Daily British Whig (1850), 8 Feb 1919, p. 5

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1 The Four of the Horsemen Apocalypse "When the memories of. the men and women of this and the next generations are dead, thizg book will remain to keep alive a righteous indignation against the remnant of barbarism which posed itself as the apostle of culture. . realize the frightiul evils of the read this book." . » He who would rulé.of might over right, should, --Temple Scott, By VINCENTE BLASCO IBANEZ PRICE, $1.90. NOW READY At Uglow's 141 PRINCESS STREET Are you letting her go through Jife with poor eyesight? . Probe ably causing her pdor health, headaches and 'other troubles. * For Her Sake appointed, and she will satisfied. ) 1.1. STEWART, OPT. 0. wight" Speciatist.' Opp. Post Office Kingston - "The House of Better Glasses." neil REMEDY. 'Woeaknedses. BY LEADING CHEMISTS. PRICE IN ENGLAND. B38 £CLERC Med. Co. HaverstockRd..N W KED WORD 'THERAPIO #15 on MP APFIXED TO GENUINE PACKETS. LIBBY'S Asparagus Tips .. . Mammoth Green, large Salad Dressing ... .. .. tins 50c .80¢ (Coast Sealed Oysters D. COUPER $41.8 Princess St. Phone 76 TWO WINNERS Buy Victory Bonds To Keep the Huns Out. Then Buy Metal Weather Strips To Keep the Wind and Bnow Out. J. R. C. Dobbs & Co. Tel. 819 41 Clarence St. SATURDAY SPECIALS | We féature for the closing Feb'y Discount Sales of our Galvanized ware day departmental week specials. TIN WARE DEPARTMENT. s Reg. Sale Price Price 165 148 i o » Wash Boller, size 9-82.00 $LI8 Water Pail, 11 in 7 60 49 Mop Wringers, W Frame ... ... « + Mop Wringers, Irom Prame ... oo. soo 82T3 BRUSH DEPARTMENT Scrubbing Brush, geod size nnd quality .. a3 Bincking Brush, good size snd qua PLUMBING here Wash "Tubs 19% 2 <1 ity ... 00 25 DEFARTMENT Reg. Sale Price Price Incandescent Gas Inmp, complete with mani oma Steel Hrush to clean farnnces ... ... 81,00 Yoree Cup te clean zine Rines ada aa ell 40 HA WARE DEPARTMENT 1 Claw Hammer ... 55 a5 ad iy il] and the same THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1919. -- mf ---- ; SINEAD LACE | 4 AND WIN GROUP IN THE JUNFOR O.H.A. GROUT. Score Was 2 to 1, and It Required Overtime to Decide the Fonors-- A Big Crowd Witnessed the Match, In 4he junior O.H.A. game at the covered. rink on Friday night, King- ston defeated R.M.C a score of 2 to 1, and won the group. It re' quired five minutes overtime to de- cide the honors, Kingston is now champion of the local O.H.A. group. The game was quite a "thriller" and was witnessed by a big' crowd. It was marked by a good deal of rough play as both teams were keyed up for the deciding game, There was mo scoring in the first period and it remained for R.M.C. to make the first tally of the session in ths second period, but this was all the scoring in his stanza. In the third period MeLaughlin came across with a goal for Kingston, and both teams worked hard for a tally, but there was nothing doing. + Five minutes overtime 'was then played each way, in which Brown chalked up another for Kingston, and decided the contest. The teams lined np as follows: R.M.C.--Goal, Carr-Harris; de- fence, Boulter and Ruddy; centre, Ross; wings, Russell and Walker. Kingstorn-- Goal, Connell; defence, Baker and MclLauglilin; centre, Dev- lin; wings, Blute and Brown. Referee, George Vanhorne. Kingston Baskbtball Team Won. Kingston Collegiate Institute jun- jors soundly thrashed Belleville jun- lll iors in an Ontario Amateur Baskel- lj] ball 'Association game on Friday the Kingston Y.M.C.A The score was 47 to 17, was never in doubt. The line-up was: Kingston C.IL--Defence, Wilkin- son and Gibson; centre, W. Easson; evening at gymnasium. | forwards, Steen and Painter; substi- fitute, Drury. McCabe and forwards, Belleville-- Defence, Shute; centre, Hurley; Armstrong and Deeton. Steen and Easson, for K.C.L., were the stars and secured most of .the goals. A juvenile fixture was also played, between K.C.L and Y.M.C.A. juve niles. This game was also won by K.C.I. by a score of 21 to 12. This was a close interesting game, and Was contested. {ing 27th inst, at Mr. and Mrs. Segs- | |Sramme will be Miss Jessie McAlpin, REV. €. W. DE MILLE, BA, OF "'NAPANBE, ONT, Who will preach the anniversary ser. mons to-morrow at Brock street Meth dist Church, WEDDED AT WINNIPEG, Nuptials of Seaward Wilder and Miss Shirley Parrott. The marriage took place at Winni- peg on Wednesday, Jan, 29th, when Mlss Shirley Parrott, daughter of Mrs. N. A. Caverly, of this city, was united in marriage to Seaward Wil- der, of Stranrare, Sask. The cere- mony was performed by Rev. 'B. W. Thompson, M.A. \ Previous to her departure for the west, members of Princess Street Methodist church, where the bride was a most faithful and devoted member, gathered at her home fo bid her farewell, when, on behalf of the choir, P. H. Baker presented her with a beautiful caserole, while Rey, J. A. Waddell made the presentation of a dozen silver teaspoons, on behalf of the congregation. A host of friends join-in extending best wishes to the bride and groom. They will take up residence in Stranrare, where the groom is a prosperous farmer. --------------------------. PRINCIPAL DYDE LECTURES re's Plays in Chalmers Hall Friday Evening. 'A splendid audience assembled in the hall of Chalmers church on Fri- (day evening to hear a Shakespearean lecture by the Rev. Principal Dyde, Shoulil Treat All Alike Kingston, Feb. 7--(To the Edi- tor}: With reference to an article which I read in the Whig a few days back, re soldiers' dependents peing granted free ps ge to Canada since the armistice was signed, I was a resident in England for twenty-ong months up till June, ¥918. For ghite a few months 1 was continually urged to return to Canada, as once peace was signed 1 should have to remain in England at least two years. I return- ed. arriving here in July, and i cost $125 for myself and little son to get back here, which all bad t¢*be saved out of my own allowance, Had 1 stayed longer, as I wished to do, I should have been that much to the good. Why not treat us all alike? Is notfone soldier as good as another? They all fought for the same noble cause. It makes 'those who have tried to save feel that they haven't been treated quite fair. I'm sure there are other soldiers' de- pendents who think the same as I do. ~MRS. J. C. HUTCHINS, 2656 Sydenham Street, City. FIVE KINGSTON BOYS Will Be In Graduating Class At Tor- onto Dental College, ft will be of interest to know that five Kingston boys will be in the graduating class at the Torénto Den- tal College this year, They are Roy WW. Andrews, who is also a graduate gf the University of Indiana, Charles and James Stewart, Chauncey Dary- ean and Ruby Millan, This is quite a high honor for Kingston. Late Mrs, Charles H. LaRose. The funeral of the late Mrs Charles Hugo LaRose took place on fonday morning from the home of her mother, Mrs. John Dickson, 116 Ordnance street, to St. Mary's Cath dral, where a solemn. requiem mass was sung for the repose of he-soul by Rev. Father A. Hanley, who officiated at the marriage of | the deceased on June 18th last. The pallbearers were Messrs. Ww. Ahearn, W. O'Brien and Harold Mc- Carney, of Gananoque, and Frank Mullin, George: Allarfe and Harry Martin, of Kingston. A very beauti- ful collection of floral tokens were received, also a very large number 'of spiritual offerings, and in addis fon many letters of condolence. To Change the Bydaw. Market Clerk McCammon gwill ask the Board of Health to take steps to change the by-law respect- ing meat seized on the market so that what is seized may be destroy- ed if proven to be unfit for con- sumption. Heretofore when the market clerk - seized such meat it was destroyed, but 'ih police court on Thursdy the magistrate stated hat the by'law did not eover this oint; and permitted the gufity wner to' take the meat home. A Coming Event, Special efforts are being made "to raise money to build a residence for women students at Queen's Univer sity, Kingston, and the Toronto branch of the Queen's Alumnae is giving a musicale on Thursday even- y worth"s house in South drive, when the artists taking part in the pro- Mrs. Thomas Knowlton and Marley Purchased Seven 8S. Cohan, of this city, has, through the real estate agency of J. K. Carroll, purchased the seven Brock street between and Peters' places of business: Mr. Cohan intends turn- ing the second - floor of the three stores nearest Bagot street jnto an up-to-date dance hall, Stores. 'stores on Waldron's Safety First. A' farce comedy 'in three acts, C.M.B.A. "Hall, Wolfe Island, Tues- day, Feby. 11th, 8 p.m. Admission 3b6c, reserved seats Sle, (Formerly advertised for Feb. 14th.) Capt. Arnold Adams recently for-| warded to his father, Col, Adams, | Picton, two German army revolvers which he picked up on one of the battlefields in France. i Pte. Fred Cooper 'returned to his' home in Bloomfield last week aftor a year's service with the Forestry | Corps in Scotland. * | ' 25 YEARS AGO. [KINGSTON EVENTS : by Ny | C.J. Graham nas bought the Robinson property, on the corner of Union and Wellington street, ' and will erect two fine residences. | 'Owing to a big smowstorm there: 'were.no farmers in the market to- ay. > 5 of Queen's Theological College. hel Not one stage arrived from the Speaker was introduced by Rev. Dr. R. J. Wilson, and' gave a number ofistorm readings from the plays) country to-day owing to the snow- Capt. Mallette, -of the barge Re- has accepted a position with . , of Ogdens- _ Business is 'The bad wi OS Men's Brown Calf Lace Boots, Neolin sole and rubber heels, medium, round and nar- row toes; all sizes. Also one lot Men's Black Calf Bluchers; round toe; leather soles. Mostly all sizes in this lot. High School Girls' Brown Calf laced boots with leather or Neolin soles; sizes 3 to 7. CleariAg PrICE .c 50 ins ch oti 0 0 This is 4.85 Week at This Store. ABERNETHY'S SHOE STORE Sale Special clearing price 4.85 .4.85 Clearing at . . .4.85 © ey 1 Qo = O (+) GENUINE REDUC- TIONS IN FURS AT CAMPBELL BROS. Removal Sale Big discounts on Furs, Gloves, Caps, Hats, etc. This is a. bargain opportunity that may not occur again. for a long time. . Buy now and save money. CAMPBELL BROS * i Kingston's Oldest Hat and Fur Store. very Aull in he city. |] eather is responsible. Waterman Ideal We have just re- ceived a shipment of these Foun- in Pens, with fine I ==. TheWa to pr Gr -- _eteriomey NOW OR NEVER Opportunity knocks but once. - We cannot re- peat prices you secure this month. Nowhere else can you find such a magnificent stock so complete, and the opportunity to secure such remarkable bargains at our February Sale, «" ~~ JAMES REID The Busy Store With Large Stocks ' Phone 147 For Service TA Kingston Milling Co., Limited he Manufacturers of High Grade Flour "White Rose" and 'Hungarian Patent' . For sale by all dealers Canada god Board License Nos. 118 and 4-118

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