONDON AND GLOBE, ments. Central. 1700-DOCBLE FRAME; ¢ ROOMS AND i three rooms; on easy terms. 159 WELLINGTON, PHONE 390¢W, TO LET, ROOMS. WITH OR WITHOUT BOARD. Apply 204 King street. THREE UNFURNISHED ROOMS, well Jocated. Apply 27 King St. FURNISHED ROOMS AND ALSO rooms for Mght housekeeping, Ap- ply 896 Princess street FOUR ROOMED FLAT, CENTRAL LO- cation, electric lights; heated. Apply Box 1661, Whig Office. STORAGE FOR FURNITURE; CLEAN and dry. P BE. Wathen, 143 Neison street. Phone 2152 CLASS ROOMS ARD all 'improvements; orhirany oon ed. Apply 243 Brock street. STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, OLEAN and dry. McCann's Real Estate Taseney, a 8¢ Brock St. Phone 326 Hall on Tuesday evetiing, Rev. Dr. Adventurer | LEGAL HB. CUNNINGHAM, BARRISTE na solicitor. Law' office, 79 Clar- ance street. PAINTING, i SIGNS OF ALL KINDS, BRASS BEDS and chandeliers refinished. J. Carruthers & Co, 298 Albert noon. ARORFYROT POWER & , ARCHITECTS, MER- chants nk Building, eorner Brock and Neliington Sts. UPHOILSTERING. JALY. OR DROP Gavine, street. A CARD uphiolsterer, TO W, J. 218 Bagot HEATED OFFICES, VAULT ACCOM- modation, Bank of Toronto Build- ing. Tmmwediate pogsession, Ap- ply to manager. STORAGE FOR WURNITURE, CLEAN, » dry, al'y rooms; your own lock ad * key. Frost's COiy Storage, 299 , Queen street. Phone 526; res. 989 TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS SUIT. able for light housekeeping, alan one furnished bedroom; rent - erate, Apply 483 Lower Rideau street. HIS DEPARTMENT 18 ALWAYS lad to hear from anyone thinking of using classified pdvertistn Nyrite of hone 2k about #t. We fy be able t © Whig Pub, Oo. You. British Hy PREMISES, CORNER CLARENCE AND Welington streets, at present oc- cupipd by W. L. Richardson, photo. grapher; alterations made to suit tenant. John Carruthers, Oak Park Farm, Portsmouth, 1108 R-3, Phone "Why Hold Abiglo-Frenth United Kin. Or Canada 2-Year Notes Until ing dom Phese are parable in New York, ruling for Ame for Angle's, par for U. oon a 101 for notes, on 2 Cd ines Hn new 1 BOW there are some Zan ton could remiss A's dy advanitro ova raten: BONGARD £30 Bagot ot. By allowing you the funds we conld met you han R RYERSON & CO.