Daily British Whig (1850), 31 Jan 1919, p. 12

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\ PAGE TWELVE _ LEE ' . , . yy : ecessit = v i CARPENTIER INJURED, | Fear Effect on 'Chases, Where is Golf Ball of Canada. 3 ? é : . . iio. i Raci men interested in the At pr Great. Britain and the . | Dislocated Thumb Pats Him Out of | steeple s branch of the sport United ws supply the world with | Running. | Ir fect the: present agitation |8 i A v months before y In nearly every home 18 a hot water bot | ( Ie utier, the Prench { Again ¢ gelding will have on the » outbreak of the 'war a big com- tle but { {hea ght, whose name has 1 1 f the Joc Re Club decides [pany was formed in Germany, to x ' . coupled h that of Jack Dempsey [10 esclude unsexed ho ; from ali {capture the trade, and some speel- : : jas led candidates for the op-|early-cloging races it will so dis- [mens of the balls it produced reach- , ¢ | vc to meet Jess Willard next | courage the gelding of colts that{ed England Their merit was re- { portunit {July in the championship match |there will be few high-class tho- jeognized, but that eompany is not of its 25d > . which he has contracted to fight, is [roughbreds fit for racing over the {likely to see the fulfilment 3 out of the running, according to |brush courses dreams. All the British companies y William H ("Sparrow") Robert-| . There are practically ne entire [report a record demand this season {son, sporting expert, who recently horses of merit racing through the for the rubber coves, and it is a v 5 jreturned from France 4 field, all the good 'ones being either | pretly safe bet tpt an increase in 4 | Carpentier, he sald, is suffering | mare or geldings. If the gelding Is price may be anti®ipated. Demands jfrom a dislocated thumb, and this legislated out of existence it may from South Africa alone increased fact coupled with war time regula- | mean that steeplechasing will have [five fold since 1914 and those from And are always giving trouble, and they tions, has prevented him from |to be abandoned because of the lack |Canada, Australia and India have high-class horses. at least doubled. During the war « - {x in the physical conditi f ! SL _ don't last very long: - We now have a Wa- ffjxceoine bn tte pluses, fondiion | po {It has been impossible for * man. Inspection Invited facturers to meet demands, but it terless Hot Bottle, [pion After peace has been sign- ; " : " . led and Carpentier has fought one or Prefers Fights to Speeches. is expected that in a few months } {two preliminary bouts with Euro- At the, recent international 86r-ithere will be large supplies on the ; {pean pugilists, 'he hopes to meet vice bouts for the cup donated by | market. The question has often: \ J {the American champion, Robertson |Bing George, "the patriotic sense Iheen asked why Canadian rubber says Carpentier's manager told | Was well in evidence, says the Lon- [goods manufacturers do not gef in- ' he {him don Sportsman, when the idol of the {to the game There shuld be a / | navy, Sir_David Beatty, entered the good field in Canada for a bdll of ; ' v | hall, quietly and took a ringside |g a FOr At present (here d standard worth In the English Derby, seat, He was immediaely recog- lis not a ball manufactured here, al- The most recent English Racing| nized and in response to the ery of thoygh the consumption runs inte Tailors Princess and Bagot Streets ; iti @ Calendar conteins a list. of the horses] "Speech!" told the cheering crowd |tend™of thousands: Made on same Rl as a T¥ermos lett in next season's Epsom Derby.|that he came to "see the bouls-- The stallions most numerously repre-| fair, manly sports--and not to a bottle, and will last for years and years. sented. are Bayardo, Polymelus and |make speeches, = Moreover, as the President Branch Rickey of the St. Sunstar, eaeh with nine candidates. | War was finished, people were say-| Louis Nationals announced yesterday Boil for 10 minutes. and it will remain Cvigad and Swynford come next with | Ing that the talkers were taking the | that the financial difficulties of the place of the fighters, so/he had bet- | Cardinals wer being satisfactorily ad- : - six aplece, while Marcovil, Lemberg i, ke % hot for 12 hours at a fixed and useable tem eh Bray are each veaport | ter sit downg? which Ke did, amid | justed, and that thé elub would not : perature; whereas a hot water bottle, rub- sible for five, and Pe Tetrarch 4. | renewed cheering, oo be sold under $190,000 second mort- WARNING 4 A . cero, Prince Palatihe, Roi Herode ansuppeutasp imo -- gage. . and Whitefish Fi h er or metal, becomes less effective every and Orby each for four. . Stallions Canadian Fedm oFr Bisley. TT -- 1 the fn some, And Sea Salmon ? ad p go on miu : yd - . . with three representatives are The Army Cpuncil has g its tor 7 minute it 18 used. Charles O'Malley, White Magic and approval to a meeting of the Na- TW till h 4 and avorhuuled. dock H lib t d Royal Realm, Tracery, the sire of the tional Rifle Association being held n our ers ail AY Space tote ro ' a nt-an A Cod. u this year Arrangements will ac. : eemnents . Automobile repair work » favorite, The Panther, has two can- ; e : cordingly be made for a meeting in didates, as also have Spearmint, Va- . t; * lens, Willonyx, Juggernaut, Simon {Jul¥: 1 A | Square, Chaucer, Sireenback, Sunder, Fhe Bisley ranges have been in : { Dominion Fish Co Stedfast, Predicateur and Santoi, |the hands of the army authorities ED WAL SH P . while twenty-seven other sires have since the = war 'opened The -an- : 5 : 4 op. COannay barter Mesnse o only one representative. nogucement received recently from 835 King St. Phone 2185 | Canada that the Dominion was an- ay ee --_--" ------------ W---- fe ® Ea xious to send a team has given Toronto' New Athletie Building. much satisfdction here ln The new Toronto Athletic Club ter building on University Ave.. will cost To Open April 23rd. Catarrh sufferers, meaning those T > in thé neighborhood of half a million The American baseball season will | with, colds, sore throat, bronchial ' g : HOT- BOTTLE y dollars, and will be built in modern | open-April 23rd, the date set for the | trouble, etc., can all be cured right 3 1 STAYS HQT 12 HOURS style. Toronto has long needed such jopening of the major leagues, with |at homé by inhaling woata rho For Something Refreshing Ask For oh a club. In faet, since the old Toron- { Kansas City laying at Columbus, EAMAUST to. Club on College street 'went out | Milwaukee at Louisville, Minneapo- In using Catarrhozone: you of existence, the Queen city bas lack- | lis at Toledo, and St. Paul at indian- | take medicine, into the stomach-- " ' ed such an organization. apolis. The schedule will be sub-| You just breath a healing piny vapor awreil ce mitted to the elib owners for adop-| direct to the lungs and air passages. ® tion by a mail vote, President Hickey Daylight Saving »opular in Sports | said. The purest balsams and the great- i At a meeting of the board of gov- pa est antiseptics are thus sent to every 2 ernors of the Manitoba branch of the Dr. Roller's Broken Rib. spot where _catarrhal trouble exists e 3 or er IT'S NEW. IT'S A WONDER i amsicur Aviietio Union of Canada, | The wrestling match betwsen Dr. | CEU, 300, KN (OM etter : a resolution was pass irecting the | B. F. Roller and. Ronalo Guardini, [27¢ destroyed, 18 : ' BE CONVINCED. TRY IT. secretary to forward to the federall Italian champion, scheduled for three | chance and cure comes quickly. : Ring Phone 645 For a Case. h ended in \ government at Ottawa a request that) falls, at New Haven, Conn. Colds and throat troubles can't - . \ Awarded gold medals at Paris, Berlin, the daylight savings measure for the {the first set-to, when Dr. Roller sus-| 1. ir the pure healing vapor of J iy A. 1 y O, : Dominion be re-enacted by this com- | tained a broken rib as the result of | ho ag a London, Frankfort, Lubeck and other ex- I Sane Catatriosons 'is breatied---sneesing don't BOIL 10 MINUTES -- ONLY by positions. : : irritation is removed. w : i J 2 Use Catarrhozone to prevent----use 473 Princ Street - \ Ki gston Lasts for a lifetime; nevér has to be re-. it to cure your winter ills---it's pleas- newed. 3 ant, safe, and guaranteed in every [i - Pr wv. cage. TREADGOLD SPORTING GOODS CO, 88 Princess Street - Phone 529 "Home of the Brunswick." RQ SEZ O77 SURE LA aa 2 571 «The National Smoke" 'WiLsons rf > -- L/ "<r a >% A cigar ar that is mild, bdt not insipid--rich, but not heavy--melliow, with a distinct aroma of the clear Havana leaf from which it is made. PRETTY GIRLS AND OATCHY MUSIC : - ; . : ate 2 $0.7 00. td In' 'My Honalulu Girl," themusical comedy booked for the ru I2EARD 3 ANDREW WiLsoN woNTRERL | D ) S28 orm Hi Grand Monday, Feb. 3rd. Nr Ar A : : N.H.A. Schedule. The 4ollowing is the list of dates for the second half of the N.H.A.: Jan. 28.--Ottawa vs. Toronto. Jan, 30.--Canadiens vs, Ottawa. Feb. 1.----Toronto vs, Canadiens. Feb. 4--Canadiens vs, Toronto. e--cl Feb. 6--Toronto vs. Ottawa. DIST Smoke Jean. 4ry stoke i x ; i" Feb, 8--Ottawa vs. Canadiens, ™ » S oh Feb. 11--Canadiens vs. Toronto, bacco--that's what you get from a Feb. 13--Canadiens vs. Ottawa. moisture stays v x Feb. 15--Toroute vs. Canadiens. in the well. The bowl is genuine : x 18---Ottawa vs. Toronte. - French briar, hioned fitted ; . 20--Toronto vs. Ottawa, fashion and Feb, 22--Ottawa vs. Canadiens, : : Feb. 25--Canadiens vs. Toronto, Feb. 27--Canadiens vs. Ottawa, March 1---Toronto vs. Canadiens. March 4--Ottawa vs. Toronto. March 6---Toronto vs. Ottawa, Sporting a Bironet. he of the most interesting names in the list of New York honors Is that of Sir Abe Bailey, wiio becomes } a baronet. Sir Abe is well known in this country both 'as a racing man and cricket enthusiast: He won ti on rr ~~ ra | Gasarewlich threo years 4D wha, 4 Love ee.clol ; a £4 3 . ~ Son-in-Law, while ho recently wou {fl} ; Some Hea WEES Eas do to the customer. 1 rt o ee" Ap SN tentment, by Pietri, out of The new baronet, who has interests in Soqth Abe was main: lor ®

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