fs __THE HE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, F EBRUARY Y 10; 1919. rAGE THREE TINGS OR OUR READERS LEFT BABY AT ORPRANAGE -- ~ - H Amateur Finishing ji ¢ | PRESENTED IN THE BRIEPEST TWO MEN DROPPED THEIR PRE- Probs: Tuesday, fine and moderating POSSIBLE FORM. | CIOUS BUNS SYD Rav avAY [20m (TTT EH h Was Deserted At § n- 9 | : The Whig's Daily Condensation of, 0 rl Orphanage dg ew the News of the World From Tele-| urday. Night--One of a. Sisters if ® graphic Service and Senipeie] Noticed Two Men Running Away. Exchange. Wrapped up in a couple of pieces Best Service i ' Spartacans . control Darmstadt, {of Sauvel rs Soa woehe: yg pun! > ory street fighting has| Poy was lel 8 ~ | = Best Results Nera iain y eres: Bgniieg - Marys'-on-the Laké Orphanage, on P 3 i The black plague is reported to be| Saturday night, at '7.50 o'clock by Best Prices raging in Kovel, the Ukraine, because | tWo men. The men after laying their "Now if you are an of lack of soap. precious bundle on the steps, ran photographie amateur Hi r what more could Shipyard workers in Kiel have|a&way, and up till the present time, = you expect? You can also pro- Ji struck to prevent foodstuffs from ' their identity is unknown. -- eure the ' 1 reaching Government autherities, As is usual in such chsem of baby y : i ) Many Canadian products are find-| desertion, there was nothing on the nNRLT FILMS a i ing their way into Argentina and] baby that would lend a clue to its ER credited as exports from the United|identity. The baby was discovered |== BEST CHEMIOAL SUPPLIES States. by ome of the Sisters at the Orphan-|= The greatest "White sale event in the history of this progressive We are splendidly equipped Municipal barracks stores will, be age when she accompanied some J : h h h k h ddi 1 f to supply the returned soldier § forested shortly. throughout Paris in ' E store continues throughout the week with additional news o savings ' | vith articles h ay need to which foodstuffs will be sold direct . At Bests le. CITI cet. yithe thy vo Coneamens. T°" baby, she noticed two men runming|ee daily. Below we enumerate a number of attractions that sh The position of the Russian auti-| away. The police were notified, but [== egu i The Popular Drug Store . Bolshevik factions, in view of tha|tie men who left the baby had ample [= make instant appeal as in each case the price is away below r lar OPEN SUNDAYS Cuff Links Soviet Government's acceptance for|time to make good their escape. . a joint conferemce at Prinkipos is re- Mrs. Smith, police matron, and|S Scarf Pins garded as untenable. John Pollie, inspector for the Child-|SS : Rev, Joseph Fennell, of 1357 Dun-| rer's Aid Society, were notified, and | S== Pocket Watches das street west, Toronto, died sud-|they made arrangements for the care | == $ 3 denly from a stroke of paralysis Sat-| of the youngster at the Infant's Watch Chains urday. He was born in Cobourg| Home. The child was kept at the Watch Fobs. elghty- four years ago. Orphanage on Saturday night, and ' ' "Tie report that British warships was taken to the Infants' Home on Fountain Pens now off Oporto will prevent Portu-|Sunday. ¢ |guese Government vessels from bom- It may be that the baby was barding the city is untrue," it was brought from some outside place. The officially stated at Lisbon. child is reported to be in good health A President Wilson has been forced and doing well. All kinds of fresh vegetables a to abandon his proposed visit to Bel- specialty. . glum. It is understood that in the event he returns to Europe he will accept the Belgium invitation, War Service Gratuity : An International wage law and 210 Division St. WW. edding Marriage 'prohibition of + pauper" Tabor, are Questions Answered Rings Licenses. Proposed in a memorandum submit- led to the labor committee of the f = J Peace Conference Saturday by Am- The Whig will be pleased to answer pra Se presomtatives. do.| MY auestions on the war service "MILL ENDS" overnment has de- . | H BROS cided to install gn airplane service|ST8LUNY for soldiers. Letters must 400 travellers' samples of linen pieces which include napkins, ® | : n |= | PV TTTYY YY Riau with Ue Strangest To CTL, Daas | rT thniala wil "be Weed 18 tea cloths, doylies, centres, runners, etc. Mostly hand em- HUDSON BAY Jewelers a their roteeny oa hy the Germans{ j.p.s--Permanent Force men whol broidered, for a great clean up sale at less than pre-war prices. ance Company Limited Toronto's great packing house con-| entitled to wer Feature Priced from 50c up to $5.00 each. Sale . Half Price PIRES INSURANCE flo with. tho decision. of the Domin.| Lone 48 Yet beau made for men 1000 yards of "Mill Ends" of white voile, lawn, nainsook and French organdies, priced regularly at 40c to 75¢c a yard in » fied with the decision of the Domin- returning to their permanent force Beau oftics, Roya: Iogurance Established 1840 lon Government to build a million} nits on return from overseas, 4s at ; lengths from | to 7 yards. Saleprice .. .. .. ..... .29% AAAI AA ANANNINII PSII ISS INIIIIIIIIIII. ! dollar cold storage plant at Montreal 8 . INN, present all permanent force men are Ontarts Broach Torente in connection with the export busi-| members of the C,E.F. The service ness in meats and dairy produce. overseas counts towards pension. Ww. H. GODWIN & SONS Prep dieey J.V.W.--Payment of the war ser- I a \ vice gratuity was commenced on Feb. Sweet, Innisfallen" at Grand. th, and will be continued in the ro- " y "Sweet Innisfailen," which was + . ©" [tation in whichyapplications were re- presented at the ' Grand on |ceived. You ot ry entitled to the dif- Saturday afternoon and even-|forence between four months' gratu- ing betare large audiences, i8|ity at $70 a month if single-or $100 po «crude © a melodrama for, monty if married, and the amouut the starring of" Bernard Daly, of post-discharge pay you received. R modelled the Irish actor and, singer. Mr Mrs, G.C.--Your hushand is not 4 res 2 pnel w hale To entitled to any war service gratuity. : of his 'talents. re M i NY, =etiings in "Swiet Innisfailen" and W-M., Kingston--The payment of CREPE DE CHENE ' HABUTAI SILK : 200 yards of untearable Japan- 200 yards of white habutai ese silk crepe de chene in wash silk. Desirable for waists white., A special value at and underwear. Reg. $1.00 a $1.75 per yard. - yard. : Sale price ... .. .. .. .$147 Sale price .. .. t r service al i thie dialogue ae distinciiy Insh, he war s ce gratuity in the case } of men taking vocational courses and but the production drags at times. |qoes not commence until after the " Mr. Daly filled his role of "Larry{ course is finished. ; . O'Connell" most effectively, and R. 333211 wy ! : Re ired sag a number of Irish mclodies in Say Shiasn A served in to E Strips Pa his sweet lenor voice. William F. |. "payment of war service gratuity. CLE Se Ee REE 2 | Sheetings, Cottons inens | To Keep the Wind and Snow . in thelr distinctive Irish roles; titled to receive a further $236 in war | == 9 i LEOPOLD ORL) Ovens saommemmmeeng tne Wy Wy showed themselves to be splendid - = HW. F. GOURDIER scien. bo Ri ives ad ici ; : orrest was a pleasing Irish lass. ---- - . J. R. C. Dobbs & Co. ole The other members of the cor: |E In Great Quantities at Remarkable Prices. GERMAN "FUNK HOLES." Tel. 810 41 Clarence Bt. i pany lied Shaje Toles Hall Dur-§ - ry 76-50 Brock Street. Primrose, vaudeville' artists, gave Men Who Engineered War Took No [25 § WHITE COTTONS the musical numbers in place of the Risks, -- 5000 d f th fi t domestic and im rted cottons, made orchestr: = yards o € Ines Rd po Be oh of the finest yarns in soft needle finish, to be had at these Gag h Gro | Kaiser and his general stall is dis- = e' Ss § as O06 i Just One Week Behind. closing some extraordinary queer |== rices: ry The O.H.A. championship race facts these days about the men who |== Pp 19¢ Co Gore and WwW ngt ts lin the intermediate and junior ser- 36 inch white cotton worth 25c a yard, Sale price . "i flies h engineered the world war. Take, for oi elli onS fl winners "ving poem Gceiorsd. in ' 36 inch white cotton worth 28¢c a yard. Sale price .. . .23¢ {| winners having been declared in |one, Hindenburg, Germany's super- Another Big Week of Bosch. limeaiase, hoc Eroups in the inter: | man, around whom reams of poetry 36 inch white bridal cloth worth 30c a yard. Sale price . 25¢ mediate, and one in the i i 100 Bags Potatoes (No. 1 White) i ote. week bonind ae inuior just have been written. disclosing him as 100 pails pure Lard (3 Ib. each) ... .. i This is splendid progress, when it|® fearless Napoleon leading his 100 Tins Crisco (3 Ibs. each) ... ... ... ..0 ..... «0 is considered that the extremely | {roops to victory. As a matter of BLEACHED SHEETING 100 tins Crisco (1 1b. each) ... a mira th i fact, he spent a great deal of time Celery, Green Onions, Lettuce, Bananas 80 far this winter has helq wp toa] in 5 wonderfully construcged "funk 300 yards heavy quality 8-4 plain bleached sheeting, with a li hole," or dugout, underfeath the [th ane in many districts whet ll, A oe 5 fine, even, round thread finish, A special value at 69¢c a stuff. : Spa, it may be noted, is almost : ao eu es slr Ee a on the German border and so far |== . yard. Sale price . ais ud Sw ve 0 from where battle lines used to be Appointed House Surgeon. § that it I t ad i i ceived his deggon s{ Gusens, has log | 1480 Motor car to, ge within sound PILLOW COTTONS ; he bi iser, t i in Bric ic ae avs to has been. ap- Sad 'similar hadi. places at Nea: E 500 yards of plain bleached gillow cotton, full 40 and 42 in- | Hales Hospital, abet whos oe Sch aye (B - ches'wide. Worth 40c a yard. Saleprice .. .. . .. . .33¢ benefit of motion Let us have your orders early. Quotations on application. Zagaded fou 108 .b t their villas |S== i Sa pol al Kid ching Vu psd bis, Us saad, iliousnes 'here ware delicate oieeirical insirs- =2 § TABLE DAMASK 1 A aking whenever 55 aitblane a = 300 yards mercerized table dink full 66 inches wide. 18 Cured vx yroached anywhere near. At the = hi itha fi tin finish, R $1. 75. 's Lumber Yard HOODS PILLS irst sound from this contrivance |= ; splendid Wearing qua id wi a hne sat ee: $1. 19 Hindenburg and the Kaiser used to |== 2. run to shel Felt ih ted. People Sale price . huh daha ue ll Ti | IIH Hl 5 he d costs for the id Siting ot A AEE $861.35.