L { : _ZPAGEFOUR ~~ THE BRITISH WHIG STH YEAR Published Dally and Semi-Weekly by THE BRITISH WHIG PUBLISHING CO, LIMEFED, +s» os President + Editor and J. OG. EMtott .. ....4 Managing- Director, a A. Guild Telephones: Business Office .. Hattorial Rooms Job Office .. ... SUBSCRIPTION RATES (Patty Edition) - One year, delivered in city ;. One year, if p&id in advance .. Ome year, by mall to rural offices Ome year, to United States .. 3 t (Semi-Weekly Edition) tes .. ...§ « Bix and three months pro rata, SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVE FW. , 57 Mall Bldg. Toronto R. Bruce Owen, 133 Bt. Peter St., Mont. real, F.H. Northrup, 388 Fifth Ave, New York ¥.R.Northrup, 1810 Ass'n Bldg. Chleago Letters to the Bditor are published omy over the actual name of the ter. Attached Is one of the best job ada. printing . offices in Canada. The circulatios of THE BRITISH Whig ia, authentiented by the Audit Barean of Olrculations. Save your doMars. Another Can- adian war loansis coming. It costs '$7.60 for a square meal in Berlin. In Canada some epicures can't dine for less, The United States Congress calm- ly looks on a growing debt. It will be $30,000,000,000 by July 1st. Thomas A. Edison, at seventy-two years of age, does not show the strain of hard work. It is idleness that kills. ae The idler is no longer under gov- ernment supervision. But the pub- . 'He generally have their eyes upon him and will for all {ime Kingston is growing. Public School Inspector Stuart says the in- ereasc in school population necessi- tates the building of . another school. Charlie Chaplin's ~ latest stunt, the hiring of ex-Secretary McAdoo as his attorney,.is regarded ad the funniest thing the funny chap has ever done. i -------- Five hundred years ago they were asking the same question. Franco's Villon, first poet of France, subg "Where are 'the shows of yestér- year?" The salary of the new president of Germany is a modest million marks, or $250,000. He is in opr estimation worth but one mark, and that with a elub. ---------- © y 1 Thé fine weather has been a joy "to the returning soldiers. The ocean was very smooth and not at all fretful. Maybe the weather was made for the soldiers. The best kin® of workman is the man who gives the best kind of service to the business in which he is engaged. If he does this he is always sure of employment. . The supreme countil of the Al lied nations shows its wisdom in * deciding to take mo chances with Germany. Foch sounded a warn- ing that has been heeded. The city council of Woodstock, Ont, 'has voted money jo purchase an automobile for the Victorian Or- _ der of Nurses. It will enable. the ni on ty end their ser- nurses to greatly =l tainty as to the condition J powers Lhat be were f ae { WANTED---AN,K HOTEL. | "Where will the travelling public go when do get good roads jand out of Kingston?" | ea we remarke terner eivie to our representa itive at the ntign in Oftawa. He lamentable lack of god he right, althov to ngston's and was {it hard to have 11919 Kingston still lags behind in | {regard to the erection of a modern that would be creditable to And yet it is new provincial will means of getting Kingston hotel 30 badly needs hostelry {this eity posible | that the highway i for] | acedmmodation The travel here increase, the the be she by auto will greatly and the chances of a modern hotel be ing a good paying will likewise Increase. Perhaps we may shortly hear of a new hotel scheme that will be brought to a suceessful issue. -concern CHLORINATION MAY SUFFICE. There appears 10 be every reason to suppose that the modarn chlorination plant to be installed at the waterworks by the Public Utili- ties Comuiission will give Kingston a safe drinking water supply Our intakéd pipe js in the_main current | of the harbor, and the source of most ¢ [supply is much better than that at the Royal Military College, whose intake pipe is in Navy Bay. The same type of chlorination plant is used at the college water station as Kingston is getting, and the mili- tary population across the harbor 3 a pretty healthy lot There is a good deal of opposi- tion to moving the intake pipe fur- ther up the harbor, owing to uncer- of the supply that might be secured there If the city eventually has to go to large expense in securing a better water supply, a good deal will "be said in' favor of connecting up with Loughboro Lake in the county. But chlorination of the harbor water pumped into the mains may suffi- ciently safeguard the public health. | KINGSTON HOUSING SITU- ATION. i NO. 1. During the past year the housing situation in Kingston has grown to be a very critical one. The shortage of houses is such thatsone of the planks in the election platform of the mayor wag that of housing re- form. The Whig has recently made rexhaustive enquiries into the econdi- tions prevailing in Kingston, and has viewed the question of house-build- ing from every angle. The purpose of this investigation was not only to find out what could be done to relieve the housing shortage, and how the treating «the question, but also to determine what could be done to enable Kingston to take advantage of whatever indus- trial boom may follow the war, Our city, situated as it is in one {of the finest locations in Ontario, has before it splendid opportunities for expansion and trade, provided. that thet etvic authorities have sufficient foresight and courage to act, and act quickly" in order that Kingston may be in a position to secure & fair share of the trade which is sure to pass its doors. In a series of editorials the © Whig will publish the results of its enquiries, and will point out what seems to be the path of progress, especially in re- gard to making room for those who are gure to seek a home in our midst. There is no doubt whatsoever in the minds of the progressive and far- seeing element of our citizenship that Kingston is sure to go thead. Visitors to the eity from outside poimts are almost unanimous in point- ing out the benefits of the location of Kingston ak'a lake part. They are astonished at the lack of progressive spirit amongst our public men, at the lack of vision for the future amongst the city's prominent citizens, Situ- ated right in the track of all' lake traffic from Montreal to Lake Su: perior, and in close proximity to our southern neighbor, Kingston has ad- vantages of location far greater than those enjoyed by any city in Ontario. Yet this advantage has not been utilized as it should have been. recent good roads eon-|} referred to]; admit that in| ser requirements amount The last fifty years have been prac-| | tically wasted because of the lack of foresight amongst our seivic leaders, and the time is now ripe fora com- plete change of policy in municipal matters. There has been in the past ts in Kingston a s which retards in- rages any building ac- by men of foresight y are seeking er proper level The bodies is entirely the » public or this, and object » ininvestigating the mat- grow light upon the subject ¢ that radical changes for etterment and extension of the x result (Continued on Monday.) KINGSTON NEEDS A PUBLIC LIBRARY. FREE Article No. 1. One of, the surprising things to visitors to our city, and to students professors of Queen's Univer- sity the fact that, in spite of Kingston's well-founded claim to be an educational centre, we- have not a free plblic library, In these days when books are the of the spreading of is a deplorable thing to have to admit that this city of approximately twenty-three * thou- sand inhabitants {is so far behind times that there is no free lib- There of 'course, the sent association public library, it does not in any way' meet the needs of the people of a city of this size, and the Whig advdcates most earnestly that some steps be taken and is chief means knowledge, it the rary is, pre- but to have with a library date and Kingston provided that is in every way up-to sufficient to meet future The Whig has taken full and considera- after of a. sufficient which to big free public this step only after tion ¢f the matter, taining possession of data on advocation of a for ob base the library The first item of interest in this connection is the report of the lib- rarian for 1918, which was presenl- ed at the annual meeting of trus tees last month It will show bet- ter than any other document the needs of the city for better library service It reads as follows: "Our ecirculatibn has increased during the past year in a very en- couraging degree, especially in the children's department. When the board decided to have the school children have their history and geo- graphy books free, there was at once a decided increase in the cir- culation of non-fiction books in that department, and I am looking for a still further increase now that they may have all books but fiction free. The story hour has' 4160 Welp ed to make the library known fo the children, as we have had as many as eighty children attending at one time. At-the children's story hour there were not nearly enough chairs or fables for them to sit on, and the accommodation is very limited. They showed a marked appreciation of their corner when the alterations of last year made it possible to give them the brighest corner in the building. The only regret is that it is not ten times larger, for it wc had a property equipped room fy the ¢hildren we could do good work, not only in the story hour, where the idea is to acquaint them with some. of the best stories in their own and foreign languages, but we could algo do more to aid them in reference work In connection with their studies. "I have noticed that our return- ed men are taking an interest 'in scientifie books, and itgjs the desire of the board to meet this demand by supplying them with books that will help them in their vocational training. We have addéd a num- ber of art books and more of a technical nature on design, show cards and of kindred subjects, and there is a steady demand for these books, so that we must duplicate them at once. To meet the cry for more fiction, a pay duplicate col lection system was started, in which there are about seventy-five books, and during the . last ten months. they have all paid for themselves. For the first time in many years there was a credit balance at the end of the year. This should have been spent in books of reference of which we are sadly in need, but ow: ing to, the demoralization of the Kingston {o put}s book trade it has Ween impossible to get them. "We realize that we canr any more improvemgnt ent building, and we the opportunity up ing conditions, for opening before nu and 1 year yrmed by which we may coming BOM accomplish thé things that lie to do at omg doors." This significant is. a good report bu tha feature about it that the end of the road has been reach ed so far as improvements in the present building are concerned. THe iibrary is crowded out There is not for a single new set of shelves, and yet the demand [or service is growing. And at present Kingston compares very unfavor- ably with other cities in library service, as the next Jf these ticles will show. is room ag- ------------ Scien Senleace Sermons | A happy man or woman i* a het- ter thing than a five-pound note - Robert Louis Stevenson. . » No pleasure is comparable to standing upon the vantage ground of truth Frances Bacon »* » Courage, brother! do not stumble, Though thy path be dark at night; There's a star to guide the humble, Trust in God, and do the right Norma Macleod * * * - Honest error is to be pitied, ridiculed Lord; Chesterfield * * Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth Him that sent' me, hath eternal life, and cometh not into judgment, but hath passed out of death into life John 5: 24. not » * * Dream not of noble service elsewhere wrought; simple duty hand Is God's voice uttering a divine com- mand; Life's common deeds build saints have thought The that awaits thy --Anon, . * * Give us, O Lord, so large a view of Thy masterful and holy love that we may willingly renounce all evil deeds, desires and words, laying down life for Thee in daily patience and continual service. THE NEWS OF NAPANEE Buildings At Aviation Camp Have Been Purchased, (From Our Own Correspondent.) Napanee, Feb. 15.--Thomas Tier ney is spending a few days in Toronto with hig daughtérs. Morley T. Jones jand wife arrived this week to spend a feweeks with his parents Mr. Thomas the four and Mrs. Morley Jones, street. Morley has been with American navy for the past years as wireless operator. Mrs, F. W. Knapp and baby, Doris and Miss Essie Ballance, are spendin | a few days in Trenton the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. 'Winter. Mr. and Mrs, W. F. Gerow have weturned from Buffalo where they spent the winter. D. B. Wilson is repairing the premises lately cccupied by. J. G. Fennell. Electric lights have been installed and the stairs changed, add- ing much to the appearance and con- venience ot the store. 'Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Walldlce are spending the week in" Toronto, ; M. O. Fraser has sold his farm to Robert Kirkpatrick. Mr. and Mrs. Geprge Gibbard have returned from St, Petersburg, Florida. all that 2 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1919, STYLE HEADQUARTERS FOR MEN'S FINE CLOTH AND TOGGERY : We employ no runners or out side agents. We have one price only, and that price is marked in plain figures. : "New spring models are ready. Come in for a look right now! We will show you the most attractive ¢lothes vou ever saw! Beautiful designs, with all the new kinks worked in. Ele- | gant in finish, handsome in fabric, perfect in fit, and always at moderate prices. - Suits ready to try on, finished to your order in a few hours' titne. Lp Z Bu Handsome new fabrics. Special value at $35.00 The Ace New waist line model. Very clever designs. Special * value at : $35.00, $37.50 Pagidty Prond Ulotheg Real Nobby Hats Charles Stevens purchased 'three nangars from the aviation camp at Deseronto and will take them down and remove them to Napanee. Napanee Driving Park Association has also purchased two hangars and will have them erected in the Driv-| ing Park. TWO NEW BUILDINGS Being Erected by "A. Davis & Sons,' Limited, Tanners. A stroll toward the north end of the city convinces one that there is one firm who has optimistic belief in the future of Kingston and that is Davis & Sons, Limited, tanners. Pass ing there the other day one found a} artizens as busy as beavers preparing foundations for a new buildirg on the north side of their (present works. This building will be one hundred feet wide by two hundred feet long, and modern machinery. To the east of the premises another gang wads busy making ready the foundation for a building to be used for a store house, fifty feet wide by one hundred feet long. The work | being pushed forward by the McKel- vey & Birch Construction Company. a The 4 LANTERNS = 50" oi vss. 980 VEGETABLES Are Lower in Price This Season TOMATOES SOLID CAST STEEL. HAMMERS, Seconds, but guaranteed . . .. .. ....3% McClary's Cold Blast BUNT'S HARDWARE BEETS Phone 388 HARDWARE King St. Get Our Special Price by the scene of activity--about one hundred] with a concrete floor, to contain new | Jas. REDDEN & Co. TE