THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1919. PAGE FIVE Gage's Cash Glocery Cor.Gore and Wellington Sis. 160 Bags Potatoes (No 100 100 100 Tins ( tins C ris o (1 1h. each) 4 eh ry, Gireen Onions, Lettuce, Phone 2148. Another Big Week of Specials 1 White) pails puré Lard (3 1b. each) riseo (3 1bs. each) ... ° Prompt Delivery #1.75 bag 95¢c pail .D8¢ tin .33¢ tin Jananas License 8-2493 "J WOMEN'S SPLENDID WORK LAST YAR FOR | SOCIAL AND NATIONAL WELFARE. iH: Annual Meeting of Women's Nations, al Council--Report of Societies---- Mrs. John Macgillivray Re-elected President, Seldom in the history of Kingstofi has. there been so representaliye a gathering of women devoted to civic, social and natienal welfare as upon the occasion of the annual meeting of the Kingston branch of the Wom- en's National Council on Thursday 75. oi wi a afternoon. They were éarnest in their efforts to promote every incen- BIG SALE OF WESTERN BEEF AT HOOD'S STORE Ask about our boneless Roasts of Beer . Rib Roasts |, Round Steak Sirloin Steak Carded uy "Beef Dripping .., ... ... .. 35¢ .30¢ Fae a ve . « .30¢ 5 Also a nice lot of Timid @ andl veul at Tow price es, HOOD', Comer Clergy and Barrie Sts, tive to higher citizenship; and the reports of the president, Mrs. John Macgillivray and the secretaries of the many allied societies, showed | that the year 1918 was one of won- derful achievement, for the noble women of the city had been called upon to wrganize new enterprises, wholly outside of the established war work, and the civic institutions, to meet emergencies that taxed their energies and resources to the upper- miost. But the wcik was well done, apd a decree of efficiency manifested that calls for the highest praise. Are you letting "her go through life with poor eyesight? Probe ably causing her poor health, headaches and other troubles. ht For Her: Sake come to us for eye glasses. You will not be dis. appointed, and she will be satisfied. - Hitve her J. J. STEWART, OPT. D. "Sight Specialist.' Opp. Post Office Kingston "The House of Better Glasses." The president's address MARIGOLD MARGARINE WHAT IS IT? It is a pure food product of delicate flavor--you can use it spread on - your bread, your toast, or in any other way that you would use the finest but- ter. yyy Try it, and you wil If enjoy it. We sell it. Henderson's Grocery 59-61 Brock St. PHONE 279 A Square House to Deal With," Kingston 1 4 J | pert on the Public Library. jogged upon many phases of the work which 'Were dealt with in detail in the re- ports. of the allied societies, New problems were presented such as un- employment, immigration, good housing, public health, conservation and ecomomy in the use of food, and Bolshevism which is described as a symptom of social disease. The presi dent expressed the hope that with the passing of the Red Cross work the organization and efficiency attain- ed might become permanent and ut- ilized in other fields. Some societ- ies had withdrawn but new ones had been added. Miss H. L. Chown, freasurer, pres- ented the financial statement which showed a balance on hand of $70.85. "Fhe report of the Union of King's Daughters was read by Miss Strange. Large contributions had been made to war work, including sums of mon- ey amounting to $2115. x The report of Queen's ¥ovana So- ciety was read by Miss Guthrie. - Mrs Kennedy gave a most interesting re- The cir- culation was 54,000 volumes, and a young folks branch was opened that was keenly appreciated. Miss A. Birch read the report of the King- ston branch, Queen'y Alumni Society. Much work had been done ERAPI THERARS Beit »y Se ren a Ta annss RCM! ais A AARIO a A So ro OR Tran A man's head is like his Hook. ance, but what Mt 1 counts. \ contains SEES A F oy VEY & BIRCH, LTD. | Discount Sales We feature for the closing day of our. Galvanized ware +» week there departmental specials. TIN WARE DEPARTMENT. Reg. Sale Price Price in, " $1.65 1.45 $2.00 $1.75 £0 5 Wash Tubs 19% size ... Wash Boller, size Water Pail, 11 in Mop Wringers, Wood Frame .. Lo JB23S 'Mop Wringers, Irom . 82.50 BRUSH DEPARTMENT Scrubbing Brush, geod size and quality .. . 35 Biacking Hrush, good size nnd quality 30 23 PLUMBING DES ARTMENT Reg. » Sale * Price 'Price Tucandescent Gas Inmp, rampitre with ntle . $175 = a0 . $1.00 S35 0 WARE DEPARTMENT Claw Hemmer ... S85 5 $1.35 $103 Our store staf, phone and de- livery systems nt your service. Phone 237- ES is on ACKETE pocket It's not the outside appear- that AN EE S-- - among the soldiers in the military hospitals. Mrs. Duff presented a re- port upon thé work icf the Red Cross Society which showed that this so- ciety had performed an enormous amount of work of the most vital im- portance. In addition to sending supplies overseas, help was given to the local military hospitals. She expressed gratitude for the generous assistance given to her by the work- ers and citizens. Agnes Brown told of the charitable work of the Chil- dren of Mary in affording relief 0 hundreds of persons in need, and of the children taken eare of. The report on the work of John's Ambulance Association paid a high tribute to Mrs. G, Hunter Dg- ilvie. In addition to training V.A.D.s, the organization took a leading part in fighting the epidemic of influenza; It has seven nfirses overseas, The W.T.A. worked flor the military hos- pitals, providing necessities and com- forts for the patients. Mrs. Ash- croft told what had been done by the Women's Canadian Clu in secur- ing speakers on special subjects dur- ing the year. The objects of the club were intellectirgl." Miss Fos- ter, secretary of the' Young: Wom- en's Christidn Association, gave a micst interesting account of the im- portant work of the association. This is work of most vital importance. She told of the summer camp for girls, bible classes, the help given in se- cruing suitable ' employment, and suggested that velunteers be called to assist in meeting strangers upon arrival in the city. An account of the 'work of the Church Women's Aid of St. George's cathedral was given by Mrs. McGow- an. While the obejot of the society was purely church work, $100 was donated to the Red Cross and contri- butions were made to the General Hospital. Miss Mary Going gave a report on the work of the Blue Cross Society, describing the Boys' Blue Cross band organized by her to gather sphag- num moss which was made into field dressings for the treatment of war horses in Fra Mrs. H.C. Nidkle's report on the Orphans' 'Home was a most gratify- ing one, reflecting much credit upon the ladies responsible for the welfare of the institution. While many of the } little ones suffered during the epi- demde of flu, there were no deaths. St. | } Owing to thg loss of generous pa- } trons, there was a need for funds to }'carry on the work. Mrs. W. G. Jor- 'dan read the report on the Home for J Aged, an institution which is in a most satisfactory condition.The val- ue of the garden work performed by te last summer was esti- = 1the old peop ~~ Imated at $1,226. Chickens were kept and produced 3,650 eggs. ie § aatate tor work™#t the p station and the county jail, and Mrs. Sievenpson.of the fmmigration commitieé, gave inter- esting figures showing the number of foreigners. in the city. Of 100 China~ men, 60 contribuied to the Victory Loan. The following officer® were elected unanimously: Honorary presidents, Mrs. F. W. Nickle - and Mrs. W Cochrane; = presidents, "Mrs. John Macgillivray; vice-presidents, Mrs. J. Carson, Mrs. W. G. Jordan, Mrs. H. A. Lavell, Miss Muckleston, Mrs. E: T. Steacy and Miss A. M. Machar: recording secretary, Miss Ida. Ron- an; corresponding secretary, Mrs. W. H. Dyde; treasyrer, Miss H. L. Chown. Standing Committees = Agricul- ture for women, Miss W. Gordon: Citizenship, Mrs. S.C. Calvin; Con- servation, Mrs, J. Macgillivary ; edu- cation, | Miss Hensthidge; finance, Miss H. 8. Chown; hensehold econ- omics, Mrs. J. C.. Connell; immigra- tion. Mrs. P. 'C. Stevenson: laws for the better protection of women, Mrs. (Adjutant) Smith; professions and employment for women, Mrs. D. G. Laidlaw; public health, Mrs. W. J. Crothers, . Jr.;- supervised play grounds, 'Miss English; suppression of objectionable printed mutter, Mrs. Kennedy; organization of woman La- bor, Mrs. J. Carson; taxation, Mrs. James Rigney slice BONGARD, RYERSON & Co. Local Tt Is Giving a Fast Wire Service to Patrons. Bongard, Ryerson. & Company are now located at 237 Bagot street. The office is at _ present be- ing renovated. .Previously there was the one department for bonds and stocks. Now there is an office for both, they af- ford every facilily for the carrying on. of the business, Now the company has ample oc commodation fier both ladies and gentlemen, and the local enterprise should receive a liberal share of the patronage. The company has a special wire in its office, and is giving thé best pos: sible service. The firm is drawing attention to the fact that victory ana war loan bonds can be #old inside of ten minutes, and if you wish to make a purchase, the same fast service can be given, and the bonds will here for you the next morning. E. J. KALIEL Of Parry Sound, Ont, a 1919 gradu. ate in Medicine of Queen's University. - -- NEW MEN'S WEAR STORE Owned and Operated by Returned Soldiers--Aiter Veterans' Trade, Kingston is to have a men's wear store, owned and conducted by ex- members of the CIE. F., and it will make a special bid for the outfitting of veterans upon their discharge. It will aim to supply the returned men with everything they need in appar: el, at pr.ces that give the ex-soldiers full value for their money. The men behind the new store, which will op- en Saturday, Feb. 8th, are ~x-Lieut. D, C. Spears, C.E.; ex-Lieut. J, S. MacDonell, and ex-Corp. Chas. Hicks of the 2nd Battalion. From their personal association with Canada's fighting arfgy they kmow the sol- dier's likes and dislikes and feel that they tan supply him' with what be needs in the way of civillan clothes. Mr. Spears said: "This store will be operated by ¢eterans, for veterans. Our manager; ex-Corp. Hicks, has seen service overseas, as havo all the members of the firm, and we will stock the tlass of goods that will be most suitable for the veteran's trade, We belie bye that our store will gain the confidénce of the returnea meu and we will do everything possible to merit it, "The high prices now unecessary for clothing is somewhat of 1 saock to the man who has not been buying clothes for a few years, and be bas heard so much about war profiteer- ing that it is hard for him to get iver the idea that someone is profiteering at his expense, We hope to be able to overcome this prejudice by demicn- stiating that at our store the values lobtainable are the best that can pos. sibly be had, 'and ft should count in our Yavar that everyone conned. wip with the store is an' ex-soldier." pe um Harkness purchased three|y houses belonging to the: MeC Ley $2,800; situated on 0 0 Abernethy's + Men's Brown Calf Lace Boots, Neolin sole and rubber heels, medium, round and nar- row toes; all sizes. Also one lot Men's Black Calf Bluchers; round toe; leather soles. High School Girls' Brown Calf laced boots with leather or Neolin soles; sizes 3 to 7. Clearing price . . :....... . J 0, This is 4.85 Week at This Store. ABERNETHY'S SHOE STORE" 4.55 Sale Special clearing price 4.85 Clearing at . . 4.85 Mostly all sizes in this lot. .4.85 et A AAA tA lA ANA ll - 1} & @ =O GENUINE REDUC.- TIONS IN FURS AT CAMPBELL BROS. Removal Sale Big discounts on Furs, Gloves, Caps, Hats, etc. This is a bargain opportunity that may not occur again for a long time. Buy now and saye money. CAMPBELL BROS Kingston' s Oldest Hat and Fur Store. OTRAS TheWay t= ite oppo TheWay «| Better Homes -- Homes NOW OR NEVER Opportunity knocks but once. peat prices you secure this month. Nowhere else can you find such a magnificent stock so complete, and the opportunity. to secure such remarkable bargains at our February Sale. JAMES REID The Busy Store With Large Stocks Phone 147 For Service A Kingston Milling Co. Limited Manufacturers of High Grade Flour » We cannot re- "White Rose" and "Hungarian Patent' For fale by all dealers Canada Food Board Licensg Nos. 118 and 4-118