Daily British Whig (1850), 8 Feb 1919, p. 13

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{ Fly THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY B, 1919. PAGE THIRTEEN . = a 4 " A SLUGGIS LIVER! |eNORANT OF WORLD WAR China exercises only nominal sover- os diy we ey hp y : 3 SE Sgnly. whe s ' i fos Tov abe 3 Hea h \ "Quarrels are- settlefl op horse- sublican Jhen. mm Are wed = oS ; Severe eada. : 7 ) Ee back by means of blunderbusses, ries oF MRTort os sed ' Z v : : ad cnes COMPRISE POLYGLOT NATION--| spears, bags of stones and broad exper haf nt gg as bold in- ! : HR ov, yd i v 8 E + v pr I. : hp ys {PORTUGAL IS ANCIEN © OF The duty of the liver is to pre VISIT BY MISSIONARY. svords. The enemies challange oae GAL 15 ANCIENT ALLY OF | S¥perimer educatiog had long Ia S| ol Re : B~- , other and at a given signal ride . SEL. suished in a land whe mild oli- [7 % pare and secrete bile and serve as a : , os £ ¢ IR R land whet i A fi 3 Paes 3 yer » Man Resident | Tull ti on small wir nies ac each Aly ---- 18 3 ariile soil i » for NN 3 o filter to. ihe blood, Ales Finds Every Type of 3 . ry po mate and a ferfile soil n i i mpE rites and od, Keating it of all There--Secm to Be Remnants off other. It {s seldom that both com-|The National Character of This Little { docility, and where the poor are A RECORD OF GROWTH AND STRENGTH 5 Healthy bile in sufficient 'quantity All Invaders of China. batants escape alive but the survivor Nation Has Always Been Mis. | much more illiterate than wretched. is Nature's provision to secure regu.| New York, Feb. 7.--Fifteen thous-| i required to feed and clothe the understood--Recent Death of Dr The' Spaniards, in their lofty | : AY 1918... lar action of the bowéls, and when and miles from Broadway, 'in the family & his dead adversary as] Sidonia' Paes Calle \ttoctt oa { pride, are wont to regard the easy- Insurance in Force - $15874,283.00 $17,398,195.00 the liver is sluggish it Is not worki wilds of Western China where thef!ODg a% ghey live and this makes : Jention 10 | going Portuguese as the 'rubes Ass 2 248.896.07 3 properly, and does not manufacture foot or a man never before had] duels' rare. In many respects thse Past and Present of the Small [of the peninsula. They have hasiped A ox ly 2.243,896.07 2,554,434.33 enough bie to thoroughly act on the trod, according to the Rey, Dr Joseph Soimhats resemble the tournaments of Southern Republic, {to spread the false inpression that Surplus (and Capital) - 191,809.19 209,595.36 : oa 's "Wy y Isoovered. (he SOG bowels and carry off the waste pro-ideech, a Je issionaty, Ii¥es i" Jndde Ages that whi! NCE again Portugal appears 3 aon hich pe els the Epidemic and War Claims all provided for. duets from the system, hence thea polvgot 2 { mote than Tr. Beech said that while he be- NOE agal {route to India, w can clair : . ; bowels become clogged up, the bile] 4,000,000 ; 1s, 95 per cent. of Neved frie had peneirated further in- before the world in a role Sauatiess rover Da Gama oo the CROWN LIFE INSURANCE Co., TORONTO stipati ) y " 4 here o.this section of Western China than or ; misre iv tmmortal poet Cameons and ean 3a ERR, birt ona te rho 4, 1" a shes anh hoo sen, Chins nhl J cry epee ae rio po aco 3 2% W. H. PENWARDEN, District Manager. * o £ - EL ar. I = a y i i 1, il aches, coated tongue bad breath Dr. Beech, who is president of the that he had not gone still further, : ¥ h r 1 holds nearly a million square miles > Be +}. * BUA) 1 2 "For my guide," said he, "said that|Pirations and ithe potent influences 'of colonial empire in Africa and heartbufn, water brash, bad taste in| Western Clina Union University atl ; Y guide, "sald he, "sald tha : . a ii ! Asia, and whose language, the idiom Nie mouth in the morning, jaundice, | Chengin, in the province of Szegn-|f0Ur or five days' journey beyond |which she has exerted on eiyilization. | f°Brazil. is spoken by i, 30,000,- floating specks before the eyes, etc.|uan, maintained by five evangelical Miers were trivasmen near Supgpan, In, the assassination of her estimable Pio people BD i ie Te 'lar rer's C at ¢ nel 8 ' 'who are just e you are.' . That, pr i h 3 FRE = . Miss Dian Clark, Myer's Cave, Ont.,} denominations of ingland," Canada ta $ Ju md like Ame and scholarly president, Dr. Sidoniawi focted light of Castilian history in Writes: 4] take pleasute in writing] and the United States, snd who re- Paes, it is easy 1 y nn E i i 1 4 ® ' . & is easy for the hasty-minded' southwestern Europe. Simple-mind- i concerning the good 1 have re-]re arive p arte a in| Cans. Their dress, conversation ahd * ro 2 : 8 . ; A you 8 re-1 cently arrived here to participate in mode of living, of course, he said,|to read an alarming commentary on jed country folk, indeed, many of the . Mention of a | Wine growers along the Tagus, the ceived by using Milburn's Laxa-Liver] tne sethodist Centenary, told of a on Bid h : i ' Pills for a sluggish liver. When my| journey he took alone, "with a native | Were characteristic of the country, er national character. Douro and the Mondego still are, Alver got bad I would have severe|suide, last summer far into th "How so many different types of much-advertised mueic hall star | i | . y last hel : i 2 as Meh Det oh y 5 8 aiid for that reason a certain amount |} ® \ headaches, but 1 got better after I uepths of the habitat of "the "tu-ren, people Jocated there Is a problem for calls to mind the dethroned monarch, | of pasily acquired political demagozy |i JustArrive 4 had used & couple of vials of your{or children of the soil," the strangest the Stinologist Resume eh Beech. Manuel II, now a resident of Eng- (has smirched "their ideals of self- . pills . = i people in the Orient.' cone theory Is that they. represented] * * ee , determination. But there were minds || \ Milbugn's Laxa-Liver Pills gentlyl™ nh doctor passed three weeks|all the warring tribal elements, that land. His father. Carlos, and elder i. {"¢toreeq in Portugal keen enough. . » hlock he gétretion, clon away al among the twenty or more ties have Howe Hite tiie outing ot A 2| brother, Luiz Felipe, were slain in a apd brave enough to serap an abso- || SUNKIST Seeded and Seedless Raisins. 3} Wasle dnd effete matter by acting di=l,, 50 rand, wh 8 a% inaccessible Cry vy the Mongols and Tar- pomp outrage. Ugly facts like thése | lete monarchy in 1910, when a new |ff ! rectly on the'liver, and make the bile as ae 0 Wiion rele while Ere tars, made their last stand in (2s na- have t oe. . the i Ke io. ! republic on the continent of Europe In packages only. Buy from your grocer. pass through the howels instead of |r \ 04 aimost every type of manking | tUral refuge between India, China Raturally 'cast ile impression | was truly a subject of scornful eur- {|i allowing it to get into the blood. _ including pygmics, men aid women and the northern part of Asia, that Portugal is a'little nest of tur- josity. It is profitable to recall this Milburn's. Laxa-Liver Pills are 25¢ resembling negroes. American In- -- bulent conspirators, a land as pesii- | acuteness of her statesmen, most of # vial at all dealers, or mailed direct dians, East Indians, Gurkas,. South Tribes Independent. ferous as insignificant. Evil needs no | them products, as was Dr. Paes, of on receipt of price" by The T. Mil-| 2 on i : "Each tribe is independent of the|_ } a 4 % {the venerable Coimbra University, Sea Islanders, Europeans and other : press agent. Recoi def it travels with : burn Co.; Limited, Toronto, Ont. races apparently from all four quart- other, all speak a patois of Thibetan i just now when new, clouds seem t : 'or| 3nd Turkestan, and their religion |Unlamable swiftness. Despite these |, coinering, . 3 Vr ers of the glotb. These people, ofl; "0 ve animistic or that of the|deplorable instances of political rest- -- -- : Saturday Night Our Big Red Letter Shoe he Too 4) eoiires; ie said had never been any-| oC les AE ; ! ! : ». MOS 'ous are essness, ) : ct pwr ope $ New Gdods Just Re- §| where cise than in tho country ef poitiiee Che BIO Bumerons are hel onl sioments of ertususe | TOOK CARE OF TURKS. y Fi : s . La found them, namely, jn a' region Lotos, which again are subdivided in- cel ; : to small ribes. prs hel character. : v Blot de sme 3 Nex o oo State, Der AH0ES, Siers are pr Great Britain has known this for | Important Task Was Given to Gen. At the ince of Kansu, the south Ys ek: gamous, These people, I believe, are Sentuies; accepted ~ almost aa G. N. Cory. 4 Uni Gr Yinan and Keechow, the cast hy|i¢SPonsive to. Chrisitan inuunencesjMatier of course, referred to it w The allied officer who arranged Vnique ocery STochnt Sd the eat by Tt and kind treatment and 150 mission-| Comparative infrequency. Rather |. oorrving out of the terms.of széchnan a ES vesL yy Gs aries would bring them the enligh- [contemptuous indifference to Portu- |g. ictice with Turkey was a Toronto Oreams of Wheat Breakfast , i 'oti gal and her achievements has been : » : a ment th so much iieed. Nothing ss m G G. N. Cory, D.S.O Barley, Graham, Oat and Beautiful Farms. has 'ev ~ ue f ol gis ng the most prevalent attitude of other an, eh. Do 5.0.. 401 Of Wheat Flour. BD, "I found a land of beautiful val-|Das ever been done for them by ci- Mr. Chester D. Cory. Not long ago 1 3 iia outsiders. The Portuguese are an un- i Smith's pure jams and leys covered with fine 'farms and yilisabion, the natives are farmers boasting race, and hence misconcep- Gen, Soy Nas appoinied Sy " : C H Pi keri homesteads," said the explorer mis- es Ia IV / ise tion of their ideals and accomplish- , SAT Of the British army in the Bal- . « FICKerng ie 83 or herdsmen. The latter raise N kans and as such he was the envoy sionary, "while towering above them ments has become chronic. At the 490-401 Princess St. Phone 530 weére mountains from 6,000 to 18.000 huge numbers of goats, hundreds of risk of repeating facts which are per- sent to Constantinople to arrange : 0 18.9991 thousands of which cam be seen on|.- , p the carrying out of the terms of the feet high. The frontier of the coun . : : fectly assessable (though persistent. t : the mountain sides. Recently, ot ly ignored), it is parl of fairness to armistice with the Turkish Govern- E Be AAA AA tiy was protected by queer looking| .... the Chinese have equipped their]. ; i ment, He went to the capital of the restore proportion to the picture, and stone fortified buildings, manned by |, ru hi $ y . 7 natives armed with weapons resem-| TO: With modern rifles, the Chinese| (his is done in admirable fashion py | Turkish empire on a destroyer and -. . . | have opened up trading with the 'tu- icle i hi : ,. | was received by an imposing guard . bling the old fashioned blunderbuss. y an article in the Philadelphia Ledger. ; 4 ren' and now vast quantities of raw "Unstable" Portugal can afford to | ©f honor and conducted in a Turkish It is not impossible that these peo- : ; i : 7 he 8 uot brains vill hen wool and hides are being exchanged.|jook with righteous &sorn on the | automobile to the leading hotel of ® . 4 'hi , i The Chinese, too, are utilizing some "scrap of paper" principle in.inter- | the city, 3 ger, for the Chinese who for .years \ Pp p ; There he was waited upon by the n 18S ee ww of the valleys to raise opium but this|ngtj 1 obligations. Si he four have tried to rule them admit it is: | h #tional obligations. Sisice the four- iz pol 5 erative. Pow : " 1 is done without the approval of the|teenth century she hasKept inviolate | Grand Vizier, Izaat Pasha, as head of - If Your Revuperative Power Seems |of better quality than the powder Peking government." treaty ties with Great Britain and at | the Turkish Government, and Gen. ® Have Left You, You Need They Make hemigelyes. d war Speaking of the possibilities for|least twice in the midst of tremen- | Liman von Sanders, the German com- ; AWIOug piticus an AT expanding trade in the- Orient, Dr.|dous crises with which she had no di- [Mmander-in-chief of the Turkish ar- i OC = a : like, and hostile 14 Soule kinds hod Beech declared China alone could|rect concern. In 1385 five hundred | mies. Subsequent to arriving at a x " ol and oo vol shelter-| ehable the great Powers to recoup|English -archers deipatched to "old | final settlement Gen, Cory took pos- ' most hosp a a their war losses. "They are hungry|John of Gaunt" assisted the Portu- | Session of the battleship Goeben. ed us. Huge smpke-stacks in their], a neviean goods," he said, "and|guese to win their independence from Gen. Cory was at one time on the = . TouMdy-and = arrow. fa ihe Somuupities gave hem the appear. the field is SI Nimited Tho. Chinese Spain in the overwhelming Yictory of Readquarters Slot the Third Div We want io thanl: ous a fries for + ' nce : '} people are ghly cultured, even|Aljubarrota, now commemorated in . S tis kin . iB gh I dha. gradual were cmploved solely for the ours | the poor coolies, and they desire only|the exquisite abbey of Batalha, one army siice he was twenty. He is a making our big etter Sale such a suc- | hill of ill health. of drying and curing vegetables, meat the Best things. China is rich 'in|of the most precious architectural grae a e OS PR. at cess. ' © Out of tume with everything? {ana fsb. which were suspended tier] Untold undeveloped resources. Make ems in all Europe. Gratitude for rr . A eer On aT > Mentally and physically depressed ? upon tier the entire height of the 1s possible to develop the resources this assistance ia prplountly dec -- n hea Pr aetted to the Seocnd Lack 'the desire to perform your |enimney E of China and the Chinese people will|ed the whole course of Portugal's an he was gap . ! 2 ] ra i history. Battalion, Royal Dublin Fusiliers, duties? Feel that. ] Lneed to be hecoiue-the greatest dferegation of The alliance 'was often strength- ! then station at Oriella, India. 8¥Vhen bolstered up, but can't tell what is ; i. p : ened, never imperilled. Tt has been | the South* African Boer war was ? the matter? Norman Architecture. said that Portugal of late years has | threatened his regiment was ordered to South Africa in 1897, and he was ® @ You need sick, nerve-building "The architecture of the country materially profited by British sup- fonlonont HAY §§ette-- | was distinctly foreign to China, re- port and thereby rotiined her hold |in the first engagement at Dundee i C ment of this view can be validly | regiment was refitted "and left that Today you should get a -box|respects it was not unlike the siruc~ made. bui at the same time it is { place' on the last train out, as did (Same price everywhere), of 'Phos-|tures of Babylonia and Palestine, sci " significant to 'note what Portugal | Gen. French, now Field Marshal ponol. Grain, for instance, after being har- ag | did?" In the two greatest armed | French. *The Scobell Drug Co., St. Catha-| vested, was threshed upon the Tools Ph ol XT Tieage struggles of hisiory. with whose Subsequently the then Lieut. Cory rines, Ont. Price $3.00 box 2 for of the nouses, just as in the Holy folic up: there have a public burning] causes she: was not originally involv- | was appointed adjutant of a mounted Land. The houses themselves are of ae 30 we all could have|®d -- the Napoleonic wars and the {infantry regiment under command of vd id nothing more than boxes, with per- rejoiced? : late war conflict--her sense of treaty |the present Gen. Gough, and sepved Curious wagers are not or haps one window 'from - which the 30 2 5 obligation was paramount. The | throughout the war. He was men- mon now as in bygone days. In 16 70, \ doors and smoke of cooking escapes. Dr. William Spankie, Wolfe Is-|5lory of Wellington in the. Penin- | tioded in despatches twice and re-|for instance. Lord Digby staked £50 ) SORRY HE "On top of practically all the eis ¥ : sular campaign owes not a little to | ceived the D.8.0. for "skill in han- that he would walk five miles round ! land's, Teeve. Is as_ conversant withln . cuese. fidelity. which per- ¢ dling his troops." He has the Queen's | Newmarket Heath in a certain time, SPOKE fortified 'castles' a flag was fown.] Re A € ) ad I was told these were 'prayer flags! OUAY seed potato deal irregularition mitted a base of operations to be | Medal with seven clasps .and the'| barefooted and stark naked, and lost / I scratched my and had ,no special tubal or patri- a iv . d = i + maintained in the fair little kingdom. | King's Medal with two clasps. by the narrow margin of half a 'min- face today. ienif Brery human body. And that Is sayfg @lgueer loyalty dictated Portugal's Gen. Cory comes of good fighting | ute, the King and all the court be- otic significanse. Every man in the|goo4 dea Fall 1 ry g E g $ ol It must have : part when she enlisted in the Euro- | stock, His father served with the |ing witnesses of ihe performance ssemed just like country, apparently, is 'a law unto ies F i 1 "i i Ha : pean strife in 1916. She has noured | 13th Hamilton Regiment at Ridge- In the latter half of the eighteenih A himself.' Bach tribe has its chieitian There is no doubt that municipal forth stcli treasure ar she possessed wor His a was a ap century a Liverpool scientist bet a » peeling a lemon, but there is no national head and elections would put "'more pep™ intof 4 coltant soldiers whose blood on- with the Princ#Edward County Regi- | brother scientist that be would read AA A AA AANA New Year's day and bring us to grips nobles Flanders' finlds. In the ruin | ment in the rebellion of 1837 while | @ newspaper by the light of a farth. A CHILD DOESNT thésArst day of the New year. which smote Gough's Fifth British {in the war of 1812 his grandfather, tng dip at a Senos of 39 igh Re ANY Army on March 21, 1918, the Por- J. BE. Lov rinei first scientist merely coated ihe in Odessa and Yarker might do. al;eyuese contingents also paid a tragic Jvhoiding U. : yal principles, side of a shallow wonden box with LAUGH AND P Y charitable thing by holding: a soclall yee tor their crponsal of freedom | game county sloping pieces of looking-glass, so as LA and bringing tozether its widows, | oo treaty pledges When the war broke out Gen Cory | to form a concave lens, 'placed it be- bachelors and old maids, who appear| yi. indeed a genevons people | was a major. He has since been de- | hind his farthing dip, and easily read IF CONSTIPATED to abound im those places. who have now ea haplessiy lost, an feorated with the Mons medal, the | the small print at the distance nam. admirable national pilot. Charles II, | Russian Order of St. Anne, the Greek | 4. The winning of the wager was you on your feet agen. .. ... dal casties of Normandy. In other stoadies your nervgs--one that-puts|sembling in many respects the tH The M on Watch on vast African colonies. Indorse- | After the retreat of Ladysmith the THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES Lixtrgordinary Wagers. 80 com- The City Coundil has at least aleapnily realized (his t5all when he Order and made a Commander of the | Witnessed by a' Liverpool dockmaster, a "| who ultimately applied the idea to lighthouse requirements, and evolv- ed the modern reflected light. . moral obligation In seeing that less]. + f Brag: : > M ' " R courted Catharine of Braganza and th by § 3 Look then yo ngs. Custed, contaminated water be furnished tol made her Queen of England. Portn- a Rt Dy Bis Majesty Ring George, se mach Sour? the residonts. 1t the aldermen do notigal was weak then, but she was as ally conferred upon him onl re few ii ' know anything about water, now i8faver lavish, In addition to a monc- months 'ago at king Palace About two years ago, during a Californie. '® a a € time to learn. tary dowry she turned over to Great Gen. Cory was several times mention- yachting trip of members of the Harm Tender Stomach or, Some clorgvinen. of "exclugly Britain Tangier, and Bombay, now | of jn despatches and promoted to his | Mersey Docks and Harbor Board, t "TRymen of "oxclusive re-| he choicest jewel of the whaie Brit- present rank about a vear ago. He Mr. A. W. Willmer, a leading Liver- Nglous rs Jong ago Seficd ans 'sh India empire. 4 nation eherish- | oo Gh England, agd ex. | POO! cotton broker. was presented : Tules wi pagula Hous of the oir ing such uncolfsht ifeals of honor pects shortly to visit Canada. oh Jals ot wooden shooe for his The Ton S000 RULE hundred | board offered to contribute a sum of sects when it pleased them. They A i d perfectly well? wore too big 0 be tied down by anti- SAVE YOUR HARR! The Remedy. money fo. (wo charities if Mr. Will- | YSars oun and pectoctly wel? y * quated rules, Discussing the infldenza epidemic | mer would go to the Cotton Exchange regular hours and always find some: rs i and - the many so-called influenza wearing them. For sweet charity's thing for my hands to do! It is a good thing that all the : 5 cures, a well-known authority says: [sake, Mr. Willmer appeared on ne musicians of the city are not out on 'i { "Isolation, warmth and perfect | 'Change wearing the wooden shoes, Jie uf e igi have ih Sing AA ha 'care aré the only freatment. = The |and the stakes were handed over to ymns on Sunday without e help a i so-called cures remind me of a story | him, 5 of the organ, : ] / about a grocer. , To t143 grocer a Perhaps the limit was reach® in Strong Enough to Do ---- " UA pafron brought back a pound of [a certain town in Canada, where a Homestead Dut The coming to town of ten thou- dn Ce butter. man propelled a green pea with a 3 uty sand pounds of tea must have caused) And "1 went to complain about this | toothpick for about 80 yards along ----- those who delight to gossip "over the 4 aps. butter. It's awful' the patron said. | the pavement within half an hour of Siducy Bent Gives the Credit to teacups" to clap their hands. . Coming ) "The grocer suiffed it. 'Smells [the stipulated time, and won his Dodd's Kidney Pills, : sweet enough to me.' he observed, | wager. --Tit-Bits, oe -- 'But it's full of hair,' said the hs ont Six V) Ago He Had Kidney Diss Bu f of hair,' ea fn Me tron. * i 3 ip : His Friends Said He patron. 'I counted eight or nine hairs Paper Clothing. = Not Live . How many people in Kingston boil! and E im lin it. Yes, sir, this butters full of derclothi made their drinking water? Hands up,| Thin. brittle, > SCEAREY | 1air, and | want to know what you're ern or ied paper, is now be- The nays carry by a very large ma- scaty: ur ; Te acted going ito do about it.' ling manufactured in Japan. | BR INR ian a " "Why, make it right, of gourse,' | the paper has been cut to a pattern, : 4 said the grocer genially, and .hé |the different ' pr Sidney Bent. Su reached wp and took a tiny packet | gether and t . Bete. Is telling knows from a shelf. 'Here. Hare's a. " \ (aera, bis friends of the of hairpins. You cn pin it back witli | ed are strengthe [reat benefits he received from using | 'em. us you go along.' To : 9 , Dodd's Kidney Pills. - : _ GFectings From the King. : The following cablegram was sent I by bis Execlleney the Governor- | p I (0 his Majesty the King: "1 rospecifully desire to convey io}, Majesty the best wishes of the | : Cy pada ---- York Tribune, has lived in | soDodds Kiduey Pills. Church Cemetery, which is within iheir reputation by curing kidney CH id diseases and the ilis that spring from : ; ' diseased kidneys. They &re no cure- But if you are su from Inmbago, back, betes or some other form of kid- " SRY on wg tI mae SR ey Sich ha 18 dawn, exhilarating and Wieproswolng prop! Lm) "Oatitorula Pig Syrap Company." mouth and shuts Wi ares: TT ang what ne does is another.

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