| fo EE ne rain F EBRUARY 8, 1919. _ BANFF IN CARNIVAL TIME |p -- = LoL pri] | [Countryside] || PREVIOUS RECORDS BROKEN r | Frontenac Sana THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY oT -- Te -- ---------- --_---- a ve NEW ASSURANCES MENDOWHR Assurances Issued and Reinstated - $19,135,750.00 Feb. 4 a, winter has been Increase over 1917 - + 2,650,347.00 fine for the mail carrier ka, make ae BUSINESS IN FORCE Se | has started with Mr. | . . " . . Era rounds. Sol bas sinited Leeman | Business in Force, December 31, 1918 - 108,57 4703.00 is 'cutting up his summer's Wood | Increase over 1917 - 10,444.072.00 Richard Wilson has some men work. | . Wi ing for him in the woods, The drill | : : INCOME cs is working again in the mines. "Mr. | Cash Income,~Premiums, Interest. etc. | 5,831,190.74 Bickford is the foreman. The "flu Increase over 1917 . - $B 722,180.11 epidemic has been checked. ASSETS ... . HARTINGTON. ai Assets at December 31st. 1918 . ~ 26,748,392.95 Feb. 5.--The Farmers Improve] Increase over 1417 . . - + 2,162,609.08 ment Society met in the club recom to discuss the Sdvisability of erecting ai PROFITS ALLOTTED TO POLICY HOLDERS building over the weigh scales Mr } . >. i Baer. and Mrs. Dan Freeman attended the | Profits set aide for Policyholders, Pay 82.4100 wedding anniversary last week of Mr | able mn - - - - - 410: and Mrs, Metville Ellerbeck, Pleasant Increase over 1918. . 129,927.00 I Tg Sr Jae, sumrLos Pe tonad. Jn.o8 ment ne aitor : 0 Re ey's and renewing old acquaintances. Total Surplus over all Liabilities and Cap- ) f ri joe is vig her som, : : , 2509 3 § bined in the bot sulphur springs, 4 3 i Sen. Lawis Lose Ie visting er 80 ital, according to Company's Standard . 2.502,29350 which gives one the privilege of T. eoyce, : Surplus on Basis of Insuranke Act - § 3,868,745.50 swimming out in the open' with the BARRIEFIELD Increase over 1917 . ©" "'198/155.06 th ometer above, or twenty below | Canada taking part in the competi. Feb. § 1 Tent -Col ' Smart and | 3 : ; Zer®\ in not tepid, but wari water. tions. - The Pony Ski races are, of tats have oe to veSaie in the GROWTH DURING PERIOD OF THE WAR The spirit of the Carnival willfconrse, on th amy have come to rel : YEAR BUSINESS IN FORCE ASSETS SURPLUS way throughout the [no doubt crea village and are occupying Willlam 1913 $ 80,619,888.00 $17.540,387.21 $1,470857.73 Anderson's house, "Willowmere town, and those who arrive at night | Snow shoe tramps equally as interest. 3 DT 7 2 8 | RC A \ Mrs. Norman, Jr., entertained a num-g 1918 108,572,703.00 26,748,392.95 2,502,293.50 will feel: the pages of many books | ing. as last year bave. been planned ber of children on Wednesday in| have at last become a part of their where lunch will be served gt Game . nn | BRR lives; for they are in a veritable tiny | Warden's Cabin. These tramps are honor. of het itl daughter, Alte, it] : BE miniature fairyland. Colored lights | conducted by men Who know every being Jor ephth bits ny ee Baw jare to be strung across the streets, |inch of the country. Masquerade Mrs. 8. Uray, Ayamere SN eed T e §idown the toboggan slide, and on the | balls bring the items on the pro ltors at R. Page's, Mrs. Parks, ci iu if rinks in thousands, giving the gala | programme to a close, Visited with Mrs. William Medley, | Insurance Company affect so desired, { Those who imdgine the world in "Hillcrest." Miss L. Marshall Mrs. | HEAD OFFICE, - TORONTO CANADA The ice palace will as usual be the | the mountalos to be a dead one in | = Corrigan, Miss M. Byron Rad ' fcentre of attraction. The style is one | winter, will have a pleasant surprice | Sergt -Major Noble all spent Sunday Which will be admired by all who see | Rivers, brooks, cataracts and falls are at Wiliam Norman, Jr's. Mrs | | Neverison and Mrs. J. Quinn spent! dt. Hundreds of lights shining all pursuing their merry course, as in 3g ¥ Cr, . | {through the biue green of enormous summer. except in perhaps very occa Sunday at B, Farley's, at the Gore. | M. G. JOHNSTON, Branch Manager, locks of ice, produce an effed: that|sional spots. The animals are ,mot {Mr. and Mrs. William Salsbury and) Kingston Can readily be imagined to be very huddled up inside their burrows or daughter, Naomi, city, spent Sun ml . lovely; and harmonious with [seeking shelter away from the world [at N. Stanton, Jr's. Born, to Mr. and| 3 nd, the clear blue te escape "this awful winter," but Mrs. Vankoughnet, a son. -- NY » mountains in the back: roam around as in simmer (exeept TTI yp -- the bears) deer, goats, Rocky Mountain Feb. 4 er avk on Tues . Those only in town a few moments | she , and coyotes are en, ai: eB Storm on os ANFF will again be en fete for its for the Mard) Gras, Pasadena for the | wy); suddenly be attracted by bells, | winter er evordl Va. a day has improved the roads, and a Ine Winter Sumbva), Jam | Roso Tournament, or Continental shouting, singing, etc. When their] Danft dead in winter? No ite few of the farmers are drawing pulp| ebruary 7th to the 15th. Those cities and towns when they are en eyes follow the sound. another spot deed, and ver soon it will be for wood to the station. Mr. and Mrs. J.| -- th A rs enough to visit it | fete. og the National Resort, will sr his Fairyland will be Teveatod {alive than or for istead of -- Perry are visiting friends near Napa-| WARNING COKE ORDERS during the Carnival last year, found goon be the centre of winter sports| Two rows of many colored lights and dreds there will be th t pee. Mr. Kushioner, Montreal, is Trvee and Row could (hey khan of cureamed of: in Canada, a5 Kristina fn. Norway, amir rh.oh, MAD) © the Toute of the seo the "Top of the Meant a ois? [ering ry exushoner, vicinity thi Yor dothe Sime. tn came and ONLY how could they know of the beauty of and Stockholm, Sweden. Why? It/tobaggan slide, - {Let those who come this winter en. week. William Head made a busi-| | ake Arran men VOL TAKEN this mountain resort in winter? Ask (is a perfect winter Playground, apart | 'Phe lst of amusements 1s a Tong | joy Naturs in ail the beauty of her MacooD to Arden Monday. Charles] | T*We still hav --on for a few any Teniont of Bong which ooh (from the wonderful scenery, and {ons There are the hockey and curl- | winter garb--ot enter into any of the MacGregor returned home Saturday re oa, ave rns, nd his answer will in-| many will want to see the "Top of ling matehes, toboggan races Snow | compstitions for the many lovely after attending county council. ™ total variably be "Winter® {the World" in winter. shoe, and ski races. The ski HAD the residents of Ba rs hiro "Sandy" Poy called at Jobm 'Mec-| Scmubile repair work 8 The James Sowards it will only bo a case of & very few | The preparations for the Carnival|ing this year promises to be one of ing. for (he \rue sport and joy of ~~ [Causland's on'Saturday evening. Ira, #beclalty. Coal Co. years till tourists arrange their trips | this Year are on a larger scale than [the big events, for a new jump cost- amusement; and those same people Marks, Toronto, is visiting friends ! Oo. ta take.in the Carnival at Banff: as previous years. . The aim is to make Ing five hundred dollars is being | will again be calmed as guests at here. Clayton Cole spent Sunday at} WAL SH P Phone 155 thousands visit New Orleans in March | Bangt a Winter as well as a summer built. Some of the best skiers in other Carnivals.--E. ©. McD. MueGregor's. - Mr. and. Mrs. James] | D, " y L TOP. , ; | & . 3 3 Na aA sine NIAAA eA renee. | WiSE Wee Sunday visitors at Joseph 835 King St. Phone 2185 Perry's. "Sandy" Perry and Theo-| - --- er sn na { ; hat : ili - "+=et | selves of their right of suffrage. woman to fly in a marine military | dore Thompson are home for a few = NEWEST NOTES Machinery belts have been made plane, 2 y days from GIlMour op, Mrs, |S r= Senn An om mn nnn oS 1 - ¥ in Europe of braided or woven paper, Through train servite will be es- George Hamilton and sen, Pte. x OF SCIENCE jbuilt upon cores of cotton, sheet] tablished between Paris and Athens | land, Ardoch, spent a couple of d / J f i jmetal or a combination of thread and| in May, bringing Greece several days . with friends ere. Rev, G. Richmond) : » wire. nearer to Western Europe » | ------ as far as) Cloyne, spent Tuesday at MacGre-| Some railroads in Rurope equip-|! Scored steam or = gasoline enginel travel is concerned. es . gor's. Miss K. Grey, Harlowe, is at] a. Toco cabs 'with Rares hats fo {crlinders can be repaired by a mew| Toothed . rollers feature a new | Drop Ag Corn off Wn Jr eT Sek, A, couple of weeks. | 2 X 3 3 AL | LF: ra ol absorb the vibration, which is said io | Process in which their pits are tilled! check protector which can be car- Then Lift Corn off With Michael Schwager, Ardoch, was an l affect the hearing of the crews. with an alloy that is fused electri- | ried in a vest pocket and with which over-Sunday caller here. A new electricall sropellied chair Cally. the 'entire Jength of a check can be ¥ : } e--a n ickl for invalids has Eire wheel in Sweden has prohibted the sale of perforated at one operation. ' FERMOY¥ Always Effectiv i d acts quic iy front to. enable it to mount curbs ANY commercial preparation contain. Experts appointed to study the Y : Fed. 4--Sawing wood is the ord-| " Relieves lame hel, se uIalgia. spring, Toa Hirses and other low obstructions easily. |IDE more than 21 per cent. of alco. | best means for enlarging the harbor | G2 i A er of the day in this vicinity. 'The toothache, earache, sore throat and other painful complaints : 0 ¢ Bens : Stops the Pain. Get ubottle today. Have it handy--has a hundred A process invented by an Italian | hol unless it has been denatured. facilities of Shanghai have reported \4 BE foads are in bad. condition for the : y chemist is sald to render cast or! A machine for measuring _adver- frecommendiag expenditures of from \ ow feldspar teams. Mrs Joseph Quinn pcs: AF dealers or wrife us. HIRST REMEDY CO., Hamilton, Can, wrought iron or steel proof against {Using space in newspapers or maga- | $40,000,000 jo $46,000,000. 5 who was seriously ill, is reqpvering| water, alr or gases indefinitely. zines by Inches, lines or fractions of The United States bureau of fish- ) nicely. Schoel is opened again, un- A new wash board is heid nearly | either has dfeq patented by a Rhode eries has employed an expert to de . der management of Miss stella] horizontal by a frame adjustable to)lsland inv : : velop the canning of varieties of fish Storms of Yarker. Some the | height instead of extending into a| Recent prtion of machinery to Inot now canned and to standardize young people attended the box so | tub and is said to lessen back strain. [deal with flax through all of its methods in common practice. cial at Fish [Creek Friday evening. An English chémist claims to have Stages Of treatment is regarded as as- Gold badges have been presented The young people of Fermoy . aad developed a malleable aluminum al- suring its production on an extensive 1g 108 women who for the,last two / Burridge are enjoying themselves! loy with the strength. of steel, but|scale in Ireland. . years have been doing war work at - immensely on the rink at wermoy. | only one-third of the weight of brass. For converting an oil automobile [the plant of the Russell Motor com- i This place has increased in popula-| For persons who crochiol, a we- | headlight into an électric one an in- Pany in Toronto, Ont. tion by two more families, those of | man has mvented a ring to bo worn | Yentor has mounted a lamp on a A large New York stock brokerage Harry Reeves of Kingston and Alex-| on a little finger, so constructed that | Pring wire to, engage the front| house, the first to open its doors to ander Quinn of Burridge. Mrs. Gib-| it holds the thread at an even ten-| flange of the headlight. women bond saleswomen, will try an- x son has returned from Forfar where sion. In some parts of India silk Is made | other experiment in the shape of a Li she has been taking care of Mrs. Pet- In India wood, meta! and ivory|{rom the cocoons of u species of branch office to be run exclusively by = er Botting. Miss Eva Barr. has re-| carvers begin to learn their trade at! Moth, Which cannot be reeled: like women, Drop a little Freezone on an aching | turned home after visiting friends in| the age of threo yearsy and become the usual silkworm product, but is Lady Biitheswood is considered to] corn instantly that corn stops hurt-| Perth. Harold Norris was a Sunday skilled ~ workers Ly the time spun Meals yase, a ahakar | D€ the richest woman in Great Brit-| ing. then you lift it right out. Itjvisitor at J. Quinn's. Mrs. Clark thepate twelve. In dump weather an shrsmer LRAKSE |ain, having Tuherited under io hh doesn't hurt one bit. Yes, magic! | Derbyshire and son George ai G. An inventor has brought out an damp weat RGF 2n inventor has pa=i of her aunt a fortune estimated ar Butterells. A few of the men attend- canoe that is formed by hydraulic tenod a perforated metal affair filled | g39 090,000. ed the county meeting at Verona. pressure from three sheets of veneer ig re absorbing material to] "wha tite czarine of Russia was an Leah Butterill spent the day in West- fastened together with a waterproof | U¢ Prats Tale Lait we {ardent collector of antiques and - - |port. Joseph Steele is visiting his glue. £ the Anited Seo rend, & member | found much delight in collecting y bFother, George Steele. Archie Barr 0 he nited States marine corps warming: pans, and at the palace in and Morris Shillington, Pish Creek Twenty-one million women in Ger. an 8 ! 3 many are eligible to vote at the com: apy. s Se he in the adjuta Ht And | petrograd she had the most complete called at George Beach's on Tuesday ing elections and it is claimed that i ipenihy aoe nn ashington, £0 15et of these domestic utensils in the 3 evening. The flu. is still raging in &t'least 15,000,000 will avail them-| 07s the distinction of being the first world. - Altogether there were nearly \ ih ii] this vicinity. | . ' ? 70 specimens. 4 es tin Fiche oo rn Miss, Isabel Scott, who is doing se- 4 ! - . »" a, «" eh . s Cretarial work in Washington, is saiq '« When a Child Droops to have the hest knowledge of eollo- \ guial French of any girl who has en. : : tered tlie United States War service, ~~ 8 - ud : Cr Miss Scott also did good work as a : : LE'S RESORT. Hurry, mother! Relieve the little stomach, liver and far soldier during the summer, : h : Ie ol bi Gertrude Scot spent bowels of souring food, bile and poisons. Look 'at the Ramo of 4a amtociatinn a Lin the "hs ' ond at her ome iu Sune: tongue! Children lovesto take harmless "Cascarets" be formed gland 'Those "eligible | jj, te of | 3 ar; Foals a Vitthens 4 : ie $1 Wives, mothers, sisters, and sufficie ris Ferg . Rockfield: cause Cascarets taste like candy--only 10 cents tos! duughters of all members of the ser. | (e0t sulciont vice, past and present. The object of the organization will 've $0 help]. all the niembers who Tioed assistance. in any way. ; RA ) The National Coungll of Wouen, ; Sasrncing | pt amet shine" | CTO oar edt" omsds, 5) UOTE sided baw CH 3 res League for Women's Sef. , Bronchitis, : hooping iy ; ; is a sovereign tonic ) ve properties of TAR and the strvngthe COD LIVER Oil. « Fy Teady to boll the smason's Of Sap Jawes Lov who been i, Is better,