THE: 'DAILY BRITISH WHIG F RIDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1919. - IAI EA AN pring np Sat Up in Bed NOW AND THEN To Rid Yourself of To Get Her Breath La Grippe, Colds éé y Three y ears in | Palpitation of the heart, shortness NEURALGIA, HEADACHES, ete. use of breath, inability to lie on the left . | side, feelings as if smothering, op- DoMItoN - By 9 9 pressed feeling in the chest, dizzy Tablets (in the red box cents, a Mein ison and faint spells, tired, weak, worn We H---- . out feeling, involuntary twitching of the muscles, sleeplessness, restless, 2 etc, all point to the fact that either malta at] By Hap. Henri S. Beland, M.D, M.P. - Copyright 1818 3 {the heart or nerves, or both, are oq No. s { 4 not what they shduld be. Any of ; these Conditions should he remedied a Stee Abd dbp bbb ddibdrrddbiiiiiititdiiididdd iri mediatels 20 as to wrong medied Cee on | CHAPTER XXXII (Continued). | Of the: underhand methods of |[Plefe breakdown of the whole- sys- Jue COOK MEDICINE co The Kaiser's only daughter par- {the authors of the plot and murder |'®™.. TORDNTD ANT. (Farmar'y Wie' aded in the uniform of a Hussar, lat Serajevo, imperial history will] Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills BIG SALE OF WESTERN BEEF, AT while her august father talked of [tell later. will bring energy to the weakened -- "keeping the powder dry." One§ The mass of+the German popula- fonatitution, strengthen and regulate J 2 = HOOD'S STORE he my ak 1 « (day, on his own domains at harvest [tion when apprised of these his-|the heart and tone up the tire : 3 £3 i time, he was seized by mad admir- [torical facts disentangled from all greistraimed rves: hemiail ation at the signt of the milliops of pan-Germanic camouflage will not R Mss. vi a1 hi ovat; C emica ig veo malin Eom p ears of golden corn. hesitate to stand as accusers of the Road, N.B,, wr on: have heen a S Round Steak _.~ ATLL 3] A "They remind me," he said, "of|real authors of the war; of those, oe Safferer Tom Serve troubles : nt Sirloin Steak . For Liver Ills | 25¢c [H} the ocean of lances of my Uhlans." finally, who were the cause of the {30d palpitation of the heart, whie ' Net Dripping, On another occasion, during a |colleetive aberration of the nation. |¥a8 80 bad I had to sit straight up in . p 4 t nih veal at Hw. prices. hunt near the French frontier, when| The flight of the Imperial family |Ped to get my breath. I could not lie ree 5 Also a nice lo! of 1 and A rR . yg H. Sargent, Dr uggist, Kingston, |the Kaiser was surrounded as usual|and the high officers to Holland |20 my left side at all. I tried doctor : . 1 1 HOOD'S, Corner Clergy and Barrie Sts. Ask about our boneless. Roasts of Beef ... by sycophants and toadies attired in|will not prevent them from escap-|after dector, also several different all the resplendence of their mili- {ing the abhorrence of the German |rémedies, but got no help from them. tary uniforms, the then Most High-|people. Can there be a more exem-|My mother insisted on me trying est allowed a mysterious word to |plary and a more bitter punishment |Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills. By ; 3 or TW escape his lips. Having half drawn lat the same time than that meted [the time I had used one box, I was ' 0 WINNERS his sword, he snapped it back into|out to a sovereign by his own sub-|feeling véry much better. I took in i its scabbard and exclaimed: jects? all three boxes, and now I am in per-| [i] 8 : No.1 ha Great. Inglish Rem . : "They tremble in Europe." A portien of this industrious and [fect health, and cam enjoy a good | A ; 'ones ho w Buy Victory Bonds Then he burst into laughing. frugal people undoubtely allowed |sound sleep, and can lie on my Jett oo | HER ra hen, ares aw Bload i a ha for Mth And mow came the decade which [themselves to be deceived by their {side without any trouble." dn Monch nd Brain bain of he t x, MX oh One wi piste 8 i Bie dp vo ty To Keep the Huns Out. preceded the world war. Germany [rulers who betrayed them on a pre- Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills druggists n Dinin phe on of rejected Great Britain's proposal [tence of defence; another portion are 50c a box at all dealers, or mail- v . § Med.Co. Haverstock! Then Buy Metal armament and halt for a while. land conquest; a few of them allow-{T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, . EE i on Bes New panphic mailed free, TW that each side should limit its naval [ylelded to the temptation . for gain [ed direct on receipt of price by The 3 Te Fl A Wats Convinced' at this time that her tre- led themselves, perhaps--Oh, hu-|Ont. Cemete Weather Strips mendous military machine was not|man weakness'---to be fascinated {only invincible, but irresistible, Ger- by visions of universal domination, A CALCULATION MADE To Keep the Wind and B Snow {many applied herself - feverishly to[but we are willing to believe that . : af Out. a mad rush of naval construction [the great majority were but blind |Cost to Allies $37.50 For Each Sol- ' with the object of making her {tools in the hands of an ambitious Gohl pellet Stain, RE ° shores intangible. The idea. was militarism. London, Feb. ~-According to the ~ J. R. C. Dobbs & Co. that in this way Britain would be| The Allied nations have won a puciiehed oMcial Sgkres, the 105ece George les. of New York and Mot. ~ . Tel. 819 41 Clarence St. kept quiet and Germany would be |complete, decisive, definite victory. |in Killed of England, rance, Italylreal. as he is at present (above) and " able to proceed to crush the Franco- [The last heard of the hydra of mili- and America were 2,293,887. The }as he looked thirty years ago. Another Line of Baby Russian entente and obtain conti- |tarism seems to have been battered |assumed aggregate cost of the war in er ' nental domination. From this to| own for all time. money of the same nations amounts The man who boasts of being Cutters. universal control only one step was May peace now be restored for [to approximately $85,000,000,000. Rolf ade Reobsbiy. beliayes. hay 2 required. ever among men of good will! But It has, therefore, cost the nations honest confession is good for e . . This was what the German mili- [in order to obtain this end, the flag [named the sum of $37,650 per sol- soul. 5uTad ol : . Iron Cribs Bassionettes tary caste had in mind--that is to [to be Moisted on civilization by the |dier actually killed. The calculation] Far-sightedness is largely a mat- These MUST Go say, the Kaiser, the Crown Prince, [League of Nations will have to bear |takes no account of wounded or pris- [ter of careful planning. and advance styles of baby -------------------------- and the 40,000 or 50,000 officers {in its folds" the words: ~'Justice, |oners. All. family trees are more or less > 1 19 Rheumatism When and civilians recruited from the no- Toleration, Magnanimity! shady. Carriages for, 9 tuitiage Thermogene ii bility, high society, from the pro- Justice, that is to say, punish- Deprived of 1.5.0. atica 5%) i x fessions and the educated officials. [ment for the guilty, for the crimi- -- ing - has Gra MH. Chest Colds 19 Applied! And the crowd---the masses-- nals, for the authors of . the A gyi Sime Jas 27 air Bronchitis Thermogene Fir} Iwould go to sleep each evening [slaughtering and devastation. Gingras, late Lieutengnt-Colonel of Neuritis Soreratos heat, blinded to the facts but convinced{ Justice, that is to say, restitution the 22nd Battalion, shall cease to be of ® Neuralgia rect retin #4 [that numberiess enemies were pre- land reparation. Justice, that is to member of the Distinguished Ser- a R J R d Backache through ~f [paring to pounce covertly on their {say indemnity for the millions of |% M€ 9 'hich hi int- ir | [) ° el Grippe i brood" fo Fatherland. women and children who are de- Ju Ondar, 16 hich le was appe nil A Sr. oe removing dasa au 4 81 ro. J ; Und k Phone 577 Tlie great hope of the German |prived of their main support. Ne ; 1s not 3 dye. sized bottles at all 4 rta es Govern: tro 1908 to 1914 was P And why, some will pe should | name shall be erased from the regis- | Sof lo not 8 de Philo Hay Co.. Newark. N. do ° Leading nae er 3% ne 8 9 ter of the order. m----- -- a ir, to get the war started without it|I speak here of magnanimity? Does Former Lieut-Col. Daly Gingras oe pa: Cul at germany. pro. [Wh The Sire, pecpie of the. most was cashiered after court-martial in E0000 But as so often repeated to us by [severe condemnation? Montreal in regard to irregularities : that fine Swiss fellow, Hinterman,| In-utterjng here this word "mag- in connection with the canteen fund == i fices of the Germans are easily | thought expressed by the leaders of Tt a oa seen through, And all the schem-|the three great Allied countries, on| The curiosity of Sfhers Suables ing of the events which preceded |the day following the armistice: | 50me men to make a good living. the invasion of Belgium, however Lloyd George, Clemenceau and clever it was, 'will' not prevent his- | Woodrow Wilson. tory from bringing against Wil. And as Winston Churchill declar- liam Hohenzollern and his entour-|ed on the 4th of July last, at West- age a verdict of guilty. , minster: "We are bound. to the The interview at Potsdam, on|principles for which we are fight- July '6, 1914, in which the Kaiser|ing. Those principles alone will astipation and fs kindred. ail and- the- Austrian "delegates took [enable us to use with wisdom and Paw . Plat or im into ac: ® |part; the ultimatum to Serbia; the|with justice the victory which we off the bile and refusal of Austria to accept the|shall gain. Whatever the extent of the Dowels, Don't be deluded ip very satisfactory and conciliating [our victory, those «principles would " lanswer of Serbia--and this with~ protect the German people. We out previous consultation with 'Ger-|could not -treat them as they have stipation cannot many---does not all this show that [treated Alsace-Lorraine or. Belgium thatthe; oh everything was decided on July §,|or Russia, or as they would treat only offer ¥ laforesaid. The rejection by @Ger-|us all if they had the power.' orar ~s many of the proposal for a confer- It is because the population of a' ence made by Sir Edward Grey, | country is composed for the most is a British Minister of Foreign Affairs {part of women and children, and purely vegetable the hesitations," the subtérfuges-- of | because we could not, without preparation. Na- Von Jagow towards Monsieur | stooping to the level of the methods Cambon, the French ambassador; | employed in Belgium, for example, the entering of German troops into make war against women, against Belgium daring the nig of July |children, against property. | it one 31---that is to say ay before | Justice will have a field of opera- reduce! To Su 40 44 50 longer the ultimatum of f Emperor | tions large enough, if it wishes, to a ve ao: William to the King of Belgium; | reach the conscious authors of the There is now & safe, sure. easy. the telegraphhic correspondence | war and of the deeds incompatible between the Tsar of Russia, King |with humanitarian principles and George, and William II, all, in- deed, ries on its face the stamp [contrary to international laws. of Gelitany's duplieity. (The End.) hr who was interned with us, the artl-|nanimity," TI only reflect -the [Of the barracks of his regiment. a stant cures. Bon. Tomorrow is the Last Day - --OF OUR-- " ter that the members of these regi- 'M POLICY OUTLINED ments would recognize the honor which had been gained for them by id their conffades in arms and that To get your car repaired and. ll'syNiSTER DESIRES BUILDING they receive these returning offi stored for the winter. UP OF MILITIA UNITS. cers and incorporate them into the regimental - « life, "Bvery militia Ford Truck for Sale, #4th Regiment, 47th Regiment, 4th | regiment should alm to be a centre of interest to which soldiers from Robi &Wiltshi Hussars and 5th Field Battery tof vargas will naturally turn for obinson hire be Brought up to Strength Now. comradeship and if need be, for $ The future of what is officially | assistance." 230% Bagot St. Phone 242 termed the "Canadian Militia" is] The minister closed = his letter with the following: "It is hoped =inow receiving much consideration that all returned soldiers. - even among officers at héadquarters,| though: they do not wish at present | . . and the result of their delibera-fto enroll in militia regiments, will Spoils the Hair tions is being very anxiously await- ascoeiale nemaeives with them and a ¢ advantage of their ; ed by the officers of Canadian mil active interest and prestige. Mean- IT yout want to keep your Bair ita units concerned. It has been | while it fs hoped that all ranks of |l0oking its best, be careful wha You the opinion of many that such units the militia will devote themselves a DS ne, Jropared 5 i A t -{In putting their regiments in order, 3 hs She 15th Regiment mh Rest increasing 'their strength, perfect- |¢ontains too much alkali. This dsieg ment, th Fie tery, 4th Hus-fing their organization, and gener. |the scalp, makes the hair brittle, an sars and the many other old fami: ally making ready for the import. |ruins ft. : cad i liar units, which in pre-war days|ant task which lies before them. Mi ot Jug for steady use oi [£ came to camp at Barriefield, would This should be a labor of love, and Rich att Fe ANd' groaseless), and: I have no doubt every officer, N. C. be discarded and in their place ything else you can pellet nde ne Holinlimadulel wee adniadion SB ake Advantage of 1 hese zation based on the units which This arly shows the intention] One wor two teaspoonfuls wills had served overseas. Recent de- nd scalp thorough- yelogments would indicate that of the department, and. (it will come [cleanse the hair a PD. ma , Jolution ton of a quéstion which (iy ply moisten the hair with RARER Sl a LS Sacrifice Prices fhe ar BE ET ai [ omorrow ky, bright, lustrous, fruty and |S SARE aiiilsiti , 3 WERE WE EE EA A ENE 0 returning co ne and to The Up-tothe Minute Clothier and Fursisher, 336 Priricess Street LOOK FOR THE. BIG RED SIGN |