THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, JANUARY 23, 1919. I iy TT ---- (Continued from Page 3.) ° 4 At the Grand. Herridge, the! - A master picture is "The Cast ey. In ang Md | or" which will be'shown at -the Military Cross for | ovand Opera House touight and also in . | Friday and Saturday, both matinee i of Cambrai, | v ent in which: his { and night. Bessie Barriscale, that william, won the | versatile little star, has the titular tle Ii COME TO LAIDLAW"S FIRST -. | vork is famous-hare bocanso ot oon [Ml | --THE BETTER STORE . t James FitzgeraldXGore | or well-known pietures this particul- ---BETTER VALUES --BETTER 'SERVICE PAGE EIGHT RET Pe BH SAA Nr tal icmp the Military Cross, {ar one ought to make the hit of the of his. "James Fite- loo con." If is a Paralta Play and to WILL SOON END Never in this shop's history has a similar Battalion, Kingston, and {18 now in Germany a iecond Lieut. Norman D. Mackay, i Company of the Royal { Engine has reached London af- iter five months' eaptivity as wounded prisone® of war at Qued- {linburg, Germany. He, with his {younger brother, Douglas, graduat- ied from the Royal Military College {in the spring of 1917. Norman has {been awarded a Military Cross. statement that the war -service.gra« tuity, payable to men-of the C.E.F. on ret'rement or discharge, will also be paid to war widows, dependents and next-of-kin of soldiers killed fn ac- tion or whd™died of wounds. An of: ficial denial of this statement is is- {sued by the Militia Department and lat the same time it Is pointed out tthat Order-in-Council makes no pro- vision of this nature, The next of kin of deceased soldiers are provided for under the pension regulations. | fp There is ahsoliitely no truth in the | Lieut:-Col. Sylvest assistant di- rector chaplain servide headquar- ters, Ottawa, is in the city making in inspection of the service in this street, - enlisted with h | say that means that it is a film of } '| are famed the world over. Dainty last reel that will make every one | quality for these high class pictures Bessie has a role for .wifiech Rus charming mannerisms are well suited an with her large and well balane- ed supporting cast she makes "The Cast Off" one of her -best releases. Not only will this feature prove an attraction but 'also the very enter- taining vaudeville get-that is book- ed for the same bill Pero and. Wil son, novelty barrell jumpers and ac- robats will present their act for the approval of the Grand patrons. Be-|, sides these drawing cards there will also be the Pathe News, an O. Henry story and comedy reels to finish out a most appealing programme. At the Strand. "The -Interloper,'" 'the new World ricture, in which Kitty Gordon is | the star, has a réal surprise in the | sit up and take notice. It is a de- lightful surprise, too, one that adds to the enjoyment of a perfect pic- ture and makes one regret that the picture has come to an end. "This production will be shown on Thurs" THE STORE WHERE YOUR GRANDMOTHER AND 3 ~~ MOTHER BOUGHT THEIR BEST LINENS BIGGER AND BETTER STOCKS THAN EVER BEFORE A Fact That We AreAble To Offer John S. Brown & . Sons' World Famed Genuine Pure Irish' Linens Is only possible now, because we still had on hand certain orders placed as far back as two years ago. To offer them now at these remarkable low prices when other good stores ' are selling in their regular stocks to-day mostly linen and cotton niixtures--and often all cotton, is almost beyond belief. Es e-- BM Ar tema event been accordedguch a tremendous pa- tronage--the drain on our stock of ready- district, in company with Major|day, Friday and Saturday at the a od , Horsey, senior chaplain, and Capt.|Strand Theatre. Miss Gordon is| to-wear clothing and haberdashery has LaRoche. Col. Sylvester is keenly|dynamically dramatie 4n this pro-| been enormous. We will be forced to call alive to the great need of the sol-{duction. Her role ish splendid one, i. h . : diers in barracks #hd also to the|one of the best she has had. Tho | ug a alt to this clearance i mn the near future. fact that measures employed for their story deals with a gil of the south | T k "Hi d h welfare and entertainment must be|who marries a widower. The. Tirst [Il ' axKe our ip' and purchase your pres- non-denominational. + |wite"s perfection is epnstantly held ee up to her as a model for her own out and future neds Toes with merchan- Brig.-Gen. Victor 8. Williams will{ guidance, and this is done so often u ise soarin in Vv. proceed to Cobourg on Fiiday ac-{that she bétomes sick and sired of F g alue, almost every day, this companied by Lieut.-Cobl. Gardiner, |it andsdetermines:to put a stop to ml affords you an exceptional opportunity to AD M.S, to inspect the military hos- [it at all hazards. Strangely enough, |i t k C pital there. the means for doing = this are put StOCK up. ome in to- -morrow if you can. -- into her hands through a strange The S88. Megantic is: due to arrive{series of circumstances. She finds This sale i is a great saving for soldiers re- at Halifax on Jan. 29th with troops|that the first wife was unfaithful to turning to civilian life. from England. There are on hoard{her husband. Then, at this point, . for Military District' No. 3, three|comes the big surprise in the play. All sales for cash. Goods markéd mn officers, two cadets and nineteen oth-| You'll enjoy "The Interloper." It! lai fi er ranks, 4 is such a different, unusual, strik- Pp n igures. = . bea ing picture play. There is much pep < The train carrying the troops for|and punch in it. BUY YOUR LINENS NOW . THESE VALUES CANNOT BE EQUALED ANY- WHERE JOHN S. BROWN & SONS' GENUINE PURE IRISH + LINEN TABLE GLOTHS ¢o- Sizes: 72 inches x 72 inches: 81 inches x 81 inches; 72 inches x 90 inches. AT EXTRA SPECIAL PRICES JOHN S. BROWN & SONS' GENUINE PURE IRISH LINEN TABLE NAPKINS g Sizes: 22 inches x 22 inches: 24 inches x 24 inches. : AT PRICES WORTH COMING FOR. = 3 if The camp at Barriefield, like i f the best photoplays ever pro- 33} many other military camps, has the ong 0 < . i ' filmes citer miitary camps, Kas, the |ducad, tae gone, see this one. n- JOHN S. BROWN & SONS' PURE IRISH LINEN - ifimila weather. coupled with the [TOF mipOTIAL TERENES © our pro- Hl raintall on Thidvsday forenoon, has |Sramme is KE enpett in ° Vamp. This is an entirely new WW Kingston from the 88. Empress of Master Emerson O'Connor' will be Britain passed through Moncton, {retained all week with new songs. N.B,, at 5.15 o'clock Thursday morn- og O S ing. There are on this train two At Griffin's cadets and ninety-one other tanks for 3 A | Kingston, and 108 other ranks for A tale of al bing interest, known the sub-depot, Ottawa. to nearly everyone already is to be; Brock Street 3 the attraction at Griffins for to-day, | Y -- S i } . Lieut. G. H. Thomson has been Friday and Tom" bin a. 1s absorbed into the establishment of immortal masterpiece, "Tom Saw- No. 3 C.A8.C. Service Company, - and has been seconded for duty with To ana Suutarins Aujended Aan # the Military Seryiee Council, Ot- peared some . time - ago in "Tom | # = If Off Your Route It Pays to Walk, awe: Sawyer," and his, success was so Sigher iwi Hogan oon | ETC thet he pts decid fo attactiod to No. 3 C.A.8.C: Service fee ToL riers Font Bawyer, aided Company trom the Engineer Traih- | ud thetted by the irrepressible Huck fabri : Finn indulge in thrilling and humor-' ~~ ous adventure. If you want to see TABLE DAMASK Ee Int a matass, Bo, ihe characterization for the beautiful 66 and 72 inches wide. AT PRICES BELOW WHOLESALE COST | Hilts a pa 00 she is seen to signal advantage. Don't 111 agreeable, sidewalks are being Juilt sveriook H this programme of teataro I w from the. Barrietield road ts the |Photoplays - IRISH MERCERIZED DAMASK TABLE CLOTHS a 1 so all i the 1- on i se all arumd the var: Refuses to Tell. Sizes: 72 inches x 72 inches. Prices $2.00 to $3.50 each. Australian actress, and one in which Se N . re are at present dug up for the in- This week has been very gulet ini . . . § 2 : $ stallatiop of the permanent water | police court circles. An adjourned 72 inches xX 90 inches. . Prices, $2.50 to $5.00 each. 2 ¥ fort. A spell of hard frost will be | charged with being intoxicated and ches x inches. rices, $3.50 to $5.00 each. : welcomed by the boys. . having two bottles ip his possession | ill : " | > . ee } Ha will be heird dn Monday. Toe ae: | The recreation room at.-Barries cused refuses to tell where he got! field barracks is now beihg run un- | nig "tank." Sizes: 20 inches xX 20 inches. Prices, $1 25 to $2. 00 half . ed : Mr. Webb, one of the "Y" secretar- DAILY MEMORANDUM. 1 dozen. §}| ies, has been appointed to attend to Poultry Show Armouties, to-night, | p Hil efficiently. A gramaphone and a : i Sheetslfor dale, three quarter and double Jll|iire."\uhiber of records have been | ; dozen. beds, made from fine even weave cot- [jil{presented, and they are much' ap-| (Thursday) d fH} day 'morning 'there was an im- } promptu dance to the strains of the AMASTER On Jamuary 18th, born to' Special values at $1. 50, $1.75, $1.90 [fieramapnone. fe Bgl any and $2. 00 » 1 -- daughter. : | each. } od On Wednesday evening a pro- - | at the Barriefield "recreation hut, Sa Willlam Young, the director of the [COCKBURN-{a Kingston a January military "Y," operated, and some Cockburn, "made from good, strong cotton, plain Miltary SY Jiorated, and some. hiktod ihe oiuts. Yon. x . hemmed 'and hemstitched. Ho Fusaing contest, for which Briss ner sours Tostdencs, 1105s system, and that adds to the discom- liquor case in which. a -person is IRISH MERCERIZED DAMASK TABLE NAPKINS der the supervision of the YMCA. | this hut. and he is doing so very o three, Fight Band, 22 inches x 22 inches, Prices, $1.50 to $3.50 half : . "dd Ili preciated and enjoyed. On Thurs. LC CR ton, fyll bleached, hemmed ends. gramme of "movies" was presented : DYED. Pillow Cases 40, 42 and 44 icles wide, a wl Ba day evening there will be games and radi 3 eats Friday eluent fe, 49c, 60c and 75¢ will be she, 3 The Richardson Chapter, 1 0.D, E., are'to give a social and concert Tor the soldiers at Bal In usical programme, 11 be proved for