_ PAGE F OURTEEN -- : INF LUENZA LEAVES THE BLOOD THIN, 4 i The Danger From the Disease Is Seldom Over When the Acute Stage THE NERVES WEAK THE DAILY BRITISH- -WHIG, SATURDAY, JANUARY 3 25, , 1919, Is ~Passed---Tonic Treatment Strongly Recommended. oe Doctors have agreed that Spanish became known in this country and which has been epidemic 8 Jotue nza is really a a nym several - limes since. severe wr of years ago under the French name of * form of the grippe which 'la grippe"' The danger from grippe is seldom over when the characteristic symptoms, the fever, the catarrh, the headache and the depression of spirits pass away. The grippe leaves behind it weakened vital powers, thin tien that makes (he system an prostration and even consumption. plood, easy prey to pneumonia, Too much stress ehinnot be strengthening of the blood and nerves during convalencence. there ean be no complete recovery of strength and health. COULD HARDLY CRAWL ABOUT Among the many victims la grippe who proclatin the valye of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills 48 Amos Kaul- back of Peatite Riviere, N.8., who says: "I was taken down with a se- vere attack of la grippe; or influenza. After a time the early symptoms of the trouble left me, but I did not re- gain my usual strength, and I had alk ways been a strong man. There were times when [ felt I could hardly crawl about, and I was so run down 1 could scarcely go about my busi- ness. I continued taking medicine but it did me no good. Then I found the trouble was affecting my diges- tion and the disagreeable feeling from this added to my general mis- ary. 1 was finally advised to take Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and I de- eided to try them. I had only been taking thé pills a few weeks when 1.found my strength returning, ny appetite improved, and still continu ing the use of the piils a few weeks more found me restored to my old- time vigor. ' I can most strongly re- commend Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to all who have passed through an at- tack of influenza, as a safe medicine for renewing their strength.' ' REGAINED FLESH AND GTH To rebuild the blood, to strengthen the weakened nerves and to get back the lost flesh and strength is the problem of the victim of an attack of influensa How Oharles Darling, of No. 14 Wook = street, Bath, Me., ac complished this is best told in his own words, "My doctor treated me successfully for the grippe," he says, "but he did not seem to help the after-effects of the disease. I had headaches nearly all the time, my strength was nearly spent and I often had to lie down and i. A thin paste of wood ashes and lemon juice will renew tarnished brass, The government of India has pro- hibited the importation of sulphur matches. Lightning is more 1 frequent in IH nois and Florida than in any ether states Tn a town in the heart of Russia's salt, fielgs many houses 'are built of A novel accessory for medicine cabinets is a - combined measuring glass and cork. non arpront knapsacks made of A horse hair Rave heen invented by a 056 a o Tr. Hanes Steal Spheres set in ballboar- ings are used instead of rollers in a new roller made in Austra- coal fi purposes, of Brown or Power 'A charcoal burner has been in- vented that can be inserted in an opeuths in the top of a coal stove. The government of Jipan will es- tablish a laboratory to study the fix- ation of atmospheric nitrogen, Non-skid chains to be attached to ted, By a powder made uf coriite and carbon, an English scien- tist has produced minute diamonds. A recently invented Xindow screen and had a dull, fanguid feeling most of the time, My blood was very thir and poor and my stomach troubled me. "One day I got a box of Dr. Wil amg Pink Pills at the drug store aud after taking them for about week 1 noticed my health was better, My headache was relieved and I was geting stronger. I continued their use and have a better appetite and can eal anything I want. 1 uo long er have that tired feeling, my color is pormal and I am gaining in flesh." Dr, Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People - contain just 'the elements needed to build up the blood and restore the lost color and vitality. New energy circulates through the system with the enriched blood, the heart stops its alarming palpitating,; color returns to cheeks and lips. Nothing more is needed except sun- light, good air, proper food and rest. WEAK AND RUN DOWN Miss Irene Bootes; Portsmouth, Ont., says: "I take much pleasure in recommending Dr. Withams' Pink Pills, because I have proved their worth in my own case. Last winter 1 had a severe attack of la grippe and it left me with the feeling that life was scarcely worth living. 1 was taking doctor's medicine, but it did not help me, and I was much = dis- couraged. | was advised to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and began their use only on the principle that I would try anything that might better my condtion. I had only been using the pills a couple of weeks when the pains began to leave me. Gradually my strength perused, my appetite ved, and iy a Kttle more than month 1 felt my old-time Tigo had Bm ¥ am sincerely glad 1T was persuaded to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and I shall always have a good I was pale and lost in weight word to say for them." red can be tightly rolled at the bottoin so that windows can be washed. The largést hen's eggs are produc- ed in Mapchoorla, those weighing Snadtixts of 'a pound being common. A Marylan@~inventor has patented a culer to be strung om a ball of twine, ready for use at all times. Of the 4,750,000 acres in Wales, 2,000,000 are under permanent pas- ture and only 700,000 are cultivated. Using kerosene for fuel, a grate stove has been invented that is ad- justable to fit any fireplace opening. The Chinese Government has con- tracted for $1,500 000 worth of wire- less telephone equipment for 45-mile range. Chiefly for advertising purposes a tapering mailing tube that can be used as an egg tester has been invent- ed. on Experiments are being tried . in England with the use of granulated glass as a preservative for wood suar-| faces. For household use a flour bin that sifts and accurately measures its contents without waste has been in- vented A Chinese who was educated in the United States has invented a type- writer which utilizes 4,000 Chinese characters. Its inventor has patented a golf bag carrierthat can be attached to an automobile running board "| with thumb screws. A Frenchman has designed paddle wheels that can be fasténed to any rowboat and revolved by pulling handles like oars. cy can be restored to a phot som ofl can by rotating it and lghtly tapping the edge with a hammer. Paris has the largest steam turbine « glectrie plant in Europe, a street rail- way power station producing 120, 0 EE " top of a new typewriter desk or the machine being on a shelf beneath that "and upward. k has bees built in England impaired digestion and oversensitive 'nerves----a condi- bronchitis, rheumatism, laid on the importance Until" the blood is built nervous of up & HELPED HIM WONDERFULLY Following an attack of la grippe, Williain Fielder, of No. 132 First street/ Albany, N.Y, suffered from stomach trouble. - He says. "1. was. very much sun down alter having the grippe and lost both -in weight and strength. M was often sour and A dull aching pain ih tO ck of miy hind caused me much distress. An cle. in the paper brought my at- f ntfon to Dr. Williams' Pink . and 1 gave them a trial very weak, and kept on with the remedy feeling good; and my stomach is as strong as it ever was. I have gained in weight and strength and no longer suffer from headaches. Dr. Williaws' Pink Pills certainly helped me won- derfully and 1 am glad to recom- mend them." GRIP VICTIMS NEED A TONIC The debility that idvariably fol- lows the grippe is not a disease of any one organ, It is a general condition of unfitness, It must be met by a remedy whose good results will be quickly generalized throughout the entire system. In fact, it must be corrected by building up the blood which, when rich and red, carries re- newed health and strength to every part of the body. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are a tonic, not a stimulant. They build up the blood and not only cure the disws- trous after, effects of grippe, but are also a specific for all troubles due to poor blood, such as anaemia; rheu- matism, indigestion, women's ail- ments, and the generally worn. out feeling that affects so many people. You can get these pills through any dealer in medicine, or by mall at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from THE Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. in mm---- when hung on a nail or hook to hold four hats and sevgn suits of clothes. One of the newer gas-filled incan- descent electric lamps is so formed as to include its own shade, furnishing a nonglare indirect light. By presidential decree all factories, mills and workshops in Cuba have been ordered equipped with safety ap- pliances within a year. An electric kitchenette has beef designed, so equipped with a roll top as to form an attractive piece of fur- niture when it is not being used. A motor boat builigin Europe that is pvopelled by. 4 rev ante cas" ing fitted with blades has Attained a speed -of thirty miles an hour, Although the Great Salt Lake is es- timated to contain at leastn400,000,- 00z tons of salt, Utah ranks only ninth among the fourteen salt ~pro- ducing states. An ice dealer in Porto Rico Aobs built an electric motor truck with a refrigerator body to enable him to deliver his wares with a minimum of melting. i Mines in the United States are ex- pected to double last year's produe- tion of manganese ores this year and to meet about one-third of the do- mestic demand. According to a European throst spéclalist yawning is a beneficial ex- ercise as it brings into aetion all the respiratory muscles. of the throat and chest. In a new English fireproofing pro- cess for timber chemicals are used which do not discolor wood, but per- mit it to be nailed, glued, paintel or polished as though it had not been reated. i $ i | Letters tothe Editor | & Amending the OTA. Verona, Jan. 17.--(To the Edi- itor): To comment briefly upon the {proposed amendments to the On- tario Temperance Act, as referred to I your columns Yesterday, i would seem opportune to suggest that the privilege. now enjoyed by medieal practitioners of buying and having in their individual posses- ston ten .gallons of spirits, be taken away, and the issuing of ordeds for liquor be great restricied or stopped entirely. Why should a doctor have such a quantity? Either he will drink it himself; he will treat his 'friends, he will sell 'it to" his patierts or to others to drink; he will mix it with his medicine or te will mix it with water and sell it as medicine. None of these uses is legitimate, when the prohibition of the use of intoxicating liquor as a beverage is the acknowledged ob- ject of a law to which all other men must bow. When it has been carried to ihe length of being made a law, the doctor should be protected hy the law the doctor should be protected by the law from the drink habit as well as any other man. The docior should not be given privilege donjed to every other eitizen. 'The doctor should not sell intoxicating liquor It is beneath 'the dignity of an honorable profession, and d izes the community done and the people with whom' it done. The doctor should net tix liquor with his medicine. This ! will be disputed, but if a doctor wishes to include liquor in a pati- ent's prescriphion, let such prescrip- tion be filled at a drug store by a druggist outside the doctor's office. The publicity of the fact would act as a check, and yet no would be pldced in the way where the doctor honestly felt some spirits | should go into the prescription, and at the same time the prohibited | article would be kept within legiti- mate bounds. Let the heads ratepayers only, each and all, be certain small quantity eof liquor, sealed, at some point within their own municipalities, and there only. for household or family use, say, once a month, Under such a la nd one "would 'be compelled to get | any, nor would anyone be allowed | to get more than the limit, exceyt and when it was thought needed in sickness, when let it only be sup- plied . by prescription through a druggist, as already suggested. of in a families oply, | municipalily is to be hoped some will be made speedily and the medical profession saved from a reproach that threa- tens it now. 3 -- =T. 8. GENGE, M.D -. Moral Fafces That Are Immoral New York World The Evening Post informs us 'that good citizenship now requires an- questioning obedidnce" to whatever laws may be enacted to carry out the Profiibition Amendment. And why | sre these prospective laws so sacred that nobody may even question them? Beewusé the movement in behalf of National Prohibition was directed by "a moral force,' of the amendment fought * banner of public morality." 'under the ing Post does not base its argument oy the claim that the Prohibition Amendment represents the calm, do- liberate judgment 6f a two-thirds ma- jority of the American people, cr any other Kind of a majority of the Amer- ican people, No such thesis could he maintained. for the very good rea- son that the American people have never had an opportunity to vote on the issue and it has never been dis- cussed in a political campaign. ican parties has over declared in fend ejected oe that issue. No Con was ever elected on. that issue. or defeat on that isste,. date for. President except a Prohibi- oral- | where ' §& is | obstacle: | allowed - to get 8 | Whatever amendments are made, iv | + Tt will be observed that the Even- Neither the Demogratic nor the Re- T ot a national Prohibition Am- Tey President was ever No gredt party 'has ever gone. to victory No candi- ,Dr. Hamilton's Pills will ever suffer tion candidate ever gresented it to |bilious complaint. the consideration, of the voters, and day. Pre on Party never rose snity of a political joke vocates of the Prohis nt seek to justify it, i to appeal to intan- 5, ta something that ocannat be $ i wp and counted Na ral shibition is net a peo- ples' hifevement, but & politicians' achievement it was put through by professional politicians who be- lieved that the Prohibition lobby and the so-called church vote, organized by that lobby, held the balance of power, and that it was the part of po- litical wisdom to submit Back of ft all, of course, were céftain great eorporation.and financial interests that were convinced that labor could ba made more profitable and produc- tive If put on a prohibition basis, and these interests, looking to dividends, helped finance the movement. The vast majority of members of Congress and of State Legislatures who have written this amendment into the Constitution do net practise Prohibition themselves and do not be- lieve in it for themselves, They lent themselves to the lobby to protect their own political skins, but for the most part they are cowards and hy- pocrites and know they are cowards and hypocrites. J As for the "moral force' before which the Evening Post se "humbly bows, thére hus been no crime known. {fo the mind of man during the last} two thousand years which 'h not § been justified at one time or amother | by the plea of moral force and mo- ral necessity. From the first Chris tian thrown to the lions in the Ro- man arena to the latest Jew massa- ered in & Polish pogrom, the pretense {ot moral justification has never heen { absent. The whole. Bolshevist programme {to-day is built up on the appeal to | public morality and moral forces. Pri- | vate ownerstrip of property is wicked | per se, therefore confiscate the pro- | perty. The bourgeoise is the enemy of mankind, therefore, butcher the i houngeols. When the JI. W. WwW, {| pleads for the sgered right of sabo~4 i tage it is just as eloquent in all {of moral forces as the professional | Prohibitionist 'when he insists that this neighbor's vineyard must be de- stroyed and that a glass of beer is | concentrated damnation . The fact of the. matter is that ghe Prohibitaion Amendment has been carried through in defiance of the i fundamental principles of the Amer- ican Republic and in defiance also of j all the pelitical traditions of the Am- | erican people: The lobby bent all jits energies to the work of ratifi- {cation because it did not dare wait until the troops had returned home {from France'and the American people {had had an opportunity to comsider | this question calmly and deliberately. It was a snap proceeding, and in iapite of all the bleating about moral forces, the action has no moral status % whatever, because it is at war with {all true political morality, which gives due consideration to the rights (of both majorities and minorities, There 'have been many shameful chapters in American history, but no other chapters which was written in such 'infamous disregard of the spirit {ot American institutions. the above When bition: Ame they are gible moral { To give warning of the presegce of dangerous gases in mines a Ger- han scientist has invented a whistle on the prinecipla of the safety lamp that is blown when the gases enter if. Shoes heated by electrically treated {insoles have been patented by a New j Jersey inventor for motorists, street tear motermen and other "Now in ¢d by pneumatic control from the lo- camotive hauling them, it being pos- sible to dump an entire train at once. {Wonderful Bilious Remedy Actually Prevents Attacks There are two great causes of bili- ousnéss---they are constipation aad defective liver getion. When Dr. Har.ilton"s Pills are tak- en, they mot only correct econsti- pated bowels, but act wpon the lived as well. > Quite unlike ordinary medicines which purge and give temporary re- lief, Dr. Hamilton's Pills remove the conditions which cause bilousn and thus permanent cures are effect- ed. No person who occasionally uses from the headache, bad stomach, or Get a 25¢ Box to- ANNOUNCING THE VISIT OF 'DORENWEND'S TORONTO To the Hotel Randolph (Kingston), on Monday & Tuesday, January 27th, 28th With a Special "Display of Their Newest Styles in 'Hair Goods (For Ladies' smd Gentlemen) There is No Charge For a Consultation or Demonstration DO NOT MISS THIS DISPLAY DORENWEND'S, Limited 10 Yonge St. : lb A EB SS i I. ill EI ly Be Whether eges bring 30c. or $1.00 per dozen, the ber of eggs they fay. Make your heus lay more ee ook he Ordinary grain feed and mill-mistarcs wil keep poultry ae og hand agu-mghing Joeuts that develop yolks, but, for complet: eggs, you must phich produces whites in equal progor fortion NN tks. rina Scratch Feed and Chicken Chowder are the result of and For here search and many yours. of practical ex; per in developing a feed that isa ectly ante SCRATCH FEED egg-producing Bon © users of Purina Scratch Feed and Purina Chicken Chowder, we DER give a ne MORE BGGS or YOUR MONEY BAC Young chicks grow fast and big in 3a bone and juent ting Hensget eo mage quickl Arompey. when fed Purina ¥ ERA Purina Poultry Feeds, oa ed in n CHECKERBOARD Bags. + 64 page Poultry Bo Wrike for 42 Now. 22 outdoor | § workers whore current is availadtd. |} Ye line of railroad equip || and the advocates ment aro dump cars that are unload- ~ KEEP THE HOME INDUSTRIES GOING Qual : Weight? Shape p "Comfort" with any other soup "Conlon" stands. Kaw Comfort "It's All Rig [PUGSLEY, DINGMAN & Co, Livre TORONTO, ONT.