Daily British Whig (1850), 23 Jan 1919, p. 3

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r= THE DAILY BRIT ISH WHIG, 'THURSDAY, JANUARY 23, 1919. ~ "PAGE THREE A tate tid, A MEMORIAL Al N Forme: udent of Queen's, was re- (VEE he killed in action. It ts suggest-(§ Probs: Friday, cloudy, mild, with occasional rain. : $ i that voluntary contributions De! Amateur of ishing | TO GRADUATES AND UNDEF that tho terest will yield suffce wd / : | I 0s at't > Sta In thé Great War--The Nature of ap J) sed th this fund be starte a Es the Memorial Has Not Yet . Been '20% ra years e > id scholarship be open to refurned sol- Best's Decided Upon. oun. tu sefusned sot ~ - diers only, afterwards 'to their néar The establishment of some mémor- relatives and debendents. Best Service ial to the memory of Queent's grad-1 ' sany soldiers of matricnlation . ~4 | uates and under-graduates who have standing, and some who have already Best Results given their lives in'the great war, has spent some time at college, feel that Best Prices been under consideration for some| pare is now suflicient inducement to Now if you are hn amateur ; Hime, As yet it is Snteriain what enter college when they can secure photographer what more could Far 80 vears this old firm orm the memorial is to take, burl anumerative employment on step you expect? You chn also pro' has beon "Walch Shop" the matter was discussed at the last ping out of uniform. Scholarships, ture the LY oF the-Lingston distro Of Quer Lhe Alina Mater Society] if js yrged, would attract many to id ! Tuvan s and eam. Wag put pe Queen's who otherwise would not a * | g p y 8 p * ¥ REST FILMS m™ | WALTHAMS -- University Senate what steps, if any toptiaue, ar BEST PAPER i : BEST CHEMICAL SUPPLIES | The watch best known have been taken by them in connec- | ih Eastern America. tion with erecting a memorial. ' Several forms of memorial have al- News At Bests ' y geady been suggested, such as arches > { SWISS-- and tablets, but the latest is to es- ' Known the whole world tablish a scholarship fund for re- _-- The Popular Drug Stave ; q acial t h aT RENT AA i over. turned soldiers and thelr near rela- Specia, troop rain, having on OPEN SUNDAYS tives. ' ay 1s lend four gets and two hundred Phone 59. : t ELGINS-- The orikinator of this scheme js A. | Other ranks trom the 8.8. Empress of > Sapa { ; Britain for Military District No. 3, A famous sroduct of Pan L. Serson, himself a returhed . 4 "The West Jrof 2 soldier of three years' service, and| left Halifax on Wednesday afternoon. whose brother, Jolin H. Serson, a The train should reach Kingston on , Friday. Keeley Jr, M.0.D.0. Also Hamiitons, Howards Every Woman' 8 : The 8.8. Essiquibo, having on ap 3 makes othe i liable Ambition For Rosy board two officers and forty-eight oe Cheeks N E il other ranks ° for Queen's Military v i : Ow Lasi y Hospital, is due to arrive in Halifax langing in price up to Satisfied] on Thursday, $200.00 Hollow cheeks with dark lines un-|. The men of the Engineers Train- ; der the eyes, how a woman hates| ing Depot, Brockville, will come to And all Guaranteed them! Barriefield camp on Friday for de- y i But rosy cheeks, "tlear skin, and| mobilization. ' : \ bright eyes, give them to a woman . -- Wedding Mariage and Zhe is happy. . Lieut.-Col. G. H. Gillespie presided ings Jdeenses. The woman who attracts, whose|at a court of inquiry into the death ae people {and they fresh, dainty complexion compels ad-| of the late Sergt. Patrick Gordon, of y) Who drea e miration, is always careful of her|the 3rd Battalion, CGR, who lost ordeal of an eye examin« health, particularly of her blood con-|his life from drinking wood alcohol ation are agreeably aston~ dition. Bad complexion always means |and whose death was the subject of = ished {o find that, as made roo at let your "hlood grow un halves Sold Just MR: us, it causes no Yowelers thin or watery. To do so brings on Greater care is to be taken at the scomfort, or inconven- haggard looks and declining strength. |rallway stations during the arrival fence, 5 ) .. Many a womin who has allowed {of soldiers, An area is to be roped ; Limited herself to run-down; to develop that{off ®to prevent crowds swarming a tired, worried look has built up again jagainst the cars and a stand will be 7 in this simple way. Why don't youlerected for the reception committee > d WwW U N Ki Eaalitshed 1810 try it? in orgy that ithe programme may not An ¢ Use INO ng 1 gs At the close of every meal, just|be interrupted. Citizens will have Drugs ' ™ take two small chocolate-coated Fer- {ample opportunity to meet their re- . rozone Tablets--any, person can do|latives and friends after the formal this in a minute. The action of Fer-|welcoming has taken place. The rozone is apparent at once, - It sets troops will be officially taken over the condueting officer on the [ y kes you feel good, fi y © : 3 N we --~ A Keeley Jr, M.OD.O. [05> ot Campout Te me ae ce PSTN Double Stamps from 9 aut. tll 5.30 p.m. me 2 A very special attractioh for to-morrow with the best assortment. of dry goods in eastern Ontario to choose' from. a Save 10% on all cash purchases. If you are not already one of the many . MERC Ye A I N Ne 5 thrifty Kingston women who make Steacy's Di apd their shopping headquarters, 'start to-mor- row and take advantage of this wonderful 3 opportunity. . URRY ER 17 brings. that old-time feling of youth |tom, an officer being sent to Mont- i 8: £3 $5 per into the system again. real for that purpose. : Drincal drags | Forrosone puta you on the right wi -- This sale i is a real opportunity to freshen up a woman's 2% ; 8 Street phiot. of Juice. road---the one leading to health. The 38th, 2nd, 21st and Princess pst Patricia 'Canadian Light Infantry at appreciable savings. Let every woman take full advantage of it. jciNEco.,| Not a man, 'woman or child need- Wistsie) [ing blood, vigor, endurance--not a(form what is known officially as person who is weak, nervous or sick-|the Eastern Ontario Regiment, the TT THA 2 won't. receive. immediate help from |Liroly. from Oftawa; Kington smi ; ; Ferrozone. oastefn counties of Ontario. The As a tonic and restorative, as a|commanding officers of these bat- ~~ WHEN YOU BUY BEEF AT health-bringer and body-builder, Fer |talions are Lieut-Col. A. D. Came- rozone is unrivalled. It cures because ron, 38th; Lieut-Col EB. A. Me- it feeds and nourishes, because it|Laughlin, 2nd Battalion; Lieut.- You Get the Finest Western Beef, Govern- ". ment Inspected. contains the elements that build upiCol. H. BE. Penge, 21st Battalion; Finest Rump Roast, pesb. SOAR and strengthen. For better looks 8nd Lieut Col. Hamilton Gault, and better health try ° Ferrozone|Frincess Patricias. Chuck Roast (blade bone out), per Ib. -23¢ and 24c¢ WE ---------- | i ood : ™ COATS SUITS DRESSES All styles, all Splendid values Developed in fabrics, all col- and distinctive silk and jersey ors. Regularly styles. Just 4 left cloth, etc. In from $22.50 to in the lot. Reg. dressy styles, $150.00. Now re- $35 to $85.00. reg. $22.50 to duced to : Now reduced ' to $65.00. Less . .33 1-39, HALF PRICE Sool Less, 2, 200 n tse hairy surface for 2 or 3 minutes, then rub off, wash the skin and the Although at the tinde Magistrate In order to reduce our stock before inven: Prime Rib Roast, per 1b. : ; FISH! FISH! F ISH! i Javea Pho TATOlY sane AML dn ADDO rand mg E | | 4 tory, we have decided to offer-our entire stock pea Herings pr b.....t...... 2B. Eo De aval Mication: 1s require feral tu_tio & Eo Sol hye = | of millinery, inéluding all the latest New York 3 Ibs. for anew ea should be used to buy the, real dela- [Hiquor as a beverage, ft 4s now under- styles with a host of others to choose from, All 14¢ tone. ~ falood that no appeal will be made. f Sk Col pr, EW exw mw ee ea le ~~ 3 on "peat js to be made hate 1 = : marked i in plain figures. : .30¢ CN Png nity o @, as the. ea ; : y Red Saluton, » . : iw thirt days after the decision LE : . FR LF ir ¥ 3 p 14 an on' y ere | SES = Fillets, Giscoss Pickled Hocks ks, per on al a .14¢ : ARNING -4 | would be no appeal entered. = 500 Ibe. Ibs. Sweet Pickled Pork, per lb. . 30s 1 make Srtngets lave Ere PP i SAME This Space Nick Bawlf, who left Kingston as a lieutenant, is now a captain in the Canadian Army Pay Corps and * is "with the 3rd Canadian divisional Quick, Safe Way train in Germany. y . | (Continued on Page 8.) to Remove Hairs J j NO APPEAL IN CASE (Toilet Talks) OF LOCAL PHYSICIAN Keep a little delatone powder on your dressing table and when ugly, i 9 hairy growths appear, make a paste Who Was Found | Not Guilty with a little of the powder and some | of Giving Liquor For Bev~ water, apply and let remain on the erage Purposes. yourself, sold everywhere, 50c per box, 68 boxes for $2.50 + Boneless Pot Roast; or Ib. . I FT 5 f 600 Ibs. Finest Ceylon ea, per Ih We still have space for a few 4 |ernment an: be a change ; handbing TE WNL DAVES 00: lini Bm = SEER , Cami et tor, ne a Alsi, 180 TPALY'S BEADING TENOR. [EB Friday Night Was a Former Pupil of Mrs. Browett|= fia iy to Fioreoes Ital n pro plane trip to F , Italy, in © mear future, hea of 2 welcomes

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