THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, JANUARY 31, 1919. Savings A¢coun me of tWo or more iraw money. In « A couvenie nt Joint HHH RHR Qt at = Fas ans for Sale JOINT SAVINGS ACCOUNTS may A CCount HE BANK oF TORONTO GEORGE B. M'K AY, MANAGER. A z Tecorporatesd 1558 Capital, $5,000,000 Heserve Fand §6.5855.000 » Bank of Tos of whom may lance bplongs Id funds. be oper a ne b We have for sale on the York Road about 5 miles from city, two farms adjoining, Hoth have dwelling and outbuildings. for $3,500, or the two together for $6,800. Immediate possession, Owner leaving country. must be sold. each comprising about 50 acres. We will sell either one Property df? When your. eyes are not as good as they are now, will you say "they might have been bets ter, but I "put off" having them properly examined and protected with correct glasses"? Don't pat it off. Comet Now while you are thinking about it and secure that benefit which } only correct glasses can give. Fhone for appolutment. 132 Princess Street We Are Eyesight Specialists Watts i 179 Welllaxton Fresh cat flowers dally; dail designs and wedding bouquets to orden. Out of town orders xiven special attention, --The-- FRUIT AND CANDY STORE he AR kinds of £ nut, Home Pas enndien. Orders promptly delivered. 66 Princess St, Near King St., Phone 273 Canada Food Board License N ratte, bn 91020; Candy, eae How About 1 hat Kodak You have been talking about get- ot you : think it's about time you put your thoughts into action? We have them from $2.50 to $25.00, besides the supplies that go General Meeting--Mondays at 7.30, Publle Dances~Toenduys § p.m. to 1 am. Richardson Chapter, LODE, 2nd and 4th Tuesdays. beast igun An AN NN NAAN Dance Orchestra Gerald A. Radelifte, violinist, for. merly of the Strand Theatre, Open for engagements for any number of pleces, Latest music. Phote 778 or 34 lower Unlon Street, Notice To Carpenters All members of the Carpenters Local, 249, are requested to attend a special meeting on Friday, Jan. 31st in vot «hoe Hall. W. H. HUBBLE, Secretary. CON ERED RIN JUNI spl, RINGSTON YT OHLA. {HOCKEY Match RM.C. Va. QUEEN'S Friday, JAN. 31st. GAME CALLED 8.15 P.M, Admission 40¢. Reserved seats 20e¢ extra. Plan open for sale of seats and tickets on Jan, 31st, 10 sum. Seats or- dered and not ecafled for by &5 pm. Junuary Jint, will' he sold. AC Sra mr CANADA Department of the Naval Service. SRALED TENDERS, addressed to the undersigned and endorsed on the en- velope "Tender for Naval Vessels," will be received up to noon of Thurs- day, the 20h February, 1919, fer the purchase to naval vessels lying at Halifax, Sydney and Liverpool, inelud- ing, 125 ft. Moulded, 23 ft. Steam Breadth 4 in. Mould- ed Depth 13 rt. 6 in, Steam Drifters--Length 90 » 2 Eadeh $ ft. 3 in. Dépth Hold 10 ¢ Patrol Vessels--Length n, 10 ft. Breadth 23 ft. § in. Depth Hold 13 tt. & in, Steam Fishing Vessels--Ranging in length from 130 ft. to 170 ft. Breadth 22 ft 3 i. to 24 ft. Depth § It, 9 ft. 6 In. Several small steamers--Of varioug di- mensions, and Motor launches of varfous types. FuM particulars and permission to inspect the vessels may obladned on application to the htendent, ar. to T itendent, HMC, the Admiral Supe Dockydrd, Halifax GQ. J. ' DESBARATS, Deputy Minister of the Naval Service. Department of the Naval Service. Jitawa, January 18, 1919, ¢ nauthorized publication of this ad- vertisement will not be paid for. in, Trawlers--Length to I a BP. | GRAND git TO-NIGHT & a A Sensational Feature venture and Romance With Beautiful and Versatile Grace CUNARD Also first run features; the Pathe News and a dandy comedy. Novelty Vaudeville MATINEE EV ENING » .10¢ 10¢ and 15¢ Monday,Feb.3rd ONE NIGHT ONLY Friedenwald Presents Musical Comedy Norman the Hawaiian Gi 85-----Musical Comedy Artists--385 18---Big Song Hits--18 HOSTS OF PRETTY GIRLS Native - Hawaiian Singers, Dancers and Instrumentalists . 25¢, Boe, T5¢, % NOW ON SALE $1.00 TUES. 'AND WED. SPECIAL MATINEE WEDNESDAY A SMASHING. HIT TRDAY STRAND Thursday, Fri, Sat. "To Him That Hath" STARRING Montagu Love IS INTENSE "To Him That Hath" is Dramatic "To Him That Hath" is real 'Filmed from the best selling novel by Leroy Scott, this picture-play has everything that goes to make a pic- tare great. See it. Ruth Stonehouse "The Phaiitom Husband' Humbugs & wHusbands Big V Comedy Picture of Ad-! "AFTER THE WAR" | My Honolulu PR 4 4 b 4 bp 4 dik CONDENJIED ADVERTISING RATES 5 -- First loserilon, 18 a word. Each con secutive to half cent =a word, for one insertion, 23e; Mees iuwertions, $1; one month, $2. Goon GENE RAL MAID... APPLY AT nee, Wellington street. A COOK GENERAL. APPLY TO MRS, Hunter Ogilvie; 119 Earl street, CLASS BREAD BAKER. to Box J-29 Whig Office. FOR GENERAL HOUSE- Apply to 172 Johnson FIRST Appl GOOD GIRL work. street GOOD 43 GENERAL; COMPETENT Apply Wages. svetiings free. (Frontenac street. PAR CUTTER, ALSO GREY WICKER by carriage: Doth in good condi- ti Apply. 542 Albert street. A GENERAL SERVANT; MIDDLE aged woypan preferred; one that can 000 Apply 80 Barrie street. LAUNDRESS n PLAIN WORK; Also girl for Kitchen work. Ap- ply the New Dnbham ' Hotel, Co- bourg. FOR LIGHT or month; no Box 111, Whig WOMAN day Apply a GIRL. OR housework, children. Office. EXPERIENC ED MAN, MARRIED OR single, for farm work. Apply stating wages to R. M, Van Luven, Portsmouth, Ont, A COMPETENT MAID POH GENERAL "housework: neo washing, or iron- ing. Apply to Mrs. Chown, Sun- nyside, Unlon street. A GOOD STRONG GIRL OR' WOMAN ty do housework two or three days & week or all the time. Apply to Mrs. Thomas H. McGuire, 96 Union street, Portsmouth, or phone 1974, LIVE MAN WANTED---SPARE TIME or steadily--selling our guaranteed trees and plants, Outfit free, lile eral' commission, Brown Brothers Company, Nurserymen, Limited, Brown Nurseries P.O. Ontario. THERE 1S GOOD MONEY IN SELLING nursery stock under present con- ditions. We want reliable sales agents for unrepresented districts. Good pay, exclusive selling rights for alloted territories. Write im- mediately. Pelham Nursery Co. Toronto, ; AGENTS WANTED. HISTORY OF THE WORLD WAR BY Professor March. "Canada's Part in the War" by celebrated. Can- adian Colonel smith. Mammoth book; three hundred illustrations; great money-maker; sample book free. Bradley-Garrestson, Brant. ford, Ont. x ---- HELP WANTED--FEMALE, PEACE WORK AT w AR PAY GUAR. aAntéed for three years. Knit ur- ently needed socks for us on the ast, simple Auto-Knitter, Full particulars to-day. Se stamp, Auto Knitter Co. Dept. 24 C, 603 College St, Toronto. | FIRST CLASS SOFT ELM LOGS, | Highest prices paid at J. H. Bab- | cock & Sons Mills, Odessa. 4 % WANTED TO BUY OR RENT HOUSE, | With about one acre of ground. | Portsmouth district preferred. Apply Box 30, Whig Office, WANTED--A LARGE FARM TO RENT or work on shares, with stock of] farming implements, Seayd all par-; tioulars ta Nelson Drader, Inver! ary, Ont. { WANTED=-OLD FALSE TEETH, | don't matter if broken, 1 pay $2 to $15 per set. Send by parcel post and receive check by return mail, ¥. Terl 403 N. Wolfe .St, Baltimore, Md, | SKATES, SKATES, SKATES, SHARP ened, hollow ground, and put om Whie you wait, We are also tak ing orders for bicycles to ba cleaned and stored for winter, George Muller, 271-378 King St. | TO LET. | i ROOMS WITH OR WITHOUT HOARD. Apply 204 King street. FURNISHED ROOMS rooms for Mght housekeeping, Ap- ply 396 Priicess street STORAGE FOR FURNITURE; CLEAN | and dry. Apply E. BE. Wathen, | 143 Nelson street. ~ Phone 2162 FIRST OLASS ROOMS AND BOARD | all improvements; centrally locat | ed, Apply 243 Brock sireet. | { UNFURNISHED | housekeeping; | 21 King THREE for ught located Apply TWO. OR rooms well street STORAGE FOR FURNITURRB, OLEAN | and dry. McCann's Real Estate! Agency, 88 Hrock St. Phone 3% or AND ALSO) | LIVERPOOL, (Opera | WE The Peop le S Forum 0 OO SO HAVERSAC KX CONTAINING soldier's. Kit Owner may e_ same hy calling at 303 Montreal street, city, "2 ON FRIDAY AT CORNER PRIN. cess and Division street, a arcel d3ntalning music \ 0K. Owher may have same: | by calling st 104 Patrick St. FOUND ARTS AD VER. risk FRER Anyone finding saaything aad Nishing to reach the owner may y reporting the facts to The British Whig. The adves« tisement will be printed iz ths eolumn frees of charge. Rs LOST. BUTTON, BY RETURNED No. C-12782. Finder kind Whig Office | CLASS Bn. soldier. ly leave at CARTING PRONE C, ANDRE, A UNION CARTER, 1i6aw, or call at a Charles St FINANCIAL | FRONTENAC L&AN AND ment Societys incorporated 1888 President, W. F. Nickle, K.C.; vice. vresident. B. Cunningham Monéy issued on cofty and farm Properties, municipal and cou debentures: mortgages purchased; investment bonds for sale: deposits received and interest allowed- RB C. Cartwright, manager. §7. Clar ance sirest. Kingston INVEST. THOROUGH-BRED BROWN horn puliet and black Sumatra game cockerels, 267 Division. STOVE woop ov IN SHORT lengths, $5.50 per load (about 1 cord), Piek, Kingston, RR. 3 ™w0 SOLID BRICK Hou SES, 117 AND 118 William streat; Jarge yard, brick stable. Apply 117 Witham street, A w HITE WICKER BABY CARRIAGE in good eondition, A snap for quick buyer. Apply 71 Colborpe street, . ¥6 TACKLE THATS FIT FOR ishing, go to Frank W, Cooke, 29 Clarence street, opposite Ameri can Consulate. Telephone S9iw, Fis GENUINE GRAPHONOLA AND TEN selections; your own choice, $34.54, Terms, $5 cash, $1 per week, C. W. Jindsay, Limited, 121 Princess St, WE HAVE GOOD SECOND-H rn furniture, buffets, chairs an bles) will buy all kinds of ra ure and stoves. J. Thompson, 338 rincess street. Phone 1609, HARD COAL COOKE, 2:00 a load unscreened, or 1 loads or $5.00; screened, $5.00 ton; in half ton lots, deliverdd, none 1039 or post card to 261 University Avenue, WW, C. Bruton. OHEAP FUEL: :| soMm OF THE BIGGEST ADVERTIS. ers to-day sometimes use a little advt, like this: A phone call or & LONDON AND GLOBE} Fire Insurance Company. Available Rasetsy $61,187,215, In addMion to which the policyholders have for security the unlimited llability of city property, insured at lowest possible rates. Before renewing old or giving new business get rates from Strange & Strange Agents Phone 326. LEGAL A, B. CUNNINGH A AM, and solieftor, ante street. "BARRISTER Law' office, 79 Clr STVRAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEA ry. alvy rooms; your own lock an py Frost's City Storage, 29% Queen street. Plone 526; res. 98y TWO UNFURMSHED ROOMS SUI. able for light housekeeping, alsc one furnished bedroom; rent mod. erate. Apply 48 Lower Rideau etreet. IfHIS DEPARTMENT IS ALWAYS glad to hear from anyone thinking of using classified advertisin Write or 'phone up about it. e may be eh 1 to help you. British Whig F QUALITY !¢ ECONOMY !! "GOLD BOND" VEGETABLE 'SOUP. stone house, corner of Johnson and Wellington Streets. Possession May 1sf. Inspection by appointment. Reply by letter to Dr. Garrett, 52 2 tins for 25¢. Ask for it. ™e OF THE GLYDE STRIKE The People of "of Glasgow Se. Danger of Drifting Into Belfast Condition. (Canadian Press Despatch) London, Jan. 31.~The critical stage of the strike on the Clyde was expected to be reached to-day as the result of a meeting of the strikers to receive the government's' answer to a telegram sent by the lord provost trangmitting the request of the strikers for the government to inter. vene to secure for them a forty-hour week. London despatches last night said the Government had sent reply to the provost declining to intervege. The people of Glasgow are just be- gifining to realize the gravity of the situation and the danger of the city's drifting into the same conditions that prevail at Belfast, The power of the Glasgow strike committee appears te be increasing. and it Is now exeréis ing complete authority over the elec. trical department of the eity, een THE WORLD'S TIDINGS ~ IN BRIEF PoRM SE in SIS ven salt John oat X.C., Toronto, died while playing golf at Pine Nine defanlters were Street, City. For Sale Offers will be received until Feb. | 11th for the purchase of that large NAPP, LIDS, DOS, oilce 250 Princess street, Phone 653. DR. GORDON ©. DEWAR, DENTIST corner Princess and Wellington streets. © Phone 1678. DRS, SPARKS AND SPARKS, DEN. tists. 159 Wellington street, over Carnovsky's, Phone 348. postal will pring you full partious lars about this department. British whig Publishing Co. BATEMANS REAL WSTATR SOBNOY -- $1800 SUBURBAN VILLA BUNGA- low with all improvements; good stable and 2% acres of good gar. den land, capable of dividing into 23 building lots, all facing on streets, leaving bulldings and gar- den besides, 1500----BRICK HOUSE, 10 ROOMS; ALL Improvements, hardwood floors ang stable, 4500--PRESSED BRICK HOUSE, ALL with improvements, 6000----PRESSED BRICK HOUSE, ALL modern; electric lights, hardwood floors, good garden, Rear entrance, Beautiful location, 2500-BRICK HOUSE, - IMPROVE. ments. Central. 1700--DOCBLE FRAME, ¢ ROOMS AND three rooms; On easy terms. 159 WELLINGTON. PHONE 306W. UPHOLSTERING. DRESSMAKING MISS RICHARDSON, DRESSMAKER, having resumed business, solicit orders for fall and winter work Afddres 202 Alfred atreet. PA PERHANGIN G TAPERHANGING, PARTING, GRAIN. ing and kalsomining. First class work guaranteed and prices rea- sonable. Please leave orders with Fred Young; 198 Colbarne street. i ® ® ; Musicians! Special meeting of 'local No. 93, AX. or M. will be held In ar PERSONAL JALL OR DROP A CARD Gavine, upholsterer, street, TO W. J, 216 Bagot MUSIO MISS MARJORIE LAMBERT, THACH. er of music. Pupils prepared for Toronto Conservatory examination, Address 459 Barrie street, & PAINTING, SIGNS OF ALL KINDS, BRASS ns and chandeliers refinished. « Carruthers & Co, 208 Albert street. HAIR, Nok ES, WARTS, BIRTHMARKS nd al growths and skin , blem pe removed permanently, with-Y out scar: 30 Years Xperience Dr, Kilmer J. lak Labor Hall, Saturday, 6.30 p.m. By order of the President, J. J. McLaughlin, x ary. 3 | WITH THE CURLERS In Central Ontarig ~ Curling. League matehes in Belleville om Thursday, Belleville seniors defeat- ed Kingston by a score of 53 to 28, as follows: Kingston. Belleville. Prof. MacDonald 17 W. Belair 18 J. Elliott 11 R. J. Wray 35 ¥ -- 1 ------ Total ... ... 28 Total:.. ..b3 Majority for Belleville, 25 shots. The - Belleville juniors were de- feated by a score of 35 to 27. W. J. Frizzell 21 P. O. Pitney 15 J. Mathieson ..14 R. A. Backus 12 Totals. ....30 Total .. .. 27 Majority. for Kingston, 8 shots, - Games Here. The cold spell which commenced fon Friday worhing has made it possible for the curlers to proceed | with their schedule. There is now a good sheet of jee at the rink, and on Friday evening four rinks from Naj ee will play against four from the local club in the a Ontario Curling League tournament. The rinks represent- ing n- are as follows: » Junior--A. MéMahon, J. MeDon- ad, R. N. PF. MacFarlane, A. War- " CAE Newen J. Baker, T. Copley, Turcotte. » skip. - Bibby, G. Searles, 3 MacDonald, aise, F. Throat and br Eye, Skin 8 foot ia Bagot street. h . ARCHTTROT Non POWER & SON, ARCHITECTS, MER- chants Bank Bullding, corner Brock and Wellington Sts, -------------- DRY STORAGE The only proper w sult us--explanation o you. = r care of any battery, Con- od r treatment will convince WILLARD SERVICE STATION 19 Brock St. . LESSES, Prop. Phone 1340 Can dot a Ea, irl y No. 1 and No, 2 quality. a astation Allan' n's Lumber Yard