Daily British Whig (1850), 8 Feb 1919, p. 7

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1919. : PAGE SEVEN AE Te R AN D "Opera ZA EG TO-NIGHT | » he People's Forum re' Stun tseins Coneili EREEEENAEEEEENAEY EEN NR ARNE Bernard D ALY 0 0 | CONDENJED ADVERTISING RATES AGENTS WANTED. facorpornted 1558 Capital, $3,000,000 Reserve Fund 6,588,000 In the Delightful Irish Play ! wo ach com re FOUND . - 5 .. . | rat maerton, 12 = orn to Ralf | RETURNED soLDIERS AND OTHE HOUSE AND LOT, 4480 BARRIE. ATV ing "His ! ply on preavises A Joint Savings Accoun may Ne opens: 1 rent a word. Minimum charge for make big' prof se > TWO FALSE TEETH ON PLATE ronto in the n of two orf more deposit ¢ withdraw money, In case go the survivor, A convenle nt account for | : > i , tre ; bias ----rs--------e----CSR-------- | ome insertion, 23¢; three Imsertions, OE Works" War Outfit . on Rideau street Owner DOMINION EXPRESS MONEY OR- 1 Sc; six $1; one month, $2, Winst SH iy ROPE may have same by calling at ders ars on sale. in' five thousand insto 2, A BUROR OF HEY anh SEWING MACHINE, ALMOSY | * ™ have same by ealling at SENUER * - a IF { HELP WANTED HISTORY OF THE WORLD MW. AR BY | W Office new. Wil sell cheap. Apply Box 0 or < Toronto. 1 fallen : IE Vivew vai me a Inni # iA PRESSER WASTED FOR, MONT. fn the War" by celebrated . Can- A GREY LINEN VAD. BELT, 18, Whig 'Office. earn ee St > Whig Office & throughout aCunpda, < 30 Apply at A refreshing dramatic romance, gomer) Works. adian Colonel Nasmith. Mammoth aren a. Do trae) 2 FISHING TACKLE THATS FIT FOR lay of smiles, tears snd joy. 0) To se ---------- x boGK; three hundred illustrations; RED FOX ON fishing, Ko to Frank W. Cooke, play" : : {A GIRL TO DO BUSHELING. APPLY great money-maker; sample Daok 'y. Owner may have 29 Clarence street, opposite Ameri. * % HEAR x. DALY EN eniko Montgomery Dye Works, foe oXadiey-Uarrestdon, Brant- 2 by calling .at Whig can Congulate. Telephone S91w. "Relieve e « ose Kad -------------------- Ia BY y . { 8 as . Young Charms," Hide nnd Seek," [A LADY TO WORK IN FRUIT STORE, G BATS "CHEAP WATCH ON . "Rast Inmamtallen . "Call of the) Apply 128 Clarence street. AGRNTS---N EW JY ENTION >t ge 4 "Barrie near Princess on 4th. GENUINE SRAFRONOLA, AND sn. "ow "ow Dn 7 | Sn is -- ------ tr ---------- waorld--waonder shemica stot . 3 ur OwWy aloe = one Ie lf he Green| AN EXPERIENCED COOK, GENERAL, one Tub over rain, snow blurred Owner may call at I3§ Queen Belo on: Sour $1 or week, ©. W. "nd anthers. highest wages pald. Phone 1878, auto windshield, street car, or e streel Jdindsay, Limited, 121 Princess St. > s ' he, Soe, The, £1.00 gine window; presto! +3 ay i PRUE SEATS NOW es me EXPERIENCED HOUSEMALD, clear 34 hours: can't blu rts FOUND ARTICLES ADVER- . . Chateau idere, 141 King St, making $120 weekly J GEORGE B. 'M'K AY, MANAGER. 0 PHONOGRAPHS : n " ~ gr 3 FANS city Mig. Co. Dept. 108, Toles e TISED FREE v BANS Two or three pianos in %- SNE 2 TR th tet 2 ARR. Anyone finding anythis that have pr en used, at a bargain. MAID OR GENERAL HOUSE- AMAZING, NEW INVEN (TON, ae ht J. Rodger, Jew Princess bd work, Apply Mrs, Dr. Gibson, 85 | velous addin mach Re : £ edcli the owner ma) ; % al ms 01 a e William stree $1250. Adds, subtracts, multiples. 0 3 porting the facts pe > The Qdver- divides Does work of $304 ma- t The waver om FOR COUNTRY; NO chine Five year guaranties, OI- : D 2 inted In this . y . g we SOLID BRICK HOUSES, 117 AND We have for sale on the York Road about 5 miles from i objections to one ehild. Apply fices, stores, factories buy from rg : 19 Wiliam street; large yard, city, two farms adjoining, each comprising about 50 acres. i 3 u e Box 600, Whig Offee. pie to {osen. Sv ry demonstration 3 stable; alsa B square piane { : ¥ 2118 ite cfc rial offer ot @ sO Both have dwelling and outbufldings. We will sell either one - aS sells. i v r 1 \ in -Arst class con on pply for $6,800 A GENERAL SERVANTS MIDDLE and exclusive ter v Dept. 260 William street. for $3.500, or the two together | or i aged woman, preferred; 'one t at Catcumt rpors n, ire ST. - ahaa. leaving country. fmmediate possession. Property I O DAY ] can cook. Apply 90 Barrie street. Rapids, Mich WE HAVE GOOD SECOND-HAND must be sold. & FOR. THE SUMMER OR BY THE furniture, buffets, charg! and tas » * . ) . y Vivian Martin year, @n unmargied man accus- WANTED GENERAL ON SATURDAY EVENING, FER. 18T, VN Duy atl Ride of Suini- \ tomed to farmduE. Apply to Couns 9 on" Pain € binek and stoves. J. Thompson, 333 J K CARROLL AGENCY ty Registry Office. in or near Barriefield, one black ture nd street Phone 1609, « Doe 5 fur robe Finder please leave at is St > ------ MRS CLASS Ss ELM LOGS, | § 56 Brock Street. 'Phones 68, 8T4W. i I FIRS ASS oi or at J. H. Bab- Post Office, Barriefield and recedve " = wf I} AN EXPERIENC ED COOK TO G0 TO cock & Sons Mills, Odessa, BW : | WHEAT SCREENINGS AND RBUCK- a 1 hig? > heat for chicken feed--dn buyers' nipeg-----way paic ughest = - whe or chicken fee 8 Y ag References required. Ap- {1g RENT, HOUSE OR 8 OR 9 : . " uy bags at Commercial Elevator, ply 75 Lower Uniog street, Tele- ™ fo ny of Ban unfurnished rooms LOST OR STOLEN. James Rachardson & Sons, Limi- 5% : * phone 1332 y v- to C. M. Nash, Collins Hay, ted, Princess street, Kingston, Ont, G.W.V.A : hone 1107 1 : . Ved hs AN ENERGETIC ; MAN TO DISTRI- iimrminaiomitmismimitib titiimameine | Bl AC K AND WHITE COCKER SPAN- ] : TE (Incorporated) take orders for big house- F : UNFURNISHED ; answers to name of "Floss."|{ FOR SALE, CHOICE YOUNG STOCK IN General Meeting--Mondays at 7.30, £ y. "$6 to $10 per d ay re o rent in good local-| se return to E 4 Siberd hares, the wonderful new Public Dapces--~Tuesduys § p.m. to t ¥ ldiers preferred F. ity Apply stating particulars tq Lower Bagot street fur-bearing animal. Also brood 1, Pince George Hote i Wig Off does. At reasonable prices. (Best 1 am, B 8 68 n Iver , . 2 tn . "AN black and silver greys.) Guns, Chapter, LODE 2nd TW o F URNISHED ROOMS; ALL CON- , . . hd el To - Gladys Brockwell In i N FIREMEN, $150-$200 veniences; with or without board, | $ A o S JEN. O'Driscoll, 4 Garrett street. monthly; experienced unnecessary; b y a your ng man convales ing Jromy If you went to your work yo» a, v - must study easy, nede ssary instruc stckness, on King stree Y TE COLLIE WITH BROWN SPOT |p » 4 with your hands tied, and con- Er tion; send stamp. Railway Associ- ity of Locomotive Works. betore| WHIT COLL IE WITH B= WWN SPOT] rARM oF 100 Ac RES oN BAY SHORE 3 T 1 ation, care Whig Offce. Tuesday. Apply Box 700, Whig Snort" 1 ae BATDOMNg sane § Jules Wes: ol Lelioa my sequently could not do your D -- rad Ofice port. Anyone ha be ing same two houses, one renting as suin- duties, your Boss would "fire" ance IC estra o ' BY. MARCH. 1ST, CAPABLE HOUSE. | remem es a. SRer WE bolic Wii 8 Prose mer cottage; and gowd, roomy mail, willing to take children wou ---- Lawrence Upper barns. Has ideal water ffontage you youn: high Tv as oy 24 William St. A on premises, Manson Smi But. listen==you go to busi- Geruia A. Rudetille,: viellniat, fors | hay Ii C | in evening to Mrs WANTED--OLD FALSE TEETH, | © = Mla a call LL Tm ---------- ~ i 1 ernld . andelife, olin or | ed Nick 130 Earl street don't matter if broken, a 2 ness every day with. strained merly of the Strand Theatre. Open for C apin om y - aE : frp to $16 "per. Tt. Send by mw © CARTING SOME OF THE BIGGEST ADVERTIS. eyes and deficient vision. Is it engagements for say number of plecea, 5) IN' AND POSt and receive check hy return | -- er ers to-day sometimes use a litle fair? You can't see right, and J | latest music. Phone 778 or 36 lower sewing at héme; whole or mail, F. Terl, 403 N. Wolle St. | advt. like this. A baohe onl] dt & py it ww Rulon Street. C t Events dre time: good phy; 'work sent Baltime Md PHONE C. ANDRE, A UNION CARTER, postal will bring you full partiens as'a result you can't work eA AA Ay urren y distance; charges paid. Send , ---------- i b4w, or call at 35 Charles St. jars about this department, British right stamp for particulars, National ee Ta J 2 Bo waig Publisning Co, . Yr ng po : Manufacturing Co.. Montreal SKATES, SKATES, SKATES, SHARP. . 3 » esr ie ames. ------ ened, hollow ground, and put on| NANCE Dén't neglect your eyes, but LIVE MAN. WANTED-SPARE . TINE whie you wail, We are also tak | pi glo - ---- IATEMAN'S REAL BSTATE AGENCY. 0 ai a ¥ ing orders for bleycles to be va have them examined now by or steadily--sellng sur guaranteed cleaned and stored for winter, WHEN ORDERING GOODS BY MAIL $3500--SUBURBAN _ VILLA BUNGA- our optometrist. Offers will be received until Feb. T NIGHT trees and plants, Quenit free, lb George Muller, 371-373 King St send a Domiidon Expres Money a A improversents: ' ( ) eral commission. » ro = rE mam Order - 11th toe the purchase hat luge Company, Nurserymen, Limited. ER ck no TIRE pn bn stable aug 2 3% aor ied fone tye, SORUGE St hamon May Wrown Nurseries P.O, Ontario. TO LET. ni i C3 NI AKD IvvEsT. 23 building lots, all facing on ellington § v Sess May rt te ~ FRONTENAC LOA - ast inspection by appointment, | Emmy Wehlen In SONG WRITERS: SUBMIT YOUR BEST |kvEN ROOMED FRAME HOUSE, ON r Society: incorporated 1 bay bandings sag gars . = 1 . . - song poems now or free examin- Livi ston enue to let by Mas we President, W . Nickle, KU,; 339, wr er Reply by letter to Pr. Garrett, B23 | Sylvia On a Spree ation and advice. Valuable book- |, new a ey Avena 2 president, A B. Cunningham, po BRICK HOUSE, 10 ROOMS; ALL ®. Johnson Street, City. let explaining our original methods ; Money issued on city and farm 3500 RICK. HOUSE, 24 RO OMSL ALL : AA AA A A AAA AA C 1 1 BI k 11 In for, somposing music, Sop stabil STORAGE FOR FURNITURE; CLEAN properties, municipal and Joumy ahr. : and ctHtanng ree public in, be { jebentures; MOM gAReSs \pury ased; 500 n & - Bi 132 Princess Street NOTICE ar y e ackwe - sent free Knickerbocker Studios, ahd FA Apply Re Na then, investment bonds or salon deposits 4 TERESSED BRICK HOUSE, ALL We Are Eyesight Specialists A vacancy having oc red Ju we | The Beloved Blackmailer 500 Galety Bldg, New York. { Jredived und interest allowsd, K. R prt office of Chancellor of Queen's yer- - ' NE x Anger, ' 57 "| 0000~PRESSED BRICK HOUS sity by the death of Dr, James Douglas | . , |THERE Is GOOD MONEY IN SELLING | emer CLASS ROOMS AND BOARD | ence street, Kingston ~PRESSED BRICK HOUSE, ALL Bete Pn «A - we will, in pursuance of the Constitu- | Big Vv Comedy pire ry stock under present con- "all improvements; centrally loeat floors, good garden. Rear satrance, : tion of the University Council, attend ons, We want reliable sales ed. Apply 243 Brock street. | Beautiful location, et #t the office of J. M. Farrel, 194 Ontario agents for unrepresented districts. | civenroor., LONDON AND GLOBE! 1. " - ky < < < Wednesda Feb 0 pay, exclusive selling rights Fire Insurance Company. Avallabl es 's treet, Kingston, on We Ts MON., TUES,, WED. for alioted territories. Write im- | FURNISHED HOUSE TO A FAMILY wmssots $61,187.21. In addition ta | 2300--HR 10K, ... BIVSE, ... IMPROVE. 3 18th t, at 4 pan, for the pur Wi Siinary of yecetving aomination for | ~* mediately. ~ Pelttm Nursery Co, without children. Centrally lo- | which the polleyholdérs nents, a FLORIST new elecflion to fill the sald vacancy. Viola Dana In Toronto, eated. Apply Hox 40. Whig Office, | security the unlimited lability of J R. BRUCE TAYLOR, ----- - ~ { city Property, insured at lowest | 1700-DOCBLE FRAME, ¢ RrRoOOMN AxD Vice-Chancellor. possible rates, Before renewing three rooms; on easy terms, LA » A LARGE PACKING HOUSE RE-|g/ » 14 ivi busi 70 Wellington 8 J. M, FARRELL, 6 } = E- | STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN old or giving new business get -- Frexh cut Hu Welllingus Era) designs ' Registrar, Queen's Uniyersity Council, THE GOLD CURE" quires the .services of a real live and dary. McCann's Heal state rates from Strange & Strange 159 WELLINGTO PHONE 8308 Sak wed: houy 0 Uut AAA A Ate ANAS AN A ---- progres salesman 23 to 2% Agency, 8§ Brock St. Phone 32% Agents. Phone 326 or town en pr rig be gre | rn years old for country territories or 6 A ---------- AN NENA, 1¢ Good oppogtunity for one Who has 3 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. ' QUALITY .e initiative and selling ability. Re- i LEGAL SPECIAL FOR ply in own handwriting, statiog| FURNISHED, A LARGE FRONT RED BLACKSMITHS BUSINESS; TOOLS, SATURDAY t ECONOMY 1 { age, experience, salary expected room, all conveniences bly in RAN ITIY o INEES: eins, { ane : 1 3 i A ---------------------- personal description, Box C. the evening to 313 U nivors iy Ave, | 4 > hi B., CUNNINGHAM, BARRISTER ply W. D. Bartels, Inverary. Col = ¥ . * - Pot Roasts 23¢ to 25¢ a 1b, {|i o Can, Wig Ollie Tuy Phone aw. | ana solicitor." Law' omos, ib Ciwr- = The-- Rib Roasts, .. .. ..28¢c-a Ib. [|i "GOLD BOND "alg MUSIO Devonshire Creamery 35¢ a 1b. DRESSMAKING STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN, | } kville OC me . { tn -------------------------- dry, airy rooms; your own lock AN, . = FRUIT AND CANDY TORE Brockville Creamery. . 56c a 1b. Hi VEGETABLE MISS » RICHARDSOX, DRESSMAKKR, key. Frost's City Storage, 29§| DENTAL > | MISS MARJORIE LAMBERT, TRACH- Grape. Frat oh y FApBies INSLIE'S Ww. SOUP having Jfesumed business, solicit Queen street. Phone 526; res. 98% | B®. KNAPP, B.A. LDS. ¢r of music. - Puplls prepared for in . orders for fall and wint . | v 3 > and Spanish Malagn Grapes A estern Addros 103 Altred street = "OrK i DOS, office 250 Princess wiregt. Toronto Conservatory extmination, 4 Address 459 Barrie street. Lema Det Pears TWO UNFURMSHED ROOMS SUIT. Phone 652. rong fv ir iy Meena kinds of nuim Meat Market able for light housekeeping, alse! Mome mude candles, Orders Cor. Princess & O Stree tins for 25¢ Ask PERSONAL one furnished bedroom: rent mod. | $ NG. PR Sered esis Sisy Susus; (12 tin : ok Fe Rw TEAM on song 6 pan. Jr, | __ UOLTaRNG G6 Princess St, Near Phone 133 for it. A DOMINION EXPRESS MONEY OR- . . ! Streets. Phone 1678. JALL OR DROP A CARD TO W. J. / King St; Phone 273 y der, Yor five 'dollars costs three Gavine, upholsterer, 216 Bagot Pnts. street. Canada Food Board License Nom Sein eter me) | EEL FUSS DEPARTMENT. X83 ALWAYS hus SpARKS AND SPANKS: DEN] tT Ee Fruits, $-1020; Candy, 11-410 £laq to hear from anyone ware tists, 159 Wellington RAL over | y A ------------------ er - : MAT, MOLES, WATS, muTnuAmd| 4F, une clined tdordaing | Uiovacys, vhots sur | BUSINESS CHANCES WR n em- 3 i . b AU lshes removed permanently, Witn- ee ae help you. British | | out scar; 30 years aSpesience. ox a I PAINTING. 2 ER HERS SPECIALS FOR RAnAROME Mahogany Furniture, Wimer J. Lake, Ear | 2 I RETURNED SOLDIERS AND OT » : make bi rofits sellin History SATURDAY Magnes Upright Pllue, ele. Eth Throat and gh Epeciatis i TH NURSING {SIGNS OF ALL KINDS, BRASS BEDS of Wo a war." Distinguished 223 King street, Seducsdny, eb. Bagot street. . and Shandeliete refinished. W. J. adign Authorship. Outfit free. Vey "5 . arruthers 0. PANG ve 6 Matoghny and wainut parlor piccés. | WARRY IF LONELY, FOR SPEEDY| RIVATE NURSES. EARN $10 TO #35 358 Albert street Winstan Co. Toronto. 500 Ibs. Cholee Roust 23¢ to 20e Wilton and Brussels rugs and carpets, matriage try my olub, very sue. a week. Learn without leaving, mahogany antiqué sideboard, extension cessful: best, largest in country, home: Booklet free. Royal College ARCHITECT MANUFACTURING COMPANY WANTS 20e to 35¢ mn Ib. table and chairs, emérgency table, established 12 years, thousands of Science, 709 N-1 Spadina Ave, 3 a live representative for general Drippings ... . .25¢ Ib. British plate mirrors, silverware and wealthy wishing early marriage: Toranto, Canadg. | POWER & SON, ARCHITECTS, MER. agent, fast selling line; must have Sale on to-morrow. Call and cut gimssware, cutlery, china. a Ca fonfidential rc: id | ghants Bank Building, ' corner) $800 fo deposi. Hox 23, Kingston nee n pie e iC fe 1 ; Our stuck. avengers: fron bed springs, mahogany Madison, Oakignd, Calif. HELP WANTED MALR. i Brock and Wellington Sts, hig. writing desk, hall rack and chairs, { whiint couch and Ottomans, Happy | MARRY 18 LUNELY; FOR RESULTS | CHARLES QUICK Thought range. Jewell gas range, gar- tr me: best "and most successful] PEACE WORK AT WAR PAY GUAR: | 112 Cle St. Ph 2018 den-tools, hose, ste, 'Home Maker"; hundreds rich wish .anteed for three years. Knit urg-| T8Y one Allen, the Anctioncer. Telephone 232. marriage soon: strictly confiden. ently needed socks for us on Wood 'Board License No, 9-5088 tial; most reliable; years experi- fast, simple Auto-Knitter, Ahhh ath hhh i hh TTRINGSTON | COVERE N COVERED RINK ~HINK a Snee; deseriptione free. "The Suc "particulars to-day. dc stamp. MEDI ATE ; HA cessful OClub~ Mts, Purdie, Box Auto Knitter Co. Dept. 3de, 607 : x ; Don't you think it's about time : 556, Oakland, Calif. 4 College St, Toronto. RAGE you am Jour thoughts: Ante ) Sutin? = HOCKEY Match i Wi : § The only proper winter care of any battery. Con- aan, sin, em. Sie 1 Fres]) but Flowers commomises WiLL FARM STOCK y battery. a Sorel sult us---explanation of our trealmen Belleville vs. Kingston NOW BE NECESSARY AUCTIONEER you. will convince MONDAY, FEBRUARY 10th important. tant Principles of Leaque| 1f you are golug to have @ sale it win | NICE STATION Game enlled at R15. Admicston soc. 1 Probably SuSE TTS Ey te Amer WILI ARD SER Reserved seats Soe extra. Plan "tek Mon- Har ; a A ia i a 19 Brook SL. 1. LESSES, Prop. "Phone 1340 wate bela after 3 pai, Monday, Paris, Feb. 8.~--Conferences held Loi ADMINISTRATOR'S by the members of the commission . on the society of nations have de- veloped the fact that in order to ) > Tourn an agreement compromises | 1 am instructed to sell the following wi necessary. ns are | propert) av owne ws jo. n that some of the compromises af- Phera : oman & Kingston, portant principles, and . fect im there | A a Cattior, Gents Pur: views Sorta roperty, stock. hn: Hig avery. Hkelhood" that those Who | hoayind sive. M> OBrien. me merchant. thi: | Flemrents. eto, Wednesday, February expected: "0 see a league formed: i ropes ty 8 situnted in one of fat 2. Sack Pogn Bt WG renldenc RGD would have absolute power (o | particuiars pn a Fh is a i Pe = Et don Brock street, Kingston. , fronting taining 130 | The Sompromite over compulsory [on ova avis of, ul | i) tfo pbably will be attack | tar tam, tos cas vy mw a8 . ee anys Terme 1 or fovther Jay hon Tary a ply to T a Seijton, sam Administrator, Ho No pickle parc & bay Solicitory for ale or my Auctioned,

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