i THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1919. ee ae ' ; r, Kitigston Mills, are thed her parents, Mr. and Mrs, | er, Strathcona. | John D. Moon, Napanee (for<} y Miss Bernice Bell, Kingston)! {wlll receive with Mrs. James Moon, | EE ---- -- Amateur Finishing at 7 9 Best's Best Service Best Results Best Prices Now if you are dn amateur photograplier what more could you expect? You cen also pro- Cure the - Probs: Sunday, northwest winds; faiF and colder [or the first time since her marriage ion Fe 19th > A. Anderson aiid Mrs. G.] Napanee, have been visiting = H i Miss hley Ibert street.| las Ashley, Albert street a a Ww - FROM 7 TO 9.30 TONIGHT We Offe (Notice--Hereafter, whe Whig, in common with other papers all over ' Canada, will make a charge of 50c. for inserting an engagement, mar-; riage or reception announcement.) + 0% a Miss Ethelwin MeGowan, Barrie} street, is the guest 6f her cousin, Mrs. | John McCoy, Pearl avenue, Toronto. | Miss Annie Saunders, Kingston, pg spent the week-end in Gananoque the hw A , : . guest of Miss Lillian Davidson. The Valentine ball held by the Mrs. Lennox Mills, Montreal. will G.W.V.A. in the City Hall on Friday spend the week-end in Ottawa to at-| Right was a brilliant event, and was tend the christening of her grandson, | in every way a successful and enjoy- the child of Major Mills. able afair.. There were about One| Mrs Geo. Nuttall and Mrs. Archie hundred and sixty guests present. Breckenridge, Gananoque, spent the The hall was decorated Very appro- week-end Kings- i briately with Valentine day fayors. ton. Refreshments were supplied My the | a8. Richardsen Chapter, 1L.OD.E. A Mrs. R. Keith Hiek3 Jett to-day for Seven-plece orchestra rendered splen- | Toronto to visit her' sister, Miss did music. The patronesses Wer | Beatrice Edgar. 1 Mrs. W. F. Nickle, Mrs. V. A. 8. Mr. and Mrs. Harald Davis left Williams, Mrs, G. S. Maunsell, Mrs. | this week for Newmarket to spend a Constantine, Mrs. R. Crocker, Mrs. few days with the Hon. £. J. and W. H. Macnee, Mrs. Constantine, Mrs, Mrs. Davis before leaving for Cali- H. F. Mooers and Mrs. J. T. Suther-! forpgh se land." A. flashlight photograph of the Principal R. Bruce Taylor, return- guests was taken. ed from Ottawa yesterday. ry Miss T. Valleau who was the Mylks, = William | goat of Mrs. James Stewart, Col- Watch Fobs street, entertained at a delightfully, owood street, left on Friday for party on Friday afternoon fro | Ottawa. Fountain Pens four unul seven in honor of her | Lieut. S. T. Whaley, who has just | Pen Knives son, Master Henry Mylks, who Open | oii ed from France, was in town THE COOK MEDICINE CO | : ed the door to his little guests, who b Fear 'Qa " FARONTA Adis. re Cigarette Cases numbered eighteen. Valentine Tor a few days this week. a '§ Military Brushes games of all sorts caused much | ---------------- Signet Rings Keeley Jr., M.0.D.0. / REST FILMS ne * BEST PAPER BEST CHEMICAL SUPPLIES At Bests' The Popular Drug Store OPEN SUNDAYS with relatives in "We aro splendidly equipped wk Bin to supply the returned soldier with articles he may need " complete his civilian outfit, Cuff Links Scarf Pins Pocket Watches Watch Chains | Mrs. Gordon A safe, reliable regulating : mere. Sold in three de- reed of strengih--No. 1, 81; | jo. 2, $3; No, 8, $5 per box Bold by all druggists, or sen: | repaid on receipt of price | re@ pamphlets Address --- merriment, and at supper time eacn | Miss Margaret King, Brockville, - little cavalier found his partner py | spending a few days with friends matching hearts, In the dining in town. 8 Toom everything was carried 'out in| Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Carruthers, || valentine style, even to the sand- ["Annandale," have returned home Wwiches and cakes being cut in heart |from New York. - Wedding Rings Marriage Licenses. shapes and the ices being red and | Mrs. A. W. Hepburn, Picton. 1s white. The table was most artistic, | visiting her daughter, Mrs. Acker- with the centre of red flowers and 'man and Major Charles Ackerman, candles and strewn over With Ottawa. hearts. Mrs. Gilford Reid assisted | Miss E. V. Greaza is registered at uo JO MpReS os Murray Hill Hotel, New York. i v Nursing Sister Lebénard, Kingston, The Queen's University science is spending some time in Perth. dance in.the university gymnasium Capt. and Mrs. H..N. McMaster and on Friday night was a great success. J aacin a Kingston, made a call on The gymnasium was a blaze of red | his brother, F. T. McMastér, Deser- and gold and blue, the university | onto. colors, while fir "trees were used to * +» provide cosy corners between the Mrs. Goldie, who has been visiting dances. An airplane hung suspend- Mr. ang Mrs. J. 8. R. McCann, Wel- ed from the ceiling and from the gal- lington street, left to-day for Ottawa. lery hung a splendid oil painting of | Mrs. W. W. Walsh and her daugh- 4 | the greatest achievement in structur- ter, who have been spending a few } al work in the world, the Quebee days in town, left yesterday for To- RE bridge. The refreshments were serv-'ronto. Hs ed in the gallery, where the Jazz | Capt. and Mrs: James Langley left band that, provided the music was al- on Friday for Ottawa. 80 located. The guests, who numb- | Hubert Ryan has been spending a ered 350, were received by Mrs. W. few days in Toronto. L. Goodwin, Mrs, Henderson, Mrs, W. Mrs. P. de L. Passy and little son, and Mrs. English, left on Thursday C. Baker and Mrs McKay. Remodelled "4 [for Quebec. Mrs. Edward Ryan and Mrs. Neil] Mrs. W. H. P. Elkins, Black were hostesses at a delightful [sailed from England, is tea at "Rockwood House" on Thurs- [home next week, day afternoon in honour of their Major and Mrs, Herbert Lafferty an guest, Miss Lois Scully, Montreal. have taken Col. and Mrs. A. W. Win- The tea table was most artistic-- |Uett's house, Bagot street, and are i flickering candles in silver sticks |®XPected in Kingston early in March, v * shedding a soft glow over a silver Sh. bas le vi i . asket filleg with geraniums of gor Constance Cooke left on Thursday Repaired geous crimson. Mrs. W. K. Ross 0 Toronto and Hamilton. afd Mrs. #Hugh Ryan poured tea an toffee while Mrs, I. D. Stevenson | Miss Bironach; Nota doing ! cut the ices. The girls assisting [oo 'transferred to the Sir Sanford . * in the dining room were' Miss Ethel Ként, Miss Gwenneth Merrick and Fleming Home in Ottawa this week. 76-80 Brock Street. "We have gathered this list of exceptional bargains from here and there throughout the store; the re-pricing is little short of remark- able and we would advise an early choice as in most cases the quan- tities are small. Jewelers Limited | Those people (and they | | . Established 1840 are many) who dread the ordeal of an eye examin~ ation are agreeably aston- ished to find that, as made us, it causes no pain, discomfort, or inconven- fence, MEN'S KHAKI HANDKERCHIEFS 50 dozen men's mercerized khaki handkerchiefs. = These make an ideal handkerchief to replace the old colored work handkerchiefs, which wash so unsatisfactorily. Reg. 20¢ and 25¢ values, to clear. To-night .. ~~7. .. .. 13 for 25¢ King Street, Kingston A Ast As a Nae And We Use No ! HAIR NETS + 190 real hair and silk hair nets in colors, black, light, me- dium and dark brown. Priced reg. at 5c, 10c and 15¢ each. To clear to-night .. .. .. bo S Nien nas who has expected Keeley Jr, M0D.0. 226 Princess Street ai fh fi ad It is sald taat laughter will cure ~ indigestion; but the trouble is that when a man has indigestion the doesn't feel like laughing. Sometimes a little white He does a lot of good. Miss Louise Kirkpatrick and Miss BLACK CASHMERETTE HOSE 150 pair only, fine black cashmerette hose in sizes 8}, 9and . 91. A splendid value to-day at 40c a pair. To-might ... . . 25¢ \ N g Mrs. C. F. Constantine and her Tit- Mise Eleanor Phelan. : tle daughter, sailed to-day from Eng- a" a oe land. ¢ Mrs. John Smith, University ave- | Mrs.' H. R. Duff, Princess street, is nue, is the guest of her daughter, leaving on Monday to visit Mrs. James Mrs. James Alexander Latimer, W. Maclennan in Toronto, tf 181st street, New York. .On Feb. | Mrs. James Foster and Mrs. Wil 11th, Mrs. Latimer entertained at lam Greer, Moscow, have returned afternoon tea in honor of her mother, to their homes after a very pleasant Among the guests were a number of Visit with Mr. and Mrs. %. C. Pipe, Kingston people visiting in New 26 Frontenac street. 4 Hi York and also a number of former Miss RB C Yaw a. 1s House Paint, your choice, 35 Ji Kingstonians, now residing iw" New the at Mr yr Baas. 1s NEW MODEL CORSETS . : : Strost. 60 pair of fine coutil corsets in a medium bust model in sizes 19 to-30. Regular value $1.50. Tonight .. .. ...." 98s colors, . { 8. ve i "MILL ENDS" OF WHITE GOODS : 600 yards only, of good quality white nainsooks, voiles, French organdy and lawn in lengths measuring from | to 7 SATURDAY SPECIALS yards. Worth 40 to 60c a yard regular. To-night . . Ramsay's Pure Ready Mixed Paints Fp Reg. Sale Among the social events at Napa- Mrs. Walter P. Booth, who has Price Prive ! 8 Was a -tea-on Thursday "at the been visiting her mother, Mrs. M. "Half Pint Can. BQ 25 home of Mrs. J. H. Madden, a bridge p. Hughes, Division street, for the Pint Can ... .. 80 50 party at the home of Mrs. Herbert past five weeks, has left for Bir- Quart Can ... . $1.15 $1.00 Daly on Friday, a card party to be mingham, Alabama, where she will Half Gal. Can ... $225 $1.90 figiven by Mrs. George Thompson on meet Mr. Booth. Several little af- Gallon Can .. ..$1.30 $3.75 afternoon, and a card tea at teroon teas were given for Mrs. of Mrs. J. G. Daly, in honor Booth while she was home. Floor Paint, your choice, 9 colors, CREPE DE CHENE WAISTS 72 fine silk crepe de chene waists in a number of new attrac tive styles to be had in colors, flesh, maize, rose, white and black. All sizes worth $6.00. To-night . . caine Se 33.05 jij of her sister, Mrs. Walker, also a re-| James Shaw and family, Passaie, fiception on Friday afternoon given by N.J., are removing to this eity, and |B ji Mrs, Stanley Reid. will take up residence at 118 Gore * us street, The hostesses at the curling tea Miss Agnes Bellhouse, Kingston, on Tuesday will be Mrs. Ashby, Mrs. |is visiting her cousin, Mrs. PF. J. $i H. D. Bibby, Mrs. W. B. Macpherson, | Cockburn, Montreal, who entertained Mrs. R. Scott, Mrs. C. A, Boyes, and at the tea hour for her on Thursday, » | Reg: Sale price price Quart Can .. ...81.00 D0 Half Gallon Can. $2.00 $1.95 Our special sale of ladies' sweaters, scarfs, children's snow suits, caps, clouds, etc., continues until closing time to-night! teacy's - Limited "THE WOMAN'S STORE OF KINGSTON." rs. David Murray, Continued on Page 10.) * - . I ---------- Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Allan, 175 Collingwood street, entertained on | §}| Friday evening at a Valentine pro-|im k of heavy draught i gressive party. farm horses in this vicinity, a meet- * - ing of prominent farmers was held fll] Mrs. H. C. Wotuerspt8h entertain- there Thursday afternoon, when 'the Hi}: ea at the tea hour on Friday after- Brockville Distriet Clydesdale Hilinoon in honor of Miss Phyllis Wil- Breeders' Club was formed, with 3 HH 1iams. the following officers: President, « + «+4 rolls for 25¢ 11 * os 0 george Jackson, 1 ii ea 20¢ Mamie Garrett, Johnson dent, W, 3 1 H}{street. will be hostess at the Bridge treas. W. H. Smith, Athens; direc- | 8 Hi tors, J. A. Neilson, Lyn; N. Ralph, # Maitland; D. B. Johnston, Lans- "Sunnyside," jdowne; A. M. er Athens; se- | Clydesdale I Brockville, 10 per center discount off all lines. Splendid variety of fine quality tools to choose from.» SPROIALS Reg. price 85 Sale price 74 8c MH Mis May chown, . entertained informally st tea on 71%tion committee, pRWwident, secre: |} tary and D. B. Jo ; auditors, W. P. Dailey, Brockville; ©. J. Wil. son, Gananoque. Thursday afternoon. * = » . The L.C. Reading Club will meet on Monday at the home of Miss Crisp, "Moral Earthquakes." a i A ; : : a Pembroke strebt. | oThis Interesting Sublet will belo are privileged to wear it have not]badge, Hut it Is understood that some e TM.O. " » ther decoration of a more elaborate romp MANY WAR DECORATIONS: cco. a {formally at the tea hour this after- Meeting day 'MacOallum, of Port.| + he © {¥ibband shows that the wearer served | character will be issued to es the ic those soldiers land, Oregon, late of Piske Univers. in one of the various tlieatres of war the Juhi $ He 4a | (France, Balkans, ete.) previous to Victoria | 17: All men cordially invited. SOLDIERS HAVE MANY WAYS OF Dec. 31st; 1915. The star ternoon. {gi ale. hes King dred; als in wii ao as mentioned fn the Whig columns 3 ly 0 eptern + | Some Wearing the = be jrécently the Records ment c Ne Porrea asked a few, Where she underwent a very critical Are the 1914-15 14 A to tea on Thursday aft VEY & vw ary a ene * » . Mts. William Dalby, ; street, entertained at bridge this af-} ors suth designated by the dy the - it band-- Medal Will compiling a Hst of all soldiers whol designate the eolor of the strap New blaine ad oy pe Bald Ly tisued| he is wearing, le Srusk. Suan, tod the] We near future: S soldiers on sees on s of) . : There are other riblands of me- 1akes streets of Kingston wear so many ei has been making enquiries td ses the [een is a very preity red, white and different decorations that Khe Whig subject 'uid finds that this war has brought out a number of dis- | Ungiiuhon decorations of various kinds and there are promises of many The latest badge that nas been dals such as the hin Cross, Mili tary Medal--for officers and for N.C. oie am t only & p n the ut only a fiartienla select few wear these and It is necessary to describe them. : civil a a ie Ta hages 2 a for service in Eng ce, "B" for ] land and ""C for in Capada. Two of these badges ("B" and CY. bine water ilk ribband which is ofi- 1914-15 Star." This bas only ve: however, ure an who have been discha dur wokilizadion wil nat receive on issued to those who #l dally termed "the ribband 'have been barged as medieally! a ' of the Lo or for similar reasons Soidiers dua ine dnd to leaves, Canadia ident. hes by be worn |