a eerie ies, Sm NH PAGE TWO 7 machen ESTABLISHED 1830 JanuarySale Bu fturs | John McKay, Limited | - Kingston's Reliable Fur House 149-157 Brock Street stmt esos VIETHOUA XT. TTT TT . in stock. HEH *f 3,400 BRICK RESIDENCE --University Ave.; 9 rooms, furnace, k™ gas and electricity. YY YY ¥ W select fire EUR Victrolas and Victor 'Records "TO-DAY"S BIGGEST SONG HITS I'm Always Chasing Rainbows The Rose of No Man's Land - Al the popular vocal and dance records MAHOOD BROS. gL | TTT | Kingston J ' a 1 FOR EYEGLASSES OR SPEC- TACLES 1 heartily recommend TORIC or wide angle lens because it allows a wider range of vision and more room for the eyelasiyes. If you don't know about TORIC LENSES come in and let me explain how much better they ARE than the ordinary kind. J. S. Asselstine, D.O.S. The Busy Optical House, 342 King St. ; YY YY YY YY YY On Every Day Staple Table Needs. ef, per Ib. . . AHA HRn ! wv \ . 3 aida Ad A A kaa & / i} ina IBe Pork Liver, per lb. .. .. .8¢ Prunes, per Ib. .12}c { Se : ); per Ib. "ta i building surroundings. TE "| and it was not desirable PR Jdiers as to the exact terms under '[! {which the war service gratuity to' Setts esi ae {clauses regarding the payment = of prior to the 11th November, INCIDENTS OF [HE DA ITEMS . THE *HOUSHG_ QUESTION LOCAL @ Happenings In the City and Vicinity P ~What the Merchants Offer to the Readers of the Whig. in sécks, 1be., DEALT WITH IN ADBRESS BY - PROF. SKELTON, { NOTES AND ENERAL ln Making Survey of Housing Condi- [ wons Much Use Should He Made of Women's Services. { was the subject of this] 1iddress by Professor Skelton, Social Bervice Course at The lecturer first review- the minimum housing require- ments which this country and this | time demanded---provision of a fam- within reach of work, with {shelter against wind and. weather | not tsp muh shelter against and+air, with sufficient rooms for separation of activities and se. {eurimg privacy, access ito water, ind for play or garden or house- | hold activities, and a reasonable de- gree of appearance. How far Can- | ada in general and Kingston in par- | ticular measured up to each of thesa | standards was next taken up. The { speaker, while contending that a | larger measure of success had been attained than was alleged by those who looked only at the horrible ex- amples, emphasized the extend and {the seriousness of the failure to se- { cure adeguate, healthful and home- Kiln dried kindling, all grocers, W. Swaine, pizno tuner, orders at McAuley's, or "phone 664W, In Montreal you ¢an buy ten pounds of granulated sugar for ninety-eight cents ™ We have two good practice pianos left, for $35 a piece, C. W. Lindsay, Limited, Rev. J. G. Potter, MacViear Me- morial ehureh, Montreal, was pre sented with a bonus of $200 at' the twentieth afmual chhurch meeting. He is a former Kingstonian. . Hastings County. CouncH eoncurred in a memorial of stor council to the Govérnment calling for the de- portation of all interned alien ene- mies as £ool as peace is declared. We have two good practice pianos left, for $356 a piece. C. W. Lindsay, 'Limited, The winter agricultural course has opened at the rooms of A. W. Sirett, local representative. Mr. Huteheson delivered a epecial lecture on Thurs- day on "Bees and Beekeeping." Now is the time to have your plano tuned. We carry two expert tuners and will assure entire satis- faction. ©, W. Lindsay. Limited. The February district' meeting of the Me faodist church will be held in Queen street church, on Feb. 10th. The afternoca and evening will be given to Epworth League and. Sun- day school work. When the whistle at the Ganan- oque electrie light works js let loose it is a signal that one or more Gan- anoque boys have either arrived in town or ate on their way 4n from the railway junction. We will rent you a plano, and at and of six months if you feel like purchasing instrument we will allow the six months' rental on purchase price, and arrange easy terms on bal ance, C. W. Lindsay, Limited. ily home | light Professor Skelton then went on to analyse the reasons for the existence of thie housing problem----the rise of standards, the persistence of poverty, the concentration of population in large centres, the sudden shifts of population due 'to -the rise and fall of special industries, the shortsight- ed attitude of many landlords and the shiftlessness of many tenants. Dur- ing the war the diversion of effort to war activities and the tremendous rise of prices had made # impossible to cope with the sityution in those communities which had become a munition centre, by the ordinary means, Uncertainty as to the fut- ure course of. prices, wages, rents and population movements deterred builders and investors from actlon. The present situation threw spec- fal o@ligations on the country, the community, and the large employer.| The president of the Board of The nation must accept a share of | Trade has reeteived a donation of responsibility, as the war was a na-| $25 ° for the Belgian' children's tional policy, and it was the meth- | health fund. The money is the pro- ods of war financing adopted here ceeds from the lecture recently giv- as elsewhere that were largely res- en by Susanna Silvercruys under ponsible for the rise in prices. Each ' the auspices of the Children ot community should bear a share of Mary, responsibility proportionate td the in- | crease of population and prosperity | it bad received; in Toronto, for ex-| ; COnbinie 4 o ic ample, the population in three yours) Why cuutings to pay ont, whan had - grown 98,000, while the total sult Howard 8. Folger, broker, 44 growth of the province in the SAME Clarence street, for attractive homes time was only 100,000, so that such in desirable locations. a municipality should bear a very | a large share of the burden necessary. | Large employers of labor had an in-! terest and a responsibility in' seeing that adequate housipg was provided | which neither in Kingston nor iit most other Canadian' cities had yet been recognized or accepted. It did not follow that either state, municipality or manufacturing plant should go direct into the building and manigement of hojies. Experience had shown that few' municipalities could build or operate with economy, uat the em- ployer should also be landiovd. The loan or guarantee of funds for an in- dependent housing company was a safe policy. Attention should be given to the English experiments in co-partnership housing, which in brief applied the principle of co-op- eration to housing; firms or muniel- palities might well advance the loan capital required for such enterpris- es. The relation of transportation to housing was discussed. As to land taxation, a general policy of exemp- tion of improvements was not sup- ported by theory or practice, but an exemption of $1000 or $1500 on houses worth $5000 or less would be an ald. Bé¥Gre amy step was taken in & public or community scheme, it was of course essential to make 4d careful survey of housing conditions (and of probable future needs. In such a survey, as well as in rent col- lecting and house-planning, much use should be made of women's services. It 'was announced that the lecture next Thursday would be by Profes- sor Knight, on the subject, "Social Diseases." rd / ---------- pin, THE BOARD OF HEALTH. Dr. L. C. Crowley Elected Chairman . For This Year, "The inaugural meeting of the Board of H#alth was held on Thurs- day afternoon, with all the members present, viz., Mayor Newman, Dr. A. R. B. Willlamson, Dr. L. C. Crowley, Major F. Walsh and E, Cain. Dr. Crowley was chosen chairman of the board for the year. It was stated that the condition of the city's health was fairly good, few cases of ¢pn- tagilous = diseases being | " There is some influenza, but no more than was expected thro ut the winter after the epidemic of t au- tumn, . Own Your Own Home, GREAT JOINT STOCK COMPANY "SALE Our entire stock is marked down to quick clearing prices. There is absolutely no reserve. Our aim is to convert our en- tire stock into cash before reorganizing our business. 2 FUR SETTS Red Fox Setts (Muff nd stole) for .. $20 | Black Fox Setts | (muff and stole) $55 | Black: Wolf Sets | (muff and stole) $35 | $38 If Natural Lynx "Sets | $57.50. E War Service Grataity. I Doubt exists in the minds of sol- a. soldiers . is paid, especially those to men discharg the gratnity 1918 in its columus any "THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, JANUARY 31, 1919. erary Digest. Phone 919 Fair, Live Stories, Goo ¥ Out To-day THE DESERT OF WHEAT .. ... .. .. .. A romance of the wheat fields of the west. - Pr FEBRUARY MAGAZINES RECEIVED TO-DAY Family Journal, Physical Culture; Photoplay, Vogue, Vanity d Housekeeping, World's Work, Hearst's, Lit- u . LADIES' HOME JOURNAL FOR FEBRUARY Bigger and better than ever. On sale Saturday. : THE COLLEGE BOOK STORE .. ...By Zane Grey ice .. ui. $1.50 Open Nights a YY a VTE RT At our new store, VAY TTY Frm VT WELCOME Saturday Will be Opening Day and we extend a cor- dial invitation to all to drop in and see the transformation that has been wrought in so short a time. You Are Welcome! Be sire and read our special advertise- _ ment on Page 6. Every item spells 'SAVINGS = REMANDED NTL. MONDAY TWO WOMEN WERE Bounn GUILTY IN A LIQUOR CASE. Mrs. Sadie Davis .and- Mrs, Lillian Cherry Carried Liquor from Mont- real to Kingston, and Then Sold It --Additional Evidence Given on Magistrate Farrell presided at a session of the Woman's Court-on Fri- day morning, when Mrs. Sadie Davis, arrested a week ago, was found guilty of having liguor for sale with- Qut a license... Mrs. Lillian Cherry pleaded guilty to bringing lgtor into a Drghibited area. Both were re- manded until Monday for sentence, Both women were taken in charge as a result of k case of drunkenness Newman & Shaw The Always (McFaul's Old Stand) Busy Store = Aaah dh dh A Ah 4 4 4 4 4 8 4 4 4 4 4 a a a gl ly > re men were placed in one of the corri- dors where female prisoners are kept, Mrs. Davis said: here, or [ will be sure to fight with that woman." . As the police did not want to add to their many troubles, the two wo- men were separated. - Ottawa Newspapers. Residents of Kingston interested in news from Ottawa may purchase Ottawa newspapers at the new stand of J. B. MeGall, commer King and Princess streets. Papers are on sale about 4 pm. daily. | Distributors. for 'We Have Stock Just Arrived Campbell's Tomato Sonp Campbell's. Vegetable Soup Clark's Tomato Soup Clirk's Vegetable Soup Rose Tea--the v Good Tea. Victory Bonds are the popular thing. Buy Them! W.R McRae&Co GOLDEN LION License No. 6-543 in : - "Take me out of | Saves Lumber, Coal and Wood { % TWO BRICK DE- TACHED ROOMY DWELLINGS On Stuart. stréet; all modern, | with Tare gonads," hardwood floors, fireplaces, ete, at low prices, A new detached brick dwell. ing on Nelson street; all mo- dern, $4000, List your property with us and get results. Fire Insurance; Money to Loan EW. Mullip & Son Cor. Johnson Di Sta. poses BUILDERS SUPPLIES wey Shingles Get ready for spring rains. Nothing like Cedar Shingles to keep out the rain. All other roofing materials must take second place to Cedar Shingles for durability, comfort, appearance, cost, ete, S. ANGLIN & Cp. Wood working Factory, Lamber Yards, : Bay & Welllagton Streets, Ki . © stow, Ont, - Office Phone 686, Factory Phone 1418, -- eed ¥ Reta