_PAGE TWELVE . SCENES AT CAMP KIMMEL WHE RE THE RIOT BROKE OUT THE DAILY BRITISH ---- WHIG, FRIDAY, "SYRUP OF FIGS" CHILD'S LAXATIVE Look at Tongue! Remove Poisons From Stomach, Liver and Accent "Californja™ Syrup of Figs only---=Jook for the name California on the, package, then you are sure your child is having the best and most harmless laxative or physic for the little stomach, liver and bowels. Children love its delicious fruity taste. Full directions for child's dose on each bottle. Give it without fear. Woman's Hair Reaches to Knees| A Year Ago Wag Threatened With Baldness, Tells How She Made Her Halr Grow. Mrs. Esther' Emeny, now vigiting friends in the eity, is the fortunate po- ssessor of Tad velously beautiful hair, which, when looseéiied - fran its coils falis to her knees. Morever, ig of soft, silky and fluffy texture and in color a glotious glossy, gold. Yet, just one vear ago she was threatened with baldness, Urged to tell how she had obtained this wonderful growth in so short a time she .gald: "Had anyone told me such marvelous results could be ac- complished so quickly, 1 positively would not have believed it. Twelve months ago my hair which then reach- ed barely to my shoulders wae falling out Btn alarpfing rate and growing very thin, actualy exposing the bald soalp in several spots. It was dull and lifeless in color; turning grey in patch- es anid very dry and brittle. My head was covered with dandruff and itched Jike mad all the time. 1 tried fully a dozen different hair tonics but they were all the same and never did me a bit of good. One day [I chanced to read in my home paper of a simple home prescription to make the hair grow that was recommended by a well known physician. It said that by tak- ing ordinany Lavona de Composee and mixing with Bay Rum and Menthol Crystals and, applying to the. scalp each night with the finger tips that new hatr Would grow very rapidly. I decided to try it and I had my drug- gist mix two ounces of Lavona de Composee With 6 ounces of Bay Rum and one half drachm of Ménthol Crys- tails and started to use it. My, how quickly my hair did Brox, First, the hair stopped falling, theZiching ceased| © wnd the dandruff disappeared Then t tiny Hittle hairs appeared all over my sealp. 'These grew and grew as! though nothing would ever stop thém. | They are growing yet, and, while, of! course { have used the treatment steadily and expect to continue it, at least until my haip reaches the floor, I might. have sped and been per- fectly satisfied 78¢ the. end of three months. I think that any woman can get tong, thick, beautiful hair by using this prescription as I have recom- mended dt to several friends, and all are delighted with the result. The prescription 9s very inexpensive and C LAST DAYS OF THE WAR A Number of Facts Worth Remem- of Canada, which battalion, through Highlanders of Canada, is affiliated with the famous Black Watch. August battalion to leave Mons was the'42nd Highlanders, Watch. The picture. at the upper left shows the site of the camp) itself which overlooks the course of the liners from the Mersey on which the soldiers could see their comrades leaving for Canada and home. the residence of Sir Grenville camp is located, and which gives the camp its name, bottom is a picture of Bodelwyddan church and the ehureh- vard where soldiers dying in the camp are buried. To the right is the Manor House of Kinmel, Williams, on whose estate the At the ANADIANS ENTERED MONS ON NOVEMBER 11TH. bering About the Work bone By Our Gallant Troops During the Three Months Following the Ter rible Battle at When German Retreat Commenced, Amiens ANADIAN troeps have furnish- ed a coincidence in British military history. The first troops to-enter Mons the curious lay the armistice was signed were hose of the 42nd Royal Highlanders he parent regiment, the Gth Royal On 23, 1914, the last British the Scottish Black From August 8 to November 11, enemy's any druggist can fill ie Those who use it not to get i aig is not TELLS Avoid Indigestion, Sour Acid Stom- ach, Heartburn, Gas on Indigestion and forms of stomach trouble, say medi- cal authorities, are due nine times out of ten to an excess of hydro- id in the stomach. Chronic "acid stomach" is exceedingly dan- chlori gerous and ane of two Hither they can go on a limited and often disagreeable diet, avoiding foods that d In the' bisurated form is irritate the stomach and lead to ex- cess acid secretion or they can eat _ a8 thoy please in reason and make it he harmed shonld be careful t on the face or where the desired. DYSPEPTICS WHAT TO EAT Stomach, Etc. practically all sufferers should do either things." disagree with them, that to counteract the effect of acid and prevent the basi penetration into the enemy. lines 'was 25 miles, and from Cambrai to or a couple of five "in a little water il neutralise the ex- ormition] as a liquid, milk or dl- Try this and eat "certain defeat on the field loomed tiretire an rapidly as possible oveand the date the armistice was declared, the Canadian Corps captured 34,000 pri s, 7560 artilléry guns of all calibres, 3,500 machine gums, hyn- dreds of trench mortars, and hsgge quantities of all kinds of material. In the last three months of the war the corps advanced in depth a distance of 95 miles, covering an area of approximately 450 square miles. The principal towns cap- tured by the Canadians in that time were Cambrai and Le Cateau on October 9; Denain, October 20; Valenciennes, November 2; Mons, November 2. At least 150 smaller towns and villages were captured in addition to those larger centres, which released from German dom- ination over. 200,000 Frehch and Belgian eivilians. : The three oltstanding battles fought by the Canadian Corps since August, 1918, were: Anilens, which began August 8; Arras, on August 26; and Cambrai, September 27. In these three battle, and in- the ad- yance from Cambrai to Mons through Valenciennes, the Canadian Corps engaged und identified a total of filty-seven German divisions, sev- eral of whom were so badly deci- as to render them useless as fighting organizations. At Amiens we agvaseed in less than iwo weeke a depth of 15 miles. At Arras and Cambrai the depth of Mons 55 miles. At Amiens we cap- tured 12,000 prisoners; Arras, 10, 000; Cambrai, 7,174; and from Cam- brai to Mons, 2,836. that when the Canadians captured Cambra and Le Cuteau in the dark- ness of the morning of October 9 the enemy hopes of victory. vanisbed entirely and the vision of sure up as inevitable, ' Me then began to the Rhine, protecting his movements hy Aghting fou tions with aching gui fall of Cambrai we took : the north to and backward guard ae ; the advanes i | It has been definitely established : o dizietion 6 Vials enciennes. Of Oclober 10 the Jecon¥ Division attacked and occupied Naves with little opposition. The Sixth Bri- gade took Thun 'Levec and Thun St. Martin, northeast of Cambrai, assist- ed by the Canadian independent force composed of the Motor Machine Gun Brigade and the Cyclists' Corps. This force peppered the enemy from the roads in several positions from which | they could do good work for us and bad for the opposition. The next day the Second Division again attacked and cleared the Boche out of Iwuy, undeterred by the artillery, which put down quite a heavy barrage on our troops. By 10.30 on that morning the Ger- '| mans launched a .strong counter attack from the direction of Avesnes, gtarted by artillery and seven tanks. It was a foolhardy effort on his part, because all the tanks were quickly | knocked out, his ranks were ripped to pieces, and we got 300 prisoners. On October 12 the First Division occupied the villages of @Arleux, Estrees, and several other centres in the neighborhood, while the Fifth Brigade of the Second Division pressed on and established them- selves in the village of Hordain, The enemy was evidently determined not to be driven back without a fight, so to break the monotony he delivered a counter-attack north of Aubbigny au 'Bac, with the result that we net- ted two officers and 199 other ranks as prisoners and took possession of Lieu 8% Aumand. Before the enemy evacuated the territory he held he found time to destroy all the railway tracks, bridges, and blow huge holes in cross roads, and in every possible way tried to impede our advance, By October 18 the First Division had crossed the Canal de la Sensee and established a line just beyond Fe chain, Fressain, Villers au Terte, Le- warde, Dichy, and Sur le Noble, At Pecquencourt. and villages in the neighborhood which fell to the First Division, nearly 3,000 civilians were released on October 19. On the night of October 19-29 the Tenth Brigade of the Fourth Division entered the large mining town of Denain after a sharp fight on the outskirts, and the 28,000 civilians there welcomed our men with most hilarious enthusiasm. Before the end of the month the First and Fourth Divisions were es- tablished on the outskirts of en- ciennes on a lina running north and 2 3 "Was Troubled With - BOILS For Six Months From the days of Job to the pres- ent time, bolls have been one of the greatest afflictions of the human | race ling tne at some 'time. | All the poulticing and lancing yon may do won't cure them and stop more coming. | Boils are cansed by bad blood j bursting out, and the bad blood must be made pure before the boils will disappear, Burdock Blood Bitters is the great- est blood purifier known. It cleanes the system, and purifies the blood by removing every particle of foul ma- terial from the system, and when this is done, never another boil comes and health and strength are perma- nently restored. Mr. C. H. Bridges, 470 Barton St. E., Hamilton, Ont.,[ writes:--*"] was troubled with boils for about six months and tried several remeMies without any relief until 1 tried Bur- dock Blood Bitters, and the effect has been wonderful. After using two bottles, I was rid of them all. I feel like a new man; my appétite is bet- | ter, and 1 sleep better than I have for years I can highly recommend B. B. B. to all who are troubled as I was." Burdock Blood Bitters has been on the market for the past 40 years and manufactured enly by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. eA mc, the number of civilians freea by that time totalled 75,000, all of whom tecame a charge on the Cana- dian Corps. for rations, for: the Ger- mans had robbed them of every par- ticle of food and left their cupboards as bare as Mother Hubbard's. The Third Division took over from | the First on a line in the vicinity of Raismes, On Nuvember 1 the Fourth | Division attacked with the 22nd | Corps, an attack which was an un- | qualified success, for over 800 enemy | dead were coulited after the show at | the portals of:the ¢ity, and we cap- | tured 1,400 prisoners, several artil- | lery guns, and many machine guns. The next day the Eleventh and Twelfth Brigades joined hands in the Place D'Armes in Valencienties, since named Place du Canada. From Valenciennes the Third and + Forth Divisions 'began to push on | towards Mons; the Fourth operating | on the right of the Mons road, the { Third on the left. So far as spectacu- | lar features .gf fighting were com | cerned, there were nohe. There was some fighting, but the enemy was too much concerned with retiring to pre- | vent being completely ronted that { he had little time to offer much ro- | sistance. As our men entered towus | and villages they were kissed and | embraced and held as deliverers and | treated as such. That section of { France on the Canadian front was cleared of the enemy by about No- vember 7, and the Fourth Division was relieved just over the Belgium border by the Second Division. By the 10th November the Second and Third Divisions were on the out skirts of Mons; the Second on the right and the Third at the very gates of the city itself. : On the morning of the 11th, at four o'clock, the 42nd Battalion (the Montreal Kilties), the P.P.C.LL, R.C.R.'s and the 44th Battalion, of the Seventh Brigade, attacked. The city was actually captured by the 42nd. Battalion and .the Princess Pats, and the R.C,R. also had some troops enter the city. By eleven o'clock, the time the armistice came into effect, we had established a line five kilometers east of the city, so that in nine days the Canadians ad- vanced thirty miles, On the afternoon of the. 11th, Lieut.-Gen. Sir Arthur Curriesand his staff made a triumphant entry inte Mons, and yere welcomed by thou- sands of civilians in a most demon- Strative way. Gen. Currie presented to the city a Canadian flag tied to a lance, which now has a prominent place in the council chamber of the City Hall. The bodyguard of the (corps commander was a section of the 5th Imperial Lancers, all whom wore the Mons ribbon and were among the last to leave the city on August 2, jol4. 3 was at Mons that the British began fighting in the war and it was there the war ended. all invaluable assistance was given d by the Canadian Rail Re an ailway Troops jad The Civil Service, as it stood on the Ist Aprfl, 1918; had a of 4,147 permangnt and 6,324 t Very few people escape from hav- } {Re style may appear somewhat dis- MARCH 14, 1919. THE MAN WHO IS MISUNDER- STOOD. What a funny old world 'tis we live in, Kaleidoscope isn't the word; Everything seems to go topsy-turvy In a manner that's really ab- surd are plotting--achieving-- some falling-- Rg, Some are superfine--some with the hunch, crude, There's the man Mayhap best of the bunch-- The man who is misunderstood Some New Goods Just Arrived SUNKIST Seeded and Seedless Raisins. In packages only. Buy from your grocer. tant, And his shyness may make him seém rude, way down is a world scarred Of the man who stood But spark in the heart is misunder- How little we know of our fellows-- On the surface so gay--debonair, While under the mask May be seared a grim past With a loneliness nigh pair. to des- In life's game why then let us "play cricket," Let's not hurt, if we cannot good, And mayhap--who can tell?---- do In Cuts from two to five lbs, per bh, ... 100 Ibs. Frankfurts, per 1b. ... ... ... 500 lbs. Chuck Roasts, per th. .,. ... Also a nice lot of fresh vegetables at HOOD'S, Cor. of Earl and Barrie Streets. Phone 407 Prompt Delivery We may help out of Hell Some poor soul that is misunder- stood. New Route to Far East, A new and interesting route to the Far East will be in operation at no distant date, definite plans now being in the course of preparation. It will be possible for a tourist to board a train in Paris at noon on Saturday and proceed by way of Milan, Venice, Trieste, Belgrade, Nish, arriving in Athens Tuesday morning. It will carry Anglo-In- dian and other Far Bastern mails and passengers, and will in this way vastly increase thé importance of the port of Piraeus, which in future will be the starting place of steam- ers for the Far East. This. will bring Greece hundreds of miles nearer western Europe in distance and several days nearer in time. -------------- Not to Blame. Pearson's Weekly, "When 1 was your age, young man," rémarked the father, after a demand for further funds. *'I didn't have as much money to spend in a month as you have in a single day." ) . "Well, dad, don't scold me about it," replied the youth. "Grand- father's the culprit." well as EE LAA " ~ TITTY ee 5% i x : a2 i COME TO ABRAMSON"S FIRST YOU ARE INVITED. ' OUR SALE PRICES STILL Values Great ! AND APLENTY THROUGHOUT THE WHOLE Our spring stock of men's, boys' and ladies' wear has arrived and as we have not had the oppartunity of taking the tags off, our sale prices will still be on for Saturday, as PAINS AND ACHES YIELD "QUICKLY TO SLOAN'S LINIMENT circulation is equalized, sympathetic nerves all soothedgggnd soreness or lameness disappears, Sloan's Liniment is probably the counter-irritant most widely used to overcome painful inflammation in cases of neuralgia, sore muscles, wrenched joints, strains, bruises, gout, Rubbing is not required. This clear, clean/ liquid is easily applied as it does not stain the skin. Made in Canada. Generous;size bottles at your drug- gists. Aré you tormented by Neuralgia, Lumbago, Sciatica or any of those aches that require a counter-irritant? Then let the soothing, warming appli- cation of Sloan's Liniment stop the pain by drawing the blood away from 1he congested part. It is the pressure on the nerves by the blood rushing to the inflamed muscle or joint that makes you ache, So when Sloan's Liniment relieves the swollen blood vessels by setting up a counter-irritant on the surface, the The Worida's pe | F5et8eeX:3s 30¢, 60c, $1.20, SE PREVAIL STORE eat Values in Our ew Spring Stock ---------- Clothier and Furnisher, 336 Princess Street LOOK FOR THE BIG RED SIGN !