io t THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, JANUARY 31, 1919. 'COUNTY CRANTS ASKED COLLECTING CITY GARBAGE] © 4 n "Out of the High Rent Distriet, "' BY GENERAL HOSPITAL AND Average Amoypt ppt Gathered Yearly tei THE SALVATION ARMY. is 5.603 Loads. 9 di I Se ---- O'Connor S . ie C lSive te Suburban Road Area Commis | This Amounts to 3,588 tons, and in . - sion Asks for $15,000 for the Addition There Are 1,120 Loads Work it Proposes Domyg This of Paper--Sixty Cords of Wood Year. Required to Consume Garbage. The Frontenac Cdbunty Council on Upon inquiry, a representative of Thurgday afterncon received (wo (the Whig was able to secure some ; y deputations which asked fpr grants. {information regarding the working ' § A delegation from the General Hos- [of the city's incingrator and the ] pital, consisting of R. E. Kent [collection of garbage. . *® (chairman), Dr. J. C. Connell, F. It may be of interest to note that G. Lockett and Mayor Newman, the average amount of garbage -col- asked that the hospital grant for {lected yearly in the city im 5,603 1919 be increased $2,000 owing to {loads, or 3,588 tons, and in addi the heavy cost of maintenance. Dr. jtion to this 1,120 loads of paper, Connell outlined to the council the } rubbish, ete oy scheme for the enlargement and re- The wood required to consume organization of the hospital. He | this amount of garbage amounts to said he did not intend at present {sixty cords. It is estimated that to announce any definite amount jthe wages reqiired for this depart- ing offered during w which the county would be asked ment this year will amount to $12.- i for, but the Board of Governgrs ex- | 000, which is a little higher than in 3 3 pected Frontenac would do its duty | 1918, on account of the wages be- Every article mn the store reduced to clear by the hospital as a partner "later ling increased on Oct. 1st last. away prices before taking stock. ' « The revenue from the taxes at PAGE FIVE Rs) Abernethy's 'To take advantage of the great bargains be- 1.49 CHILDREN'S KID LACED BOOTS, sizes , when the scheme was ceomplet- 4to 73; ; quite heavy Sole, little heels; extra ed. The nucleus of the hospital fone mill on the dollar amounts to . 1.49 3 fund is $100,000 from the late Dr. [ $15,756.08. Last year the depart- . 2A ¢ SHOP HERE SATURDAY {morly Douglas of New York, for- iment hadi a surplus of $922. The The last and best day of .the great sale sity. The Ontario Government is |teamsters. Seven are used for the : | being asked for a grant of $100. lcollection of the garbage and one SEE THE WINDOW said he had a promise of another | The. collection of the garbage is|di- through. The city of Kingston and e the adjoining counties would. also . scheme, which would eost in. the | neighborhood of $600,000... It is Letters fo the Editor | : a 3 hoped to have the work of building} $ Neolin soles, rubber heels, sizes 2 to 5. . . . : 3 . | George E. Smith, local chairman " \ y Special clearing PIC « \ vv a .3.95 260 Princess St. me Telephone 800 tof the Salvation Army war fund, Who Can Answer This? {council for'a grant of $10,000 as tor): I would like very much to Ty TTT Frontenac's share, instead of mak- We Were always laught' that silk | Gelegation consisted of ~Organizer | ame from a worm, but last night a A. M. Rankin, M.P.P.; W. F. Nickle, | have discovered a silk mine near the { M.P.; Adjutant Smith and the chair- | Black river where they get silk out | y ' formed som4§ time ago when it was | lO see the Ruswel in your paper. GIRLS BOX KIP LACED BOOTS, high first decided to make a canvass. MRS. GIFFORD tops, sizes 11 to * Clearing price . . . ... merly chancellor of Queen's Univer- department employs eight 1000 for five years, and Dr. Connell | waggon for papers and rubbish $100,000 provided the scheme went | vided into seven beats. { be expected: to contribute to the 'i BOYS' MAHOGANY LACED BOOTS onnor " "started this year. Higher Up Street, But Always Lower in Price. introduced a deputation, to ask the Kingston, Jan. 30.~(To the Eii- 4 a have you answer a question for me. ling a canvass of the fownshjps. The " Dickson, Dr. J. W. Edwards, M.P.; | gentleman in my home said that they » . . ° . ® mn ston mn 0 mite men of the township orgamizations|of a rock. I would like very much 2 | Organizer Dickson said that other 116 Patrick Street. ® Manufacturers of High Grade Flour "White Rose"' and "Hungarian Patent" For sale by all dealers Canada Food Board License Nos. 118 and 4-118 | counties had contributed liberally, » a arn se | mentioning the county of Hastings, FEAR ICE FAMINE. which gave $12,500: Mr: Rankin . ! and Dr. Edwards said that public | perry From Brockville to Morris- | A ' {opinion in the county was in favor town Operating. . of a grant to the Army fund. W. F.} grockville and points along the Riv- " ' Nickle made a rousing speech, 'and | er 8t. Lawrence are facing an icé fam- ERNETHY'S SHOE STORE | paid a compliment to the splendid ine There is scarcely a vestige of ice | work done here by Adjutant and {ip the big stream which this time, . Z Mrs. Smith, who are in charge of last year was frozean solid and the |the Kingston citadel. crop of ice all harvested. The wea- A report was presented showing {ther is so mild that the ferry ser- ithat last year $31,770.43 had been jyice is operating between here and expended on the good roads system. | Morristown, N.Y., and small craft are & |: The Ontario Government was asked {seen frequently on the river. These § to reimburse the county council extraordinary conditions have not with the usual grants in proportion |nrevailed in many years before. Ice W 4 S G d O ts. to the amounts expended for mew are i ati Cor. ore an ellingt n work and maintenance. gil are Vioing, Het So (Our Week-end Specials Are Real Money Savers). . lh A. M. Rankin, of the Suburban 200 Ibs. H. A. Oleomargarine, per Ib. ... .. se $ -87e }' Area Commission, asked council for WHALEBACK 200 Ibs. Orisco (1-1b. tins), a tim... ... coo coe cans : B3e for suburban 200 Ths. Crisco (3 1h. tins), a tin, \. PEER RG ran ll area work this vear. His request | And as a Result Remar wit Not 200 Pails Pure Lard (3 1b. each), pér pail ~- 90¢ ll was referred to the finance -com- |" Carried On. : See our Window Display of! 43 wel oem « ustard Powder. mittee. i Although no official information | 4 12¢ Package or $1.35 per dozen. The council passed a resolution |oould be secured, it is understood i License No. 8-24903 dPproving of the work of the Unit-li;at the steamer Adakokin, of the ed Farmers' Association and "pro- |ywhaleback type, wiich is now at the mising its co-operation. yards of the Collingwood Shipbuild- ---- ing Company, has beer sold for trade i a * on the Atlantic coast, and will be tak- Civic Finance Co ittee. en from here as soon as navigation ow o=g=o0 0 K HAS BEEN SOLD. Phone 248 Saturday AT OUR Removal Sale Bargains in mink Jy All our Wire Goods on setts. Only a few Sale at 25% Discount. Pre- war prices. Every line, in- cluding Egg Beaters, Strain ers, Toasters. We feature Bird Cages. The lips whenever furniture comes into the mind. 'Where a long time service is required, Reid's furniture proves its economy. Business men know the value of a proven brand; they choose with con- fidence the article whose demonstrated worth be identifi by | the name it's sold under. That's the name Reid is a guararitee to you when you b "JAMES REID . The Busy Store With Large Stocks . Phone 147 For Service setts to clear out at remarkable reduc- tions. . ~ Reg. Sale price price Line cut---Size ® x $1.25 9de © ih perforated taper roof «53.00.5150 Reg Sale price price $4.50 $3.60 Low Pattern, 3 pint Cof« feo Pot ;.. 50 «oo ..5295 $2.20 4 cup Percolators .. With every percolator and coffee pot, we give of sharge plate to protect nickel from go. flames, present the City Council at the On~| wil net be carried out. It was The civie finance commiitee 'has pairs. The vessel ig owned by the established here, For years the Sunday School Social. School held an enjoyable tea and so- "SYRUP OF. FIGS" = a mumber of scenes of the Rideau and trated by lantern slides, { store recently occupied by New: Navigation in Kingston harbor " colators and Coffee Pots at Company, Montreal, egny.roach the' le 'our removal sale. Pyké Salvage Company, will break! CAMPBELL BROS ii street, owned by Mrs. A. G. Maclean, : Orser; brick dwelling, No. 149 Union A tren : by : ; Why not give your The civic finance committep hasiyie,g and asa result the repair work tario Good Roads Association fon- originally intended to have the bow placed its banking account with the |Montreal Transportation Company. bank: of British North America did The staff and .senior pupils of the cial in the school room ou Thursday! Ottawa district, and gave an inter CHILD'S LAXATIVE esting talk on the slides. Mrs. 33 look at Tongue! Remove Poisons ---------- ---- man & Shaw, 122 Princess St. to be opbned in order that two steam-' 20% discount off "Foguiae Collingwood Shipbuilding Company's the ice on Saturday and move the, Real Estate Sales. to B. Derbyshire; frame dwelling, Kingston's Oldest Hat and Fur A GOOD street, owned by Miss F. Derbyshire. In this reconstruction period you'll B IY 0 G L ENDOWS appointed City Clerk Sands to re-lupio was planned to be done here vention in Ottawa next week. of the vessel undergo extensive re new branch of the Nova Scotia bank the city's banking. Queen street Methodist Sunday evening. After tea, Dr. Lake showed Dixon sang "The Holy City," illus- We will soon move to the From Stomach, Liver and Navigation To Be Opened. All our Nickle Plated Per- ers of the Keystone Transportation i Share in the bargains during prices. g \ dry dock. The fug Stanton. of the, nn two steamers, Brick dwelling, No. 436 Alfred : No. 247 Earl street, owned by O. R. Store. Sales by E. W, Mullin & Son. SUGGESTION Accept "California" Syrup of Figs{have an interesting task keeping in ; | : AN nly---look for the name California on the package, then you aro sure your child is having the best and touch with price-fluctuations--and you'll not succeed very well unless you keep in close touch with the ad- THE EXCELSIOR place. . A strong a Cenadian The Banque Provinciale will open a branch in Pembroke, with J. MeG.- SATISFACTION : company Roney as manager. 5 4 Is Always Worn With : " most 'harmless laxative or physic for |vertising. the little stomach, liver and 'bowels, Mrs. S. D, Jarvis has sold her' Children love its delicious fruity! house and lot at Waupoos to Fred taste. Full directions for child's|Rose, of that | dose on each. bottle. Give it without fear. a Because you have the benefit of our years of giving and service. And our examination is dif- ferent and more thorough than usual.