THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1919. cue Js ou or Ee = Saturday Specials | Cosmopolitan Out Today Satine cla o'clock ; SATURDAY Vosdieas Latest Popular Music . TWO FOR A QUARTER Hear all the latest popular, standard and operatic - played by Salsbury's Orchestra. h------ ww _ PAGE TWO an = or ioe, anthem ; vetions™ ® (Edmund ESTABLISHED 1859 EEA ge ay | | preache AY Furs pre ! Rn. "Nesbitt | Gask At | e choir will} ham Rich-} viodinist AT C.M., v's--Rev. John W y will conduet service . 'od "5 m.; Sunday schoo! ofitiers and st TRALE MARK, Miss | urgauisy| ar 1d ¢ ss Street Methodist Church | 3 Waddell, pastor. Ser- hoir leader! ? Sunday | Arg : RE ol, 2 1.; Epw Teague ¢ t reet Prince Re F. A ; tn INCIDENTS OF 1 HE DAY Prayer | LOGAL NOTES AND ITEMS or | GENERAL, INTEREST. | penings In the City and Vicinity ---What the Merchants Offer to the Readers of the Whig. Heinz 57 Varieties at Pickering's. | There was no session of the Police | ourt on Saturday. W. Swaine, plumo tuner, orders at| MeAniey: 8, or 'phone 564W, i- 4. R Donaldson, of Toronto, spent | couple of days in the city this week. ", 0 AF } Pons t Joga February dance in the | ' Li ots of lh ony e 1earty weleor t { 4." "A hearty welcome tol Dr. J. H. Bell, London, | city, attending the funeral of " fut fate Zepherin Gaudreau. st. James Clureh, corner 1 nion | The pave Trier will go to To- SPIT PTV a " SR, BA. rector. 8 am; holy commuac| (080, 0% Feb. 11th to compete in the --t {Ontario Tankard series. on hn a.m., morning "pe and} Rev. R, M. Stevenson, Stratford, | litany; sermon su ject, Reg) will preach in Bethel church morning ictro as the ool; 7 pam p.m. 1 and evening. Come and hear him. p.m., evening praye VIOTROLA XI, #irie0, a Ton E. D. Smith's pure jam at Picker- Fwo Fascinating Dance Records Oh, Frenchy--Medley One-step Meow. Che Step--Jas. Smith's Orcl.. 18511--90c¢ -- ~--and-- Mournin' Blues--Fox-trot Clarinet Marmalade Blues--Original Dixie- land Jass Band--18513--90¢ February Records on Sale Come in and Hear Them at Monday, BR Wedne ds 1y CIAMOND QUALITY p.m: ; 8pm Union Street -Baptist Church | Capt, J. A. Fairfull, . Bible FEBRUARY SALE tay < I 3 p.m; service, 7 p.m.; sub-| "Four Levels." Union male) McKay, tette will sing. Prayer meeting, | John THE FUR HOUSE Wedne ssday, 8 pom. A Boig church. | 149-157 Brock Street VALENTINES Make your selection now while the stock. is large. and best selected stock in the city. o VALENTINE BOOK SPECIAL Dere Mable and That's Me All Over Mable, 75¢ each. Two for $1.25. THE COLLEGE BOOK STORE Phone 919 Open Nights To-Night WeHave The largest p. me and enjoy the servic ! { t i | * First laptist c 'hurch, Syde 'nham fio Rev. J. ) §: 1 'Am, Funjet mM streets 5. .e .e Kingston was in the the ing"s. A. M. Rankin, M.P.P., was named as a member of the executive com- Bethel Congre gational Charch, cor- mittee of the Eastern Ontario. Good ney Johnson and Barrie streets jisitiee Assochation. Service at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Rev.| 'pay y's GOOD TRA for sale in King RM Stevenson, Stratford, will go, os MAHQODS DRUG. STORE: preach at both services A full at | in Napanee at Wallace's Drug Store tendance of the congregation is re . . a . "Teddy Holmes, 'of the Standard quested Sunday School, 3 p.m.; : re . | rot > TA a ; oF reportorial staff, left to-any for Y.P.8.C.E., Friday, at 8 p.m. Strang 3 . = ) . , ACLS | Hamilton, where he wiil join a and students cordially invited { newspaper staff. Hamilton is his old home Now is the thme to have your | plano tuned. Wa carry two expert tugers and will assure entire satis- faction. C. W. Lindsay, Limited, Felix Ras hotte, Tweed, came to < ; Where he undarwent a suc- ful operation, and from latest re- { 8 is progressing nicely. | We will rent you a plano, and at end of six months if you feel like purchasing instrument we will allow the six months' rental on purchase price, and arrange easy terms on bal- ance. C. W. Lindsay, Limited. Fire Chiefs Coming. Fire Chief E. Berthianne, of Three Rivers, Quebec, president, and Chief Pritchard, of Chatham, Ont., vice- président of the Dominion Fire Chiefs' Association, will meet here on Monday in consultation with the secretary, Fire Chief James Arm strong, regarding the annual meet- ing of the association, which will he held at Calgary. ---------- - in Stock Just Arrived Campbell's Tomato Ronp Oanipbetrs Vegétable Soup Clark's Tomato Soup. Clark's Vegetable Soup Distributors for Red Rose Tea--the Good Tea. Victory Bonds are the thing. Buy Them! W.R.McRae&Co GOLDEN LION Licerise No. 6-648 IN A AAA tp PA bat, | WHY WAIT? Have you ever figured out just how much you pay out in a year in rent? I not, do se, thiodre sult. will surprise you. At 'the end of the year have you anything else to show exe ers Chalmers Presbyterian C hureh, | corner Clergy and Barrie streets Rev. R. J. Wilson, M.A., D.D., mini- ster. Services at 11 a.m. and 7| p.m The minister will preach at] both services This church offers a welcome to strangers, visitors, stu-| dents and soldiers either active « service or returned b on popular Special in Silk Ribbons, including pale blue moire and also rose and black corded ribbon, 5 inches wide. Special to-night at about half price. Per yard .. . .25¢ Presbyterian Church, | The minister, Rev. W will preach at 11 am. Beginners and primary Sunday school classes, 1 a.m.; main school and Bible 3 pm Y.P. S., Monday, 8 p.m.; ho meeting, Wednesd 8 Strangers and vis- ftors cordialy welcomed at all ger- vices, Cooke's Brock street Taylor Dale, and 7 p.m, NOBBY BLOUSES Received this week a shipment of White, Voile Blouses with the new style round neck effect. k Sizes 34 to 42. $2.00 up. Georgette and' Crepe de Chene Blouses; Sydenham Street Church, Methodist Rev. W. T. G. Brown, minister. Servi 11 a.m. and 7 pom. Morn- ing preacher, Prof. William Morgan: evening preacher, Rev, J. D. Ellis; 2.46 p.m. Bible school and Men's, i S 2 o = r : : = ---- Bulding Lots 3500, me street, 33 x 132. $350, Johnson St. 25 x 110 to lane. $500, Alfred street, 132 x 132, on corner. 3175, Sr Stephen street, $400, Livingston Ave., 33 x 132. : oo complete list at office. McCann's i THE EYES | coirtribute | 80 Drock St. Phone 526 or 621 =| Club; FOR EVERYTHING need fo enable you to see CLEARLY For Syenything which ean possibly the comfort of eyeglass and spectacle wearers, FOR HEI PS from expert examina- tions io the smallest part necessary for repay wDeabng upon J. S. 'Asselstine, D.O.S. The Busy Optical Shop. 342 King Street Kingston, Ont. AEROS OEE puairikeuiaitadiidhddi dh hh ah Rh a aim gaa Ahhh Monday, Young 'People's Con-| vention at Queen . Street Church; | Wednesday, prayer meeting 8 p.m. | A welcome for stindents and soldiers. | Yo St. Luke's Church, Nelson street----- Rev. J. de P. Wright, M.A.,, B.D. Rector. Last Sunday in Epiphany. 11 a.m., mornihg prayer; 2.45 p.m. Sundgy school; 4 pan. Holy Bap- tism 7 p.n., evening prayer. Music, anthem, "How Long Wilt Thou For- get Me, O Lord?' Mrs. H. Horton and choir. Seats free. Strangers and visitors cordially invited to at- tend. Calvary Congregational Church Frederick George Mackenzie will preach at both services. Morning service, 11 a.m.; subject, "A Wondr- ous New Testament Gift." Evening service, 7 pm.; _ Subject, "God's Pro- vision For the Remission of Sins.' Sacrament will be observed at the close of the evening service, Bible class and Sunday schiodl, 3 p.m. All are welcome. First Church of Christ, Scientist, Johnson street, between Bagot and Wellington stréets--Sunday school, 9.45 am, Service, 11 am. ; subject, "Spirit." Wednesday, 8p. m., testimondal meeting ! public reading room, same address, open every afternoon, except Sunday, 8 to § o'clock. All are cordially in- vited to the services and the reading room. "St. George 's Gathiedraliy ery Rev. Q. Lothrop Starr, M.A. D.D., dean and rector, 78° Wellington straet, tele) e-2156; Rev. Cecil Whalley, SLAEBD., priest vicar, 164 King 8 v telephone 1444, Pifth Sun-, day after Epiphany. 8 a.m., holy! communion; 11 a.m., matins; preach. er, Rev. Cecil Whalley, 3 pm. Sun-| day school and Bible classes; 5 p.m.; holy baptism; 7 p.m. evensong; preacher, Rev. Ceell Whalley, > First Congregational Church Pastor, Rev. T. De Courcy Rayner.' Residence, 19 Sixth street. Phone 1796w. Services as. usual. The pastor will preach 11 am. "The Three Graces IH. Faith's Warrant," also Story for the, non 3 pin, Sunday School and Life's Fountation Recnas| Tandy will at this service. A, cordial invitation is extended to all' returned men, studegts and strang- ers. Rev. J. D. Elis, pastor, Public worship, 11 am. and 7 p.m; Sunday} school, 2.45 pm. ¥ JOINT STOCK COMPANY SALE Furs, Hats, Millinery With every indica- tion for higher prices on all the most popu- lar pelts, the low prices for furs of all kinds that we offer during this sale are proving very. -attrac- tive. "Yo BUY ITO-NIGHT There are bargains in each department of our store--not a single article reserv- ed, FOR MEN Winter Soft Hats for i". $1 All $2 Umbrellas for :.:. $1. All $2.50 Gloves : for $1.75 $6.50 up. st wera rr Corset Special at 98c. newest creations in flesh, maize, ivory, All sizes, 19 to 30. AA SP dP i z HOSIERY For all the family; popular priced. PICTORIAL PATTERNS FOR MARCH I A PANNE A lt NANG. Newman & Shaw 5 The Always Busy Store (McFaul's Old Stand) GOVERNMENT TO REFUND Fares Paid by Soldiers' Dependents in Retdirning to Canada, The CGovernment is to refund transpori@¢ion at third-class accom- modation ships, with correspond- ing rail transportation from present address in the United Kingdom or Europe to port of embarkation, and from port of debarkation to destina- tion in Canada. Refunds on this basis will be made to soldiers' dependents who sail from United Kingdom on or after Nov, 11th, 1918, and these re- funds will be made through the De- All $3 Hats for $2.25 LADIES' DEPT. Feather Mounts and Wings for 19¢ fee Wool Setts Hine _svove 100,000, cept in such instances as the Matter of arranging passage was handled through the office of the Canadian Commissioner . of Emmigration in London, in which eases refunds will be made through the Department of Immigration and Colonization. Claims in this connection should be | forwarded to the district paymaster. cn North American Zife Forging Anead. The thirty-eighth annual report of company shows marked eh en 8, © assets A Sea ard the $2,750,000. The liEroszess 5 t _-- or 9. policy. his year 'amount to over partment of Militia and Defence ex-}* Belleville 5, Kingston 8. Kingston "intermediates went. to Belleville on Friday and were de- feated in the first of the gaines. for the leadership of the group by a seore Of 5 to 3. The game was a fast and furious one, in the last period, On Monday ev- ening the return game will he play- ed at Kingston, and goals will count to decide the honors. This means #hat Kingston have to win by at least three goals to cinch the group. Fans in Kingston are of the opinion that they [can do this. : and was only won cept a stock Yselen rent re- ceipta. 4 The same amount if paid on a home would be giving you value for every dollar invested. Call at the office and we will he pleased to show you how to invest your money to advan. tage, Division St~--Detached frame, modern; good yard, $3000, Alred St--Detached frame, modern, $3600. Alfred St, -- Detached Brick, extra lot amd barn, $3500, E. W. Malin & Son Cor. Johnson and Division Ste. ee A a en sees BUILDERS SUPPLIES aneany Get reads for spring rains. Nothing like Oedar Shingles to keep out the rain. All other 'foofing materiald must take second. place to Cedar Shingles for ducability, comfort, appeargnes, cost, ete, S. ANGLIN & C0. Weed wo ac tory, Lamber Bey & Wellington he -- Ring. Office Phone 66, ah Factory Phone 1415 ke Jee Lumber, Cosl and Wood ess | Pe ! v N------