sp ® Peps willgive you relief.' Simply dissolve a Peps tablet in your mouth. Your breath carries the medicinal Pine vapor, which is released, to all parts of the throat, nasal and air passages, where a liguid medicine could not possibly reach. This vapor de. stroys all germs with which it comes 'in contact, soothes and heals the inflamed membranes and fortifies you igainst coughs, colds, sore throat, bronchitis and grippe. Peps' contain absolutely no harm. ful drugs and asp therefore the safest remedy for children. FREE TRIAL Cot out this rticle, write Across it. the namie name «ad date of this paper, and mail it (with lc. stamp to pay return postage) to Peps Co., Toronto. A free trial packet will then be sent you. Al drug. gists and stores sell Peps. 50c. box. Peps obiisi EASY WARNING Now fs the time to come and make arrangements to have your car stored and overbauled. We still bave space for a few, more cars. ¥ Automobile repair work » specialty. ED. WALSH, Prop. 835 King St. Phone 2185 SATISFYING RELIEF FROM LUMBAGO Sloan's Liniment has the punch that relieves rheumatic twinges mth-giving, congestion- ing circulation-spimulating rem- netrates without rubbing right aching spot and brings quick surely, gleanly. A .wonderful for external pains, sprains, stiffness, headache, lumbago, to relief, help strains, bruises. Get.your .botfle today--costs little, means much, Ask your druggist for it by name. Keep it handy tor the whole family, Mie i in Canada. The big bottle is economy. Sloan's Liniment Kills Pain FUMES INHALE RET EARS Ww REMEDY R J. D.KerLOGg! Sawed in Stove « Lengths BOOTH & CO., Phone 133 Foot West Street NR, THIS WOMAN SAVED FROM AN OPERATION Neg Lydia Piokhans ame pl est un ie JE THE DAILY BRIT ISH WHIG, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1919. HONOR "GRANDMOTHER OF RUS SIAN: REVOLUTION The entire National Guard Russian Revolution. Aa of the Council of the Caochs gathered in Omsk to honor Madame Brashkovakaya, the Grandmother of the RENFREW PROVIDES TO BUILD GOOD ROADS Will Issue "Debentures $20,000 For Purpose, in Addition to $9,000. Pembroke, Feb, Renfrew county council at its meeting passed a by-law for the issuance of deben- tures to the extent of $20,000 to be spent on good roads this year. This will be in addition to the balance of $9,000 remaining from last year's al- lotment for the purpose. At this sea- son the coupcil will designate route of the county provineial high- way. Engineer Huber of the pro- vineial highways department gave ah illustrated address to the council on the subject of good roads this after- noon. The oouncil alsp granted $8,000 to the Y.M.C.A., and doubled the grants to the three county hospitals, viz, Victoria Hospital in Renfrew, and the Cottage and General Hospitals in Pembroke. These grauts now total $4,000, "Signaller Lee tiliott Cole, adian forces, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Oris Cole, Cloyne, Ont, was married on Dec. 26th last to Enima Bell Swift, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. Rothel, Edinburgh. Duane Wagar, aged seventeen years, was arrested" at Cape Yin- cent, N.Y., charged with burglary. He admitted his crime. He is a Canadian. Can-, Sst BOUT 18 months ago it first be A came possible for a returned soldier, who had been so dis abled by gervice that it" was impos sible for him to resume his former civil occupation, to take a course of training under government. super. some new occupation, the pursuit of which would not be prevenged by his disability.ln other 'words, his case was carefully considered, his disabil- ity taken Into account, and his trains ing arranged so that in his new occw' pation. he could develop 100% effi ciency. <hinist who had lost a leg; obviously: his disability was such tat he could pot resume that cccupation. He had a knowledge of blue prints and d drawing line. He was passed for a! course as a mechanieal draughtsman, At the termination of his course he was employad aba wage nearly equal' to his wage as a machinist. The loss of a leg was no handicap as bis newe occupation did not call for any mova ing around. Thus this man, serious. ly. handicappgd as a machinist, was. enabled to overcome his handicap and compete. guccessindly, With any other: dranghtsman. Qwing lo the increasing number ot y which it was necessary to train such ly if a man was to be trained for a position in a machine shop, the place to train him was right in the particu- lar machine shop in which he would sulted in the institution: of in. dustrial surveys, One of the first industries in Montreal to be sur, veyed was the Angus Shops (Cana dian Pacific Rallway). It can read:| {ly be understood that these shops, employing thousands of skilled mel. in DE all 'kinds of mechanical werk, red great opportunities for) % the eine disabled 'meu. above mentioned industrial survey consisted of a detailed report om. every position in the Angus Shops; it showed among other things the exact nature of the work dome and what disabilities would hinder a man. from doing the work. This survey was a guide work a disabled man would be physi cally able to do without being troubled by his disability. From the outset official of the C. P. R. who was approached ex- rest in the work, material assis ing of sabled soldiers in eclvilian occupations, 3 The | generar scheme. of training adopted by the Invalided - Soldiers' ' Commission is to give any man age machine shop. then place hia sit wh an RP i in sents During which be is 'to pay him an work in a place able he employed st the of his course, and the ing bad the man p: knows f work. in disabled men hei the industries for wi teh been trained with no 3 For | the ['pn The Danger Signals the diet students js mitered 1h fie {lowing latter of instructions issued [te 'foramen :-- NEWS FROM PICTON Fox Is Warden of Edward County: Picton, Feb. 1.--The service the late Rev, MacPhail was held last Sunday « ing in the Presbyterian churel the tablet erected at the we the church was unveil Warrington, who did Overseas chur and "Rev ston gave Dr, R. Dr. IR. H. Princ for Capt The Dr. } address Fox of the H. Ameliasburg rt Ar A A in the' back or sides! headaches, - swollen joints,' urinary tpoubles, dust deposits, painful urination Zare all symptoms of kidney, trouble. The Natfonal Drug & Chemical Co, of Canadas, Limited, JFains Constant brick tip Training | Dis sa bled Soldiers Shs vision and pay, which fitted him. fof F As an example take a mas ing and some latent ability in a different trades and occupations In pes men it became imperative that train. JES ing 'places should be. found: Obvious. LA eventually be employed. This re iy Opera ating a double headed concerned, It might appear from the forego. [ing that the employment offered by the C .P .R. to men being+trained by the Invalided Soldiers' Commission {s confined to positions in the Angus Shops. Such however is not the case. Every department has taken on men, clerks, dranghtsgien, telegraphers. In some indus'ries a teridency to fight shy of the return: ed men, the reason stated being his| inability and apparent lack of power of concentration on his werk. Not so with the C. P.'R. 'Every consider- t/ation is shown the returned man and | the 'every possible allowance is made will assist him in re-establish mself in civil life. The atti tude taken by tha higher officials of ia the C. P. R. Jn Tega to disbicd sol Tur RETURNED SOLDIER AS AN EMPLOYEE. How do you treat a "sol dier working under you? Do you consider him. as an ordisary work- man, let him shift for himself sod look: on hig mistakes only as you would an ordinary employee? If so, respects fust a normal man and should be able to do the same work ¢ | you: are assuming that he is fn RX 2s quickly and as well as the aver; go age. employee... If Fou do, you are wrong. © Many retu soldiers' constito. 3% urned Taay haves memoria has been | make A ef warden of Prince Edward Cotinty for t urrent year. © South Marysburg tributed $200 to the hospi towards the new hospital, while t village of Wellington intends ou ihe operating room, 1 s first contribution of § purpose Lieut. R. Campnuey, with Queen's Hospital, 1915,. is to address ag mea Soldiers' Relatives' League room, Fel, The funeral of nan, Westmount, weted elected whe ove on 6th, the late D. J. Bren- was held in St Gregory's church, on Monday [faorn- ing. His gen, Lieut. D, P. Brennan R.N.A.S., 'recently «died in tae Nor- wich war hospital. The fatlier never entirel ly recovered from the sliock. 'he Greenbush Red Cross <lub Ti hursday night at Irvine Vi . The meetings are still fo itly and in the evenings. T ladies keeping up the worl, One of the latest of the-boys to return from overseas is J. Helferty Gre h, 'who is welcomed by hi many friends. Mr..and Mrs. C. G Fox were Cherry Valley Thursday. Mr. and Mrs, A. son have returned to Pictou af visiting iends in Toronto. are Dr. A. J. officer for Sparling, Pembroke, in his. annual report, "estimafes the number of cases of influe there at the time the disease was épidemiec, at 1,000. Deaths from the ailment numbered 66 Vertical slotting machine. been gassed, shell shocked and tom tured by wounds, sud consequently are highly strung and nervous and 'will be for some time to come. What they make of themselves depends on you. If one of these mén make a mis take and is roughly reprimarded, he is likely® to shake lke a leaf, get excited, ete, and bs very ® ifBeult to ng of; 'this is 'wrong. care and attention ve these men in help SE Juployacs the Is D h | Siow the somite: OF the frst hun. | dred nlete Boni rial Re educations! Sour in this unit, ten | Were emplo: termination of seen are employed by the C.P.R., he men have taken coufses m pe Jess than 12 different trades, so it is obvious that the C, P, R. Is as sisting Aa t| St. on Led _|the Separate School {Board of visitors on | William. | ter | medic al health | rn; 'I Marshall, {racking cough and in {make it disappear en! NEWS FROM THE DISTRICT. Clipped From the Whig's Many Bright Exchanges. G. B. Gatenby, late organist of Gile's church, Montreal, has [been engaged as organist of Calvin { Presbyterian church Pembroke. Archie Rosamond has been elect: as president of the Almonte fair. | W: H. Stafford is secretary. Total be xpenditures for the year were $3,- [588, being somewhat in excess of the receipts. It is reported- that Rev. Dr. Shor- {ey of Port Hope Methodist church {has been invited by Madoc Method- ists to become their pastor at the end of the present conference year at a salary of $1,600. Miss Elizabeth B. Oxford has been appointed school nurse at Renfrew. Both the Board of Education and Ren- | frew have declared for medical and { i 1 '| dental inspection. 'William Webster, a retired car- | penter, is dead at Lyndhurst, after an illness of several years' duration. He is survived by a wife and four | children Deceased was a member of the Church of England. Brockville lost an elderly and ighly respected citizen on Thurs- y in the death of Mrs. James atson at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. D. B. Jones. She was ninety-four years of age. On Jan. 27th a very quiet and pretty wedding was solemnized in 8t. Charles. church, Read, Ont, {when Miss Nellie, the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Tighe, Read, was united in mar- riage to Maurice J. Callaghan, eld- est son of Mr. and Mrs. John Call- aghan, Belleville. | w Mild Weather Hurt Lands. Brockville, Feb. 3.--That the con- tinned mild weather will have a de- trimental effect on meadow lands in this vicinity, is the opinion of several well-known and succéssful farmers residing near Brockville. " Ice which has formed on pasture land will have the effect of killing the old grass and new seed as it will completely heave the grass out of the ground. It will have a similar effect on fall grain, the seeds of which will undoubtedly be smothered by a 'heavy layer of fice that covers the ground. The situ- ation would be considerably relieved by a heavy fall of snow. Medal For Promotion. Brockville, Feb. 3.--~Pte, A. B, Saunders, who entisted with the 156th Leeds and Grenville Battalion at, the age of nineteen, and who has been with the P.P.C.L.I at the front for some months, has just received notice of the award to him of the Military Medal together with promo- tion in the rank for conspicuous gal- lantry in capturing a machine-gun post single-handed. He was a pris- oner at Cambrai for a short time, but was liberated when the Cana- dians captured the city. Pte, Saun- ders was employed on a farm outside of Brockyille when he enlisted. Induction At Belleville. Belleville, Feb. 3.-----Rev. George of Ottawa, was on Friday evening inducted rector of Emmanuel Reformed Episcopal church of this city. Bishop Willard Brewing, To- ronto, inducted the rector and des lHvered an instructive and inspiring address. Belleville Druggist Dead. Belleville, Feb. 3.--Charles FF. Clarke, one of Belleville's well-known druggists, died on Friday after a brief iliness. Deceased was fifty years of age and was born in this city and had resided here all his life. Her Five Children HAD WHOOPING COUGH AT THE SAME TIME Whooping cough 1s one of the most dangerous diseases of children, es- peciaily to those under five years of age. It first starts with a fever and cough, sneezing, watering of the eyes and an irritation of the throat. La ter the coughing. increases, the child becomes livid in the face, the eyes appear as if they would burst from their sockets, and suffocation seems imminent till relief is brought by the "whoop." On the first sign of whooping ash we would advise the use of Dr. s Norway Pine Syrup. This Ne remedy will clear the broa- chial tubes of the collected mucous and phlegm, and in this way east thé short time y, 7 Mrs. Walter McGaughey, North Battleford, Sask, writes:--"1 hav five cildren, the eldest toon the baby two years old. They all had the whooping cough at the same time. 1 tried two.or three cough remedies, but none gave the same satisfaction as Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. A home where there are young children should never recommend 1 »at it. 1 will highly it to those who want a quick eure." | There are many imitations of Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup, so be sure you get the genuine by insisting that the package is put up in a yel- tow : three. pine trees the trade bps op price 25¢ and Loc, and manufactured by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. PAGE ELEVEN THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA HEAD OFFICE TORONTO TRUST FUNDS Our Savings Department gives you & guarantee EST'D 1073 KINGSTON J. BE. ROWLAND, interest at current rate, * of absolute security and BRANCH, OVERCOATS $48.00 to $38.00" SUITS $20.00 to $38.00 Large stock of indigo blue serge and fine worsted suitings. weight pants, $8.00. All wool, extra heavy iJohn Tweddell, Civil and Military Tailor, Princons St. -- |ASTORIA SRE 33 Doses Exact'Copy of Wrappér. ¥or Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature Use For Over Thirty Years THE cEnTAUR SOMPANY. NEW Yolk eivy. AVOID COUGHS and COUGHERVJ'! Kingston Child Weltare Station Free Advice to Mothers by Mrs. Frances Robinson, R.N., Victorian Order of Nurses Bring your babies to bg weidhéa and examined, No treatment--much advice Doctor in Attendance Open - Monday, Wednesday, riday, | Le pm. 891 Barrie Street. THE SOLDIERS' AID COMMISSION® fas been Incorporated by the Province of Ontario for the purpose of assisting to reinstate discharged officers and men in civil life, EMPLOYMENT. Wa cordially invite the co- =operasion of the pablic in the important work of securing employment for soldiers who have been discharged-=from military service. 3 VOCATIONAL TRAINING. . Classes for the vocational ré-educa- tion of soldiers who have been so dis: abled ag to 'prevent them from resums their former occupations are proe LIBBY'S Asparagus Tips .. . .. Mammoth Green, large tins 3% Salad Dressing ..: .. (Coast Sealed Oysters) 'D. COUPER. 341.3 Princess St. FPhome 76 Cream AND ALL Table umves Te "elocution od "matic art. Pupils may begin at any date. Terms on Application. Engagementa for concerts cepted. 216 Frontenac Street. Phone 1610. in Vion free of cost, and in addition, the support of the soldier an retraining ang 1 day be obits 0 ¥ be ' lege Street, RELIEF FUND. Donations for the assistance of sol- Slery' families in temporary distress will be thankfslly ved and ack- Jed and should made payabie To the order oo of the Commission after, to courpes . ol, 118 Cols one Head Offices 1186 COLLEGE STREET, TORONTO, Kingston Brauch: BAGOT.SIRERT. oo and bis 4 4s provided during the period of} For Sale Jointer, nd adic, IAL SES SUSE