| Ahn chad Clearing Sale oe AT et The Model Shoe Store A | { | our stock 30 We must lower by at least $10,000.00. days' great reduction sale. Ladies' Boots, broken sizes, from $1.50 and up. Call and take advantage of these bargains. rhea dedi i dhe PT POOOUPY ---- H.ROTGAUZE, PROP. 184 Princess Street. A Ahhh PN BA dN SP pl, Piri 9 . Cook's Cotton Root Compound. A safe, veliable regulating ¢ medicine, Bold in three de- rees of strength--No. 1, §1; § $3; No. 3, $5 per box. ull druggists, or sent re; on receipt of price free paniphlet. Address: THE COOK MEDICINE CO. TORONTO ANT, (Fermerly Windeer.' Lo AGERCY FOR XLL STEAMSHIP LINES Jrecial attention will be given yor family or friends, going to or from the Old Country. 0. 2, Sold © - For information and rates apply tod. PP. Hanley, C.P, & T.A., GT. Ry., Kingston, Ont." oR UI IY. 3» ANCHOR ANCHOR-DONALDSON - Regular Passenger Services to all British Pogts CUNARD-LINE TO LONDON FROM New York; Papmonin ... ... TO LIVERPOOL March 6 FROM Hoston, Prinses Julidon ... New Yor, Royal George New York, AQUITANIA New York, Caronin « New York, Orduna .. . . w York, Saxonia » ANCHOR-DONALD FROM St. John, N.B, Cassandra .. . Mar, 11 ANCHOR: LINE NEW YORK TO GLA! For rates of passage and further pare tienlars apply to Loeal Agents or THE ROBERT REFORD COMPANY, Limited, 50 King five East, Toronte A Too many people feather their nests with borrowed plumes. SR A i SA Mar. 18 Mar. 18 Her Five Children HAD WHOOPING COUGH 'whoop.' On t cough we wo Vood's famous chial land phlegm {racking cough make it Mrs Battleford, Sas five cil the bal had the time. | remedies, but {satisfaction Pine Syrup. THE DAILY BRIFISH WHIG, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1919. | AT THE SAME TIME ugh is one of the most | eases of children, es-| under five years of ts with a fever and| watering of the eves| n of the throat La- | creases, the child] face, the eyes! ould burst from | ar suffocation seems relief is brought by the| sign of whooping! dvise the use of Dr.| Pine Syrup. This| «ly will elegr the bron- of the collected mucous and in this way ease the id in a short time entirely. McGaughey, .North| writes: --*"I have dren, the eldest thirteen and hy two years old. They all » whooping cotigh at the same| Itr two or three cough none gave the same as Dr. Wood's Norway A home where there are he . first Norv r disappear Walter young children should never pe with at it to thos Ther | Wood's I will highly recommend it ae who want a quick cure." | e are many imitations of Dr.| Norway Pine Syrup, so be| gure you get the genuine by insisting | that th low wrapper, trade mark; price e package is put up in a yel- three pine trees the 26c and 60c, and manufactured by The T. Milburn Co., ! Limited, Toronto, Ont. Whenever you buy matches, see that the t Y ( E Wont Freeze name "EDDY" is on he box. It is your best guarantee of safety and satisfaction. More than sixty ears of manufacturing ex- perience is back of it. EDDY'S MATCHES keep the fires burning fn millions of anadian homes. There {s a match for every purpose among the 30 to 40 different Eddy brands. Now that the tax on matches practically doubles their cost, it is more than ever a real economy to see that ddy's name is on the box. TheE. B. Eddy Co. Limited Hull, Canada diso Makers of Indurated Fidreware | and Paper Specialties OST and cold have no effect on Klim. Klim is dry, it will not freeze. It is the food solids of fresh, pasteur- ized separated milk with the water removed. Use KLIM wher- ever milk is required. At your Grocer's in 1-1b, and 10-1b. tins, Canada Food y oF £7 4 DR. DeVAN'S FRENCH PILLS Co. PHOSPHO A reitt ble Re- harines, Ontario. . HONOL FOR MEN. Vivant for "Nerve in; increases "grey and 4 " n; i *: a Tonle--will build you up. $8 a box, or two for $5, at drug stores, of by on receipt of price. & ScoBELL DRUG Co., Bt Catharines, "Sold at Mahood's Drug Store." New Nineteen Nineteen Models "Where Feet ate a Fitted Sutherland's 5 Corectly | is su} adian . a {offer of the British Govern { BY D. D: MACKENZIE TO THE LIB-} ERAL UNIONISTS. "Latch String Out," the New Leader | Says--=What Sir Thomas White | Had to Say in Reply. Ottawa t 7 Indications the plans and poli of | ies of both Gov-| eremrment and Opposition for the ses-| begin of sion now House Commons Both | House 1 were heard. D. D.| MacKenzie, of North Cape Breton, | made his debut as temporary leader | of the opposition. Sir Thomas White | i spoke as aeting Prime Minister, and | jocularly expressed the hope that! "unaccustomed and temporary re- | sponsibility may make us wondrous kind." the eaders Mr. MacKenzie plainly indicated | that he and his committee of man- | agement had already reached clusions with regard to some of the] legislation promised in the Speech from the Throne. He suggested that there is need for expedition on the part of the Government in dealing | with the attendant upon | the of the military | forces and industrial reconstruction. "There is one attribute of the divine about this Government," he said. "To it one day cons | 1 problems demobilization is as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day." He intimated that would be opposed special voters' elections by the Opposition to for Dominion franchise provision for promised lists the bill, and would prefer utilization of provincial lists as in"the years be- fore 1917. He did not think further federal legislation to confer the franchise upon women necessary, in-| asmuch as most of the provinces had | already granted women the right to vote. He contended that expenditures | upon highways came within the am. | bit of provincial jurisdiction, and | Parliament should leave road con-| struction and improvement to the | provineclal Governments and Legis- | latures. He objected to a possible duplication of machinery hy the es- tablishment of a federal Department of Health, but he asserted that a con- tribution by the Dominion Parliament to increase facilities for voeational training would meet with no objec- tions from the Opposition provided the money be disbursed under proper conditions. Speaking of his own posi- tion, he announced his intention of following the footsteps of the late Sir Wilfrid Laurier. [-------- Holds Out olive Branca. "For the benefit of Liberal Union- ists," he concluded, "let me tell my friends that the war is over: the light is in the window for you; the latch string is out and you are al- ways welcome." "lI am inclined to think," said Sir Thomas White, referring to the olive branch thus displayed by the Opposi- tion leader, "that the people of this country are not thinking much of party politics. The questions we have to consider are so vast, and so im- portant that matters which used to interest us, take a second place When the ship of state, after the storm through which it has passed, is once more equipped and sails again into smooth seas it will be time to consider the old party situations which used to engage our atten- tion." 'While the acting premier real- ized the magnitude and importance of the problems to be solved, he faced them confidently. "I think that 'this people can meet with confidence and with faith whatever vieissitudes the future may hold in store for it," he said. 8ir Thomas rePiewed the action already taken by the Government to bridge and period of industrial dis- location whigh might mark the transi- tion from war to peace conditions. The estimates, he announced, would contain an item of $35,000,000 for steel rails, rolling stock, and other railway equipment, more than $20,- 000,000 for extensions on tie Can- National Railway System, and more than $10,000,000 for rafl- way betterments. He told of the Government's intention to carry out a programme of construction of ne- cessary public works. * He discussed the reasons in favor of federal aid for highway con- stru nm. As to the proposed fran- chisé bill, he pointed out that the War Time Election Act of 1917 was intended to continue opegative dur- ing the war and the period of de- mobilization. It would have to re- main on the statute book until a satisfactory franchise act is passed to take its place. UNEARTH A wOISON PLOT. Conspiracy to Poison Soldiers , on British San Francisco, Cal, Feb, 27. Poison placed in bottles of soda wa- ter caused the sudden deaths' at sea on Jan. 3rd of Dr. John Grimm, sur. geon of the Union Steamship Com- pany's liner Moana, and Miss Nellie Isbester, rmerly of 'Berkeley, Gal, while the steamér was en route from San Francisco to Wellington, N.Z., it was learned here when the Moana ar- rived from the Antipodes. Capt. Bar- low, master of the steamer, said that the Wellington military authorities ng a suspected con- ning were given in| - PAGE ELEVEN Sabscription fists will close on or before March 10th, 1919 Issue of MONTREAL, February 26th, 1919 $4,000,000 RIORDON PULP & PAPER COMPANY LIMITED < a7 6* Ten-Year General (Closed) Mortgage Sinking Fund Gold Bonds Dated January 1st, 1919. Due January 1st, 1929. following prices and semi-annual in tration as to ipal. The Royal Trust Company, Montreal --Trustee. accrued interest: --105 through December 31st, 1926; 102 through June 30th, 1927, and 101 thereafter. B r t payable at Montreal, Toronto, Boston, Mass., U.S.A, or at London, England. Coupon Bonds with privilege of regis- Redeemable as a whole or in part, at the Company's option, on sixty days' notice, at the Principal and Denominations: $1000 and $500 The Company agrees to pay normal Canadian or United States Income Tax,up to and including 4% Common Shares (paying 1097) 79% Preferred Shares. > 69}, First (Closed) Mortgage Debentures .. 69, General Mortgage Bonds . CAPITALIZATION AUTHORIZED $4,500,000 1,500,000 2,500,000 Closed Mortgage OUTSTANDING $4,500,000 1,000,000 2,028,500 4,000,000 SECURITY FOR BONDS Bonds will be secured, subject only to lien of the First Mortgage 6° lands and water powers ¢ Debentures, by direct mortgage upon freehold and leasehold with minor exceptions--and upon all plants and properties now owned or hereafter acquired by Riordon Pulp & Paper Company, Limited. They are further to be secured by direct lien upon 607; of the Capital Stock of the Ticonderoga Pulp and Paper Company, and not less than $5,000,000 par value of Preferred Shares and a majority' of the Common Shares of the Kipawa Company, Limited, and by a floating charge on all other assets and properties of the Riordon Company. KIPAWA COMPANY > * The Riordon Pulp & Paper Company, Limited, will acquire from proceeds of this financing, together with other funds provided by the Company, not less than $5,000,000 par value of 7¢, Cumulative Preferred Shares, and a majority of Common Shares of the Kipawa Company, Limited The Kipawa of 30,000 tons of Bleached Sulphite Pulp a year; together with electrolytic plant, bleachery, acid plant, etc. ompany, Limited, now has under construction at Temiskaming, Quebec, a Bleached Sulphite Pulp Mill, with a capacity The Company is also installing the initial unit, with a capacity of 3,600 h.p., of a hydro-electric development with an ultimate capacity of over 25,000 h.p. The Kipawa plant, it is expected, will be in operation Decémber, 1919. > RIORDON COMPANY Complete prospectus, copies of which will be furnished on request, contains a letter from Mr. Carl Riordon, Managing Director of the Company, from which we summarize as follows: RIORDON COMPANY is one of the oldest and largest producers in America of Unbleached Sulphite Pulp for sale. The business has been in successful operation for over 60 years. PULP WOOD AVAILABLE, 3,000,000 cords, together with wood purchased from neighbouring dis- tricts, estimated to be sufficient for many years' operation at present capacity. Arrangements have been made to largely increase Company's wood supply. COMPANY'S (and Subsidiaries) ANNUAL OUTPUT, adding output Kipawa plant available December of this year, 119,000 tons Bleached and Easy Bleaching Sulphite Pulp, Soda Pulp, Book Papers; and 20,000,000 feet b.m. lumber, NET CURRENT ASSETS, as at 30th November, 1918, after deducting all Current Liabilities, amounted to $2,250,491 exclusive of proceeds of this issue--equivalent to over 37%, of Bonds outstanding. PROPERTY VALUES by which these Bonds will be secured, show net value of the properties of the Riordon Company, and its net equity in the companies which it controls, to be in excess of $15,000,000 or two and one-half times the total bonded debt of the Company, including this issue. EARNINGS. Average net earnings of the Company for the three years 1916-1918 inclusive, before de=- ducting depreciation and interest, amounted to over $1,600,000, or over four times interest on all Bonds now outstanding. For the past six years, 1913-1918, inclusive, before deducting depreciation and interest, average net earnings amounted to more than $1,000,000, or about three times the interest on all Bonds now outstanding. Based on normal prices and costs for pulp and normal value of power, it is estimated that the NET EARNINGS OF KIPAWA COMPANY, LIMITED, for the year 1920, shou'd be not less than $750,000, which would permit the payment of substantial dividends on the Common Shares of the Company. Two-thirds of this issue has been sold in the United States. unsold portion of the balance at a price of-- We offer for sale in Canada the 97 and Accrued Interest, Yielding 6.40% Carrying a Bonus of 15% of Kipawa Company Common Shares (1'/; shares Stock with each $1,000 of Bonds) Payable as follows: 209, of the par value on application. 409, of the par value on April 1, 1919. 37% of the par value on May 1, 1919. Common Stock Bonus will be adjusted to even amount by purchase or sale of fractional share at the rate of $25 per share. The right is reserved to allot a portion only of the amount applied for. If only a portion of the amount applied for be allotted, the balance of the deposit will be applied towards payment of subsequent instalments. - Payments may be anticipated in whole or in part at any time. Interest will be allowed on payments at the rate of 69) per annum. Accrued interest will be adjusted upon final payment. Application may be made on the accompanying form. ROYAL SECURITIES CORPORATION LIMITED Te 164 ST. JAMES STREET, MONTREAL wt i Gt be tt Wt ath MW ts Wh 58 KING STREET WEST, TORONTO St -- -- Dl Wt -- ot W-- -- APPLICATION FORM ROYAL SECURITIES CORPORATION, LIMITED g Address either Montreal or Togouto Office Sirs: I/we hereby apply for §.. .. par value Riordon Pulp & Paper Company Limited, 67, Ten-Year General (Closed) Mortgage Sinking Fund Bonds, due January 1st, 1929, and agree to pay for same, or any less amount that may be allotted to me/us, in accordance with the terms of your prospectus dated February 26th, 1919. I/we will of Kipawa Company Common Stock at rate of $25 per share. Chegue to the order of Royal Securities Corporation, ee order of } a aol oa for £ach $500 par value appiied for) should accompany this form. Address (in full) Name (Gn fall).. suyY SELL fractional share (Mr., Mrs. or Miss) 1 ---- - - executive committee The ' Federation p! ot ibe vi a Ls ) ment com- Jou 1a Inquire | h gd {be accepted. pa » » -. 4 - al a - at ; ie cial Opportunities for The securities af our larger successful com- mercial enterprises are especially attractive at present prices and offer exceptional op- portunities to investors, Our Statislical Department will be pleased THE WRITER OF AN IMPORTANT CLASSIFIED AD Will have more readers on the day it fs published than Shakespeare, Browning and Kipling combined in this city. He will have to be content with a passing popularity, of course-- but for the hour and the day he has a real following. And of course this means that he accomplishes the thing which he set about accomplishing. d to mail you a list of high grade issues listed on the Montreal Stock Exchange. nd two "A CSuncii or: great panes entered 'the ny oy decides leg be n uestion v orocean 4 on men, who had myst hy set ed between Yass and IAF. Ey The army transport Roman, which Loan bill sailed from Davenport, England, is 'ednesday, reported adrift one dondred miles 'Wales, east of Bermuda, [tin ¢